Call for Entries for the 6th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival - with new categories!
For the sixth time, the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is calling for entries to find the best poetry film . Entries may be short films made on the basis of poems. Prizes will be awarded in the Competition to a total value of EUR 10,000. A Programme Commission will nominate the films for the competition and select the films for the various programme categories from among the entries, and a Jury with an international line-up will name the winners.
The prizes to be awarded will be the ZEBRA Prize for the Best Poetry Film, donated by the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, the Goethe Film Prize, donated by the Goethe Institute, the Ritter Sport Film Prize, donated by Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co KG and the Audience Prize awarded by the jury of radioeins listeners.
Children and young people will be able to award their very own prize: the ZEBRINO Prize for the Best Film for Children and Young People will be awarded by a jury of children to honour the best poetry film for eight-to-twelve-year-olds.
Closing date for entries for all the competitions is 2 May 2012
Conditions of Entry in full at
The Competition has a few new features this time as well. For the first time, the ZEBRA Film Festival will also be awarding prizes for poetry films in the categories Best Debut Film, Best Film for Tolerance and Best Poetry Performance on Film .
One poem, various points of view:
The festival is presenting a new departure : for the first time, the festival will be inviting film makers each to make a film based on the same poem and to submit various different interpretations of the poem (my home) by Ulrike Almut Sandig. The directors of the three best film versions will be invited to Berlin to present their films to the public and discuss them with the poet. The poem can be found with a sound recording and translations at
The 6th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival will take place in the Babylon cinema in Berlin from 18 to 21 October 2012. It is a project of the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin in cooperation with interfilm Berlin and with the kind support of the Hauptstadtkulturfonds, the German Literature Fund, the Goethe Institute and Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co KG. It takes place as part of the poesiefestival berlin.
The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival has become established as an international forum for short films that engage with poems in their content, form or aesthetics. It offers film makers from around the world the opportunity to exchange ideas and consolidate a basis for future work. It takes place every two years.
The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival at Facebook / at Twitter
Deutsche Version
Ausschreibung des 6. ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival - mit neuen Kategorien!
Das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival schreibt zum 6. Mal den Wettbewerb um den besten Poesiefilm aus. Eingereicht werden können Kurzfilme, die auf der Basis von Gedichten entstanden sind. Der Wettbewerb ist mit insgesamt 10.000 EUR dotiert. Aus den Einsendungen nominiert eine Programmkommission die Filme für den Wettbewerb und wählt die Programmbeiträge, eine international besetzte Jury kürt die Gewinner.
Vergeben werden der ZEBRA - Preis für den besten Poesiefilm, gestiftet von der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, der Goethe Filmpreis, gestiftet vom Goethe-Institut, der Ritter Sport Filmpreis, gestiftet von der Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co KG und der Publikumspreis der radioeins-Jury.
Kinder- und Jugendliche können einen eigenen Preis vergeben: Der " ZEBRINO - Preis für den besten Kinder- und Jugendfilm" wird von einer Kinderjury bestimmt, die damit den besten Poesiefilm für Acht- bis Zwölfjährige auszeichnen.
Einsendeschluss für alle Wettbewerbe ist der 2. Mai 2012
Die vollständige Teilnahmebedingungen unter
Der Wettbewerb wartet dieses Mal mit einigen Neuerungen auf. Zum ersten Mal schreibt das ZEBRA Film Festival auch Preise für Poesiefilme in den Kategorien bestes Erstlingswerk, bester Film für Toleranz und beste filmische Gedicht-Performance aus.
Ein Gedicht, verschiedene Blickwinkel:
Das Festival präsentiert eine neue Sparte . Zum ersten Mal lädt das Festival Filmemacher ein, jeweils das gleiche Gedicht filmisch umzusetzen und verschiedene Interpretationen zum Gedicht von Ulrike Almut Sandig einzureichen. Die Regisseure der drei besten Verfilmungen werden nach Berlin eingeladen, und stellen dort ihre Filme der Öffentlichkeit vor und diskutieren sie mit der Dichterin. Das Gedicht in Ton und in Übersetzungen finden Sie auf
Das 6. ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival findet statt vom 18.- 21.10.2012 im Kino Babylon, Berlin. Es ist ein Projekt der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin in Kooperation mit interfilm Berlin sowie mit der freundlichen Unterstützung durch den Hauptstadtkulturfonds, den Deutschen Literaturfonds, das Goethe-Institut und die Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co KGEs findet statt im Rahmen des poesiefestival berlin.
Das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival hat sich als internationales Forum für Kurzfilme etabliert, die sich inhaltlich, ästhetisch oder formal mit Gedichten auseinandersetzen. Es bietet Filmemachern aus aller Welt Gelegenheit zum Ideenaustausch und zur Standortbestimmung. Es findet alle zwei Jahr statt.
