Konkursile oodatakse töid Euroopa Liidu ja Horvaatia kunsti-, ajakirjandus-, audiovisuaalvaldkonna ja kommunikatsioonierialade õpilastelt vanuses üle 18 eluaasta. Konkursil saab osaleda kolmes eri
kategoorias: plakat, foto ja video.
Töö teemaks on mujalt maailmast pärit sisserändajate roll Euroopa riikide ühiskonnas. Konkursile registreerimise tähtaeg on 30. aprill, töid oodatakse hiljemalt 21.juuniks 2013.
Rohkem teavet leiab kodulehelt: http://www.migrantsineurope.eu
Iga kool, kelle esindajad võidavad esikoha ühes kolmest kategooriast või avalikul hääletusel, saab auhinnaks 10 000 eurot. Üleeuroopalisse finaali pääsenud 30 töö autorid koos kooli esindajaga kutsutakse autasustamisetseremooniale Brüsselisse.
Sirly Raavel
Võistluse riiklik koordinaator
Telefon: 64 61 423
Email: estonia@migrantsineurope.eu
The multimedia Competition "Migrants in Europe"
aims to give young artists and communicators an opportunity to reflect
on the contribution of migrants to the European society today. The
Competition should also serve as a first step towards more debate,
information and opinion exchange.
The Competition is aimed at students who are over 18 years old and enrolled in art, graphic and communication schools in all EU countries and Croatia. The schools are to present the works in three categories – Poster, Photography and Video. Each school can present one or several works in one or several categories. The works will be judged at the national level and the best works will be forwarded to a European jury that will decide on European winners.
A public internet vote will also take place on this website. The authors of the 30 European finalist works will travel to Brussels to attend a prize-giving ceremony with expected participation by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs. The schools whose students win first prizes in the three categories and the first prize in the public vote will receive an award of €10,000 each.
The Competition is aimed at students who are over 18 years old and enrolled in art, graphic and communication schools in all EU countries and Croatia. The schools are to present the works in three categories – Poster, Photography and Video. Each school can present one or several works in one or several categories. The works will be judged at the national level and the best works will be forwarded to a European jury that will decide on European winners.
A public internet vote will also take place on this website. The authors of the 30 European finalist works will travel to Brussels to attend a prize-giving ceremony with expected participation by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs. The schools whose students win first prizes in the three categories and the first prize in the public vote will receive an award of €10,000 each.
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