Saada oma sketš meile ja parimatest paladest paneme kokku vana-aasta õhtu saate! Tähtaeg: 15. detsember!
• Video link peab olema meile saadetud hiljemalt 15. detsembril kell 12. Aga mida varem saad seda teha, seda parem.
• Ühe sketši pikkus võib olla maksimaalselt 4 minutit. Soovituslik pikkus 2-3 minutit.
• Juba varem avalikult veebis rippuvaid või televisioonis näidatud sketše ära esita, materjal peab olema uus.
• Tehniline kvaliteet pole määrav. Olulised on idee ja esitus!
• Kasuta klipis ainult originaalmaterjali, mille õigused kuuluvad sulle (ei tohi võtta fragmente teistest filmidest ja klippidest, mis on autoriõigusega kaitstud)
• Autoriõigusega kaitstud muusikat võib kasutada. Kui sinu video välja valitakse, siis palun esita meile nende lugude täpsed nimed.
• Kui sa oled alla 18-aastane, siis palun las täidab ankeedi ära lapsevanem, sest Eesti seaduste järgi oled sa kõigest laps ja laste õigused on piiratud.
Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
esmaspäev, 17. november 2014
Tujurikkuja sketši konkurss
reede, 31. oktoober 2014
Filmi töötuba Pärnus 8.-9. ja 15.-16. novembril
Meil on ääretult hea meel pakkuda noortele filmihuvilistele Pärnust ja Pärnumaalt põnevat töötuba, mille jooksul valmib lühifilm.
Selle jaoks ei ole muud vaja, kui ideed või liituda mõne ideega, tegemisindu ja filmihuvi.
Filmitöötoa läbiviija on ungari filmirežissöör Edina Csüllög, kes on õppinud Balti Filmi- ja Meediakoolis, on juhatuse liige MTÜ Nisi Masa Estonia-s, teinud mitmeid lühifilme ning saanud tunnustust ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Filmitöötuba toimub gruppides ehk iga grupi peale on vajalik tehnika ja arvuti.
Aeg: 8.-9. ja 15.-16. november
Kus: Pärnu Keskraamatukogu ja mujal Pärnus
Vanus: 14-18, grupp kuni 12 inimest
Maksumus: 10 eurot (katab töötoaga kaasnevad lisakulud)
Orienteeruv ajakava:
Esimene päev 8. november: tutvumine, sissejuhatus, stsenaariumikirjutamine
Teine päev 9. november: shotlist, režiistsenaarium, võtteplaani koostamine
Vahepeal: Suhtleme noortega emaili teel ja hoiame silma peal, kuidas ettevalmistused sujuvad.
Kolmas päev . 15 november: võttepäev
Neljas päev 16. november: montaaž, kokkuvõtted
- Grupitöö tulemusena tekivad filmid
- Oskused stsenaariumikirjutamises, planeerimises, filmimises ja montaažis
Tähtaeg: 1. november
Merli Antsmaa,
Filmitöötoale paneb õla alla: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Pärnu Keskraamatukogu.
Selle jaoks ei ole muud vaja, kui ideed või liituda mõne ideega, tegemisindu ja filmihuvi.
Filmitöötoa läbiviija on ungari filmirežissöör Edina Csüllög, kes on õppinud Balti Filmi- ja Meediakoolis, on juhatuse liige MTÜ Nisi Masa Estonia-s, teinud mitmeid lühifilme ning saanud tunnustust ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Filmitöötuba toimub gruppides ehk iga grupi peale on vajalik tehnika ja arvuti.
Aeg: 8.-9. ja 15.-16. november
Kus: Pärnu Keskraamatukogu ja mujal Pärnus
Vanus: 14-18, grupp kuni 12 inimest
Maksumus: 10 eurot (katab töötoaga kaasnevad lisakulud)
Orienteeruv ajakava:
Esimene päev 8. november: tutvumine, sissejuhatus, stsenaariumikirjutamine
Teine päev 9. november: shotlist, režiistsenaarium, võtteplaani koostamine
Vahepeal: Suhtleme noortega emaili teel ja hoiame silma peal, kuidas ettevalmistused sujuvad.
Kolmas päev . 15 november: võttepäev
Neljas päev 16. november: montaaž, kokkuvõtted
- Grupitöö tulemusena tekivad filmid
- Oskused stsenaariumikirjutamises, planeerimises, filmimises ja montaažis
Tähtaeg: 1. november
Merli Antsmaa,
Filmitöötoale paneb õla alla: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Pärnu Keskraamatukogu.
teisipäev, 7. oktoober 2014
Tõrva Dokfest - ühest vaatenurgast saab mitu!
17-19 oktoober 2014 toimub Tõrvas kinomajas “Koit” Tõrva Dokfest. Kagu-Eesti esimese dokumentaalfilmi festivali eesmärk on panna inimesi filmide kaudu kaasa rääkima ja mõtlema ning otsida koos vastust: miks teha dokumentaalfilmi?
Dokfesti missiooniks on tõsta teadlikkust dokumentaalfilmidest, suurendada arutelu ühiskondlikel teemadel ning inspireerida inimesi huvitatavate indiviidide kaudu.
Meie visoon on luua Tõrva linna jätkusuutlik filmifestival, mis loob lisaväärtust tervele linnale ja Eestile.
Kas sind huvitab maailm sinu ümber? Siis ootame just sind Dokfestile! Meil leidub midagi igale vanusegrupile.
Festivali moto: “Inimesed läbi prisma - ühest vaatenurgast saab mitu”.
Dokfesti korraldajaks on MTÜ Rabarebased, mille kõik liikmed on aktiivsed rebased Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemiast. Hetkel on kõik omandamas kultuurikorralduse eriala.
Festival toimub Tõrva kinomajas "Koit", mis on üks kolmest ainulaadsest kinomajast Eestis. Stalinistlikku arhitektuurijoont jälgiv hoone avati 1953. aastal. Filme näidati kinos kuni 2004. aastani, mil linnalt hoone soetanud erafirma otsustas filmide näitamise lõpetada. Kuni selle aastani oli kinomaja suletud olnud. Suvel avati maja uksed taaskord külastajatele, maja renoveeritakse pidevalt. Võib öelda, et tegemist on ühe tähtsama säilinud kultuuriehitisega Eestis. Hetkel on Tõrvas asuv kino kolmest kinomajast ainus, mis siiani töötab.
Meie festival toimub koostöös Tõrva linnaga, MTÜ Mondo ja TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemiaga.
MTÜ Mondo on pühendunud arengukoostööle, maailmaharidusele ja humanitaarabile. Nende alaprogrammiks on Vaata ja Muuda dokfilmi klubid, kuhu on koondunud sotsiaalselt aktiivsed noored, kes tahavad läbi dokumenataalfilmide näidata maailmale maailma. Kus juures tegemist on rahvusvahelise noorteliikumisega, mis proovib läbi huvitavate dokfilmide luua õiglasemat, keskkonnasõbralikumat ja teadlikumat maailma. Sellest ideest ja kooskäimisest sündis ka dokfestivali idee.
Südikust, muusikat, üllatust, naeru, ilu, ahastust - seda kõike ja paljugi muud toob teieni Tõrva Dokfest 2014.
Dokfesti missiooniks on tõsta teadlikkust dokumentaalfilmidest, suurendada arutelu ühiskondlikel teemadel ning inspireerida inimesi huvitatavate indiviidide kaudu.
Meie visoon on luua Tõrva linna jätkusuutlik filmifestival, mis loob lisaväärtust tervele linnale ja Eestile.
Kas sind huvitab maailm sinu ümber? Siis ootame just sind Dokfestile! Meil leidub midagi igale vanusegrupile.
Festivali moto: “Inimesed läbi prisma - ühest vaatenurgast saab mitu”.
Dokfesti korraldajaks on MTÜ Rabarebased, mille kõik liikmed on aktiivsed rebased Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemiast. Hetkel on kõik omandamas kultuurikorralduse eriala.
Festival toimub Tõrva kinomajas "Koit", mis on üks kolmest ainulaadsest kinomajast Eestis. Stalinistlikku arhitektuurijoont jälgiv hoone avati 1953. aastal. Filme näidati kinos kuni 2004. aastani, mil linnalt hoone soetanud erafirma otsustas filmide näitamise lõpetada. Kuni selle aastani oli kinomaja suletud olnud. Suvel avati maja uksed taaskord külastajatele, maja renoveeritakse pidevalt. Võib öelda, et tegemist on ühe tähtsama säilinud kultuuriehitisega Eestis. Hetkel on Tõrvas asuv kino kolmest kinomajast ainus, mis siiani töötab.
Meie festival toimub koostöös Tõrva linnaga, MTÜ Mondo ja TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemiaga.
MTÜ Mondo on pühendunud arengukoostööle, maailmaharidusele ja humanitaarabile. Nende alaprogrammiks on Vaata ja Muuda dokfilmi klubid, kuhu on koondunud sotsiaalselt aktiivsed noored, kes tahavad läbi dokumenataalfilmide näidata maailmale maailma. Kus juures tegemist on rahvusvahelise noorteliikumisega, mis proovib läbi huvitavate dokfilmide luua õiglasemat, keskkonnasõbralikumat ja teadlikumat maailma. Sellest ideest ja kooskäimisest sündis ka dokfestivali idee.
Südikust, muusikat, üllatust, naeru, ilu, ahastust - seda kõike ja paljugi muud toob teieni Tõrva Dokfest 2014.
reede, 3. oktoober 2014
Kutse "Liblikmehe" massistseenidesse
Otsime taustanäitlejaid lühimängufilmi "Liblimees".
Näitlejad peavad olema vanuses 18+.
Vőtted toimuvad Tallinnas 24-29 oktoobrini.
Huvi korral saada oma pilt ja lühikirjeldus e-mailile:
Filmi režissöör on Edina Csüllög ja stsenarist Urmas Nimetu. Film põhineb Mehis Heinsaare samanimelisel lühilool.
Filmi kohta saab pikemalt lugeda siit:
Näitlejad peavad olema vanuses 18+.
Vőtted toimuvad Tallinnas 24-29 oktoobrini.
Huvi korral saada oma pilt ja lühikirjeldus e-mailile:
Filmi režissöör on Edina Csüllög ja stsenarist Urmas Nimetu. Film põhineb Mehis Heinsaare samanimelisel lühilool.
Filmi kohta saab pikemalt lugeda siit:
pühapäev, 28. september 2014
Tartu Tudengifilm 2014
"Teele-teele, kurekesed," utsitavad kurjad ilmad vaikselt kurgi Egiptimaale lendama! Meie kutsume teid aga teele-teele saatma oma loomingulised katsetused.
Põhjust on enam kui palju: Tudengifilmi ja Tudengibändi auhinnafond on sel korral kokku 3000€. Selline auhind lennutab vabalt koos kurgedega lõunamaa päikese alla. Sellest uhkemgi veel on aga väärikas tiitel ja lõpmatu au-tunnustus.
Asu tegudele ja pea meeles:
Tudengifilm võtab vastu üliõpilaste lühifilme kuni 2. oktoobrini. Hindamine kahes kategoorias, mõlema peaauhind kokku 2000€ Swedbankilt.
Täpsem info:
Parimate esilinastus Tudengifilmil, 16. oktoobril Tartu Elektriteatris.
Lennukaid mõtteid ja mitte-kurjasid ilmasid!
Tartu Sügispäevad
Põhjust on enam kui palju: Tudengifilmi ja Tudengibändi auhinnafond on sel korral kokku 3000€. Selline auhind lennutab vabalt koos kurgedega lõunamaa päikese alla. Sellest uhkemgi veel on aga väärikas tiitel ja lõpmatu au-tunnustus.
