Artise kinos esilinastub täna film "Tantsud linnuteele", mis räägib Lennart Meri filmiloomingust. Selle sisse jääb 25 aastat ja 5 filmi (1964-1989). Dokfilmi režissöör on Jaak Lõhmus. Produtsent Mati Sepping.
Eesti Päevaleht kirjutab, et 2011 veebruaris linastub veel teinegi dok-film Lennart Merist, mis on ühtlasi esimene eesti 3D-dokumentaalfilm.
Intervjuus räägib režissöör on Arko Okk, et 3D juures on kõige raskem järeltootmine. Filmimise juures ta piiranguid ja muud erilist pingutust ei märganud, kuigi seal on teatud reeglid, näiteks filmimise kauguse osas ja kaamera ei tohi üldse väriseda.
Kogu intervjuud saab lugeda siit:
Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
teisipäev, 28. detsember 2010
Kaks dokfilmi Lennart Merist, üks neist 3Ds
neljapäev, 16. detsember 2010
Languages through Lenses 2011
Call for proposals for short audiovisual productions
European student competition
Deadline: 25 March 2011
ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts - in cooperation with CILECT- International Association of Film and Television Schools - is issuing a Call for Proposals for the production of new short audiovisual productions (minimum 60 maximum 90 seconds) promoting multilingualism in Europe.
The competition is organised on behalf of the European Commission and in partnership with PRIX EUROPA.
Applications will be accepted from students in their third, fourth or fifth year of study at ELIA and CILECT member institutions in the 27 European Union Member States and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey.
Successful applicants will receive a production grant of 5000 €, will be invited to a 2 day workshop in Amsterdam and to the PRIX EUROPA Festival in Berlin where the finalised audiovisual productions will be presented. A DVD will be produced and distributed to television stations and festivals.
We are looking for proposals that are innovative, surprising, motivating, fascinating, unexpected and most of all creative. Audiovisual productions with a clear message, self-explanatory, easily understandable to a broad public with different backgrounds and mother tongues.
Please find details on the website soon, applications can be uploaded between 10 February and 25 March 2011 on
European student competition
Deadline: 25 March 2011
ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts - in cooperation with CILECT- International Association of Film and Television Schools - is issuing a Call for Proposals for the production of new short audiovisual productions (minimum 60 maximum 90 seconds) promoting multilingualism in Europe.
The competition is organised on behalf of the European Commission and in partnership with PRIX EUROPA.
Applications will be accepted from students in their third, fourth or fifth year of study at ELIA and CILECT member institutions in the 27 European Union Member States and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey.
Successful applicants will receive a production grant of 5000 €, will be invited to a 2 day workshop in Amsterdam and to the PRIX EUROPA Festival in Berlin where the finalised audiovisual productions will be presented. A DVD will be produced and distributed to television stations and festivals.
We are looking for proposals that are innovative, surprising, motivating, fascinating, unexpected and most of all creative. Audiovisual productions with a clear message, self-explanatory, easily understandable to a broad public with different backgrounds and mother tongues.
Please find details on the website soon, applications can be uploaded between 10 February and 25 March 2011 on
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
no fishing,

teisipäev, 14. detsember 2010
Eksperimenta tutvustavate videote üleskutse
Kutsume üles looma Tallinn 2011 raames toimuva suursündmuse - koolinoorte kaasaegse kunsti triennaal 'Eksperimenta!' - tutvustavaid klippe. Eesmärk on kujundada triennaalile unikaalne filmilugu. Ootame ootamatuid, eksperimenteerivaid ja visuaalselt köitvaid loovlahendusi, mis mõjuksid tõelise isuäratajana nii kodumaisele kui rahvusvahelisele vaatajale. Ideaalis moodustaksid klipid 3-4 osalise seeria, kuid oleksid samas ka autonoomsed tervikud.
Eksperimenta! klippe näidatakse 2011. aasta aprillist juunini ETV kultuuriteadetes, Tallinna kinodes, triennaali rahvusvahelisel Facebook lehel, YouTube kanalis ja rahvusvaheliselt levivas uudiskirjas, Eksperimenta! partnerite veebilehtedel, rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel jm.
Eksperimenta! toimub *2011. aastal 26. aprillist – 14. juunini Tallinna Lauluväljakul, seda ümbritsevas linnaruumis ja Maarjamäe lossis. Triennaali peateema on 'Ruum' ning see esitleb 14-19-aastaste koolinoorte ja professionaalsete kuraatorite tõlgendusi füüsilisest, vaimsest ja virtuaalsest ruumist. Teoste autorid on pärit 14 riigist: Venemaalt, Eestist, Soomest, Lätist, Leedust, Saksamaalt, Sloveeniast, Bulgaariast, Portugalist, Iirimaalt, Islandilt, Türgist, Kanadast ja Lõuna-Koreast.
