1 film • 1 000 000 filmitegijat
Puudu oled vaid SINA
kes teeks meiega koos ühe tõelise Eesti rahvafilmi!
Registreeri end kasutajaks ja kandideeri näitlejaks või võttemeeskonda!
(Psst! Filmiga seotud tegevus toimub aastaringselt, vaata kava meie kodulehel. Aga filmivõtted on augustis, nii et siis võiksid vaba ja saadaval olla!)
Meil toimuvad ka tasuta KOOLITUSED igas 15 maakonnas
-operaatori/kunstniku koolitus – juunikuus
-montaažikoolitus – sügisel
Filmitalgud on terve 2011 aasta läbi kestev meelelahutuslikult hariv projekt, mille käigus aktiviseeritakse kogu ühiskond, tegemaks Eesti teemadel üks ühine film. Filmi tegemine toimubki nagu talgud – kõik annavad ühise panuse, et koos saaks teha hea filmi! Näitlejad ja võttemeeskonna liikmed ei pea olema selle ala proffid. Pigem töötavad nad koos oma ala professionaalidest juhendajatega.
See on suurepärane võimalus osaleda päris filmivõtetel ja samas õppida tohutult palju filmi tegemise protsessist.
Lisainfo: info@filmitalgud.ee • www.filmitalgud.ee
Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
esmaspäev, 23. mai 2011
ÉCU independent film festival
Are you talented enough?
Are you creative enough?
Are you BRAVE enough?
A lot of people talk about making a film. Very few are brave enough to do it. If you’re a storyteller, a visionary, an innovator or a technical genius with the determination to realise your dream, then get out there and make your film. Once it’s done send it to us, and we’ll take it from there. We are continually searching for the world’s best indie films and perhaps you’ve got it.
Since 2006 ÉCU has been Europe’s premier arena for independent filmmakers to screen their films to international audiences, to network with industry professionals and exchange ideas with other indie filmmakers. All taking place in an environment that fosters creativity and immense amounts of fun.
What better city to showcase your talent than Paris, the home of cinema? There’s a reason filmmakers fall in love with this city, inspiration lies around every corner. ÉCU would like to invite you to submit your film to the 2012 edition of the festival, which will be held in Paris, France from March the 30th to April the 1st, 2012.
We are looking for original independent works across twelve categories:
European Submissions
- Dramatic Feature
- Dramatic Short
- Documentary
- Animation
- Experimental
- Music Video
Non-European Submissions
- Dramatic Feature
- Dramatic Short
- Documentary
Worldwide (European and Non-European) Submissions
- Student Film
- Feature Script Competition
- Short Script Competition
Early deadline: November 20, 2011
Late deadline: January 8, 2012
Withoutabox extended deadline: January 15th 2012
Independent filmmakers are invited to submit their films at www.ecufilmfestival.com.
ÉCU 2012 will also host its sixth Much More Than A Script Competition!
The script competition’s focus is on independent screenplays not aimed at mainstream Hollywood film markets. Writers are invited to submit their short or feature-length scripts at www.ecufilmfestival.com
Late deadline: March 11th 2012.
For information and rules and regulation on submitting a film please visit
Tell your story better than anybody else. Submit - Compete - Meet - Enrich
European Independent Film Festival | 108 rue Damremont | Paris | 75018 |
Are you creative enough?
Are you BRAVE enough?
A lot of people talk about making a film. Very few are brave enough to do it. If you’re a storyteller, a visionary, an innovator or a technical genius with the determination to realise your dream, then get out there and make your film. Once it’s done send it to us, and we’ll take it from there. We are continually searching for the world’s best indie films and perhaps you’ve got it.
Since 2006 ÉCU has been Europe’s premier arena for independent filmmakers to screen their films to international audiences, to network with industry professionals and exchange ideas with other indie filmmakers. All taking place in an environment that fosters creativity and immense amounts of fun.
What better city to showcase your talent than Paris, the home of cinema? There’s a reason filmmakers fall in love with this city, inspiration lies around every corner. ÉCU would like to invite you to submit your film to the 2012 edition of the festival, which will be held in Paris, France from March the 30th to April the 1st, 2012.