Asu tegudele ja pea meeles:
Tudengifilm võtab vastu üliõpilaste lühifilme kuni 2. oktoobrini. Hindamine kahes kategoorias, mõlema peaauhind kokku 2000€ Swedbankilt.
Täpsem info:
Parimate esilinastus Tudengifilmil, 16. oktoobril Tartu Elektriteatris.
Lennukaid mõtteid ja mitte-kurjasid ilmasid!
Tartu Sügispäevad
laupäev, 13. september 2014
"No Fishing" Hiinas
"No Fishing" linastub Hiinas Ningbos, esmakordselt toimuval festivalil ShortVisions (22-29 septembrini).
"No Fishing" valiti festivali söögiteemalisse alaprogrammi "Snack Attack - Shorts about Food".
Festivali koduleht:
"No Fishing" valiti festivali söögiteemalisse alaprogrammi "Snack Attack - Shorts about Food".
Festivali koduleht:
reede, 12. september 2014
Robotexi videokonkurss
Teema: "Maailm läbi roboti silmade"
Nõuded videole: pikkus 30 sekundit kuni 3 minutit
Tähtaeg: 01. november 2014
Tööd saata:
Täpsemad reeglid leiad:
Kujutlege, milline võiks olla meie maailm nähtuna läbi roboti silmade.
Kas värviline, must-valge, kirju või üksluine, mille või kelle järgi teeb robot oma otsuseid, keda usaldab, keda mitte?
Laske fantaasial lennata!
Auhindadega saavad pärjatud 3 esimest kohta.
Vaata ka teisi Robotexi loovaid konkursse:
Robotex on Baltikumi suurim robotivõistlus, mis toimub Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli koordineerimisel koostöös Tartu Ülikooliga.
Robotex 2014 leiab aset 29. ja 30. novembril TTÜ Spordihoones, Männiliiva tänav 7.
Robotex 2014 raames toimuvad robotitevahelised jalgpallimatšid, folkrace võistlused ja paljud muud erakordsed robotite heitlused.
Lisaks toimub suur Tehnoloogianäitus, töötoad ja loovad konkursid.
Üritus on kõigile TASUTA.
Robotex'i missioon on pakkuda kvaliteetseimat tehnoloogiaalast kogupereüritust Eestis.
Soovime äratada noortes huvi tehnikaerialade ja teaduse vastu ning olla number üks teerajaja insenerierialadele õppima asumisel.
TTÜ Spordihoones aset leidvast projektist peaks eelduste kohaselt osa võtma üle 600 robotiehitaja ning üle 12 000 pealtvaataja.
Robotex 2014 kuldsponsorid on ABB, ICD Industries ja Technobalt Group.
Robotex 2014 suursponsorid on iRobot, Duroc Machine Tool, Stoneridge Electronics, Tehnikarent ja Interflux Eesti.
Robotex 2014
Triin Lehtmets
Loovate konkursside ja töötubade koordinaator
+372 53 400 650
Nõuded videole: pikkus 30 sekundit kuni 3 minutit
Tähtaeg: 01. november 2014
Tööd saata:
Täpsemad reeglid leiad:
Kujutlege, milline võiks olla meie maailm nähtuna läbi roboti silmade.
Kas värviline, must-valge, kirju või üksluine, mille või kelle järgi teeb robot oma otsuseid, keda usaldab, keda mitte?
Laske fantaasial lennata!
Auhindadega saavad pärjatud 3 esimest kohta.
Vaata ka teisi Robotexi loovaid konkursse:
Robotex on Baltikumi suurim robotivõistlus, mis toimub Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli koordineerimisel koostöös Tartu Ülikooliga.
Robotex 2014 leiab aset 29. ja 30. novembril TTÜ Spordihoones, Männiliiva tänav 7.
Robotex 2014 raames toimuvad robotitevahelised jalgpallimatšid, folkrace võistlused ja paljud muud erakordsed robotite heitlused.
Lisaks toimub suur Tehnoloogianäitus, töötoad ja loovad konkursid.
Üritus on kõigile TASUTA.
Robotex'i missioon on pakkuda kvaliteetseimat tehnoloogiaalast kogupereüritust Eestis.
Soovime äratada noortes huvi tehnikaerialade ja teaduse vastu ning olla number üks teerajaja insenerierialadele õppima asumisel.
TTÜ Spordihoones aset leidvast projektist peaks eelduste kohaselt osa võtma üle 600 robotiehitaja ning üle 12 000 pealtvaataja.
Robotex 2014 kuldsponsorid on ABB, ICD Industries ja Technobalt Group.
Robotex 2014 suursponsorid on iRobot, Duroc Machine Tool, Stoneridge Electronics, Tehnikarent ja Interflux Eesti.
Robotex 2014
Triin Lehtmets
Loovate konkursside ja töötubade koordinaator
+372 53 400 650
reede, 5. september 2014
Fotokonkurss "Aastaring Tallinnas"
Tallinna Kommunaalamet korraldab etapiviisilise fotokonkursi „Aastaring Tallinnas“.
7. aprillist 2014 kuni 31. jaanuarini 2015
Fotokonkursi „Aastaring Tallinnas“ eesmärgiks on leida uusi ja huvitavaid fotosid Tallinna linnast. Samuti jäädvustada fotodele linnas toimunud erinevaid sündmusi, inimeste tegevusi ja linnapildis toimunud muutusi aastaaegade vaheldumisel konkursi erinevate etappide perioodil.
Konkursile saab võistlustöid esitada etappide kaupa:
•võistlustööde esitamise I etapp 7. aprill – 15. juuni. Avalik hääletamine 16. juuni – 25.juuni;
•võistlustööde esitamise II etapp 26. juuni – 15.september. Avalik hääletamine 16. september – 23.september;
•võistlustööde esitamise III etapp 24. september – 7. detsember. Avalik hääletamine 8. detsember – 15. detsember;
•võistlustööde esitamise IV etapp 16. detsember 2014 – 23. jaanuar 2015. Avalik hääletamine 24. jaanuar – 31.jaanuar.
Konkursile esitatud töid hindab pärast kõikide etappide lõppemist kommunaalameti juhataja käskkirjaga kinnitatud kaheksaliikmeline komisjon, kes valib välja kolm auhinnaväärilist tööd ja 10 äramärkimist väärivat tööd.
Rahva lemmik selgub iga etapi lõpus toimuva avaliku hääletuse tulemusena konkursi kodulehel.
Komisjoni poolt avaldatakse konkursi tulemused konkursi kodulehel 2015. aasta veebruari kuu jooksul.
Parimatest töödest koostatakse näitus. Auhindade kätteandmise ja näituse korraldamise aeg avalikustatakse koos konkursi võitjate välja kuulutamisega.
7. aprillist 2014 kuni 31. jaanuarini 2015
Fotokonkursi „Aastaring Tallinnas“ eesmärgiks on leida uusi ja huvitavaid fotosid Tallinna linnast. Samuti jäädvustada fotodele linnas toimunud erinevaid sündmusi, inimeste tegevusi ja linnapildis toimunud muutusi aastaaegade vaheldumisel konkursi erinevate etappide perioodil.
Konkursile saab võistlustöid esitada etappide kaupa:
•võistlustööde esitamise I etapp 7. aprill – 15. juuni. Avalik hääletamine 16. juuni – 25.juuni;
•võistlustööde esitamise II etapp 26. juuni – 15.september. Avalik hääletamine 16. september – 23.september;
•võistlustööde esitamise III etapp 24. september – 7. detsember. Avalik hääletamine 8. detsember – 15. detsember;
•võistlustööde esitamise IV etapp 16. detsember 2014 – 23. jaanuar 2015. Avalik hääletamine 24. jaanuar – 31.jaanuar.
Konkursile esitatud töid hindab pärast kõikide etappide lõppemist kommunaalameti juhataja käskkirjaga kinnitatud kaheksaliikmeline komisjon, kes valib välja kolm auhinnaväärilist tööd ja 10 äramärkimist väärivat tööd.
Rahva lemmik selgub iga etapi lõpus toimuva avaliku hääletuse tulemusena konkursi kodulehel.
Komisjoni poolt avaldatakse konkursi tulemused konkursi kodulehel 2015. aasta veebruari kuu jooksul.
Parimatest töödest koostatakse näitus. Auhindade kätteandmise ja näituse korraldamise aeg avalikustatakse koos konkursi võitjate välja kuulutamisega.
Fotokonkurss "Loomaaed sinu kaameras"
Loomaaias ringi jalutades satud Sa ümbermaailmareisile. Metsikud lõvid, kirevad papagoid ja ohtlikud roomajad on kõik Sinust vaid mõne minuti teekonna kaugusel. Sellest kirevast seltskonnast koguneb Sinu kaamerasse terve lõbus loomaaed, mida võiksid jagada oma sõpradega ning parimad jäädvustused saata meie fotokonkursile.
Oskus jäädvustada loomaias elavate loomade mitmekesisust, pildistada loomi ja linde huvitavates olukordades ja märgata loomaaia külastajate emotsioone ja rõõmu, kõike seda tahame näha Sinu piltidel.
Konkursile ootame töid viies erinevas kategoorias:
- Loomad tegevuses
- Looma portree
- Grupipilt loomadest
- Loomaaia keskkond
- Loom ja Inimene
Hindame esmajoones hästi tabatud emotsiooni, huvitavalt lahendatud foto sisulist poolt, mis annab edasi loomaaia positiivset rolli looduse tundmaõppimisel ning eluslooduse mitmekesisust maailmas. Tore kui piltidele jääb ka loomaaia igapäevaelu ning külastajate emotsioone. Samas ei jää žüriil märkamata ka fotode tehniline pool.
Oskus jäädvustada loomaias elavate loomade mitmekesisust, pildistada loomi ja linde huvitavates olukordades ja märgata loomaaia külastajate emotsioone ja rõõmu, kõike seda tahame näha Sinu piltidel.
Konkursile ootame töid viies erinevas kategoorias:
- Loomad tegevuses
- Looma portree
- Grupipilt loomadest
- Loomaaia keskkond
- Loom ja Inimene
Hindame esmajoones hästi tabatud emotsiooni, huvitavalt lahendatud foto sisulist poolt, mis annab edasi loomaaia positiivset rolli looduse tundmaõppimisel ning eluslooduse mitmekesisust maailmas. Tore kui piltidele jääb ka loomaaia igapäevaelu ning külastajate emotsioone. Samas ei jää žüriil märkamata ka fotode tehniline pool.
neljapäev, 4. september 2014
Ideekonkurss "Eesti lood" 2015
Algab ideede konkurss dokumentaalfilmide sarja "Eesti lood" tootmiseks aastal 2015. Saabunud kavandite hulgast valivad Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital esimeses voorus välja 20 huvipakkuvamat ideed, teises voorus jääb lõppvalikusse 12 filmiprojekti.
"Eesti lugude" ideekavandite esitamise tähtaeg on 6. oktoober 2014. Ühel A4-suurusel lehel esitatud kavandisse peaks mahtuma idee kirjeldus ja karakterite tutvustus ning filmilooks komponeerimise viis koos põhjendusega. Ideed palume saata e-posti aadressil
Palume idee juures ära märkida režissöör ja produtsent ning filmi tootva ettevõtte nimi.
"Eesti lood" on sari väikese eelarvega pooletunnistest tõsielufilmidest, mis keskenduvad inimestele ja olulistele teemadele tänapäeva Eestis. Teleformaadis dokumentaalfilmide tootmist rahastavad ühiselt Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
"Eesti lugude" ideekavandite esitamise tähtaeg on 6. oktoober 2014. Ühel A4-suurusel lehel esitatud kavandisse peaks mahtuma idee kirjeldus ja karakterite tutvustus ning filmilooks komponeerimise viis koos põhjendusega. Ideed palume saata e-posti aadressil
Palume idee juures ära märkida režissöör ja produtsent ning filmi tootva ettevõtte nimi.