Palun anna osalemissoovist teada kirjutades, selleks on
sul aega kuni 19.detsembrini. Inspiratsiooni ja lisainfot: *
Eksperimenta! klippe näidatakse 2011. aasta aprillist juunini ETV kultuuriteadetes, Tallinna kinodes, triennaali rahvusvahelisel Facebook lehel, YouTube kanalis ja rahvusvaheliselt levivas uudiskirjas, Eksperimenta! partnerite veebilehtedel, rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel jm.
Eksperimenta! toimub *2011. aastal 26. aprillist – 14. juunini Tallinna Lauluväljakul, seda ümbritsevas linnaruumis ja Maarjamäe lossis. Triennaali peateema on 'Ruum' ning see esitleb 14-19-aastaste koolinoorte ja professionaalsete kuraatorite tõlgendusi füüsilisest, vaimsest ja virtuaalsest ruumist. Teoste autorid on pärit 14 riigist: Venemaalt, Eestist, Soomest, Lätist, Leedust, Saksamaalt, Sloveeniast, Bulgaariast, Portugalist, Iirimaalt, Islandilt, Türgist, Kanadast ja Lõuna-Koreast.
Palun anna osalemissoovist teada kirjutades, selleks on
sul aega kuni 19.detsembrini. Inspiratsiooni ja lisainfot: *
neljapäev, 9. detsember 2010
CIVIS Media Prize 2011 - Competition started!
In 2011, CIVIS - Europeas Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity - will recognize programme contributions on the radio, television and the Internet, which are particularly suitable for the promotion of peaceful coexistence of people of different national, ethnic, religious and cultural background.
In total, the CIVIS Media Prize 2011 is endowed with 40,000 Euros.
The closing date for entries is January 20, 2011.
With the "Young CIVIS Media Prize" there will also be a European sponsorship prize for young journalists as well as students at film and media schools and colleges. The "CIVIS Online Prize" in 2011, will recognize journalistically-designed websites on the theme of integration and cultural diversity.
All radio and television broadcasting companies as well as website providers in the European Union and Switzerland may participate in the competition. The prize-giving ceremony will take place at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin on May 26, 2011.
Please note our conditions of participation. Your registration must be submitted online. You will find further information at:
I wish you every success with your entry to the CIVIS Media Prize 2011!
Michael Radix
Executive Director
CIVIS Media Foundation for integration and cultural diversity in Europe
Breite Strasse 48-50
0667 Cologne / Germany
Fon +49 (0)221 277 587-0
Fax +49 (0)221 277 587-16
In total, the CIVIS Media Prize 2011 is endowed with 40,000 Euros.
The closing date for entries is January 20, 2011.
With the "Young CIVIS Media Prize" there will also be a European sponsorship prize for young journalists as well as students at film and media schools and colleges. The "CIVIS Online Prize" in 2011, will recognize journalistically-designed websites on the theme of integration and cultural diversity.
All radio and television broadcasting companies as well as website providers in the European Union and Switzerland may participate in the competition. The prize-giving ceremony will take place at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin on May 26, 2011.
Please note our conditions of participation. Your registration must be submitted online. You will find further information at:
I wish you every success with your entry to the CIVIS Media Prize 2011!
Michael Radix
Executive Director
CIVIS Media Foundation for integration and cultural diversity in Europe
Breite Strasse 48-50
0667 Cologne / Germany
Fon +49 (0)221 277 587-0
Fax +49 (0)221 277 587-16
13th Annual Scriptapalooza International Screenplay Competition
Early DEADLINE Jan 5th
Why should you submit your script to Scriptapalooza?
-Grand Prize: $10,000
-All the reading is done by 90 production companies
-Entertainment Weekly Magazine calls us 'One of the Best'
-We promote the winners, runners-up, finalists and semifinalists for a full year
-We are considered one of the best screenplay competitions by agents, managers and producers
-Endorsed by Robert McKee, Author of STORY
About Scriptapalooza:
The Scriptapalooza Screenwriting Competition, was founded in 1998, and has generated heat, publicity and a reputation that demands respect. Scriptapalooza, Inc., along with its various divisions was created to nurture talent and create opportunities. Storytellers come from all over the world and from all walks of life, because of the simple fact that everyone has a story.
Scriptapalooza’s goal: to seek out that storyteller and honor their script with a
grand prize of $10,000. Each year dozens of production companies and literary
representatives sign on as participants to read our winners, resulting in many
scripts being optioned or outright bought.