Das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival bei Facebook / bei Twitter
6th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival
18-21 October 2012
Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30
10178 Berlin
Closing date for entries: 02 May 2012
Enquiries and information:
Boris Nitzsche/Jutta Büchter
Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
Tel: 0049 (0)30. 48 52 45 25
Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
teisipäev, 20. detsember 2011
Zebra Poetry Film Festival
Urmas Reisberg
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reede, 9. detsember 2011
Call for entry Go Short Student Campus
This March, fifteen talented film students from all over Europe will gather to be part of the fourth Go Short Student Campus. This annual event offers six days of the most interesting lectures, workshops, wonderful short films and unforgettable parties in the city of Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
The theme of this year's Campus is the narrative strengths of sound in film. During the campus you'll learn more about the way sound and images interact in the process of storytelling. Accompanied by renowned film professionals and together with fellow film students you will work on a short film, in which sound will play a major role.
The Go Short Student Campus is part of the Go Short International Short Film Festival in Nijmegen and is organized by Breaking Ground - Platform for European student films. The short film you'll make will premiere at this festival.
Are you a director, DOP or sound designer and do you think this Campus is just the thing for you? Then apply for the Go Short Student Campus 2012!
Send your motivation and CV to
Deadline: 21 December 2011!
Watch the promo and last year's impression video at
Dates: March 12 - 18, 2012
Place: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Costs: 250 euro's + travel costs (accommodation, and full festival accreditation are covered)
Upon your selection, we will be glad to help you in finding grants to cover these expenses.
More info can be found on
Looking forward to your application!
The theme of this year's Campus is the narrative strengths of sound in film. During the campus you'll learn more about the way sound and images interact in the process of storytelling. Accompanied by renowned film professionals and together with fellow film students you will work on a short film, in which sound will play a major role.
The Go Short Student Campus is part of the Go Short International Short Film Festival in Nijmegen and is organized by Breaking Ground - Platform for European student films. The short film you'll make will premiere at this festival.
Are you a director, DOP or sound designer and do you think this Campus is just the thing for you? Then apply for the Go Short Student Campus 2012!
Send your motivation and CV to
Deadline: 21 December 2011!
Watch the promo and last year's impression video at
Dates: March 12 - 18, 2012
Place: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Costs: 250 euro's + travel costs (accommodation, and full festival accreditation are covered)
Upon your selection, we will be glad to help you in finding grants to cover these expenses.
More info can be found on
Looking forward to your application!
Urmas Reisberg
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reede, 2. detsember 2011
"Kuidas võita Tudengifilmi" Horvaatia filmifestivali finaalis
KRAF 2011. – Objavljena selekcija
Završena je selekcija filmova za predstojeći riječki KRAF – međunarodni festival kratkog neprofesijskog filma, koji će se održati 3. prosinca 2011. u Art kinu Croatia. Ocjenjivački sud u sastavu: doc. dr. Nikica Gilić, prof. Sanjin Stanić i filmski kritičar Dragan Rubeša odabrao je filmove koji će se prikazivati na Kvarnerskoj Reviji Amaterskog Filma 2011. U konkurenciji filmova, pored domaćih filmskih uradaka, nalaze se i inozemni među kojima se naročito ističu španjolski, estonski i makedonski filmovi.
U nastavku slijede filmovi koji će se prikazivati na KRAF – u 2011.:
1. „Una birra a Venezia“ – Željko Radivoj (Hrvatska)
2. „Dijete“ – Igor Jelinović (Hrvatska)
3. „Idu dani“ – Ervin Debeuc i grupa autora radionice animiranog filma (Hrvatska
4. „Me and Fisher“ – Ljupcho Petrovski (Makedonija)
5. „Blackout“ – Margus Paju (Estonija)
6. „Sobe“ – Igor Jelinović (Hrvatska)
7. „Bazar“ – Livio Badurina (Hrvatska)
8. „Moliere“ – Livio Badurina (Hrvatska)
9. „My struggle“ – Aitor Aspe, Jose M. de la Puente (Španjolska)
10. „Drip“ - Igor Paulić (Hrvatska)
11. „How to make a student film“ – Urmas Reisberg (Estonija)
Detaljnije o programu KRAF-a potražite na
Završena je selekcija filmova za predstojeći riječki KRAF – međunarodni festival kratkog neprofesijskog filma, koji će se održati 3. prosinca 2011. u Art kinu Croatia. Ocjenjivački sud u sastavu: doc. dr. Nikica Gilić, prof. Sanjin Stanić i filmski kritičar Dragan Rubeša odabrao je filmove koji će se prikazivati na Kvarnerskoj Reviji Amaterskog Filma 2011. U konkurenciji filmova, pored domaćih filmskih uradaka, nalaze se i inozemni među kojima se naročito ističu španjolski, estonski i makedonski filmovi.