"Eesti lood" on sari väikese eelarvega pooletunnistest tõsielufilmidest, mis keskenduvad inimestele ja olulistele teemadele tänapäeva Eestis. Teleformaadis dokumentaalfilmide tootmist rahastavad ühiselt Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
kolmapäev, 3. september 2014
Casting õppefilmi
Plank Film otsib noori näitlejaid (noormeest ja neidu), kes mängiksid gümnaasiumile mõeldud õppefilmis.
Õppefilm selgitab uurimistöö läbiviimist ja annab juhiseid selle kirjutamiseks. Näitlejate ülesanne ongi mängida gümnaasiumi õpilasi, kes uurimistööd teevad.
Katsed toimuvad:
9. septembril kell 18-20
Kalevi 13 (Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus)
Vanus: 16-20
Filmimine toimub 18.-21. septembrini Tartus (õhtuti ja nädalavahetusel).
Castingul tuleb teha lühikesi improvisatsiooni-harjutusi. Ette valmistada üheminutiline enesetutvustus.
Filmi režissöörid on Urmas Reisberg ja Edina Csüllög. Õppefilm valmib ajakirja Akadeemiake ja kinokompanii Plank Film koostöös.
Registreerimiseks saada oma nimi ja vanus: .
Lisainfo: 57 401 874 (Edina)
Õppefilm selgitab uurimistöö läbiviimist ja annab juhiseid selle kirjutamiseks. Näitlejate ülesanne ongi mängida gümnaasiumi õpilasi, kes uurimistööd teevad.
Katsed toimuvad:
9. septembril kell 18-20
Kalevi 13 (Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus)
Vanus: 16-20
Filmimine toimub 18.-21. septembrini Tartus (õhtuti ja nädalavahetusel).
Castingul tuleb teha lühikesi improvisatsiooni-harjutusi. Ette valmistada üheminutiline enesetutvustus.
Filmi režissöörid on Urmas Reisberg ja Edina Csüllög. Õppefilm valmib ajakirja Akadeemiake ja kinokompanii Plank Film koostöös.
Registreerimiseks saada oma nimi ja vanus: .
Lisainfo: 57 401 874 (Edina)
kolmapäev, 27. august 2014
Baltic Pitching Forum 2014
BALTIC PITCHING FORUM is a unique platform of networking and bringing the newest short film projects from the Baltics into the spotlight.
This Forum creates a space where film directors and producers can present their short film projects in order to attract active
European producers, TV commissioners, fund representatives, VoD programmers and distributors.
The Baltic Pitching Forum consists of one-day pitching training and one-day pitching sessions of the selected projects alongside one-to-one meetings with film professionals from all over Europe.
One of the goals of the Forum is to facilitate interaction, cooperation and co-production between short filmmakers from Baltics and the rest of Europe.
Baltic Pitching Forum will be held during 9th International Short Film Festival “Vilnius Film Shorts” in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Dates of the event
10-11 October, 2014 :
10th October – training session
11th October – pitching session and one-to-one meetings
Place of the event
Arts Printing House, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Application deadline
5 September, 2014
Selection results
11 September, 2014
Lithuanian Short Film Agency LITHUANIAN SHORTS (Lithuania)
2ANNAS International Film Festival(Latvia)
International Short Film Festival SLEEPWALKERS (Estonia)
International Script Development Workshop iN_SCRiPT (Lithuania)
This Forum creates a space where film directors and producers can present their short film projects in order to attract active
European producers, TV commissioners, fund representatives, VoD programmers and distributors.
The Baltic Pitching Forum consists of one-day pitching training and one-day pitching sessions of the selected projects alongside one-to-one meetings with film professionals from all over Europe.
One of the goals of the Forum is to facilitate interaction, cooperation and co-production between short filmmakers from Baltics and the rest of Europe.
Baltic Pitching Forum will be held during 9th International Short Film Festival “Vilnius Film Shorts” in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Dates of the event
10-11 October, 2014 :
10th October – training session
11th October – pitching session and one-to-one meetings
Place of the event
Arts Printing House, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Application deadline
5 September, 2014
Selection results
11 September, 2014
Lithuanian Short Film Agency LITHUANIAN SHORTS (Lithuania)
2ANNAS International Film Festival(Latvia)
International Short Film Festival SLEEPWALKERS (Estonia)
International Script Development Workshop iN_SCRiPT (Lithuania)
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
balti riigid,

reede, 22. august 2014
Berlinale Talent Campus
Berlinale Talents is the annual summit and networking platform of the Berlin International Film Festival for 300 emerging film creatives from all over the world.
The next edition of Berlinale Talents takes place Feb 7- 12, 2015.
Emerging directors, screenwriters, producers, distributors, world sales agents, actors, cinematographers, editors, production designers, sound designers, film music composers and film critics can apply for the Berlinale Talents 2015.
Apart from a summit programme of master classes and panel discussions, Berlinale Talents consists of several Studio programmes, the Talent Press and a range of Project Labs (Talent Project Market, Doc Station, Script Station and Short Film Station) in which producers and writers/directors can further develop and present their projects.
Berlinale Talents is an initiative of the Berlin International Film Festival, the application deadline for 2015 is on September 1st 2014. More information:
The next edition of Berlinale Talents takes place Feb 7- 12, 2015.
Emerging directors, screenwriters, producers, distributors, world sales agents, actors, cinematographers, editors, production designers, sound designers, film music composers and film critics can apply for the Berlinale Talents 2015.
Apart from a summit programme of master classes and panel discussions, Berlinale Talents consists of several Studio programmes, the Talent Press and a range of Project Labs (Talent Project Market, Doc Station, Script Station and Short Film Station) in which producers and writers/directors can further develop and present their projects.
Berlinale Talents is an initiative of the Berlin International Film Festival, the application deadline for 2015 is on September 1st 2014. More information:
European Short Pitch 2015
Call for projects – European Short Pitch 2015
Deadline for entries: 30th of September 2014
European Short Pitch is back for its ninth edition. Writers, directors and producers can apply for the initiative that helps people with the development of international short film projects.
European Short Pitch is an initiative aimed at promoting the European coproduction of short films. It combines a scriptwriting workshop in residency and a coproduction forum bringing together scriptwriters and industry professionals from all over Europe.
Selected on the basis of their short film projects, 20 European talents gather to discuss, rewrite, and learn to promote their stories on a European level with the support of 5 tutors. They eventually pitch their projects in front of a panel of 55 producers, financers, buyers, and distributors.
European Short Pitch is composed of a scriptwriting workshop in residency, a coproduction forum, and an on-line session in between:
- The scriptwriting workshop in residency will take place from the 5th till the 11th of January 2015 in Poznan, Poland.
- The on-line session (from 12th of January till 25th of February 2015) represents an opportunity for participants to rewrite their scripts following the scriptwriting workshop, and to get up to two feedback sessions from their tutors.
- The coproduction forum will take place from the 5th till the 9th of March 2015 (Place to be Confirmed)
Deadline for entries: 30th of September 2014
All the communication about the event and the applications can be directed to the following address:
Deadline for entries: 30th of September 2014
European Short Pitch is back for its ninth edition. Writers, directors and producers can apply for the initiative that helps people with the development of international short film projects.
European Short Pitch is an initiative aimed at promoting the European coproduction of short films. It combines a scriptwriting workshop in residency and a coproduction forum bringing together scriptwriters and industry professionals from all over Europe.
Selected on the basis of their short film projects, 20 European talents gather to discuss, rewrite, and learn to promote their stories on a European level with the support of 5 tutors. They eventually pitch their projects in front of a panel of 55 producers, financers, buyers, and distributors.
European Short Pitch is composed of a scriptwriting workshop in residency, a coproduction forum, and an on-line session in between:
- The scriptwriting workshop in residency will take place from the 5th till the 11th of January 2015 in Poznan, Poland.
- The on-line session (from 12th of January till 25th of February 2015) represents an opportunity for participants to rewrite their scripts following the scriptwriting workshop, and to get up to two feedback sessions from their tutors.
- The coproduction forum will take place from the 5th till the 9th of March 2015 (Place to be Confirmed)
Deadline for entries: 30th of September 2014
All the communication about the event and the applications can be directed to the following address:
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

International Script Pitch 2014 for short films
interfilm Berlin & 25p *MEDIA GROUP present in cooperation with NISI MASA and daazo World of Shorts:
We're looking for captivating screenplays and pitches for short films that blow us away! Three fabulous awards await you!
•Our first prize of €1000 cash from 25p *MEDIA GROUP and the opportunity to be presented on the pitch page of WOSH Issue, Cannes 2015;
•The chance to participate in the European Short Pitch 2015 by NISI MASA;
•One whole year of the festival strategy service provided by daazo
First off, a pre-selection committee will select 8 applicants to attend the Script Pitch programme. In addition to the Script Pitch competition, which will be held at 2 pm on Friday, 14 November 2014 all participants are provided with a practical and stimulating workshop programme to accompany the competition. interForum has scheduled the following courses for all Script Pitch contestants:
SCRIPT LAB // 10 - 12 November 2014
PITCH TRAINING // 13 November 2014
COMPETITION // 14 November 2014
Script Pitch contestants will have 5 minutes to present their ideas to our jury of film, production and media professionals: Dániel Deák (filmmaker, founder of daazo/ World Of Shorts Magazine, Hungary), Tobias Munthe (producer/Flickbook Films, UK) and Tidi von Tiedemann (director, producer/ Kontrastfilm, Germany). Directly after each pitch, participants will be given a brief individual appraisal by the international jury. A Meet & Greet for competitors and the audience will be held afterwards, to maximize the interlinking of creative and industry professionals in an open forum.
To register, please complete our application form.
Send the completed form to Andrea Rey |
Script Pitch contestants will be notified at the end of September.
•Applicants must be over 18 to enter.
•The competition focus is on the pitch as well as the script. There is no need to send a finished script, all original ideas are welcome. The Script Pitch places particular emphasis on the combination of both a captivating script and a convincing delivery in front of the jury.
•All scripts must be for a short fiction film under 20 minutes (either live-action or animation).
•As the competition and workshops will be held entirely in English, you must be able to express yourself in English, both written and orally to take part in the programme.
•Although it is free of charge to participate in the Script Pitch, we kindly ask participants to organise and pay for their own travel and accommodation.
•Upon application you automatically confirm that you will be able to take part in the competition on the given terms and that you will organise your travel and stay in Berlin.
•Applicants are required to be in Berlin from 10 - 15 November 2014.
•interfilm Festival accreditation passes will be provided free of charge for up to 2 members of each project participating at the Script Pitch.
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 25291320
We're looking for captivating screenplays and pitches for short films that blow us away! Three fabulous awards await you!
•Our first prize of €1000 cash from 25p *MEDIA GROUP and the opportunity to be presented on the pitch page of WOSH Issue, Cannes 2015;
•The chance to participate in the European Short Pitch 2015 by NISI MASA;
•One whole year of the festival strategy service provided by daazo
First off, a pre-selection committee will select 8 applicants to attend the Script Pitch programme. In addition to the Script Pitch competition, which will be held at 2 pm on Friday, 14 November 2014 all participants are provided with a practical and stimulating workshop programme to accompany the competition. interForum has scheduled the following courses for all Script Pitch contestants:
SCRIPT LAB // 10 - 12 November 2014
PITCH TRAINING // 13 November 2014
COMPETITION // 14 November 2014
Script Pitch contestants will have 5 minutes to present their ideas to our jury of film, production and media professionals: Dániel Deák (filmmaker, founder of daazo/ World Of Shorts Magazine, Hungary), Tobias Munthe (producer/Flickbook Films, UK) and Tidi von Tiedemann (director, producer/ Kontrastfilm, Germany). Directly after each pitch, participants will be given a brief individual appraisal by the international jury. A Meet & Greet for competitors and the audience will be held afterwards, to maximize the interlinking of creative and industry professionals in an open forum.