Questions? Comments? call the office 323.654.5809
or email us at
Why should you submit your script to Scriptapalooza?
-Grand Prize: $10,000
-All the reading is done by 90 production companies
-Entertainment Weekly Magazine calls us 'One of the Best'
-We promote the winners, runners-up, finalists and semifinalists for a full year
-We are considered one of the best screenplay competitions by agents, managers and producers
-Endorsed by Robert McKee, Author of STORY
About Scriptapalooza:
The Scriptapalooza Screenwriting Competition, was founded in 1998, and has generated heat, publicity and a reputation that demands respect. Scriptapalooza, Inc., along with its various divisions was created to nurture talent and create opportunities. Storytellers come from all over the world and from all walks of life, because of the simple fact that everyone has a story.
Scriptapalooza’s goal: to seek out that storyteller and honor their script with a
grand prize of $10,000. Each year dozens of production companies and literary
representatives sign on as participants to read our winners, resulting in many
scripts being optioned or outright bought.
Questions? Comments? call the office 323.654.5809
or email us at
laupäev, 4. detsember 2010
2ANNAS International Short Film Festival
2ANNAS International Short Film Festival is the main professional filmmakers' short film festival in Latvia with the primary goal of promoting original, innovative, and talented works by local and international filmmakers. This year, along with a radical change of the festival concept, we have made the submissions possible for directors of all age groups, and we also particularly welcome works of experimental nature both in contents and aesthetics.
The festival is open for submissions for 2011 Competition Programmes:
International Competition [new! no age restriction]
Baltic Competition [new! no age restriction]
Screening formats: BETACAM, DV or DVCAM, BLU-RAY [preview copies: DVD]
Submissions open to works in the genres of fiction, documentary, animation, experimental film / video art. The films have to be produced during the last 2 years [2009-2011], with the maximum length of 35 minutes.
How to submit:
Fill in the Entry Form online at; it will be automatically sent to your e-mail. Print it out and send it along with your film to:
2ANNAS Short Film Festival
Annas Street 2
Riga, LV-1001, Latvia
Submission deadline: 31st of March 2011 [date of receipt]
Awards: 2000 Euro for International Competition; 1000 Euro for Baltic Competition from General sponsor: Hannu Pro,
The festival is open for submissions for 2011 Competition Programmes:
International Competition [new! no age restriction]
Baltic Competition [new! no age restriction]
Screening formats: BETACAM, DV or DVCAM, BLU-RAY [preview copies: DVD]
Submissions open to works in the genres of fiction, documentary, animation, experimental film / video art. The films have to be produced during the last 2 years [2009-2011], with the maximum length of 35 minutes.
How to submit:
Fill in the Entry Form online at; it will be automatically sent to your e-mail. Print it out and send it along with your film to:
2ANNAS Short Film Festival
Annas Street 2
Riga, LV-1001, Latvia
Submission deadline: 31st of March 2011 [date of receipt]
Awards: 2000 Euro for International Competition; 1000 Euro for Baltic Competition from General sponsor: Hannu Pro,
The European Independent Film Festival
Submissions for ECU 2011 is now open: SUBMIT A FILM and SUBMIT A SCRIPT.
ÉCU is now a IMBD Qualifying Festival!! That's fab news for us - but even GREATER news for all of our submitting directors because this means that you'll be granted a no-hassle title page on!!
The European Independent Film Festival (ÉCU) continues its commitment of being at the centre of discovery, promotion and projection of the very best independent filmmaking talent from around the world.
ÉCU will showcase filmmakers whose films demonstrate quality, innovation and independence in both form and content. There are thirteen categories of films in this highly esteemed competitive festival.
While ÉCU’s goal is to bring worldwide attention to European independent filmmakers, there are also four foreign categories open to independent filmmakers from the Americas, Africa and Asia.
The festival will take place in Paris 1st, 2nd, & 3rd of April 2011.
Read more:
ÉCU is now a IMBD Qualifying Festival!! That's fab news for us - but even GREATER news for all of our submitting directors because this means that you'll be granted a no-hassle title page on!!
The European Independent Film Festival (ÉCU) continues its commitment of being at the centre of discovery, promotion and projection of the very best independent filmmaking talent from around the world.
ÉCU will showcase filmmakers whose films demonstrate quality, innovation and independence in both form and content. There are thirteen categories of films in this highly esteemed competitive festival.
While ÉCU’s goal is to bring worldwide attention to European independent filmmakers, there are also four foreign categories open to independent filmmakers from the Americas, Africa and Asia.
The festival will take place in Paris 1st, 2nd, & 3rd of April 2011.
Read more:
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