teisipäev, 17. detsember 2013

Engage 2014

Applications for ENGAGE 2014 are now open.

We are delighted to announce that applications are now open for participation in ENGAGE 2014.


Applicants must be currently studying in their last year of, or have recently graduated from, a university-level film course in a European country. Applicants must also be citizens of a member state of the European Union or of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or Croatia.

We welcome applications from all MEDIA countries (as listed above), especially those from recent member states (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia).

Submitted projects should be feature-length fiction, documentary or animation films or television dramas and must include a European or international dimension.

Places are limited to 24 participants.

The Application Deadline for ENGAGE 2014 is Monday 20 January 2014.

Read more: http://engage.eu.com/how-to-apply

reede, 13. detsember 2013

Mecal Barcelona International Short Film and Animation Festival 2014

FESTIVAL DATES : from Mar 5, 2014 to Mar 30, 2014


The films submitted to the 2014 competition will automatically enter the Short Film Market

Registration deadline : Dec 20, 2013
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : File uploaded via Shortfilmdepot
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st, 2012
2) Maximum duration : 30 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries (Spain included)
4) Screening format : .MOV (Quicktime), MPEG MPEG- -4 H264 4 H264
5) Accepted genres : Fiction
6) No re-entry : Films previously submitted to the festival cannot be submitted again.


The films submitted to the 2014 competition will automatically enter the Short Film Market

Registration deadline : Dec 20, 2013
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : File uploaded via Shortfilmdepot
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st, 2012
2) Maximum duration : 30 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries (Spain included)
4) Screening format : .MOV (Quicktime), MPEG MPEG- -4 H264 4 H264
5) Accepted genres : Documentaries
6) No re-entry : Films previously submitted to the festival cannot be submitted again.


The films submitted to the 2014 competition will automatically enter the Short Film Market

Registration deadline : Dec 20, 2013
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : File uploaded via Shortfilmdepot
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st, 2012
2) Maximum duration : 30 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries (Spain included)
4) Screening format : .MOV (Quicktime), MPEG MPEG- -4 H264 4 H264
5) Accepted genres : Animation
6) No re-entry : Films previously submitted to the festival cannot be submitted again.

Asociacion Mecal
c/ Clot 46, 2° 2a

TEL : ( 34) 932 470 353

"Juhe, kiip ja suitsev kaheraudne" ETV2s

ETV2 näitab sel nädalal Kinoonude filmi "Juhe, kiip ja suitsev kaheraudne" :
  • Kolmapäeval (11.12) kell 21
  • Reedel (13.12) kell 24.30
Filmi saab vaadata ka siit: http://etv2.err.ee/videod/mangufilm/7d2c54c1-0dca-40aa-b528-1239712fde41

Film räägib kolmest mehest, kes avastavad, et masinad ei soovi enam teha seda, milleks on loodud, vaid püüavad Maal võimu haarata. Enda ja oma lähedaste päästmiseks haaravad mehed relvad ning annavad tuld kõige pihta, mis piiksub või vilgub.

Film teeb kummarduse vanakooli efektidele, kasutades stoppanimatsiooni ja muid klassikalisi animatsioonitehnikaid. Selles mängivad Volvo S60, Martin Kõiv, Tarmo Tagamets, Husqvarna robotniiduk, Enor Niinemängu jpt. Režissöör Urmas Nimetu, kunstnik-produtsent Richard Meitern, operaator-lavastaja Toms Skele, animatsioonid Erik Alunurm ja Hendrik Proosa.

Film on hea sissejuhatus tähistamaks aasta möödumist viimasest maailmalõpust (21.12 2012).

Lisainfot saab lugeda Kinoondue kodulehelt: http://kinoonud.planet.ee/index.php?id=3&film=16

Filmi tegemist toetasid Veski Mati, Baltix, Rimi, A. Le Coq, Andres Maimik, Baltman, Catapult Films, Estrella jpt.

kolmapäev, 4. detsember 2013

XI Human Rights Film Festival

XI human rights film festival BARCELONA / NYC / PARIS
FOR 2014
-Longfilm. Any fiction fiction film, animation, documentary or periodistical report of more than 30 minutes can be submitted to the longfilms competition.

-Shortfilm. Any fiction film, animation, documentary or periodistical report of more than 30 minutes can be submitted to the shortfilms competition.
The registration is free you can do it on this web or by www.shortfilmdepot.com
Closing date for submissions 20th / 03 / 2014.

"Unsere Nachbarn bei Freunden" filmikonkurss

The 20th Short Film Festival „Neighbours together with friends – Unsere Nachbarn bei Freunden“
is an international Short film Festival, which aims to draw the attention on short films of independent movie makers from Eastern and Western Europe. Also, the festival is meant to be a platform for international contacts between Europe’s independent film makers and furthers the understanding between the cultures in Eastern and Western Europe.
The festival will focus on the independent film in East and West from the political turnaround up to now. What are the circumstances filmmakers have to face here and there? Also, there will be a colloquium on the chances of film making.

Only works produced after January 1, 2011 can be included in the competition.
The making and watching of contemporary films/movies gives distinction to individual and social identities. Film therefore functions as the artistic examination of social and political realities. Furthermore, it offers the chance to build on and express individual identity. In the process of globalization, this function can help people to localize themselves. Films from abroad can alleviate the knowledge and understanding of different countries and cultures; film from Germany can do so vice versa.

Films are perfectly suited to bring together people of all kinds of ages and different social and national backgrounds. Discussing about movies can further skills which are important for the integration into society. This requires creativity, cooperation, concentration, endurance and other social competences. The cultural diversity in Europe is meant to be furthered and the heritage of the movie preserved to make it accessable to Europe’s citizens and to stimulate intercultural dialogue.
Topic of the Festival: Neighbours in Europe
Date: 14.3. -16.3. 2014
Place: Kino “TONI”, Antonplatz, 13086 Berlin
Awards will be handed out on 16.3.2014 at ABACUS Tierpark Hotel, Franz-Mett-Str. 3-9, 10319 Berlin

Entry Deadline: 15.1.2014
Terms of participation: Only non-commercial short movies no longer than 20 minutes are permitted to the festival. DVD, Stick, or SD-Cards only! Please send in only one film per storage medium.
Read more: http://www.ars-cinema.de/KFF_2014/KFF_2014_englisch.htm