To register, please complete our application form.
Send the completed form to Andrea Rey |
Script Pitch contestants will be notified at the end of September.
•Applicants must be over 18 to enter.
•The competition focus is on the pitch as well as the script. There is no need to send a finished script, all original ideas are welcome. The Script Pitch places particular emphasis on the combination of both a captivating script and a convincing delivery in front of the jury.
•All scripts must be for a short fiction film under 20 minutes (either live-action or animation).
•As the competition and workshops will be held entirely in English, you must be able to express yourself in English, both written and orally to take part in the programme.
•Although it is free of charge to participate in the Script Pitch, we kindly ask participants to organise and pay for their own travel and accommodation.
•Upon application you automatically confirm that you will be able to take part in the competition on the given terms and that you will organise your travel and stay in Berlin.
•Applicants are required to be in Berlin from 10 - 15 November 2014.
•interfilm Festival accreditation passes will be provided free of charge for up to 2 members of each project participating at the Script Pitch.
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 25291320
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Fliqio 2015
FESTIVAL DATES : from Dec 1, 2014 to Dec 1, 2024
We are a unique curated VOD platform for high quality short film from around the world which brings together audiences, festivals and filmmakers. Our aim is to help filmmakers earn revenue and grow their audience. We are looking for submissions of short film across genres.
Check out our promo video -
Registration deadline : Sep 30, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 2010
2) Maximum duration : 59 minutes
3) Country of production : all
4) Screening format : Video: Codec: h264, Size (pix): 1920 x 1080, Bit Rate (Kbps): 5000, Frame Rate (fps): original
Audio: Codec: aac, Sample Rate (hz): 48 000, Bitrate (bps): 160 000, Channels: Stereo
5) Accepted genres : all
6) Language : if the dialogue language is not English the film must provide English subtitles.
50% of subscription revenue goes back to Fliqio's content providers. For a limited period Fliqio's content partners will be able to advertise trailers for their films and crowd funding videos for free, provided they are of high enough quality. Fliqio also has a calendar of events and screenings where content providers can advertise their live film screening or event to users who are in the same geolocation or area or free.
Fliqio aims to revolutionise the short film space by providing users with a mobile product that makes it easy for them to find content they want to watch, when they want to watch it on and offline. Please watch our short product demo to get a better understanding of how the service works :
Results of selection will be notified by December 1st.
Filmmakers of selected films will then be invited to accept our Terms.
You can rest assured we will not use your content without your permission first.
9 Maiden Place
London NW5 1HZ
United Kingdom
We are a unique curated VOD platform for high quality short film from around the world which brings together audiences, festivals and filmmakers. Our aim is to help filmmakers earn revenue and grow their audience. We are looking for submissions of short film across genres.
Check out our promo video -
Registration deadline : Sep 30, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 2010
2) Maximum duration : 59 minutes
3) Country of production : all
4) Screening format : Video: Codec: h264, Size (pix): 1920 x 1080, Bit Rate (Kbps): 5000, Frame Rate (fps): original
Audio: Codec: aac, Sample Rate (hz): 48 000, Bitrate (bps): 160 000, Channels: Stereo
5) Accepted genres : all
6) Language : if the dialogue language is not English the film must provide English subtitles.
50% of subscription revenue goes back to Fliqio's content providers. For a limited period Fliqio's content partners will be able to advertise trailers for their films and crowd funding videos for free, provided they are of high enough quality. Fliqio also has a calendar of events and screenings where content providers can advertise their live film screening or event to users who are in the same geolocation or area or free.
Fliqio aims to revolutionise the short film space by providing users with a mobile product that makes it easy for them to find content they want to watch, when they want to watch it on and offline. Please watch our short product demo to get a better understanding of how the service works :
Results of selection will be notified by December 1st.
Filmmakers of selected films will then be invited to accept our Terms.
You can rest assured we will not use your content without your permission first.
9 Maiden Place
London NW5 1HZ
United Kingdom
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

teisipäev, 12. august 2014
Aubagne filmifestival
Call for entries!
The registration of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd film must be done via the FilmFestPlatform:
Call of entry : June 16th to October 19th 2014
Feature film competiton is opened to 1st, 2nd or 3rd film with an original music score.
Call of entry : June 16th to December 1st 2014
Within the framework of the International Film Festival of Aubagne that will be hold from March 18th-23rd 2013, we are setting up the « Professional meetings Music & Image » dedicated to composers, sound designers, directors and producers.
Call for entry : January 05th to February 09th 2015
This master class is built like a professional training dedicated to music composition for image.
It will put together different exercises of composition on one feature or several short films and will give rise to a “ciné-concert” that will be presented on the occasion of the closing ceremony (March 22nd). Salma Mutal will direct the master class.
Call for entry : December 22nd 2014 to February 02nd 2015
This space offers successful applicants the possibility to meet several producers during individual interviews. Those meetings takes place during the Festival and are organized in order to exchange and advise.
Call for entry : October 01st to December 15th 2014
The SiRAR, grant for directing a first short film associated to a grant for composing an original music score, offers the laureate a 24 000€ grant given by the city of Aubagne and the Regional Council of PACA area, for the film making and a 2000€ grant, given by the Sacem, for the composition of a original music score.
Call for entry : October 01st to December 15th 2014
Call for entries!
The registration of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd film must be done via the FilmFestPlatform:
Call of entry : June 16th to October 19th 2014
Feature film competiton is opened to 1st, 2nd or 3rd film with an original music score.
Call of entry : June 16th to December 1st 2014
Within the framework of the International Film Festival of Aubagne that will be hold from March 18th-23rd 2013, we are setting up the « Professional meetings Music & Image » dedicated to composers, sound designers, directors and producers.
Call for entry : January 05th to February 09th 2015
This master class is built like a professional training dedicated to music composition for image.
It will put together different exercises of composition on one feature or several short films and will give rise to a “ciné-concert” that will be presented on the occasion of the closing ceremony (March 22nd). Salma Mutal will direct the master class.
Call for entry : December 22nd 2014 to February 02nd 2015
This space offers successful applicants the possibility to meet several producers during individual interviews. Those meetings takes place during the Festival and are organized in order to exchange and advise.
Call for entry : October 01st to December 15th 2014
The SiRAR, grant for directing a first short film associated to a grant for composing an original music score, offers the laureate a 24 000€ grant given by the city of Aubagne and the Regional Council of PACA area, for the film making and a 2000€ grant, given by the Sacem, for the composition of a original music score.
Call for entry : October 01st to December 15th 2014
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Indie Lisboa 2015
IndieLisboa (International Independent Film Festival, Lisbon, Portugal) aims to contribute to the discovery in Portugal of new films and new directors – within the universe of independent film – both national and international.
Article 1
IndieLisboa intends to stimulate the public exhibition of films that are neither distributed nor exhibited within Portugal’s traditional circuits. The festival gives preference to national premieres.
Article 2The 12th edition of IndieLisboa will be held from April 23rd to May 3rd, 2015.
Article 31. The following official sections accept submissions:
International Competition - The International Competition for short and feature films is composed of films that have never been publicly exhibited in Portugal and which were completed in 2014 or 2015. First, second or third works, fiction, animation, documentaries and experimental films may apply to this section. The festival is particularly keen to promote the work of new directors.
National Competition - This section aims to give national and international recognition to very recent Portuguese shorts and features.
Brand New – This competitive section is for upcoming talents from Portugal.
Emerging Cinema - This section highlights innovative works by emerging filmmakers, exploring new trends in world cinema, fresh narrative forms, and promising voices.
IndieJunior - Screenings programmed for a younger audience: shorts and feature films, comprising animations and live-action films; fictional films and documentaries that have never been publicly exhibited in Portugal.
IndieMusic – A programme comprising films – mainly documentaries – focusing on music, especially independent pop/rock and its practitioners;
Director’s Cut – A programme of recently-restored titles, rediscoveries and films which reflect on cinema itself, its artistic dimensions and history
Special Screenings - A survey of essential works in independent contemporary cinema by established filmmakers.
2. IndieLisboa has also a retrospective section titled Independent Hero, dedicated to those who go beyond the mainstream in filmmaking and help to open new and unconventional paths for cinema.
Article 4
1. To apply to IndieLisboa’s International Competition, films must fulfill all the following criteria:
- Fiction, animation, documentary or experimental Short or Feature films;
- First or second works by their director(s);
- 35mm, 16mm, DCP and video;
- Completed in either 2014 or 2015;
- First public presentation in Portugal.
2. Regarding the other sections of the festival:
- Fiction, animation, documentary and experimental Short and Feature films;
- 35mm, 16mm, DCP, video;
- Films produced preferably in 2014 and 2015;
- Portuguese premieres are preferred.
3. The Festival may, in exceptional circumstances, decide to select films that do not fulfill one or more of these criteria. Such selection is at the discretion of the festival organizers.
Article 5
All screening copies received of selected films must be English subtitled (except for English spoken films).
Article 6
1. The Jury of the International Competition of Feature Films will be composed of renowned personalities from the world of cinema, at least one of whom will be Portuguese. The Jury is responsible for allocating the following awards: Feature Film Grand Prize, Best Portuguese Feature Film and Distribution Award.
2. The Jury of the International Competition of Short Films will be composed of renowned personalities from the world of cinema, at least one of whom will be Portuguese. The Jury will be responsible for allocating the following awards: Short Film Grand Prize, Special Mentions to Animation, Documentary and Fiction.
3. The Jury of the National Competition will be composed of renowned personalities from the world of cinema. The Jury is responsible for allocating the following awards: Best Portuguese Feature Film, Best Portuguese Short Film, New Talent in Short Film and Brand New.
4. The IndieJunior Jury will be composed of five students from Portuguese schools, and will be responsible for allocating the Distribution Award to a film in the International Competition.
5. The Jury Cinema Blogs will be composed of three film critics and will be responsible for allocating the IndieJunior Award.
6. The Amnesty International Jury is composed of renowned personalities, and will be responsible for allocating the Amnesty International Award.
7. The Árvore da Vida Jury is composed of three renowned personalities, and will be responsible for allocating the Árvore da Vida Award.
8. Individuals directly connected with the production, exhibition or distribution of films presented in the various competitive sections may not sit in the respective Jury.
Article 7
1.The awards attributed by the Jury of the International Competition are as follows:
- Feature Film Grand Prize, worth 10.000€;
- Short Film Grand Prize, worth 4.000€;
- Distribution Award (subject to a separate regulation, value to be announced);
- Best Portuguese Feature Film (value to be announced);
- Best Portuguese Short Film (value to be announced);
- New Talent Prize (2.500€ in the acquisition of rights for DVD distribution);
- Brand New (2.500€ in training or equivalent).
2. The Distribution Award consists in the acquisition by the festival of the Distribution rights of a Feature Film from the International Competition (award subject to special regulations).
3. The World Pulse Award is given to a film selected from the corresponding section and is a tv acquisitions rights award worth 2.500€.
4. The IndieJunior Award is given to a film selected from the corresponding section either feature or short (value to be announced).
