teisipäev, 27. jaanuar 2009

San Francisco filmifestival noortele alla 18 a

23 APRIL - 7 MAY 2009

*For films made by students 18 years and younger.
*Deadline For Submissions;
Receive by Friday, January 30, 2009*


Enter your film online at http://www.sffs.org/sfiff/enter.html


The Festival's Golden Gate Awards recognize the best of international and
Bay Area filmmaking talent by honoring innovation in narrative, documentary,
animation, experimental and television works.

The Youth4Change Award was created to honor the work of young people
the globe who are using their cameras, computers and creativity to boldly
explore issues of social justice, offer ideas for change and make their
voices heard. The Youth4Change Award provides a valuable platform for
young media makers to share their perspectives on the important issues they are
facing in their lives and their communities and that they are witnessing
around the world.

Julia Queck
Youth Education Program Intern

FIND OUT MORE: www.sffs.org
SIGN UP: SFFS eNews at www.sffs.org
VISIT: www.SF360.org <http://www.sf360.org/> for daily news and features
on the Bay Area film & media scene

neljapäev, 8. jaanuar 2009

European Entrepreneurship Video Award 2009

Deadline: March 31 2009

We are looking for videos that explore one of the following subjects: "The entrepreneurial spirit", "Innovative Entrepreneurship", "Responsible Entrepreneurship"

For the best video in each of the three categories the European Commission will award a prize of € 3,000, the second best video will be awarded € 2,000, the third best € 1,000.

Video 1-3 minutes. Produce a video that can be understood all over Europe.

Read more: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policy/entrepreneurship/video-award/index_en.htm

saksa tudengifilmi festival

The 38th International Student Film Festival sehsüchte in Potsdam-Babelsberg is presenting films by students and amateur-filmmakers from all over the world.

We invite both short and full-length films in the categories feature, documentary, animation and experimental as well as music videos and films for children.

Deadline: February 2nd, 2009

Tel: +49-331-62 02 780, +49-331-62 02 293
Fax: +49-331-62 02 781

Email: info@sehsuechte.de

pühapäev, 4. jaanuar 2009

Overalli veebifilmide festival

vt: film.overall.ee
Meie festivali julgustab inimesi oma foto- ja videotehnika võimalusi ning mitmekülgsust loovalt kasutama. Lae üles oma film enne 18. Jaanuarit, sest parim idee, parima teostusega saab HD videokaameraga Canon HV30.

Multimeediakeskus Tallinnas Järve noortekeskuses

Novembris avati Tallinnas Järve vana raudteejaama ruumides Järve Noortekeskus, kus ümbruskonna noored saavad tegeleda fotograafia, filmikunsti, kujunduse ning helisalvestuse ja -töötluse ning muu multimeediaga seonduvaga.

Filmikunsti poolelt on keskus varustatud Apple'i arvutite ning Final Cut Pro montaažitarkvaraga. Salvestustehnika poolelt on kasutatavad neli täisvarustuses Canoni kaamerakomplekti (XH A1 ja HV30 kaamerad).

Oma valmis töid saab vaadata ka suurel ekraanil kasutades selleks parimat noortekeskustel olevatest projektoritest, mis suudab kuvada pea sama värvilist pilti kui kvaliteetseimad arvutimonitorid.

Kontakt: Järve noortekeskus
Alajaama 1, Tallinn
Tel: 650 6131

Pravda 1-minuti filmide festival

The idea of “Pravda One Minute” is very simple: the shortest films ever made lasting 60 seconds or less, are to take part in the festival. The event is to be extremely democratic, therefore no age, gender, nationality or professional standard limitations are going to be applied. The filmmakers’ fantasy are not restricted by any special technological requirements either: a film can even be shot with a mobile phone. This festival calls for an innovative idea, alternative opinion, modern, fast images and trends, denies stereotypes and is about to be the coolest short film festival in Lithuania. The fourth festival is to kick off on the beginning of March 2008 at the main Lithuanian film centers. The festival will continue for at least several weeks and go trough all biggest cities of Lithuania.

vt ka: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=213908738