We are looking for original independent works across twelve categories:
European Submissions
- Dramatic Feature
- Dramatic Short
- Documentary
- Animation
- Experimental
- Music Video
Non-European Submissions
- Dramatic Feature
- Dramatic Short
- Documentary
Worldwide (European and Non-European) Submissions
- Student Film
- Feature Script Competition
- Short Script Competition
Early deadline: November 20, 2011
Late deadline: January 8, 2012
Withoutabox extended deadline: January 15th 2012
Independent filmmakers are invited to submit their films at www.ecufilmfestival.com.
ÉCU 2012 will also host its sixth Much More Than A Script Competition!
The script competition’s focus is on independent screenplays not aimed at mainstream Hollywood film markets. Writers are invited to submit their short or feature-length scripts at www.ecufilmfestival.com
Late deadline: March 11th 2012.
For information and rules and regulation on submitting a film please visit
Tell your story better than anybody else. Submit - Compete - Meet - Enrich
European Independent Film Festival | 108 rue Damremont | Paris | 75018 |
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

kolmapäev, 18. mai 2011
Bändid purki: lood valitud
Bändid purki mees- ja naiskonnal on ülimalt hea meel teatada, et tuliste vaidluste järel valisime konkursilt välja bändi Pagueroundi loo "Molly Keg".
Publik valis eelnevalt välja loo Minu Akvaariumilt.
Täname kõiki bände, kes konkursil osalesid ja tuult teile tiibadesse! Samuti täname kõiki, kes võtsid vaevaks oma lemmiklugude või siis sõprade poolt hääletada. Loodetavasti avastasite enda jaoks ka mõne uue hea bändi:)
Kõik, kes tahavad muusikavideos kaasa lüüa: õige aeg ühendust võtta on NÜÜD!
Kirjuta endast: bandidpurki@gmail.com !
Publik valis eelnevalt välja loo Minu Akvaariumilt.
Täname kõiki bände, kes konkursil osalesid ja tuult teile tiibadesse! Samuti täname kõiki, kes võtsid vaevaks oma lemmiklugude või siis sõprade poolt hääletada. Loodetavasti avastasite enda jaoks ka mõne uue hea bändi:)
Kõik, kes tahavad muusikavideos kaasa lüüa: õige aeg ühendust võtta on NÜÜD!
Kirjuta endast: bandidpurki@gmail.com !
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
bändid purki,

Kuki 4th International Short Film Festival for Children and Youth, Berlin
... deutsche Version unten ...
13 - 20 November 2011
This year the KUKI Festival will present more than 100 films during eight festival days in 3 competition categories and diverse special programmes. Films selected for competition will vie for prizes totalling € 3000 (US$ 4200).
A children’s jury and a youth audience jury will bestow ‘KUKI Short Awards’ in the following categories:
1st & 2nd prize Best International Film for Children (for ages 6-12)
Best International Film for Youth (for ages 12+)
Special Programmes:
Kindergarten programme
Environmental programme theme: Food
English and Spanish foreign language programmes (for ages 14+)
Regulations at: www.interfilm.de
Submit your films at www.shortfilmdepot.com !
Short Film Depot is a free service for registering your short film at multiple festivals, quickly and easily.
>>>deutsche Version>>>
LAST CALL: Kinder- und Jugendfilme einreichen!
Reiche den Film ein bei www.shortfilmdepot.com!
Über Short Film Depot können Filme - ohne Gebür - elegant bei mehreren Festivals gleichzeitig eingereicht werden.
13. - 20. November 2011
Das Internationale Kurzfilmfestival für Kinder und Jugendliche Berlin ruft Filmschaf fende auf, sich mit Kurzfilmen zu bewerben. Während der acht Fest ivaltage werden in Wettbewerben und Rahmenprogrammenüber 100 Werke gezeigt. Es werden Preise im Wert von 3.000,- EUR vergeben.