5. The Amnesty International Award is given by an independent jury, selected from those films in the official programme of the festival regarded as promoting the values of Amnesty International, particularly those concerning human rights. The winner receives 1.250€.
6. The Árvore da Vida Award is given by an independent jury, to a Portuguese Film (either feature or short) selected for the National Competition or World Pulse sections, which better promotes human and spiritual values. The winner receives 2.000€.
7. Three Audience Awards (which are voted for by public attending screenings in the International Competition, National Competition, Emerging Cinema and IndieJunior sections): Feature Film; Short Film and IndieJunior.
Article 8
1. Submissions must be completed online via no later than December 31st 2014.
2. If you a submit an online link as a screener (and password if needed), there will be no more steps to be done: the submission will be complete.
3. If the submission format is a DVD, a screener (labeled with the following information: work title, runtime director, and contacts) should be sent as soon as possible and necessarily before January 10th 2015 to IndieLisboa – International Independent Film Festival, Casa do Cinema, Rua da Rosa, 2º, Sala 1.4 – 1200-385 Lisboa, Portugal
4. Immediately after the communication of the selection
Dialogue List, Stills from the film and from the director, artistic and technical infos of the film (when they were not given previously), exhibition authorization;
5. Until March 15th 2015
Exhibition Print with English Subtitles (on the format demanded), Posters, Trailer, Postcards, EPK (electronic press kit), other materials.
Read more:
Article 1
IndieLisboa intends to stimulate the public exhibition of films that are neither distributed nor exhibited within Portugal’s traditional circuits. The festival gives preference to national premieres.
Article 2The 12th edition of IndieLisboa will be held from April 23rd to May 3rd, 2015.
Article 31. The following official sections accept submissions:
International Competition - The International Competition for short and feature films is composed of films that have never been publicly exhibited in Portugal and which were completed in 2014 or 2015. First, second or third works, fiction, animation, documentaries and experimental films may apply to this section. The festival is particularly keen to promote the work of new directors.
National Competition - This section aims to give national and international recognition to very recent Portuguese shorts and features.
Brand New – This competitive section is for upcoming talents from Portugal.
Emerging Cinema - This section highlights innovative works by emerging filmmakers, exploring new trends in world cinema, fresh narrative forms, and promising voices.
IndieJunior - Screenings programmed for a younger audience: shorts and feature films, comprising animations and live-action films; fictional films and documentaries that have never been publicly exhibited in Portugal.
IndieMusic – A programme comprising films – mainly documentaries – focusing on music, especially independent pop/rock and its practitioners;
Director’s Cut – A programme of recently-restored titles, rediscoveries and films which reflect on cinema itself, its artistic dimensions and history
Special Screenings - A survey of essential works in independent contemporary cinema by established filmmakers.
2. IndieLisboa has also a retrospective section titled Independent Hero, dedicated to those who go beyond the mainstream in filmmaking and help to open new and unconventional paths for cinema.
Article 4
1. To apply to IndieLisboa’s International Competition, films must fulfill all the following criteria:
- Fiction, animation, documentary or experimental Short or Feature films;
- First or second works by their director(s);
- 35mm, 16mm, DCP and video;
- Completed in either 2014 or 2015;
- First public presentation in Portugal.
2. Regarding the other sections of the festival:
- Fiction, animation, documentary and experimental Short and Feature films;
- 35mm, 16mm, DCP, video;
- Films produced preferably in 2014 and 2015;
- Portuguese premieres are preferred.
3. The Festival may, in exceptional circumstances, decide to select films that do not fulfill one or more of these criteria. Such selection is at the discretion of the festival organizers.
Article 5
All screening copies received of selected films must be English subtitled (except for English spoken films).
Article 6
1. The Jury of the International Competition of Feature Films will be composed of renowned personalities from the world of cinema, at least one of whom will be Portuguese. The Jury is responsible for allocating the following awards: Feature Film Grand Prize, Best Portuguese Feature Film and Distribution Award.
2. The Jury of the International Competition of Short Films will be composed of renowned personalities from the world of cinema, at least one of whom will be Portuguese. The Jury will be responsible for allocating the following awards: Short Film Grand Prize, Special Mentions to Animation, Documentary and Fiction.
3. The Jury of the National Competition will be composed of renowned personalities from the world of cinema. The Jury is responsible for allocating the following awards: Best Portuguese Feature Film, Best Portuguese Short Film, New Talent in Short Film and Brand New.
4. The IndieJunior Jury will be composed of five students from Portuguese schools, and will be responsible for allocating the Distribution Award to a film in the International Competition.
5. The Jury Cinema Blogs will be composed of three film critics and will be responsible for allocating the IndieJunior Award.
6. The Amnesty International Jury is composed of renowned personalities, and will be responsible for allocating the Amnesty International Award.
7. The Árvore da Vida Jury is composed of three renowned personalities, and will be responsible for allocating the Árvore da Vida Award.
8. Individuals directly connected with the production, exhibition or distribution of films presented in the various competitive sections may not sit in the respective Jury.
Article 7
1.The awards attributed by the Jury of the International Competition are as follows:
- Feature Film Grand Prize, worth 10.000€;
- Short Film Grand Prize, worth 4.000€;
- Distribution Award (subject to a separate regulation, value to be announced);
- Best Portuguese Feature Film (value to be announced);
- Best Portuguese Short Film (value to be announced);
- New Talent Prize (2.500€ in the acquisition of rights for DVD distribution);
- Brand New (2.500€ in training or equivalent).
2. The Distribution Award consists in the acquisition by the festival of the Distribution rights of a Feature Film from the International Competition (award subject to special regulations).
3. The World Pulse Award is given to a film selected from the corresponding section and is a tv acquisitions rights award worth 2.500€.
4. The IndieJunior Award is given to a film selected from the corresponding section either feature or short (value to be announced).
5. The Amnesty International Award is given by an independent jury, selected from those films in the official programme of the festival regarded as promoting the values of Amnesty International, particularly those concerning human rights. The winner receives 1.250€.
6. The Árvore da Vida Award is given by an independent jury, to a Portuguese Film (either feature or short) selected for the National Competition or World Pulse sections, which better promotes human and spiritual values. The winner receives 2.000€.
7. Three Audience Awards (which are voted for by public attending screenings in the International Competition, National Competition, Emerging Cinema and IndieJunior sections): Feature Film; Short Film and IndieJunior.
Article 8
1. Submissions must be completed online via no later than December 31st 2014.
2. If you a submit an online link as a screener (and password if needed), there will be no more steps to be done: the submission will be complete.
3. If the submission format is a DVD, a screener (labeled with the following information: work title, runtime director, and contacts) should be sent as soon as possible and necessarily before January 10th 2015 to IndieLisboa – International Independent Film Festival, Casa do Cinema, Rua da Rosa, 2º, Sala 1.4 – 1200-385 Lisboa, Portugal
4. Immediately after the communication of the selection
Dialogue List, Stills from the film and from the director, artistic and technical infos of the film (when they were not given previously), exhibition authorization;
5. Until March 15th 2015
Exhibition Print with English Subtitles (on the format demanded), Posters, Trailer, Postcards, EPK (electronic press kit), other materials.
Read more:
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Scriptwriting platform at Baltic Event (PÖFF)
POWR: Baltic Stories Exchange - a pitch platform for scriptwriters
November 25th - 28th 2014, Tallinn, Estonia
Call for participants 2014
Deadline for application - September 1st 2014
8 screenplays in the early stages of development that are actively seeking producers will be developed and presented at the POWR Baltic Stories Exchange, which takes place during the Baltic Event coproduction-market.
The aim of the POWR Workshop is to give screenwriters an informal, international platform to present their projects and writing talent during the largest regional film market in North-Eastern Europe. We develop through pitching and in-group sessions at our two-day workshop in an open, generous, and sharing atmosphere, headed by the 2 tutors, Valeria Richter (DK) and Antonio Piazza (IT). Expect an intense and fun experience with a good mix of project work and networking events.
The workshop is organized in collaboration with Baltic Event, TorinoFilmLab, and the Baltic and Scandinavian MEDIA Desks.
Project criteria:
Please send all the requested materials to your local Creative Europe MEDIA Desk:
November 25th - 28th 2014, Tallinn, Estonia
Call for participants 2014
Deadline for application - September 1st 2014
8 screenplays in the early stages of development that are actively seeking producers will be developed and presented at the POWR Baltic Stories Exchange, which takes place during the Baltic Event coproduction-market.
The aim of the POWR Workshop is to give screenwriters an informal, international platform to present their projects and writing talent during the largest regional film market in North-Eastern Europe. We develop through pitching and in-group sessions at our two-day workshop in an open, generous, and sharing atmosphere, headed by the 2 tutors, Valeria Richter (DK) and Antonio Piazza (IT). Expect an intense and fun experience with a good mix of project work and networking events.
The workshop is organized in collaboration with Baltic Event, TorinoFilmLab, and the Baltic and Scandinavian MEDIA Desks.
Project criteria:
- full-length feature film with potential for theatrical distribution
- potential for international market
- projects from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway are accepted
- No fee - only travel costs
- short synopsis (3-5 pages)
- short CV (3 pages)
- short motivation (1 page)
Please send all the requested materials to your local Creative Europe MEDIA Desk:
- Creative Europe MEDIA Denmark (Ene Katrine Rasmussen)
- Creative Europe MEDIA Estonia (Katre Kajamäe)
- Creative Europe MEDIA Finland (Kerstin Degerman)
- Creative Europe MEDIA Latvia (Lelda Ozola)
- Creative Europe MEDIA Lithuania (Rūta Bogužaitė)
- Creative Europe MEDIA Norway (Kåre Jensen)
- Creative Europe MEDIA Sweden (Ulrika Nisell)
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

esmaspäev, 21. juuli 2014
Tantsufilmi õpituba Tartuffil
3.-5. august 2014 Tartus
Kõigile tantsu -ja/või filmihuvilistele vanuses 13+
Kasutatakse käepärast tehnikat - olgu see Sul siis filmiv telefon, fotoaparaat või profftehnika.
Tulla võib nii üksi kui grupiga. Gruppide korral õpitoas kuni kolm inimest, kuid filmis võib neid olla vabalt valitud arv.
Osaleja boonused:
* valminud kvaliteetseid filme näidatakse Just Filmil
* soovi korral tasuta pääs 4.-6. augustil toimuvatele TFT etendustele (vt. mängukava)
NB! kõiki valminud filme näidatakse Tallinna Tantsuteatri sügisese Tartu etenduse eel. Valitud filme näidatakse sügisel Just Filmi raames
*25 eurot/ inimene
*50 eurot/ kui tullakse kuni kolmese grupiga
Info ja registreerimine:
+372 55 526039
Kõigile tantsu -ja/või filmihuvilistele vanuses 13+
Kasutatakse käepärast tehnikat - olgu see Sul siis filmiv telefon, fotoaparaat või profftehnika.
Tulla võib nii üksi kui grupiga. Gruppide korral õpitoas kuni kolm inimest, kuid filmis võib neid olla vabalt valitud arv.
Osaleja boonused:
* valminud kvaliteetseid filme näidatakse Just Filmil
* soovi korral tasuta pääs 4.-6. augustil toimuvatele TFT etendustele (vt. mängukava)
NB! kõiki valminud filme näidatakse Tallinna Tantsuteatri sügisese Tartu etenduse eel. Valitud filme näidatakse sügisel Just Filmi raames
*25 eurot/ inimene
*50 eurot/ kui tullakse kuni kolmese grupiga
Info ja registreerimine:
+372 55 526039
Theodor Lutsu Filmipäevad 2014
Theodor Lutsu Filmipäevad toimuvad Palamusel 6.-17.augustil.
