Kultuuriministeerium ootab riigi kultuuristipendiumide taotlusi. Avalduste esitamise tähtaeg on 19. aprill 2013.
Stipendiumid on mõeldud õppetoetusena õpinguteks välismaa kõrgkoolides või teadusasutustes oluliste kultuuriprojektide ja loominguliste tellimuste toetamiseks.
Stipendiumi võib määrata füüsilisele isikule, juriidilisele isikule või asutusele.
Taotlusi stipendiumide määramiseks võivad esitada loomeliidud, kohalikud omavalitsused ning teised juriidilised isikud ja asutused, kelle põhikirjas või põhimääruses on sätestatud kultuuri- ja haridusalane tegevus. Füüsilised isikud iseennast stipendiumile esitada ei saa.
Kultuuriminister võib aastas välja anda kokku 20 stipendiumit à 2300 eurot.
Vabas vormis avaldused saata digitaalselt allkirjatatult e-posti aadressile preemiakul.ee või paberkandjal Kultuuriministeeriumisse aadressil Suur-Karja 23, 15076 Tallinn.
Lisainfo telefonil 6 282 220 või e-posti aadressil preemiakul.ee.
Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
kolmapäev, 27. märts 2013
Kultuuristipendiumide taotlemine
neljapäev, 21. märts 2013
iChange video competition
In partnership with TVN Media Group, C4C has just launched iChange: a new global competition for the best 30 second video ad about climate change.
The iChange competition challenges students from all over the world to create a powerful message about climate change and potential solutions through an original 30-second video ad. The video can tell a story to
raise awareness about climate change, encourage action, and/or propose potential solutions.
The competition is open to individuals and teams (of up to 5 persons, ages 18-35) currently enrolled in a university program. Winners will be awarded in Milan at the International GrandPrix Advertising Strategies
event in late May, 2013. The winning ad will be shown at film festivals in Cannes, New York, and Beijing. The 5 finalists will each receive a 2,000 Euros scholarship and will be invited to travel to Milan to attend
the GrandPrix. The final winner will receive an additional scholarship from TVN Media Group of 3,000 Euros (for a total of 5,000 Euros), and the winning ad will become an official C4C video. The deadline for
submissions is May 1, 2013 11.59pm EST.
If you believe the iChange competition would be of interest to your students, we would be thrilled if you encouraged them to participate in this effort to amplify youth voices on climate change.
The iChange competition challenges students from all over the world to create a powerful message about climate change and potential solutions through an original 30-second video ad. The video can tell a story to
raise awareness about climate change, encourage action, and/or propose potential solutions.
The competition is open to individuals and teams (of up to 5 persons, ages 18-35) currently enrolled in a university program. Winners will be awarded in Milan at the International GrandPrix Advertising Strategies
event in late May, 2013. The winning ad will be shown at film festivals in Cannes, New York, and Beijing. The 5 finalists will each receive a 2,000 Euros scholarship and will be invited to travel to Milan to attend
the GrandPrix. The final winner will receive an additional scholarship from TVN Media Group of 3,000 Euros (for a total of 5,000 Euros), and the winning ad will become an official C4C video. The deadline for
submissions is May 1, 2013 11.59pm EST.
If you believe the iChange competition would be of interest to your students, we would be thrilled if you encouraged them to participate in this effort to amplify youth voices on climate change.
Urmas Reisberg
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teisipäev, 19. märts 2013
Prague 10th International Film Festival of First Features and Student Films
The 10th International Film Festival of First Features and Student Films will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2013 in
Prague, Czech Republic.
The festival competition is open to student feature, documentary, animated forms and new media in the maximum length of 45 minutes, the minimum length of first feature film is 60 minutes.
The festival competition is open to student feature, documentary, animated forms and new media in the maximum length of 45 minutes, the minimum length of first feature film is 60 minutes.
Only films produced after January 1, 2012 can be included in competition sections.
The films must be registered through the festival entry form at:
The entries can be submitted for evaluation through an internet link to vimeo.com, youtube.com, dailymotion.com etc. including a password or on a DVD sent by post to our address.
The deadline for submission is April 30, 2013.
