Oled oodatud sel esmaspäeval, 24. mail kl 18.30 Anne Noortekeskuse multimeedia laborisse, kus toimub "AjaFilmiLugu III: Hollywoodi kuldajastu. Teine Maailmasõda" loeng.
Räägime üleminekust tummfilmilt helifilmile ja sellest, kuidas poliitilised sündmused tolle aja filmimaastikku kujundasid ning Hollywoodi kuldajastu algusele kaasa aitasid. Nii lahkusid välismaale paljud saksa filmikunstnikud. Suurbritannia filmikunst keerles Alfred Hitchcock'i ja tema leiutise - põnevike - ümber, kuni ka tema Hollywoodi poole lahkus. Peale põneviku tekkisid veel paljud uued žanrid -
screwball-komöödiad, film noir jne, mida filmitegijad järjest täiustasid; kuni need muutusid praktiliselt iseenda paroodiateks.
Film, mida seekord vaatame, tematiseerib tummfilmilt helifilmile üleminekut.
"Lauldes vihmas" ("Singin' in the rain", USA, 1952) on elurõõmus paroodia sellesama ülemineku raskustest. Kriitikud on filmi iseloomustanud kui Hollywoodi kõigi aegade paremat muusikali, mis on suurepäraste tantsu- ja muusikanumbritega ning asub kõikide aegade parimate filmide top 10 edetabelis viiendal kohal.
Film on inglise keeles, eestikeelsete subtiitritega ja kestab 1 tund ja 39 minutit. Üritus on tasuta ning kestab natuke üle kahe tunni.
Anne Noortekeskuse multimeedia labor asub aadressil Uus 56 (B-uks, II korrus).
Vaata asukohta kaardilt:
Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
reede, 21. mai 2010
AjaFilmiLugu III: Hollywoodi kuldajastu
teisipäev, 18. mai 2010
Festival internacional de jóvenes realizadores de Granada
Bases de Participación XVII Festival Internacional de Jóvenes Realizadores de Granada año 2010
1.El ámbito del concurso es internacional. Cada participante puede presentar tantas obras como desee, habladas o subtituladas, siempre que hayan sido realizadas con posterioridad al 1 de enero de 2009, y que su duración no exceda de 30 minutos .
2. Se establecen las siguientes categorías:
* Sección oficial Acción Real/Ficción.
* Sección Animación.
* Sección oficial de Cine Experimental/Documental No Ficción.
* Certamen Andaluz.
3. El tema es libre, quedando excluidas aquellas que utilicen material no original en más de un 50% de su totalidad.
4. Límite de edad: No existe
* * * * * * *
ompetition Rules - 17th International Young Filmmakers Festival of Granada
1.The competition is international. All participants can present as many short films as they wish, with or without subtitles. The films must have been produced after January 1st 2009, and be no more than 30 minutes in length .
2. The categories are as follows:
* Official Selection – Live Action/Fiction
* Official Selection – Animation
* Official Selection – Experimental Film/ Documentary_Nonfiction (Val del Omar Award)
* Andalusian Competition
3. The subject matter can be anything, although films using less than 50% original material will be excluded.
4. Age limit: No limit.
ENTRY DEADLINE: 30th June 2010
* * * * *
1.El ámbito del concurso es internacional. Cada participante puede presentar tantas obras como desee, habladas o subtituladas, siempre que hayan sido realizadas con posterioridad al 1 de enero de 2009, y que su duración no exceda de 30 minutos .
2. Se establecen las siguientes categorías:
* Sección oficial Acción Real/Ficción.
* Sección Animación.
* Sección oficial de Cine Experimental/Documental No Ficción.
* Certamen Andaluz.
3. El tema es libre, quedando excluidas aquellas que utilicen material no original en más de un 50% de su totalidad.
4. Límite de edad: No existe
* * * * * * *
ompetition Rules - 17th International Young Filmmakers Festival of Granada
1.The competition is international. All participants can present as many short films as they wish, with or without subtitles. The films must have been produced after January 1st 2009, and be no more than 30 minutes in length .
2. The categories are as follows:
* Official Selection – Live Action/Fiction
* Official Selection – Animation
* Official Selection – Experimental Film/ Documentary_Nonfiction (Val del Omar Award)
* Andalusian Competition
3. The subject matter can be anything, although films using less than 50% original material will be excluded.
4. Age limit: No limit.
ENTRY DEADLINE: 30th June 2010
* * * * *
esmaspäev, 17. mai 2010
"B-Girl" Tartus
Kolmapäeval, 19. mail kell 18.00 on Tartus esmakordselt võimalus näha filmi "B-Girl" (USA 2009). Tegemist on filmiga, mis linastus Tallinnas UNICEFi sinise nädala raames ning on nüüd nähtaval ka Anne Noortekeskuse multimeedia laboris (Uus 56).