Kinder- und Jugendjurys verleihen „KUKI Short Awards“ in den Kategorien:
Die Wettbewerbe:
Internationale Filme für Kinder (zwischen 6 & 12 Jahre)
Internationale Filme für Jugendliche (ab 12 Jahre)
Dokumentarfilme für Kinder und Jugendliche
Umweltprogramm: Thema Essen
Sprachprogramme Englisch und Spanisch
EINSENDESCHLUSS ist der 28. Mai 2011
Reglements unter:www.interfilm.de
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
internationales Kurzfilmfestival und Kurzfilmverleih
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
fon:+49 (0)30 - 25 29 13 20
fax:+49 (0)30 - 693 29 59
13 - 20 November 2011
This year the KUKI Festival will present more than 100 films during eight festival days in 3 competition categories and diverse special programmes. Films selected for competition will vie for prizes totalling € 3000 (US$ 4200).
A children’s jury and a youth audience jury will bestow ‘KUKI Short Awards’ in the following categories:
1st & 2nd prize Best International Film for Children (for ages 6-12)
Best International Film for Youth (for ages 12+)
Special Programmes:
Kindergarten programme
Environmental programme theme: Food
English and Spanish foreign language programmes (for ages 14+)
Regulations at: www.interfilm.de
Submit your films at www.shortfilmdepot.com !
Short Film Depot is a free service for registering your short film at multiple festivals, quickly and easily.
>>>deutsche Version>>>
LAST CALL: Kinder- und Jugendfilme einreichen!
Reiche den Film ein bei www.shortfilmdepot.com!
Über Short Film Depot können Filme - ohne Gebür - elegant bei mehreren Festivals gleichzeitig eingereicht werden.
13. - 20. November 2011
Das Internationale Kurzfilmfestival für Kinder und Jugendliche Berlin ruft Filmschaf fende auf, sich mit Kurzfilmen zu bewerben. Während der acht Fest ivaltage werden in Wettbewerben und Rahmenprogrammenüber 100 Werke gezeigt. Es werden Preise im Wert von 3.000,- EUR vergeben.
Kinder- und Jugendjurys verleihen „KUKI Short Awards“ in den Kategorien:
Die Wettbewerbe:
Internationale Filme für Kinder (zwischen 6 & 12 Jahre)
Internationale Filme für Jugendliche (ab 12 Jahre)
Dokumentarfilme für Kinder und Jugendliche
Umweltprogramm: Thema Essen
Sprachprogramme Englisch und Spanisch
EINSENDESCHLUSS ist der 28. Mai 2011
Reglements unter:www.interfilm.de
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
internationales Kurzfilmfestival und Kurzfilmverleih
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
fon:+49 (0)30 - 25 29 13 20
fax:+49 (0)30 - 693 29 59
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
alla 18,

teisipäev, 17. mai 2011
Cornwall Film Festival 2011
Film submissions are now being accepted for the 10th annual Cornwall Film Festival, scheduled for the first weekend of November (4th,5th,6th).
We’re looking forward to a great selection of films to help to celebrate our 10th birthday this November and have created a number of new categories for entry as well as now having a total of nine juried competitions with some great prizes.
New categories for this year include:
"Reel Women" celebrating short films directed by women around the world, with a £500 prize for the winning filmmaker.
An expanded student short-film category "Decent Exposure" which will accept entries from across the UK, and will offer a £1,000 prize to the winning filmmaker.
"Eye-Toons" Animation Competition, with a £500 prize sponsored by Spider Eye Animations, based in St Just.
"Xtreme Shorts" for those extreme sports enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies.
"Wild About Cornwall" a new wildlife/conservation category created in partnership with Cornwall Wildlife Trust, with a number of exciting prizes for the winning filmmakers, including a one-to-one filmmaking workshop with wildlife filmmaker Jeff Goodman.
The early bird deadline for all categories is Monday 4th July.
We’re looking forward to a great selection of films to help to celebrate our 10th birthday this November and have created a number of new categories for entry as well as now having a total of nine juried competitions with some great prizes.
New categories for this year include:
"Reel Women" celebrating short films directed by women around the world, with a £500 prize for the winning filmmaker.
An expanded student short-film category "Decent Exposure" which will accept entries from across the UK, and will offer a £1,000 prize to the winning filmmaker.
"Eye-Toons" Animation Competition, with a £500 prize sponsored by Spider Eye Animations, based in St Just.
"Xtreme Shorts" for those extreme sports enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies.