U nastavku slijede filmovi koji će se prikazivati na KRAF – u 2011.:
1. „Una birra a Venezia“ – Željko Radivoj (Hrvatska)
2. „Dijete“ – Igor Jelinović (Hrvatska)
3. „Idu dani“ – Ervin Debeuc i grupa autora radionice animiranog filma (Hrvatska
4. „Me and Fisher“ – Ljupcho Petrovski (Makedonija)
5. „Blackout“ – Margus Paju (Estonija)
6. „Sobe“ – Igor Jelinović (Hrvatska)
7. „Bazar“ – Livio Badurina (Hrvatska)
8. „Moliere“ – Livio Badurina (Hrvatska)
9. „My struggle“ – Aitor Aspe, Jose M. de la Puente (Španjolska)
10. „Drip“ - Igor Paulić (Hrvatska)
11. „How to make a student film“ – Urmas Reisberg (Estonija)
Detaljnije o programu KRAF-a potražite na
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

neljapäev, 1. detsember 2011
NAFF 2011 võitjad
I koht - Tarvi Roos - Little Things Matter...
II koht - Priit Põhjala - Puudutuseta
III koht- Urmet Haas - Teel tühjusesse
Dokumentaalfilmi eripreemia - Jaan - Indrek Viil, Tiit Loim
Eripreemia ajalooliselt usutava olustiku saavutamise eest - Võitlused leegionis - Ats Surva, Mikk Puustusmaa, Meelis Pruks, Maario Kullam, Amiran Gorgazjan
Positiivse laengu eripreemia - Sessi ajal juhtub - Mari-Liis Kasemets
Suurima naerutaja ja kõige püssimate saabaste eripreemia - Peorööv - Anne Grete Aps
Näitleja eripreemia saja ja ühe rolli eest - Hendrik Türk - Ijon Tishy kosmoseränd
Publikulemmik- sel aastal läks publikulemmiku tiitel jagamisele kahe filmi vahel- Ijon Tishy kosmoseränd(Oliver Taul, Sten-Oliver Salumaa, Hendrik Türk) ja Suur Pidu (Sander Gering).
Palju- palju õnne kõigile võitjatele ning kõigile, kes filmifestivalile oma filmid saatsid. Suur aitäh kõigile toetajatele. Kohtumiseni järgmisel aastal!!!
II koht - Priit Põhjala - Puudutuseta
III koht- Urmet Haas - Teel tühjusesse
Dokumentaalfilmi eripreemia - Jaan - Indrek Viil, Tiit Loim
Eripreemia ajalooliselt usutava olustiku saavutamise eest - Võitlused leegionis - Ats Surva, Mikk Puustusmaa, Meelis Pruks, Maario Kullam, Amiran Gorgazjan
Positiivse laengu eripreemia - Sessi ajal juhtub - Mari-Liis Kasemets
Suurima naerutaja ja kõige püssimate saabaste eripreemia - Peorööv - Anne Grete Aps
Näitleja eripreemia saja ja ühe rolli eest - Hendrik Türk - Ijon Tishy kosmoseränd
Publikulemmik- sel aastal läks publikulemmiku tiitel jagamisele kahe filmi vahel- Ijon Tishy kosmoseränd(Oliver Taul, Sten-Oliver Salumaa, Hendrik Türk) ja Suur Pidu (Sander Gering).
Palju- palju õnne kõigile võitjatele ning kõigile, kes filmifestivalile oma filmid saatsid. Suur aitäh kõigile toetajatele. Kohtumiseni järgmisel aastal!!!
Urmas Reisberg
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Languages through Lenses: call for proposals
deadline: 1 March 2012
What kind of proposals are we looking for?
EU language policies aim to protect linguistic diversity and promote knowledge of languages – for reasons of cultural identity and social integration, but also because multilingual citizens are better placed to take advantage of the educational, professional and economic opportunities created by an integrated Europe.
Through this competition, supported by the European Commission, we invite students
to highlight the advantages of learning and speaking foreign languages and to illustrate the enriching experience of intercultural exchanges.
Who can apply?
Applications will be accepted from students at ELIA and CILECT member institutions in the 27 European Union Member States and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey. An international jury will evaluate and select a maximum of 15 proposals.
Timeline 2012
> 1 March Deadline applications
> 2 April Announcement of the 15 selected projects on
> 7 September Delivery of the video
> 20 - 27 October PRIX EUROPA Festival in Berlin
What kind of proposals are we looking for?
EU language policies aim to protect linguistic diversity and promote knowledge of languages – for reasons of cultural identity and social integration, but also because multilingual citizens are better placed to take advantage of the educational, professional and economic opportunities created by an integrated Europe.
Through this competition, supported by the European Commission, we invite students
to highlight the advantages of learning and speaking foreign languages and to illustrate the enriching experience of intercultural exchanges.
Who can apply?
Applications will be accepted from students at ELIA and CILECT member institutions in the 27 European Union Member States and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey. An international jury will evaluate and select a maximum of 15 proposals.
Timeline 2012
> 1 March Deadline applications
> 2 April Announcement of the 15 selected projects on
> 7 September Delivery of the video
> 20 - 27 October PRIX EUROPA Festival in Berlin
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
no fishing,

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