"B-Girl" on tänapäevane tuhkatriinulugu üliandekast neiust, kes üritab end leida läbi kunstivormi, mida ta kõige paremini valdab - breiktantsu. Film annab ka sisevaate Los Angelese breiktantsijate maailmasse. Selles superlahedas tantsufilmis astuvad üles selle ala suurimad nimed nagu Jules "Lady Jules" Urich (MTV America's Best Dance Crew Beat Freaks, You Got Served), Wesley Jonathan (Roll Bounce, Crossover) ja Ivan "Flipz" Velez (Stomp The Yard, Honey, You Got Served) ning mõned praeguse aja hinnatuimad b-boyd maailmas, näiteks FleaRock, Legacy, Remedy ja Steelo.
Vaata treilerit filmist:
Filmi näitab Just Film koostöös multimeedia laboriga. Üritus on tasuta.
Kohtume kolmapäeval kell 18.00 Anne Noortekeskuses!
"B-Girl" on tänapäevane tuhkatriinulugu üliandekast neiust, kes üritab end leida läbi kunstivormi, mida ta kõige paremini valdab - breiktantsu. Film annab ka sisevaate Los Angelese breiktantsijate maailmasse. Selles superlahedas tantsufilmis astuvad üles selle ala suurimad nimed nagu Jules "Lady Jules" Urich (MTV America's Best Dance Crew Beat Freaks, You Got Served), Wesley Jonathan (Roll Bounce, Crossover) ja Ivan "Flipz" Velez (Stomp The Yard, Honey, You Got Served) ning mõned praeguse aja hinnatuimad b-boyd maailmas, näiteks FleaRock, Legacy, Remedy ja Steelo.
Vaata treilerit filmist:
Filmi näitab Just Film koostöös multimeedia laboriga. Üritus on tasuta.
Kohtume kolmapäeval kell 18.00 Anne Noortekeskuses!
reede, 14. mai 2010
Etiuda&Anima 2010
am pleased to inform you that 17th International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima 2010 in Poland, Krakow will be held on 19th - 25th of November 2010. For the fifth time we are organizing an ANIMA competition of short animation (within 30 minutes), equally professional, independent as well as the student's one (2008- 2010).
*Deadline: filled in forms and DVDs will be collected till 31st of August 2010.*
Entry forms and regulation: www.etiudaandanima.com - ANIMA.
Looking forward to your participation to Etiuda&Anima 2010.
Best regards,
Katarzyna Surmacz
*Deadline: filled in forms and DVDs will be collected till 31st of August 2010.*
Entry forms and regulation: www.etiudaandanima.com - ANIMA.
Looking forward to your participation to Etiuda&Anima 2010.
Best regards,
Katarzyna Surmacz
kolmapäev, 12. mai 2010
BFMi filmid Tallinnas Artises
15. - 20. maini linastub kinos Artis valikprogramm Balti Filmi- ja Meediakoolis (BFM) möödunud aastal valminud filmidest.
Programm koosneb publiku lemmikutest, mis selgusid filmikoolis toimunud tudengitööde läbivaatusel. Lemmikuks osutus Jiri Stejskali ja Yuliya Sokolova dokumentaalfilm "Jama", mis on humoorikas lugu ühest ebatavalisest Kiievi perekonnast. Parima filmi autoritele on kooli poolt auhinnaks osalemine Porto filmikooli korraldatud rahvusvahelisel filmikoolide festivalil ning workshopil Portugalis.
Parimate programmis linastub veel Vallo Toomla "Koolja", mis võitis 2009 aasta Sleepwalkersi tudengifilmifestivalil parima eesti lühifilmi tiitli. Kaur Kokki "Põrgu ekspress" ja Hardi Keerutaja "Ei oska filmi teha" aluseks on Tammsaare romaan "Põrgupõhja uus vanapagan". "Children of Karosta" ("Karosta lapsed") on dokumentaalfilm karmidest oludest endises nõukogude sõjaväelinnakus Liepaja külje all. Filmi autoriteks on Janis Jurkovskis ja Elina Litvinova. Viimaselt linastub programmis ka muusikavideo "Daydreaming".