Please spread this information around your colleagues and students.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With best regards,
Michal Hogenauer
Programme Coordinator
Fresh Film Fest
Palac Akropolis
Kubelikova 27
130 00 Prague 3
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 296 330 940
Mobile: +420 728 124 302
Urmas Reisberg
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teisipäev, 12. märts 2013
Tudengifilmi võtted Tartus
Juba sellel pühapäeval 17.03. filmime me Tartu Ülikooli
ringauditooriumis, aadressil Vanemuise 46, uue lühifilmi "Peaosa" kahte
stseeni kuhu me vajame inimesi kes oleks nõus loengusaalis istuma.
Ootame kõiki vabatahtlike 17. märts kell 9:30 hommikul ja filmimine
lõppeb kell 16:00. Kõiki inimesi pole terveks selleks ajaks vaja ja
kellel vaja varem ära minna võib osaleda vaid ühes stseenis.
Tegemist on Balti Filmi- ja Meediakooli kolmanda kursuse lõpufilmiga
mille reźissööriks on Doris Tääker. Film jõuab kindlasti ka kinno ning
ETV2 ekraanile. Ka on kõigil osalistel võimalik hiljem tellida endale
DVD kogumik kus peal on kõik meie kursuse filmid mille seas ka "Peaosa".
Palume kõigil huvilistel registreerida ennast võttele aadressil: teemefilmi@gmail.com
Selga palume panna midagi halli ülemiseks osaks ja kaasa võtta ka üks värviline pluus/kampsun või jakk.
Urmas Reisberg
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reede, 8. märts 2013
Multimeedia konkurss “Sisserändajad Euroopas”
Euroopa Komisjon kuulutas kunsti-, graafika- ja
kommunikatsioonierialasid õpetavatele koolidele välja üleeuroopalise multimeedia võistluse teemal „Sisserändajad Euroopas”.
Konkursile oodatakse töid Euroopa Liidu ja Horvaatia kunsti-, ajakirjandus-, audiovisuaalvaldkonna ja kommunikatsioonierialade õpilastelt vanuses üle 18 eluaasta. Konkursil saab osaleda kolmes eri
kategoorias: plakat, foto ja video.
Töö teemaks on mujalt maailmast pärit sisserändajate roll Euroopa riikide ühiskonnas. Konkursile registreerimise tähtaeg on 30. aprill, töid oodatakse hiljemalt 21.juuniks 2013.
Rohkem teavet leiab kodulehelt: http://www.migrantsineurope.eu
Iga kool, kelle esindajad võidavad esikoha ühes kolmest kategooriast või avalikul hääletusel, saab auhinnaks 10 000 eurot. Üleeuroopalisse finaali pääsenud 30 töö autorid koos kooli esindajaga kutsutakse autasustamisetseremooniale Brüsselisse.
Sirly Raavel
Võistluse riiklik koordinaator
Telefon: 64 61 423
Email: estonia@migrantsineurope.eu
Konkursile oodatakse töid Euroopa Liidu ja Horvaatia kunsti-, ajakirjandus-, audiovisuaalvaldkonna ja kommunikatsioonierialade õpilastelt vanuses üle 18 eluaasta. Konkursil saab osaleda kolmes eri
kategoorias: plakat, foto ja video.
Töö teemaks on mujalt maailmast pärit sisserändajate roll Euroopa riikide ühiskonnas. Konkursile registreerimise tähtaeg on 30. aprill, töid oodatakse hiljemalt 21.juuniks 2013.
Rohkem teavet leiab kodulehelt: http://www.migrantsineurope.eu
Iga kool, kelle esindajad võidavad esikoha ühes kolmest kategooriast või avalikul hääletusel, saab auhinnaks 10 000 eurot. Üleeuroopalisse finaali pääsenud 30 töö autorid koos kooli esindajaga kutsutakse autasustamisetseremooniale Brüsselisse.
Sirly Raavel
Võistluse riiklik koordinaator
Telefon: 64 61 423
Email: estonia@migrantsineurope.eu
The multimedia Competition "Migrants in Europe"
aims to give young artists and communicators an opportunity to reflect
on the contribution of migrants to the European society today. The
Competition should also serve as a first step towards more debate,
information and opinion exchange.