Alates 1996.aastast on Palamusel tähistatud Theodor Lutsu sünniaastapäeva. Tähistamisest kasvasid välja filmipäevad, mis toimuvad juba üheksateistkümnendat korda. Filmipäevade raames toimub ka lahtine lühifilmide konkurss, seekordne on kuueteistkümnes.
Palun saatke oma film hiljemalt 31.juuli 2014 Palamusele (Arne Tegelmann, MTÜ Look, 49226 Palamuse).
Tingimuseks on, et film pole varem Palamuse lühifilmide konkursil linastunud ja on valminud viimase viie aasta jooksul.
Konkursifilmid on liigitatud eri žanrideks:
animafilm (arvutianimatsioon, nuku-või joonisfilm)
eksperimentaalfilm (pikkus kuni 15 minutit)
tõsielufilm e. dokumentaalfilm (pikkus kuni 30 minutit)
lühimängufilm (pikkus kuni 30 minutit)
Info tel. 514 8723 (Arne Tegelmann), e-post:
Alates 1996.aastast on Palamusel tähistatud Theodor Lutsu sünniaastapäeva. Tähistamisest kasvasid välja filmipäevad, mis toimuvad juba üheksateistkümnendat korda. Filmipäevade raames toimub ka lahtine lühifilmide konkurss, seekordne on kuueteistkümnes.
Palun saatke oma film hiljemalt 31.juuli 2014 Palamusele (Arne Tegelmann, MTÜ Look, 49226 Palamuse).
Tingimuseks on, et film pole varem Palamuse lühifilmide konkursil linastunud ja on valminud viimase viie aasta jooksul.
Konkursifilmid on liigitatud eri žanrideks:
animafilm (arvutianimatsioon, nuku-või joonisfilm)
eksperimentaalfilm (pikkus kuni 15 minutit)
tõsielufilm e. dokumentaalfilm (pikkus kuni 30 minutit)
lühimängufilm (pikkus kuni 30 minutit)
Info tel. 514 8723 (Arne Tegelmann), e-post:
teisipäev, 17. juuni 2014
Viewster Online Film Fest
from Jun 12, 2014 to Jun 26, 2014
Love has never been easy. Relationships are tricky so show us the good, the bad and the ugly and compete for awards totaling USD$100,000. For the second edition of #VOFF, we invite all films, series and project teasers longer than three minutes with the theme "Relationship Status: It's Complicated"
How It Works
We'll be putting together a new revised voting system for #VOFF 2, but essentially the Viewster community and your fans will watch, comment, share and vote for their favorite entries. They will help to curate the entries with at least the top ten moving onto the finals. After that our Jury of Experts - Ted Hope, Nora Tschirner and Timo Vuorensola - will select the winners to be announced July 7, 2014 on
Why Participate?
Chance to win a piece of the $100k cake with a cool first prize of $70k
Chance to connect with other creators online
Gain publicity and awareness for your content
Registration deadline : May 23, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Requirements :
1) Maximum duration : over 3 minutes (excluding credits). Maximum runtime 180 minutes.
2) Accepted genres : Any Genre! Shorts, Features, Project-Teasers, Series, Web-Series. Explicit violence or pornography not accepted!
3) Screening format : HD file with 16:9 (1:1.78). 720p (5-8Mbps) or 1080p (>8Mbps). H.264 recommended
4) Country of production : All countries
5) Films completed after : 01.01.2006
6) Rights: Global rights for public festival exhibition required
7) Language: English or English subtitles (burn-in)
8) Content matches the theme: Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 5
D-10178 Berlin
TEL : +49 302 80 999 33
Love has never been easy. Relationships are tricky so show us the good, the bad and the ugly and compete for awards totaling USD$100,000. For the second edition of #VOFF, we invite all films, series and project teasers longer than three minutes with the theme "Relationship Status: It's Complicated"
How It Works
We'll be putting together a new revised voting system for #VOFF 2, but essentially the Viewster community and your fans will watch, comment, share and vote for their favorite entries. They will help to curate the entries with at least the top ten moving onto the finals. After that our Jury of Experts - Ted Hope, Nora Tschirner and Timo Vuorensola - will select the winners to be announced July 7, 2014 on
Why Participate?
Chance to win a piece of the $100k cake with a cool first prize of $70k
Chance to connect with other creators online
Gain publicity and awareness for your content
Registration deadline : May 23, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Requirements :
1) Maximum duration : over 3 minutes (excluding credits). Maximum runtime 180 minutes.
2) Accepted genres : Any Genre! Shorts, Features, Project-Teasers, Series, Web-Series. Explicit violence or pornography not accepted!
3) Screening format : HD file with 16:9 (1:1.78). 720p (5-8Mbps) or 1080p (>8Mbps). H.264 recommended
4) Country of production : All countries
5) Films completed after : 01.01.2006
6) Rights: Global rights for public festival exhibition required
7) Language: English or English subtitles (burn-in)
8) Content matches the theme: Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 5
D-10178 Berlin
TEL : +49 302 80 999 33
22th ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival
5-9 November 2014 - Tirgu-Mures, Romania
Submissions for the International Competition are open!
The online entry form and the Regulations are available at:
ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival
Tg-Mures, Str. Gh. Doja Nr.9/81
Tel/fax: 0265-267547
Submissions for the International Competition are open!
The online entry form and the Regulations are available at:
ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival
Tg-Mures, Str. Gh. Doja Nr.9/81
Tel/fax: 0265-267547
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Sedicicorto International Film Festival Forli 2014
Short fiction, animation and short documentary
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st 2012
2) Maximum duration : 40 minutes
3) Country of production : all countries (except Italy)
4) Screening format : Beta SP, DVD Pal, mini DV
5) Accepted genres : Fiction Film
SEDICICORTO International
C.P n.8 - S.Martino in Strada
47121 FORLI(FC)
TEL : +39 347 2563211
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st 2012
2) Maximum duration : 40 minutes
3) Country of production : all countries (except Italy)
4) Screening format : Beta SP, DVD Pal, mini DV
5) Accepted genres : Fiction Film
SEDICICORTO International
C.P n.8 - S.Martino in Strada
47121 FORLI(FC)
TEL : +39 347 2563211
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Courant 3D, le rendez-vous du relief d'Angoulême 2014
FESTIVAL DATES: from Nov 14, 2014 to Nov 15, 2014
Only 3D films (binocular vision) also called stereoscopical can apply, with a stereoscopical preview version.
All submitted films will be included at the stereoscopic film market organized by Courant 3D, where the catalogue will be made available to accredited buyers, programmers and distributors.
Registration deadline : Jul 20, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file, Blu-Ray 3D
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : September 1, 2011
2) Maximum duration : 30 minutes (including credits)
3) Country of production : All (Please, provide your film with french or english subtitles if it is not a french-speaking movie)
4) Screening format : 3D-DCP-2K
5) Accepted genres : All genres
6) Stereoscopic preview format specs (3D) : File uploaded on Shortfilmdepot must be in side by side, H264 - 24, 25 or 30 fps, Data rate > 5000 kb/s -1920/1080, Audio codec AAC@320 kb/s)
Or Blu-ray 3D (without any regional protection)
7) Subtitles on preview format : Preview version must be with French or English subtitles when film is not spoken in French.
Dear producer, please be careful that your subtitles do not disturb your pop-up effects.
Association "Prenez du Relief"
27, rue Lapéruse
TEL : (+33/0) 6 85 21 95 66
Only 3D films (binocular vision) also called stereoscopical can apply, with a stereoscopical preview version.
All submitted films will be included at the stereoscopic film market organized by Courant 3D, where the catalogue will be made available to accredited buyers, programmers and distributors.
Registration deadline : Jul 20, 2014
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file, Blu-Ray 3D
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : September 1, 2011
2) Maximum duration : 30 minutes (including credits)
3) Country of production : All (Please, provide your film with french or english subtitles if it is not a french-speaking movie)
4) Screening format : 3D-DCP-2K
5) Accepted genres : All genres
6) Stereoscopic preview format specs (3D) : File uploaded on Shortfilmdepot must be in side by side, H264 - 24, 25 or 30 fps, Data rate > 5000 kb/s -1920/1080, Audio codec AAC@320 kb/s)
Or Blu-ray 3D (without any regional protection)
7) Subtitles on preview format : Preview version must be with French or English subtitles when film is not spoken in French.
Dear producer, please be careful that your subtitles do not disturb your pop-up effects.
Association "Prenez du Relief"
27, rue Lapéruse
TEL : (+33/0) 6 85 21 95 66
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Viral Video Award 2014
Online competition for viral videos with a message
Films up to 8 minutes long, not older than 2 years
Three cash prizes totalling € 3,000
Deadline: 31. August
The competition is organised by interfilm Berlin, Zucker.Kommunikation and the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Films up to 8 minutes long, not older than 2 years
Three cash prizes totalling € 3,000
Deadline: 31. August
The competition is organised by interfilm Berlin, Zucker.Kommunikation and the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

neljapäev, 12. juuni 2014
Konkurss "Karujaht Pärnumaal" helindamiseks
Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiiv kuulutab välja konkursi eesti esimesele mängufilmile „Karujaht Pärnumaal“ helikujunduse (pikkusega 11.59) loomiseks.
Tähistamaks saja aasta möödumist esimese eesti mängufilmi esilinastusest kutsub Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiiv üles looma helitausta algselt tummfilmina linastunud Johannes Pääsukese linateosele „Karujaht Pärnumaal“. Ettevõtmise eesmärk on tuua see ajalooliselt põnev lühifilm nüüdisaegse helikujunduse abil tänasele vaatajale lähemale. Konkursile on oodatud nii muusikalisi kui ka muid helisid – diktoritekst, dialoog – kasutavad ja kombineerivad heliribad.
Konkursile saadetud töid hindab kolmeliikmeline žürii, kuhu kuuluvad filmikriitik Tristan Priimägi, helilooja Märt-Mattis Lill ja Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiivi direktor, filmiteadlane Eva Näripea. Konkursi peapreemia on 800 eurot, antakse välja ka eripreemiad. Võitja kuulutatakse välja 30. septembril Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiivis, kus esitletakse ka parimaid helindusi.
Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiivi direktor Eva Näripea kommenteerib ettevõtmist: „Eesti rikkaliku audiovisuaalpärandi koht pole kaugeltki üksnes arhiiviseinte vahel. 12-minutiline „Karujaht Pärnumaal“ pakub loodetavasti inspireeriva ja ka jõukohase väljakutse kõigile, keda köidab liikuva pildi ja helide sünteesimine, seda enam, et tummfilmide helindamine on jätkuvalt populaarne ning remiksikultuur on haaramas üha laiemat kõlapinda.“
Konkursile saab töid esitada kuni 1. septembrini 2014, toimetades andmekandja (CD, DVD) konkursitööga Rahvusarhiivi galeriisse Maneeži 2, Tallinn 15019. Täpsemad tingimused konkursi reglemendis.
Lisainfo konkursi kohta:
Liisi Taimre
Rahvusarhiivi turundusjuht
5886 2202
Lisainfo konkursitööde tehniliste nõudmiste kohta:
Mairold Kaus
Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiivi juhtivspetsialist
693 8616
Tähistamaks saja aasta möödumist esimese eesti mängufilmi esilinastusest kutsub Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiiv üles looma helitausta algselt tummfilmina linastunud Johannes Pääsukese linateosele „Karujaht Pärnumaal“. Ettevõtmise eesmärk on tuua see ajalooliselt põnev lühifilm nüüdisaegse helikujunduse abil tänasele vaatajale lähemale. Konkursile on oodatud nii muusikalisi kui ka muid helisid – diktoritekst, dialoog – kasutavad ja kombineerivad heliribad.