Filmide juhedajateks olid Jüri Sillart, Arvo Iho, Renita Lintrop ja Liina
Kõik filmid linastuvad inglise keelsete subtiitritega.
Lisainfo www.kino.ee ja www.bfm.ee.
Programm koosneb publiku lemmikutest, mis selgusid filmikoolis toimunud tudengitööde läbivaatusel. Lemmikuks osutus Jiri Stejskali ja Yuliya Sokolova dokumentaalfilm "Jama", mis on humoorikas lugu ühest ebatavalisest Kiievi perekonnast. Parima filmi autoritele on kooli poolt auhinnaks osalemine Porto filmikooli korraldatud rahvusvahelisel filmikoolide festivalil ning workshopil Portugalis.
Parimate programmis linastub veel Vallo Toomla "Koolja", mis võitis 2009 aasta Sleepwalkersi tudengifilmifestivalil parima eesti lühifilmi tiitli. Kaur Kokki "Põrgu ekspress" ja Hardi Keerutaja "Ei oska filmi teha" aluseks on Tammsaare romaan "Põrgupõhja uus vanapagan". "Children of Karosta" ("Karosta lapsed") on dokumentaalfilm karmidest oludest endises nõukogude sõjaväelinnakus Liepaja külje all. Filmi autoriteks on Janis Jurkovskis ja Elina Litvinova. Viimaselt linastub programmis ka muusikavideo "Daydreaming".
Filmide juhedajateks olid Jüri Sillart, Arvo Iho, Renita Lintrop ja Liina
Kõik filmid linastuvad inglise keelsete subtiitritega.
Lisainfo www.kino.ee ja www.bfm.ee.
laupäev, 8. mai 2010
Master Class: Stereoscopic Storytelling
Master Class on 3D Filmmaking
EFA Master Class 2010
Creating stories and images for 3D Film
for European film directors, cinematographers, set designers, editors, writers and producers
with Alain Derobe in co-operation with Florian Maier
12-18 July 2010
Alain Derobe with Wim Wenders
Florian Maier
The production of a live-action 3D film is a highly complex process and it is essential that all crafts involved in the creation of such a film develop an understanding and knowledge of its specifics. Only then will a distinctive and innovative cinematic language arise. And only then will adding a third dimension to film result in a sustainable narrative impact on audiovisual history.
The EFA Master Class 2010 STEREOSCOPIC STORYTELLING is a multi-disciplinary workshop equally addressed to European film directors, cinematographers, set designers, editors, writers and producers. The workshop will be offered in a short term training format of seven days at the Berlin-based post-production house das werk. In a mixture of group sessions, screenings, case studies and lectures, but with a focus on hands-on exercises, the workshop will allow the participants to gain a profound knowledge of the 3D workflow:
Stereo 3D is a specific language and my main aim is to explain how it works. Can we operate the same way we do with traditional work? There are so many different opinions about this!
We need to find the correct path and above all the fundaments of 3D pictures and stories.
We will start with an analysis of what the audience can see on the screen during a good 3D picture screening. Then, we will understand how the human brain reconstructs depth with these double flat pictures. Stereo 3D is made to be seen by the human visual system and it is the only one that can teach us how to “represent” reality on a screen. Afterwards, we will be able to easily understand the rules for telling convincing stories in good stereo 3D.
With the help of other 3D specialists, we will experiment with the logic of different equipment, we will show how to take pictures, how to edit and how to adjust them for screening.
- Alain Derobe -
Alain Derobe, one of Europe’s leading stereographers, will act as the Master of the workshop. He will be supported by Florian Maier, a highly experienced 3D consultant and developer of new 3D camera technique. Alain Derobe and Florian Maier have worked together repeatedly in the past and developed a 3D rig together.
Applicant Profile
The EFA Master Class 2010 is designed for 16 creative professionals of the European* film industry who are planning to actively step into the process of stereoscopic filmmaking, be it directors, cinematographers, set designers, editors, writers or producers. All participants must be professionals in their respective departments and should have a relevant track record. Creatives who already have made their first steps in stereoscopic filmmaking are as welcome as beginners in this field. Working language is English.
* PLEASE NOTE: as a MEDIA-supported training initiative, this EFA Master Class is open only to applicants from EU member states as well as Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.
Participation fee: EUR 800 incl. meals.
Travel and accommodation are not included.
A limited amount of scholarships is available.
