Filmide valikkava 26.aprillil 2014.a. kell 11.00 Balti Filmi- ja Meediakoolis
1.Või mis see kõik tähendab... . Lühitõsielufilm. 5.20 min. Tia Maria Vene, Tallinn.Debüüt.C.
2.Terrikoonik kaadris.EPF. Läbilõige filmistuudio „Eesti Põlevkivi“ filmidest 1963-1976aa. 25 min. Toomas Griin (Tartu), Jaak Eelmets (Jõhvi). C.
3.Kirde saia röstimine. Tõsielufilm. 4.07 min. Sander Maran, BFM B.
4.Päikesäratas. Mängufilm, 23.24 min.Raigo Saariste, BFM. B.
5.Tere. Mängufilm. 3 min. Martin Lõtsev, Diana Komarova, Aleksandra Petrova, Noortemaja „Kanutiaia“ stuudio. Debüüt. A.
6.Isa jälgedes. Tõsielufilm. 12 min. Eve Ester, Tõnu Aru, Tõnu Aru videostuudio, Tallinn.C.
7.Gift. Fotofilm. 3.08 min. Aleksandra Goldrin, stuudio „Meksvideo“ Debüüt.C.
8.Kolm. Mängufilm, 15.38 min. Eva Kübar, Liina Tiido, BFM B.
9.Taevas ja Maa. Animafilm. 6.56 min.Tallinna Läänemere Gümnaasiumi 3-ndate ja 4-ndate keelekümblusklasside õpilased ja õpetaja Tia Maria Vene. Debüüt A.
10.Asi. Mängufilm, 10 min. Jekaterina Moltšanova, Rakvere Reaalgümnaasiumi stuudio Debüüt. A.
Vaheaeg 30 min.
11.Kevadmeeleolud. Loodusvideo. 3.41 min. Väino Valdmann, Põltsamaa. C.
12.Mai. Mängufilm, 15 min. Maria Reinup, BFM. B.
13.Mikrolaineahi. Mängufilm, 48 sek.Aleksander Navarkin, Pavel Zenžinov, Narva Laste Loomemaja stuudio „Rovesnik“. Debüüt A.
14.Oled see sina?.Mängufilm, 10 min. Moonika Siimets, BFM B.
15.Uni.Fotofilm. 1.44 min. Elena Kalinina, stuudio „Meksvideo“ Debüüt.C
16.Õnne manifest. Mängufilm. 13 min. Anna Hints, BFM B.
17.Illuka valla vapp. Animafilm. 4.15 min. Stuudio „Inforing“, Jõhvi.C.
18.Pidu. Mängufilm, 9.50 min. Eve Ester, Tõnu Aru, Tõnu Aru videostuudio. C.
19.Touch the Dead inside. 4.11 min. Dmitriji Domoskanov, stuudio „Meksvideo“. A.
20.Võlutari leivapätsid. Mängufilm, 15 min. Nele Kirsipuu, BFM. Debüüt. B.
21.See juhtus Aafrikas. Animafilm, 2.18 min. Sofija Petrova, Polina Ramenskaja, Narva Laste Loomemaja stuudio „Rovesnik“. Debüüt. A.
22.Vabaduse. Mängufilm, 10 min. Elise Kumm, Rakvere Reaalgümnaasiumi videostuudio. Debüüt. A.
23.Unelmad. Mängufilm. 3.37 min.Polina Linovitskaja, stuudio „Meksvideo“ A.
24.TurboSledge! Komöödia, ulme. 3.17 min. Sander Maran, Jan Andresson, Karl Hans Õunpuu BFM. B.
15.30 Autasustamine
Filmid jagunevad:
A-grupp – kuni 19-a. vanuste autorite filmid
B-grupp – filmiüliõpilaste filmid
C-grupp – kõigi ülejäänud autorite filmid
Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
reede, 25. aprill 2014
Mauersegler Short Film Award
Send us perspectives about the Peaceful Revolution and/or the German reunification!
interfilm Berlin calls upon the public, filmmakers and historical witnesses to submit films for a new and fascinating competition.
The "Mauersegler"-Short Film Award is looking for filmmakers who can reveal their personal view of the events surrounding the Peaceful Revolution in East Germany and/or the German reunification. In particular, we are seeking the perspectives of those who were still children at the time of the fall of the Wall. We're eager to gather a wide range of films that search out and fill in the gaps of recent historical narrative with individual stories.
Prize money totalling 3000 euros
Do you belong to the so-called Third Generation East Germany, meaning that you were born in East Germany in the seventies or eighties? Or if you belong to the same generation from the West, could you give us your perspective? Did your parents or grandparents migrate to Germany? How did you experience the upheavals in Germany at that time?