The Competition is aimed at students who are over 18 years old and enrolled in art, graphic and communication schools in all EU countries and Croatia. The schools are to present the works in three categories – Poster, Photography and Video. Each school can present one or several works in one or several categories. The works will be judged at the national level and the best works will be forwarded to a European jury that will decide on European winners.
A public internet vote will also take place on this website. The authors of the 30 European finalist works will travel to Brussels to attend a prize-giving ceremony with expected participation by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs. The schools whose students win first prizes in the three categories and the first prize in the public vote will receive an award of €10,000 each.
The Competition is aimed at students who are over 18 years old and enrolled in art, graphic and communication schools in all EU countries and Croatia. The schools are to present the works in three categories – Poster, Photography and Video. Each school can present one or several works in one or several categories. The works will be judged at the national level and the best works will be forwarded to a European jury that will decide on European winners.
A public internet vote will also take place on this website. The authors of the 30 European finalist works will travel to Brussels to attend a prize-giving ceremony with expected participation by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs. The schools whose students win first prizes in the three categories and the first prize in the public vote will receive an award of €10,000 each.
Urmas Reisberg
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kolmapäev, 6. märts 2013
Short Film Festival Berlin 2013
Enter your films to our Berlin festival(s)!
Please submit your films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes at www.shortsfilmdepot.com . It´s free of charge!
Submit films for either one of the following festivals:
interfilm 29th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2013
12 - 17 November 2013
Entry deadline: June 21 2013
The coming interfilm festival will present more than 500 films during six festival days in seven competitions and numerous special programmes. International juries will confer ‘interfilm Short
Awards’ valued at a total of EUR 30.000 (US $ 40,000).
International Competition / Documentary Competition / Confrontations Competition – films with a conscience / German Competition / Eject – The Long Night of Odd Films / Viral Video Award / Green Screen Award – Environmental Shorts
Special Programmes:
Focus on Australia, New Zealand & Bulgaria / Mockumentaries / Experimental Films / Animation / Metropolis Tokyo / Shocking Films / Music Films and Videos / Berlin Films / Bike Shorts and more
KUKI 6th International Short Film Festival for Children and Youth Berlin 2013
10 - 17 November 2013
Entry deadline: May 24 2013
The coming KUKI festival will present approximately 100 films during eight festival days in various competition categories and special programmes. Short films selected for competition will compete for a total cash prize pool of €3000. Children and youth juries will confer ‘KUKI Awards’ in the following categories:
• International Films for Children
• International Films for Youth
Special Programmes
• Documentaries for Children and Youth
• Environmental Film Programme
• English, French & Spanish Foreign Language Programmes
• Workshops
Deutsche Version
Die Einreichungs-Jahreszeit hat begonnen:
Jetzt Kurzfilme schicken!
Für Einreichungen von Filmen bis zu 20 Minuten Länge bitte kostenfrei das Filmeinreich-Portal www.shortsfilmdepot.com nutzen!
Jetzt Filme einreichen für eins der beiden Festivals:
interfilm 29. Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Berlin 2013
12 .- 17. Nov. 2013
Einsendeschluss ist der 21. Juni 2013
Das Festival 2013 wird in 6 Festivaltagen rund 500 Kurzfilme in 7 Wettbewerben und zahlreichen Spiezialprogrammen und Events zur Aufführung bringen. Internationale Juries vergeben ‘interfilm Short Awards’ im Gesamtwert von rund 30.000 Euros.
