Call for Proposals for the production of new videos (minimum 60 - maximum 90 seconds) promoting language learning.
What kind of proposals are we looking for?
EU language policies aim to protect linguistic diversity and promote knowledge of languages – for reasons of cultural identity and social integration, but also because multilingual citizens are better placed to take advantage of the educational, professional and economic opportunities created by an integrated Europe.
Through this competition, supported by the European Commission, we invite students to highlight the advantages of learning and speaking foreign languages and to illustrate the enriching experience of intercultural exchanges.
We are looking for proposals for new video productions that are innovative, witty, creative, unexpected and motivating.
Proposals should explore the potential of understanding different languages and cultures and the challenges it creates.
The proposals should deliver a clear message, be self-explanatory and easily understandable to a broad public with different backgrounds and mother tongues.
Who can apply?
Applications will be accepted from students at ELIA and CILECT member institutions in the 27 European Union Member States and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey.
An international jury will evaluate and select a maximum of 15 proposals.
How to apply
Before 1 March 2012 the ELIA office must have received:
1. By post: application form to be downloaded (, signed by the applicant and the legal representative of your institution and send to:
ELIA – European League of Institutes of the Arts
‘Languages through Lenses’
Beulingstraat 8
1017 BA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
2. Upload on: between 20 January and 1 March 2012
> Summary of the project (minimum 200 words
and maximum 400 words)
> Script containing a detailed description of
the envisaged story, the main characters
and the shooting locations. The description
of the story can take the form of a written
document or a storyboard
> Production and post-production timeline
> Detailed budget of 5000 ¤
> A link to previous work