Konkursile saadetud töid hindab kolmeliikmeline žürii, kuhu kuuluvad filmikriitik Tristan Priimägi, helilooja Märt-Mattis Lill ja Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiivi direktor, filmiteadlane Eva Näripea. Konkursi peapreemia on 800 eurot, antakse välja ka eripreemiad. Võitja kuulutatakse välja 30. septembril Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiivis, kus esitletakse ka parimaid helindusi.
Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiivi direktor Eva Näripea kommenteerib ettevõtmist: „Eesti rikkaliku audiovisuaalpärandi koht pole kaugeltki üksnes arhiiviseinte vahel. 12-minutiline „Karujaht Pärnumaal“ pakub loodetavasti inspireeriva ja ka jõukohase väljakutse kõigile, keda köidab liikuva pildi ja helide sünteesimine, seda enam, et tummfilmide helindamine on jätkuvalt populaarne ning remiksikultuur on haaramas üha laiemat kõlapinda.“
Konkursile saab töid esitada kuni 1. septembrini 2014, toimetades andmekandja (CD, DVD) konkursitööga Rahvusarhiivi galeriisse Maneeži 2, Tallinn 15019. Täpsemad tingimused konkursi reglemendis.
Lisainfo konkursi kohta:
Liisi Taimre
Rahvusarhiivi turundusjuht
5886 2202
Lisainfo konkursitööde tehniliste nõudmiste kohta:
Mairold Kaus
Rahvusarhiivi filmiarhiivi juhtivspetsialist
693 8616
reede, 6. juuni 2014
Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Academy Award-qualifying, Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival - Curta Cinema (Brazil), will end submissions on July, 25th, 2014. Submit Online through
OUVERTURE D'INSCRIPTIONS: Academy Award-qualification, Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival - Curta Cinema (Brésil), finira les inscriptions le 25 juillet 2014. Envoyez en ligne par
APERTURA PERIODO DE INSCRIPCIONES: Festival Internacional de Cortos de Rio de Janeiro - Curta Cinema (Brasil), Festival Calificador de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de Hollywood, cerrará las inscripciones el 25 de julio de 2014. Envía online a través de
OUVERTURE D'INSCRIPTIONS: Academy Award-qualification, Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival - Curta Cinema (Brésil), finira les inscriptions le 25 juillet 2014. Envoyez en ligne par
APERTURA PERIODO DE INSCRIPCIONES: Festival Internacional de Cortos de Rio de Janeiro - Curta Cinema (Brasil), Festival Calificador de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de Hollywood, cerrará las inscripciones el 25 de julio de 2014. Envía online a través de
neljapäev, 5. juuni 2014
"Juhe, kiip ja suitsev kaheraudne" Soome-Ugri filmifestivalil
"Juhe, kiip ja suitsev kaheraudne" linastub sel laupäeval (7. juuni) Soome-Ugri Filmifestivali eesti lühifilmide programmis.
Festivali kava näeb siit:
FUFF on lühifilmifestival, mille eesmärk on tekitada huvi soome-ugri mängu- ja eksperimentaalfilmide vastu ning mille autorid on soome-ugri filmitegijad või mis käsitlevad soome-ugri teemasid.
Festivalile on teretulnud filmid kogu maailmast. Eriti julgustame oma töid esitama sõltumatuid filmitegijaid, kes ei tee põhivoolu kommertsfilme. Samuti ootame tudengifilme.
Kutsume festivalile filmide autoreid, et tutvustada nende filme ja vestelda nende töödest pärast linastust. Piisava finantseerimise korral võib festival osaliselt katta nende reisi- ja/või majutuskulud.
Üritus on avatud kõigile, sealhulgas loovatele, uudishimulikele ja asjatundlikele filmitegijatele, õppejõududele, tudengitele ja kõigile teistele huvilistele.
Festivali kava näeb siit:
FUFF on lühifilmifestival, mille eesmärk on tekitada huvi soome-ugri mängu- ja eksperimentaalfilmide vastu ning mille autorid on soome-ugri filmitegijad või mis käsitlevad soome-ugri teemasid.
Festivalile on teretulnud filmid kogu maailmast. Eriti julgustame oma töid esitama sõltumatuid filmitegijaid, kes ei tee põhivoolu kommertsfilme. Samuti ootame tudengifilme.
Kutsume festivalile filmide autoreid, et tutvustada nende filme ja vestelda nende töödest pärast linastust. Piisava finantseerimise korral võib festival osaliselt katta nende reisi- ja/või majutuskulud.
Üritus on avatud kõigile, sealhulgas loovatele, uudishimulikele ja asjatundlikele filmitegijatele, õppejõududele, tudengitele ja kõigile teistele huvilistele.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
juhe kiip ja suitsev kaheraudne,

kolmapäev, 28. mai 2014
Car Shorts - short film contest
Direct Line and interfilm Berlin invite you to join the Car Shorts film competition with shorts relating to the topics of "cars" and "mobility". Finalists will be nominated by a jury of experts and then presented to the online community for voting.
On the website filmmakers can file their entries via link (e.g. Vimeo, Youtube) or server upload.
From comedy, action, love story, biography and musical to science fiction - practically all genres are welcome. But remember: The film's main theme must be about cars and / or mobility.
The film must not be longer than 12 minutes or older than five years. After the jury has nominated the best films for competition, the online audience can vote for their favourites.
Three prizes will be awarded:
1st Prize 3,000 €
2nd Prize 2,000 €
3rd Prize 1,000 €
Last call for submissions is the 17th of August 2014.
Online voting starts in October. Winners will be announced in November 2014.
Submit car shorts now:
About Direct Line
Direct Line Versicherung AG, headquartered in Teltow near Berlin is one of the largest car direct insurance companies in Germany. Since 2002 the company is active with the red phone in the German market, where approximately 400 employees serve more than 500,000 vehicles. In addition to auto and motorcycle insurances, the company also offers personal liability and personal legal expenses insurance. -
About interfilm
Initially founded in 1982 as a short film festival, interfilm Berlin has grown to become an internationally active, interdisciplinary point of call for the short film medium. With two short film festivals and growing audience numbers of approx. 20,000, sales and distribution to cinemas, TV and online channels, monthly short film events in more than 20 German cities and worldwide online competitions - interfilm Berlin continually explores new ways to propagate and play with the short film format and ignite the minds of its audience. -
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 25291320
On the website filmmakers can file their entries via link (e.g. Vimeo, Youtube) or server upload.
From comedy, action, love story, biography and musical to science fiction - practically all genres are welcome. But remember: The film's main theme must be about cars and / or mobility.
The film must not be longer than 12 minutes or older than five years. After the jury has nominated the best films for competition, the online audience can vote for their favourites.
Three prizes will be awarded:
1st Prize 3,000 €
2nd Prize 2,000 €
3rd Prize 1,000 €
Last call for submissions is the 17th of August 2014.
Online voting starts in October. Winners will be announced in November 2014.
Submit car shorts now:
About Direct Line
Direct Line Versicherung AG, headquartered in Teltow near Berlin is one of the largest car direct insurance companies in Germany. Since 2002 the company is active with the red phone in the German market, where approximately 400 employees serve more than 500,000 vehicles. In addition to auto and motorcycle insurances, the company also offers personal liability and personal legal expenses insurance. -
About interfilm
Initially founded in 1982 as a short film festival, interfilm Berlin has grown to become an internationally active, interdisciplinary point of call for the short film medium. With two short film festivals and growing audience numbers of approx. 20,000, sales and distribution to cinemas, TV and online channels, monthly short film events in more than 20 German cities and worldwide online competitions - interfilm Berlin continually explores new ways to propagate and play with the short film format and ignite the minds of its audience. -
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 25291320
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

HÕFFi lühifilmi stsenaariumi konkurss
Jameson koostöös Haapsalu Õudus- ja Fantaasiafilmide Festivaliga HÕFF korraldab lühifilmide konkursi. Võistluse eesmärgiks on leida üks suurepärane käsikiri.
Võistlus annab osalejatele võimaluse tutvustada oma käsikirja professionaalsele žüriile.
Viis finalisti saavad auhinnaks rahvusvahelise tudengi- ja lühifilmide festivali Sleepwalkers passid ning parim saab filmi valmistegemiseks Jamesonilt 3000 euro suuruse auhinnaraha.
Selleks, et kõik huvilised saaksid oma stsenaariumikirjutamise ja filmitegemise oskusi viimistleda, korraldatakse Tallinnas ja Haapsalus ka vastavaid töötubasid. Samuti soovitame kõigil huvilistel osaleda aastaringsetel Sleepwalkersi töötubadel ja teistel üritustel.
Kuidas see toimib:
1. Võitja valib välja kolmeliikmeline professionaalsetest filmitegijatest koosnev žürii. Võitja kuulutatakse välja 2014. aasta oktoobris.
2. Kõik võistluses osalejad peavad olema täisealised.
3. Iga osalev filmitegija peab saatma oma filmi stsenaariumi, mis on maksimaalselt 15 lehekülge pikk. Tähtaeg: 14. august 2014.
4. Žürii valib septembri lõpuks välja viis finalisti, kes saavad tasuta pääsmed 2014. aasta Sleepwalkers filmifestivalile.
5. Peaauhinnaks on 3000 euro suurune auhinnaraha. Võitja on kohustatud pidama online-päevikut (tekst ja pildid filmi valmimise protsessist) alates võistluse võitmisest kuni filmi valmimise hetkeni. Seda ikka selleks, et saaksime filmi valmimisega kursis olla ja võitjale kaasa elada!
6. Filmi valmimise tähtaeg on 1. aprill 2015.
Võidufilmi näidatakse 2015. aasta Haapsalu Õudus- ja Fantaasiafilmide Festivalil HÕFF. Kõik filmi valmimisega seotud võtmeisikud saavad endale HÕFFi passid.
Reeglid ja regulatsioonid:
1. Esitatav stsenaarium peab olema originaal.
2. Stsenaariumi maksimaalne pikkus on 15 lehekülge (A4).
3. Filmi pikkus peab olema vähemalt 15 minutit.
4. Tegemist peab olema žanrifilmiga – õudus, fantaasia või ulme.
5. Film võib olla ka animatsioon.
6. Võitja ja HÕFFi vahel sõlmitakse leping, mis garanteerib filmi õigeaegse valmimise. Filmi mitteõigeaegsel valmimisel on võitja kohustatud võidusumma tagastama.
7. Filmi alguses peavad olema kuvatud Jamesoni ja HÕFFi logod.
8. Võitja saab täiendava ajakava Sleepwalkersi eriüritustest, millest soovitame kindlasti osa võtta.
9. Online-päevikus peavad sisalduma Jamesoni ja HÕFFi logod.
10. Kõik kirjutised peavad olema eesti keeles.
11. Kõik käsikirjad peavad sisaldama nii stsenaristi kui ka režissööri nime.
12. Ühe inimese poolt esitatavate käsikirjade hulk ei ole piiratud.
13. Võistluse žürii, Jamesoni töötajad või perekond ei saa võistlusest osa võtta.
14. Igasugune stsenaariumiga seotud materjal, mis on eelnevalt võitnud auhindu teistel võistlustel, saanud toetust või muu tunnustuse osaliseks, ei ole aktsepteeritav.
15. Kõik käsikirjad peavad olema esitatud PDF-formaadis.
16. Jamesonil ja HÕFFil on õigus teha muudatusi võistluse regulatsioonides ning kohustus neist osalejaid õigeaegselt teavitada.