"Wild About Cornwall" a new wildlife/conservation category created in partnership with Cornwall Wildlife Trust, with a number of exciting prizes for the winning filmmakers, including a one-to-one filmmaking workshop with wildlife filmmaker Jeff Goodman.
The early bird deadline for all categories is Monday 4th July.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

esmaspäev, 16. mai 2011
Berliini Viral Video Award
interfilm Berlin, Zucker.Kommunikation and Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Viral Video Award 2011
deutsche Version unten
Within the scope of the 27th International Short Film Festival Berlin, between the 15th and 20st of November 2011, Zucker.Kommunikation, Heinrich Böll Stiftung and interfilm Berlin will again jointly hold the Viral Video Award.
Take part online in the competition at www.viralvideoaward.com!
Submit Viral Videos!
Three prizes will be awarded:
Audience Award worth € 1.000,-
Jury Award worth € 1.000,- given by Project Future
Award for Best political Viral with the themes climate, democracy or justice worth € 1000,- given by the Heinrich Boell Foundation
Submit your film online if
• it has been especially made for the internet,
• it was made with the aim to spread virally or has already been virally distributed
• and it is either endorsing or opposing an image, an institution, a brand, a product or an idea.
Entry deadline: 11th September 2011!
The public online voting of the competition will be held from Okt. 18th to Nov. 18th on this website, the Award Ceremony will be within the 27th International Short Film Festival Berlin at Nov. 19th in Berlin
deutsche Version
Viral Video Award 2011
Der internationale Viral Video Award sucht und prämiert erneut die besten Internetvideos mit Botschaft!
Im Rahmen des 27. Internationalen Kurzfilmfestival Berlin, das vom 15. bis 20. November 2011 stattfindet, rufen die Agentur Zucker.Kommunikation, die Heinrich Böll Stiftung und interfilm Berlin zur Teilnahme am dritten Wettbewerb für virale Filme mit Botschaft aus.
Online mitmachen beim Wettbewerb bei www.viralvideoaward.com!
Virale Videos einreichen!
Drei Preise werden vergeben:
Publikumspreis in Höhe von € 1.000,-
Jury Preis in Höhe von € 1.000,- vergeben von der Berliner Landesinitiative Projekt Zukunft
Preis für das beste politische Viral mit den Themen Klima, Demokratie oder Gerechtigkeit in Höhe von € 1.000,- vergeben von der Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Bewerbe Dich mit Deinem Film,
• der speziell für das Internet gemacht wurde,
• der die Absicht hat, sich viral zu verbreiten oder bereits viral verbreitet ist
• und der für oder gegen ein Image, eine Institution, eine Marke, ein Produkt oder eine Idee wirbt.
Einreichungs-Deadline: 11. September 2011 !
Das online-Voting gibt es vom 18. Oktober bis 18. November,
die Preisverleihung findet im Rahmen des 27. Internationalen Kurzfilmfestivals Berlin am 19. November statt.
Hier die Teilnahmebedingungen
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Viral Video Award 2011
deutsche Version unten
Within the scope of the 27th International Short Film Festival Berlin, between the 15th and 20st of November 2011, Zucker.Kommunikation, Heinrich Böll Stiftung and interfilm Berlin will again jointly hold the Viral Video Award.
Take part online in the competition at www.viralvideoaward.com!
Submit Viral Videos!
Three prizes will be awarded:
Audience Award worth € 1.000,-
Jury Award worth € 1.000,- given by Project Future
Award for Best political Viral with the themes climate, democracy or justice worth € 1000,- given by the Heinrich Boell Foundation
Submit your film online if
• it has been especially made for the internet,
• it was made with the aim to spread virally or has already been virally distributed
• and it is either endorsing or opposing an image, an institution, a brand, a product or an idea.
Entry deadline: 11th September 2011!
The public online voting of the competition will be held from Okt. 18th to Nov. 18th on this website, the Award Ceremony will be within the 27th International Short Film Festival Berlin at Nov. 19th in Berlin
deutsche Version
Viral Video Award 2011
Der internationale Viral Video Award sucht und prämiert erneut die besten Internetvideos mit Botschaft!