Internationaler Wettbewerb / Konfrontationen / Dokumentarfilmwettbewerb / Deutscher Wettbewerb / Green Screen Wettbewerb / eject - die lange Nacht des abwegigen Films / Viral Video Award
Fokus Australien, Neuseeland und Bulgarien / Mockumentaries / Experimentalfilme / Animationen / Metropole Tokyo / Shocking Films / Musik Filme and Videos / Berlin Filme / Bike Shorts und vieles mehr
KUKI 6. Internationales Kinder und Jugend Kurzfilmfestival Berlin 2013
10 .- 17. Nov. 2013
Einsendeschluss ist der 24. Mai 2013
Das kommende KUKI Festival präsentiert während der acht Festivaltage rund 100 internationale Kurzfilme in Wettbewerben und Spezialprogrammen. Es werden Preise im Wert von 3.000,– €
vergeben. Kinder- und Jugendjurys verleihen „KUKI Awards“ in den Kategorien:
• Internationale Filme für Kinder
• Internationale Filme für Jugendliche
• Dokumentarfilme für Kinder und Jugendliche
• Umweltfilmprogramm
• Englisch-, französisch- und spanischsprachige Programme
• Workshops
Please submit your films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes at www.shortsfilmdepot.com . It´s free of charge!
Submit films for either one of the following festivals:
interfilm 29th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2013
12 - 17 November 2013
Entry deadline: June 21 2013
The coming interfilm festival will present more than 500 films during six festival days in seven competitions and numerous special programmes. International juries will confer ‘interfilm Short
Awards’ valued at a total of EUR 30.000 (US $ 40,000).
International Competition / Documentary Competition / Confrontations Competition – films with a conscience / German Competition / Eject – The Long Night of Odd Films / Viral Video Award / Green Screen Award – Environmental Shorts
Special Programmes:
Focus on Australia, New Zealand & Bulgaria / Mockumentaries / Experimental Films / Animation / Metropolis Tokyo / Shocking Films / Music Films and Videos / Berlin Films / Bike Shorts and more
KUKI 6th International Short Film Festival for Children and Youth Berlin 2013
10 - 17 November 2013
Entry deadline: May 24 2013
The coming KUKI festival will present approximately 100 films during eight festival days in various competition categories and special programmes. Short films selected for competition will compete for a total cash prize pool of €3000. Children and youth juries will confer ‘KUKI Awards’ in the following categories:
• International Films for Children
• International Films for Youth
Special Programmes
• Documentaries for Children and Youth
• Environmental Film Programme
• English, French & Spanish Foreign Language Programmes
• Workshops
Deutsche Version
Die Einreichungs-Jahreszeit hat begonnen:
Jetzt Kurzfilme schicken!
Für Einreichungen von Filmen bis zu 20 Minuten Länge bitte kostenfrei das Filmeinreich-Portal www.shortsfilmdepot.com nutzen!
Jetzt Filme einreichen für eins der beiden Festivals:
interfilm 29. Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Berlin 2013
12 .- 17. Nov. 2013
Einsendeschluss ist der 21. Juni 2013
Das Festival 2013 wird in 6 Festivaltagen rund 500 Kurzfilme in 7 Wettbewerben und zahlreichen Spiezialprogrammen und Events zur Aufführung bringen. Internationale Juries vergeben ‘interfilm Short Awards’ im Gesamtwert von rund 30.000 Euros.
Internationaler Wettbewerb / Konfrontationen / Dokumentarfilmwettbewerb / Deutscher Wettbewerb / Green Screen Wettbewerb / eject - die lange Nacht des abwegigen Films / Viral Video Award
Fokus Australien, Neuseeland und Bulgarien / Mockumentaries / Experimentalfilme / Animationen / Metropole Tokyo / Shocking Films / Musik Filme and Videos / Berlin Filme / Bike Shorts und vieles mehr
KUKI 6. Internationales Kinder und Jugend Kurzfilmfestival Berlin 2013
10 .- 17. Nov. 2013
Einsendeschluss ist der 24. Mai 2013
Das kommende KUKI Festival präsentiert während der acht Festivaltage rund 100 internationale Kurzfilme in Wettbewerben und Spezialprogrammen. Es werden Preise im Wert von 3.000,– €
vergeben. Kinder- und Jugendjurys verleihen „KUKI Awards“ in den Kategorien:
• Internationale Filme für Kinder
• Internationale Filme für Jugendliche
• Dokumentarfilme für Kinder und Jugendliche
• Umweltfilmprogramm
• Englisch-, französisch- und spanischsprachige Programme
• Workshops
Urmas Reisberg
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