Application deadline: 31 May 2010
check more: http://www.europeanfilmacademy.org/2010/02/05/stereoscopic-filmmaking/
EFA Master Class 2010
Creating stories and images for 3D Film
for European film directors, cinematographers, set designers, editors, writers and producers
with Alain Derobe in co-operation with Florian Maier
12-18 July 2010
Alain Derobe with Wim Wenders
Florian Maier
The production of a live-action 3D film is a highly complex process and it is essential that all crafts involved in the creation of such a film develop an understanding and knowledge of its specifics. Only then will a distinctive and innovative cinematic language arise. And only then will adding a third dimension to film result in a sustainable narrative impact on audiovisual history.
The EFA Master Class 2010 STEREOSCOPIC STORYTELLING is a multi-disciplinary workshop equally addressed to European film directors, cinematographers, set designers, editors, writers and producers. The workshop will be offered in a short term training format of seven days at the Berlin-based post-production house das werk. In a mixture of group sessions, screenings, case studies and lectures, but with a focus on hands-on exercises, the workshop will allow the participants to gain a profound knowledge of the 3D workflow:
Stereo 3D is a specific language and my main aim is to explain how it works. Can we operate the same way we do with traditional work? There are so many different opinions about this!
We need to find the correct path and above all the fundaments of 3D pictures and stories.
We will start with an analysis of what the audience can see on the screen during a good 3D picture screening. Then, we will understand how the human brain reconstructs depth with these double flat pictures. Stereo 3D is made to be seen by the human visual system and it is the only one that can teach us how to “represent” reality on a screen. Afterwards, we will be able to easily understand the rules for telling convincing stories in good stereo 3D.
With the help of other 3D specialists, we will experiment with the logic of different equipment, we will show how to take pictures, how to edit and how to adjust them for screening.
- Alain Derobe -
Alain Derobe, one of Europe’s leading stereographers, will act as the Master of the workshop. He will be supported by Florian Maier, a highly experienced 3D consultant and developer of new 3D camera technique. Alain Derobe and Florian Maier have worked together repeatedly in the past and developed a 3D rig together.
Applicant Profile
The EFA Master Class 2010 is designed for 16 creative professionals of the European* film industry who are planning to actively step into the process of stereoscopic filmmaking, be it directors, cinematographers, set designers, editors, writers or producers. All participants must be professionals in their respective departments and should have a relevant track record. Creatives who already have made their first steps in stereoscopic filmmaking are as welcome as beginners in this field. Working language is English.
* PLEASE NOTE: as a MEDIA-supported training initiative, this EFA Master Class is open only to applicants from EU member states as well as Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.
Participation fee: EUR 800 incl. meals.
Travel and accommodation are not included.
A limited amount of scholarships is available.
Application deadline: 31 May 2010
check more: http://www.europeanfilmacademy.org/2010/02/05/stereoscopic-filmmaking/
esmaspäev, 3. mai 2010
"Tudengimuusikali" DVD
Pühapäeval ilmus "Tudengimuusikali" DVD!
Plaadi peal on muusikal täies pikkuses vene ja inglise keelsete subtiitritega. Lisadena on kaasas filmid ja pildid sellest, kuidas "Tudengimuusikal" sündis.
Tartus on DVDsid võimalik osta:
3. mai 18:30 TÜ peahoone ees/sees (Elo 58415372)
4. mai 19:30 Sõbra maja (Elo 58415372)
6.mai: 14:00 TÜ raamatukogu (Richard 56660661)
Tallinnas saab DVDd osta pärast "Tudengimuusikali" linastust Tudengimajas (Raekoja plats 16) 5. mail kell 18. Ürituse info: http://www.tudengipaevad.ee/?div=7-0-113
Plaadi peal on muusikal täies pikkuses vene ja inglise keelsete subtiitritega. Lisadena on kaasas filmid ja pildid sellest, kuidas "Tudengimuusikal" sündis.
Tartus on DVDsid võimalik osta:
3. mai 18:30 TÜ peahoone ees/sees (Elo 58415372)
4. mai 19:30 Sõbra maja (Elo 58415372)
6.mai: 14:00 TÜ raamatukogu (Richard 56660661)
Tallinnas saab DVDd osta pärast "Tudengimuusikali" linastust Tudengimajas (Raekoja plats 16) 5. mail kell 18. Ürituse info: http://www.tudengipaevad.ee/?div=7-0-113
Postitused (Atom)