Did you follow the developments in Germany from another country? Or do you want to tell of the Third Generation East Germany that your own children or grandchildren perhaps belong to? What do the events back then mean to you today? We're eager to discover your personal story and look forward to seeing your film!
A "Mauersegler" is a kind of bird, known as "swift" or "black martin" in English. The term contains the German word "Mauer", meaning "wall" and "Segler", meaning "sailor" or "glider". It is therefore an appropriate allegory for both the Wall's division of Germany as well as the country's transformation after the Peaceful Revolution of 1989. The Wall thereby becomes a symbolic point of departure to take off and glide away from, just like a bird.
All genres are permitted: animation, live-action, experimental and documentary films.
Your film may be no longer than 20 minutes.
Entry deadline is the 24th of August 2014.
Submit films here!
The "Mauersegler"-Short Film Award will be held in 2014 within the framework of the 30th International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin. Selected short films will be nominated by a jury of film and media professionals and conferred with prize money totalling 3000 Euros. - So get shooting and tell us history!
Any questions?! Get in touch with us: festival[at]
The competition is organised by Perspektive hoch 3 e.V., a non-profit, independent and non-party association. Its members are focused on the views of the so-called Third Generation East Germany concerning past, present and future societal issues. In the process, the association sees itself as a platform that initiates and executes projects relating to this generation.
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 25291320
interfilm Berlin calls upon the public, filmmakers and historical witnesses to submit films for a new and fascinating competition.
The "Mauersegler"-Short Film Award is looking for filmmakers who can reveal their personal view of the events surrounding the Peaceful Revolution in East Germany and/or the German reunification. In particular, we are seeking the perspectives of those who were still children at the time of the fall of the Wall. We're eager to gather a wide range of films that search out and fill in the gaps of recent historical narrative with individual stories.
Prize money totalling 3000 euros
Do you belong to the so-called Third Generation East Germany, meaning that you were born in East Germany in the seventies or eighties? Or if you belong to the same generation from the West, could you give us your perspective? Did your parents or grandparents migrate to Germany? How did you experience the upheavals in Germany at that time?
Did you follow the developments in Germany from another country? Or do you want to tell of the Third Generation East Germany that your own children or grandchildren perhaps belong to? What do the events back then mean to you today? We're eager to discover your personal story and look forward to seeing your film!
A "Mauersegler" is a kind of bird, known as "swift" or "black martin" in English. The term contains the German word "Mauer", meaning "wall" and "Segler", meaning "sailor" or "glider". It is therefore an appropriate allegory for both the Wall's division of Germany as well as the country's transformation after the Peaceful Revolution of 1989. The Wall thereby becomes a symbolic point of departure to take off and glide away from, just like a bird.
All genres are permitted: animation, live-action, experimental and documentary films.
Your film may be no longer than 20 minutes.
Entry deadline is the 24th of August 2014.
Submit films here!
The "Mauersegler"-Short Film Award will be held in 2014 within the framework of the 30th International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin. Selected short films will be nominated by a jury of film and media professionals and conferred with prize money totalling 3000 Euros. - So get shooting and tell us history!
Any questions?! Get in touch with us: festival[at]
The competition is organised by Perspektive hoch 3 e.V., a non-profit, independent and non-party association. Its members are focused on the views of the so-called Third Generation East Germany concerning past, present and future societal issues. In the process, the association sees itself as a platform that initiates and executes projects relating to this generation.
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 25291320
laupäev, 5. aprill 2014
Short film competition "Europe: Unlimited"
Topic of the Year 'Zukunftsort: EUROPA' at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, in cooperation with interfilm Berlin, the Deutsche Kinemathek, the Film and Television University 'Konrad Wolf' (HFF) Potsdam and filmArche, calls on film-makers throughout Europe to participate by submitting films for the Forum EUROPE: UNLIMITED Competition.
The short films submitted should find answers to the question: 'Is there such a thing as Europe and if so how many?' All genres are permitted: the short films can reveal points of view on Europe in narrative shorts, animations, documentaries through to experimental film. The films should be no more than three years old and no longer than ca. 15 minutes in length. Closing date for submissions is 31 July 2014.
Three prizes will be awarded:
1st Prize 2,500 €
2nd Prize 1,000 €
3rd Prize 500 €
The selected films will be presented in mid-November 2014 at the two-day Forum EUROPE: UNLIMITED, at which topics of relevance to Europe will be debated between academia and the public sphere. The highpoint of the event is the award ceremony on 14 November 2014.