Im Rahmen des 27. Internationalen Kurzfilmfestival Berlin, das vom 15. bis 20. November 2011 stattfindet, rufen die Agentur Zucker.Kommunikation, die Heinrich Böll Stiftung und interfilm Berlin zur Teilnahme am dritten Wettbewerb für virale Filme mit Botschaft aus.
Online mitmachen beim Wettbewerb bei www.viralvideoaward.com!
Virale Videos einreichen!
Drei Preise werden vergeben:
Publikumspreis in Höhe von € 1.000,-
Jury Preis in Höhe von € 1.000,- vergeben von der Berliner Landesinitiative Projekt Zukunft
Preis für das beste politische Viral mit den Themen Klima, Demokratie oder Gerechtigkeit in Höhe von € 1.000,- vergeben von der Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Bewerbe Dich mit Deinem Film,
• der speziell für das Internet gemacht wurde,
• der die Absicht hat, sich viral zu verbreiten oder bereits viral verbreitet ist
• und der für oder gegen ein Image, eine Institution, eine Marke, ein Produkt oder eine Idee wirbt.
Einreichungs-Deadline: 11. September 2011 !
Das online-Voting gibt es vom 18. Oktober bis 18. November,
die Preisverleihung findet im Rahmen des 27. Internationalen Kurzfilmfestivals Berlin am 19. November statt.
Hier die Teilnahmebedingungen
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

kolmapäev, 11. mai 2011
27th International Short Film Festival Berlin
15 – 20 November 2011
The coming festival edition will present more than 400 films during six festival days in various competition categories and special programmes. Prizes valued at a total of 40,000 Euro (60,000 US$) will be up for grabs for those films selected to run in competition.
International juries will bestow ‘interfilm Short Awards’ in the following competitions:
International Competition
Documentary Competition
Confrontations - Against Violence and Intolerance
German Competition
Eject ‘The Long Night of the Unexpected’
Viral Video Award
Regulations at:www.interfilm.de
>>>deutsche Version>>>
Reiche den Film ein bei www.shortfilmdepot.com!
Über Short Film Depot können Filme - ohne Gebür - elegant bei mehreren Festivals gleichzeitig eingereicht werden.
15. – 20. November 2011
Das Internationale Kurzfilmfestival Berlin ruft Filmschaffende auf, sich mit Kurzfilmen zu bewerben. Während der sechs Festivaltage werden in Wettbewerben und Rahmenprogrammen über 400 Werke gezeigt. Er werden Preise im Wert von € 40.000,- vergeben.
Internationale Jurys verleihen “interfilm Short Awards" in den Wettbewerben:
Internationaler Wettbewerb
Konfrontationen - gegen Gewalt und Intoleranz
Deutscher Wettbewerb
Eject - die lange Nacht des abwegigen Films
Viral Video Award
EINSENDESCHLUSS ist der 25. Juni 2011
Reglements unter:www.interfilm.de
Die Festivalplanung 2011 hier
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
internationales Kurzfilmfestival und Kurzfilmverleih
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
fon:+49 (0)30 - 25 29 13 20
fax:+49 (0)30 - 693 29 59
The coming festival edition will present more than 400 films during six festival days in various competition categories and special programmes. Prizes valued at a total of 40,000 Euro (60,000 US$) will be up for grabs for those films selected to run in competition.
International juries will bestow ‘interfilm Short Awards’ in the following competitions:
International Competition
Documentary Competition
Confrontations - Against Violence and Intolerance
German Competition
Eject ‘The Long Night of the Unexpected’
Viral Video Award
Regulations at:www.interfilm.de
>>>deutsche Version>>>
Reiche den Film ein bei www.shortfilmdepot.com!
Über Short Film Depot können Filme - ohne Gebür - elegant bei mehreren Festivals gleichzeitig eingereicht werden.
15. – 20. November 2011
Das Internationale Kurzfilmfestival Berlin ruft Filmschaffende auf, sich mit Kurzfilmen zu bewerben. Während der sechs Festivaltage werden in Wettbewerben und Rahmenprogrammen über 400 Werke gezeigt. Er werden Preise im Wert von € 40.000,- vergeben.
