teisipäev, 8. september 2009

Filmikonkurss Tallinna Ülikooli tudengitele

Tallinn University Student Union and Ordi are inviting you to take part
in a video competition

"First days in Tallinn University"

Make an interesting video and win an ORDI laptop

The vido should be associated with Tallinn University Student Union

Bring your video to Student Union Office 31.10.2009 the latest

Rules of the competition:

The video competition starts 07.09.2009 and ends 31.10.2009. Bring your video on a DVD including the name and contact information of the author. The maximum lenght of the video is 5 minutes and the minimum 2 minutes. The winners are announced by the end of November in Student Union portal www.esindus.ee
By presenting the video, the author guarantees having all copyrights, as well as the agreement from people shown in the video Tallinn University Student Union may use presented videos in the future without the permission of the author.

Additional information:
Gretlyn Palberg
Tallinna Ülikooli Üliõpilaskond
55 66 66 03

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