On the online platform some contributions can already be viewed and discussed in advance. The submissions there are not necessarily part of the competition and may not be more than three years old. More information and the competition rules can be found at EUROPE: UNLIMITED.
Europe is more than an institution, an economic and currency union. Europe is a cultural and legal sphere with a definition that shifts depending on who defines it and when, and who is presenting visions of the continent's future. Europe is thus always the place where Europe is being re-designed - even in the current crises. The fact of Europe's heterogeneity is often obscured in public perceptions by a unitary narrative of 'Europe'. But is Europe a real, functioning place, or just a group of places with shared outer borders? What holds Europe together and what drives it apart - where do old solidarities end and new ones form? How can people with very different ideas of life and different cultural and social backgrounds successfully live together? And how are we experiencing the current crises: as European - anti-European - global?
The Forum EUROPE: UNLIMITED wants to encourage the discovery of new narratives for Europe and to illuminate original wishes for the future. Europe will be given complex expression in the Forum debates between scholars and film-makers discussing around 20 selected films.
The Competition is interested in individual points of view. It should not be about academic analyses: rather, the submissions should reveal authentic images of the current mood and describe large, small or just unusual aspects of the diverse forms taken by Europe. We invite film-makers to make their own contribution to fruitful dialogue at the interface between art and academia, one that shakes off conventional thinking about Europe and offers long-lasting inspiration for the future. Counter monotony, and film for diversity!
The short films submitted should find answers to the question: 'Is there such a thing as Europe and if so how many?' All genres are permitted: the short films can reveal points of view on Europe in narrative shorts, animations, documentaries through to experimental film. The films should be no more than three years old and no longer than ca. 15 minutes in length. Closing date for submissions is 31 July 2014.
Three prizes will be awarded:
1st Prize 2,500 €
2nd Prize 1,000 €
3rd Prize 500 €
The selected films will be presented in mid-November 2014 at the two-day Forum EUROPE: UNLIMITED, at which topics of relevance to Europe will be debated between academia and the public sphere. The highpoint of the event is the award ceremony on 14 November 2014.
On the online platform some contributions can already be viewed and discussed in advance. The submissions there are not necessarily part of the competition and may not be more than three years old. More information and the competition rules can be found at EUROPE: UNLIMITED.
Europe is more than an institution, an economic and currency union. Europe is a cultural and legal sphere with a definition that shifts depending on who defines it and when, and who is presenting visions of the continent's future. Europe is thus always the place where Europe is being re-designed - even in the current crises. The fact of Europe's heterogeneity is often obscured in public perceptions by a unitary narrative of 'Europe'. But is Europe a real, functioning place, or just a group of places with shared outer borders? What holds Europe together and what drives it apart - where do old solidarities end and new ones form? How can people with very different ideas of life and different cultural and social backgrounds successfully live together? And how are we experiencing the current crises: as European - anti-European - global?
The Forum EUROPE: UNLIMITED wants to encourage the discovery of new narratives for Europe and to illuminate original wishes for the future. Europe will be given complex expression in the Forum debates between scholars and film-makers discussing around 20 selected films.
The Competition is interested in individual points of view. It should not be about academic analyses: rather, the submissions should reveal authentic images of the current mood and describe large, small or just unusual aspects of the diverse forms taken by Europe. We invite film-makers to make their own contribution to fruitful dialogue at the interface between art and academia, one that shakes off conventional thinking about Europe and offers long-lasting inspiration for the future. Counter monotony, and film for diversity!
Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival 2014
FESTIVAL DATES : from Sep 11, 2014 to Sep 17, 2014
This section accepts short films related to dance.
Registration deadline : Jun 2, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Please attach biographies of Director & Choreographer to your online form.
Results of selection will be announced on 17 September 2014.
This section accepts documentaries related to dance.
Registration deadline : Jun 2, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Requirements : Please attach biographies of Director & Choreographer to your online form.
Results of selection will be announced on 17 September 2014.
Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival
City Contemporary Dance Company
11/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street,
San Po Kong
Hong Kong
TEL : (852) 2329 7803
This section accepts short films related to dance.
Registration deadline : Jun 2, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Please attach biographies of Director & Choreographer to your online form.
Results of selection will be announced on 17 September 2014.
This section accepts documentaries related to dance.
Registration deadline : Jun 2, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Requirements : Please attach biographies of Director & Choreographer to your online form.
Results of selection will be announced on 17 September 2014.
Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival
City Contemporary Dance Company
11/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street,
San Po Kong
Hong Kong
TEL : (852) 2329 7803
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