Internationale Jurys verleihen “interfilm Short Awards" in den Wettbewerben:
Internationaler Wettbewerb
Konfrontationen - gegen Gewalt und Intoleranz
Deutscher Wettbewerb
Eject - die lange Nacht des abwegigen Films
Viral Video Award
EINSENDESCHLUSS ist der 25. Juni 2011
Reglements unter:www.interfilm.de
Die Festivalplanung 2011 hier
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
internationales Kurzfilmfestival und Kurzfilmverleih
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
fon:+49 (0)30 - 25 29 13 20
fax:+49 (0)30 - 693 29 59
laupäev, 7. mai 2011
Mere- ja veeteemaliste filmide festival
Baltic Herring Short Film Competition 2011
The Baltic Herring Short Film Competition will be arranged in Rauma in August 2011. The deadline for submission of competition films is June 3th 2011. The 17th Baltic Herring Short Film Competition will be arranged in the same time with the Blue Sea Film Festival, 19-21 August 2011.
The Herring Oscars have been presented in Rauma since year 1995. Many prominent directors have been awarded in the Baltic Herring competition, for example Lenka Hellstedt, Mika Ronkainen, Klaus Härö and Maarit Lalli.
The theme should preferably have something to do with the sea, or at least to be somewhat watery.
There are three (3) separate categories in the competition one for professional film makers, one for amateurs and one for students of audiovisual schools. Money awards and the traditional ceramic herring awards, made by Seija Palonen, are being presented in the competition. All three categories pursue for the main prize, the Golden Baltic Herring, which will be presented to one film in the whole competition.
The competition films are on public display during the film festival. Showing of the best films and the prize award will take place in the festival marquee.
*The Rules of the Baltic Herring Competition*
- The competition is meant for the people in the Baltic Sea area (Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway).
- There are three (3) categories in the competition; one for amateurs, one for professionals, and one is directed for the students of audiovisual schools.
- Maximum length of the films is 30 minutes.
- English subtitles or a synopsis of the film are required.
- Competition film must be sent in MiniDV tape or in DVD-disc
- One film may compete only in one category
- The movie maker(s) is/are responsible for the recording permissions and reimbursements of the possible copyright protected material in the film content.
*Please submit the competition registration on the following website:*
*The competition films are to be sent to the following address:*
Baltic Herring / Blue Sea Film Festival
PL 274
26101 RAUMA
The deadline for submission is June 3rd 2011.
The films will not be returned.
Invitation on the website:
More information:
Tarmo Hotanen
tel: +358 44 584 3009
The Baltic Herring Short Film Competition will be arranged in Rauma in August 2011. The deadline for submission of competition films is June 3th 2011. The 17th Baltic Herring Short Film Competition will be arranged in the same time with the Blue Sea Film Festival, 19-21 August 2011.
The Herring Oscars have been presented in Rauma since year 1995. Many prominent directors have been awarded in the Baltic Herring competition, for example Lenka Hellstedt, Mika Ronkainen, Klaus Härö and Maarit Lalli.
The theme should preferably have something to do with the sea, or at least to be somewhat watery.
There are three (3) separate categories in the competition one for professional film makers, one for amateurs and one for students of audiovisual schools. Money awards and the traditional ceramic herring awards, made by Seija Palonen, are being presented in the competition. All three categories pursue for the main prize, the Golden Baltic Herring, which will be presented to one film in the whole competition.
The competition films are on public display during the film festival. Showing of the best films and the prize award will take place in the festival marquee.
*The Rules of the Baltic Herring Competition*
- The competition is meant for the people in the Baltic Sea area (Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway).
- There are three (3) categories in the competition; one for amateurs, one for professionals, and one is directed for the students of audiovisual schools.
- Maximum length of the films is 30 minutes.
- English subtitles or a synopsis of the film are required.
- Competition film must be sent in MiniDV tape or in DVD-disc
- One film may compete only in one category
- The movie maker(s) is/are responsible for the recording permissions and reimbursements of the possible copyright protected material in the film content.
*Please submit the competition registration on the following website:*
*The competition films are to be sent to the following address:*
Baltic Herring / Blue Sea Film Festival
PL 274
26101 RAUMA
The deadline for submission is June 3rd 2011.
The films will not be returned.
Invitation on the website:
More information:
Tarmo Hotanen
tel: +358 44 584 3009
Postitused (Atom)