Competition organizers call the contestants to submit original film ideas employing elements of science fiction. The winners of the competition will receive the opportunity to create the short films in s3D (stereoscopic format) in Riga. According to the regulations, two of the winning filmmakers will represent Riga, two will represent Umeå and two or more films will be created by the filmmakers from other parts of Europe.
The winning filmmakers from Latvia will receive the funds to create the films, whereas the international winners will receive co-funding for the shoot in Riga. The films will be distributed in a package as a feature production.
Competition Guidelines
The short film series title and idea is based on a popular Latvian tale named “Is Riga complete yet?” According to the legend, every hundred years an old man emerges from the River Daugava and puts a question to the first passer-by, “Is Riga complete yet?” If ever the passer-by said, “Yes,” the city of Riga would go down to the bottom of the river, so one must always answer, “No.” The legend hints to the end of the city once it is complete and “ready”; thus, Latvian ancestors used the predicament as a code for perpetual growth and love for change.
A whole range of scientific discoveries are currently being carried out in Riga: technology, power industry, astronomy, physics, chemistry, medicine, anthropology, etc. Transhumanists, quantum physicists and other innovative thinkers are pondering on the extraordinary scenarios mankind is about to explore. We are calling for screenwriters and directors from Riga, Umeå and other European cities to submit film ideas – what would happen if such futuristic visions were brought to life.
Short film scripts should focus on such questions as: why do people feel the urge to create? What are the things lacked by modern society? What makes us enjoy transformation? What are the benefits and challenges of the technical progress? What kind of ethical issues do the creators have to face? Does the man have the rights to change the laws of nature and, if so, to what extent? Can the man re-invent himself?
We encourage the filmmakers to submit stories employing the elements of science fiction (emphasis on the narrative, not the use of visual effects).
The films will be shot in s3D (stereoscopic technique). Each film will be 12 to 13 minutes long.
Projects must be submitted by production companies.
Each entry must include:
- Application form.
- Treatment, 2 pages.
- Director’s note about the film idea, structure, visual solution. Motivation of the use of s3D technique.
- Information on the co-producer – production company (filmography, technical equipment).
- Information on the potential co-funding (and/or technical equipment) for the production process.
- Director's bio.
- One or several examples of the director’s previous works (stored online and password-protected).
The applications must be submitted via email: Entry deadline: November 20, 2012. All materials must be in English.
Competition organizers and the selection committee guarantee the confidentiality of the submitted ideas.
Selection Process
Submitted projects will be reviewed by a professional selection committee formed in collaboration with Riga – European Capital of Culture 2014 and Umeå City Council (Sweden). The main eligibility criteria will be the story originality and its compatibility with the competition guidelines; director’s previous experience in filmmaking and s3D projects; the capacity of the production company. Shortlisted contestants will be interviewed in a personal meeting or via skype.
Results of the selection process will be announced on December 20, 2012.
The winning production companies will sign an agreement with Film Studio URGA concerning the production details. The agreements must be signed before January 20, 2013. The films must be completed before May, 20, 2014.
As from January 15, 2013, filmmakers with a help from a professional tutor will develop their ideas into a short film script. The tutor will collaborate with Film Studio URGA to ensure the compatibility of the scripts with the project guidelines. The first draft must be submitted before February 25, 2013. Final deadline for the completed scripts is June 1, 2013. Film production will start on June 1, 2013 and must be completed before December 1, 2013.
The main producer of the project and supervisor of the film production is Film Studio URGA in collaboration with the co-producers.
In 2014 the films will be presented in Latvia and Europe. The premiere is a scheduled event in Riga – European Capital of Culture 2014 program “Thirst for the Ocean”.
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