Ja nii lihtne see ongi. Kõik tulevased stsenaristid, kes on siiani kogunud oma kirjutisi lauasahtlisse ja need, kes on unistanud oma filmi tegemisest, kuid kellel on alati midagi olulisemat ees, siin on teie võimalus. Kui see kirjutis kõnetas teid, saatke oma käsikiri aadressile, meili pealkirjaga filmi nimi.
Võistlus annab osalejatele võimaluse tutvustada oma käsikirja professionaalsele žüriile.
Viis finalisti saavad auhinnaks rahvusvahelise tudengi- ja lühifilmide festivali Sleepwalkers passid ning parim saab filmi valmistegemiseks Jamesonilt 3000 euro suuruse auhinnaraha.
Selleks, et kõik huvilised saaksid oma stsenaariumikirjutamise ja filmitegemise oskusi viimistleda, korraldatakse Tallinnas ja Haapsalus ka vastavaid töötubasid. Samuti soovitame kõigil huvilistel osaleda aastaringsetel Sleepwalkersi töötubadel ja teistel üritustel.
Kuidas see toimib:
1. Võitja valib välja kolmeliikmeline professionaalsetest filmitegijatest koosnev žürii. Võitja kuulutatakse välja 2014. aasta oktoobris.
2. Kõik võistluses osalejad peavad olema täisealised.
3. Iga osalev filmitegija peab saatma oma filmi stsenaariumi, mis on maksimaalselt 15 lehekülge pikk. Tähtaeg: 14. august 2014.
4. Žürii valib septembri lõpuks välja viis finalisti, kes saavad tasuta pääsmed 2014. aasta Sleepwalkers filmifestivalile.
5. Peaauhinnaks on 3000 euro suurune auhinnaraha. Võitja on kohustatud pidama online-päevikut (tekst ja pildid filmi valmimise protsessist) alates võistluse võitmisest kuni filmi valmimise hetkeni. Seda ikka selleks, et saaksime filmi valmimisega kursis olla ja võitjale kaasa elada!
6. Filmi valmimise tähtaeg on 1. aprill 2015.
Võidufilmi näidatakse 2015. aasta Haapsalu Õudus- ja Fantaasiafilmide Festivalil HÕFF. Kõik filmi valmimisega seotud võtmeisikud saavad endale HÕFFi passid.
Reeglid ja regulatsioonid:
1. Esitatav stsenaarium peab olema originaal.
2. Stsenaariumi maksimaalne pikkus on 15 lehekülge (A4).
3. Filmi pikkus peab olema vähemalt 15 minutit.
4. Tegemist peab olema žanrifilmiga – õudus, fantaasia või ulme.
5. Film võib olla ka animatsioon.
6. Võitja ja HÕFFi vahel sõlmitakse leping, mis garanteerib filmi õigeaegse valmimise. Filmi mitteõigeaegsel valmimisel on võitja kohustatud võidusumma tagastama.
7. Filmi alguses peavad olema kuvatud Jamesoni ja HÕFFi logod.
8. Võitja saab täiendava ajakava Sleepwalkersi eriüritustest, millest soovitame kindlasti osa võtta.
9. Online-päevikus peavad sisalduma Jamesoni ja HÕFFi logod.
10. Kõik kirjutised peavad olema eesti keeles.
11. Kõik käsikirjad peavad sisaldama nii stsenaristi kui ka režissööri nime.
12. Ühe inimese poolt esitatavate käsikirjade hulk ei ole piiratud.
13. Võistluse žürii, Jamesoni töötajad või perekond ei saa võistlusest osa võtta.
14. Igasugune stsenaariumiga seotud materjal, mis on eelnevalt võitnud auhindu teistel võistlustel, saanud toetust või muu tunnustuse osaliseks, ei ole aktsepteeritav.
15. Kõik käsikirjad peavad olema esitatud PDF-formaadis.
16. Jamesonil ja HÕFFil on õigus teha muudatusi võistluse regulatsioonides ning kohustus neist osalejaid õigeaegselt teavitada.
Ja nii lihtne see ongi. Kõik tulevased stsenaristid, kes on siiani kogunud oma kirjutisi lauasahtlisse ja need, kes on unistanud oma filmi tegemisest, kuid kellel on alati midagi olulisemat ees, siin on teie võimalus. Kui see kirjutis kõnetas teid, saatke oma käsikiri aadressile, meili pealkirjaga filmi nimi.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

reede, 23. mai 2014
International Short Film Festival Ciudad de Soria
La XVI Edición del Certamen se celebrará en Soria
del 16 al 30 de noviembre de 2014
• El Certamen está abierto a realizadores de todo el mundo.
• Los trabajos podrán estar realizados en cualquier sistema de rodaje, así como de cualquier género: Ficción, Animación o Documental.
• La duración máxima no excederá de los 30 minutos, incluidos los créditos.
• Los cortometrajes presentados deberán haber terminado su producción con posterioridad al 1 de Enero de 2013.
• La fecha límite de envío de los cortometrajes será el 31 de Julio de 2014
• Es IMPRESCINDIBLE que los cortometrajes cuya versión original no esté en castellano, se presenten subtitulados a dicho idioma o en su defecto al inglés.
• Se valorará el subtitulado en inglés en los cortometrajes cuya versión original sea en castellano.
• La selección correrá a cargo de un comité de la organización, siendo publicado el resultado en nuestra página Web antes del 6 de Octubre de 2014.
• Los cortometrajes seleccionados para participar en el certamen podrán ser proyectados dentro de cualquiera de sus secciones (a concurso o paralelas).
• Los cortometrajes que participen en la sección competitiva no podrán haber sido proyectados en ninguna muestra, ni festival, dentro de la provincia de Soria.
• La organización podrá utilizar fragmentos de las obras seleccionadas (máximo 1 minuto) para promoción de las mismas y del festival.
• Los cortometrajes podrán ser enviados a través de las diferentes plataformas a las que pertenezca el Certamen.
• Todas las proyecciones se harán en formato digital independientemente del sistema de rodaje.
• La organización se pondrá en contacto con los seleccionados para solicitar el envío del archivo de proyección.
• El Jurado Oficial, compuesto por profesionales del medio cinematográfico, la cultura y la comunicación será el encargado de otorgar los premios, siendo su decisión inapelable.
• Los cortometrajes optarán a otros premios otorgados por los siguientes jurados: Jurado Joven, Jurado Mayor, Jurado en La Sombra y Jurado de la 802 y Jurado Infantil Todos los premios se conocerán en el momento de su entrega.
• El Certamen cubrirá los gastos de alojamiento + desayuno y una comida (Tres días para cortos nacionales y cuatro días para cortos extranjeros) a dos personas del equipo de cada cortometraje seleccionado a concurso.
• En caso de los cortometrajes premiados, es imprescindible que una persona del equipo acuda a recoger el premio.
• Los propietarios de los derechos de los cortometrajes que obtengan premio o mención en cualquiera de las categorías cederán sus derechos de reproducción para la edición de un DVD con carácter exclusivamente promocional.
• Queda implícita la autorización de los autores o los propietarios de estos derechos para la proyección por parte del Certamen de las obras seleccionadas durante el festival. Sin obligaciones contractuales por parte del Ayuntamiento de Soria ni de La Boca espacio de Cultura para con el autor material o intelectual de la obra, ni de cualquier otra sociedad de gestión.
• La participación en el Festival implica la total aceptación de las presentes bases.
del 16 al 30 de noviembre de 2014
• El Certamen está abierto a realizadores de todo el mundo.
• Los trabajos podrán estar realizados en cualquier sistema de rodaje, así como de cualquier género: Ficción, Animación o Documental.
• La duración máxima no excederá de los 30 minutos, incluidos los créditos.
• Los cortometrajes presentados deberán haber terminado su producción con posterioridad al 1 de Enero de 2013.
• La fecha límite de envío de los cortometrajes será el 31 de Julio de 2014
• Es IMPRESCINDIBLE que los cortometrajes cuya versión original no esté en castellano, se presenten subtitulados a dicho idioma o en su defecto al inglés.
• Se valorará el subtitulado en inglés en los cortometrajes cuya versión original sea en castellano.
• La selección correrá a cargo de un comité de la organización, siendo publicado el resultado en nuestra página Web antes del 6 de Octubre de 2014.
• Los cortometrajes seleccionados para participar en el certamen podrán ser proyectados dentro de cualquiera de sus secciones (a concurso o paralelas).
• Los cortometrajes que participen en la sección competitiva no podrán haber sido proyectados en ninguna muestra, ni festival, dentro de la provincia de Soria.
• La organización podrá utilizar fragmentos de las obras seleccionadas (máximo 1 minuto) para promoción de las mismas y del festival.
• Los cortometrajes podrán ser enviados a través de las diferentes plataformas a las que pertenezca el Certamen.
• Todas las proyecciones se harán en formato digital independientemente del sistema de rodaje.
• La organización se pondrá en contacto con los seleccionados para solicitar el envío del archivo de proyección.
• El Jurado Oficial, compuesto por profesionales del medio cinematográfico, la cultura y la comunicación será el encargado de otorgar los premios, siendo su decisión inapelable.
• Los cortometrajes optarán a otros premios otorgados por los siguientes jurados: Jurado Joven, Jurado Mayor, Jurado en La Sombra y Jurado de la 802 y Jurado Infantil Todos los premios se conocerán en el momento de su entrega.
• El Certamen cubrirá los gastos de alojamiento + desayuno y una comida (Tres días para cortos nacionales y cuatro días para cortos extranjeros) a dos personas del equipo de cada cortometraje seleccionado a concurso.
• En caso de los cortometrajes premiados, es imprescindible que una persona del equipo acuda a recoger el premio.
• Los propietarios de los derechos de los cortometrajes que obtengan premio o mención en cualquiera de las categorías cederán sus derechos de reproducción para la edición de un DVD con carácter exclusivamente promocional.
• Queda implícita la autorización de los autores o los propietarios de estos derechos para la proyección por parte del Certamen de las obras seleccionadas durante el festival. Sin obligaciones contractuales por parte del Ayuntamiento de Soria ni de La Boca espacio de Cultura para con el autor material o intelectual de la obra, ni de cualquier otra sociedad de gestión.
• La participación en el Festival implica la total aceptación de las presentes bases.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Les Enfants Terribles - European First Film Festival
Les inscriptions pour la deuxième édition des Enfants terribles, festival des premiers films européens, sont ouvertes et possibles jusqu’au 31 juillet 2014.
Sont acceptés en pré-sélection :
• Les premiers courts-métrages professionnels et/ou auto-produits (les œuvres antérieures réalisées pour la télévision ou dans le cadre d’une école de cinéma ne sont pas comptabilisées).
• Les films d’écoles.
• Réalisés après le 1er janvier 2013.
• D’une durée maximale de 30 minutes.
• Produits ou coproduits majoritairement en Europe*.
Avant de nous faire parvenir vos films, merci de prendre connaissance du règlement ci-dessous. Les DVDs des films, accompagnés des documents d’inscription dument remplis, doivent être déposés ou envoyés à l’adresse suivante :
Les Enfants terribles FIDEC asbl
Avenue Delchambre, 7a
4500 Huy
Les inscriptions par e-mail sont autorisées.
Les fichiers ou liens, obligatoirement accompagnés des documents d’inscription dument complétés, doivent être envoyés à l’adresse
Les réalisateurs des films sélectionnés seront prévenus par mail début septembre.
* Produits ou coproduits majoritairement dans un des Etats membres de l’Union européenne ou des Etats suivants : Albanie, Andorre, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Biélorussie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Géorgie, Islande, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macédoine, Moldavie, Monaco, Monténégro, Norvège, Russie, Saint-Marin, Serbie, Suisse, Turquie, Ukraine.
Sont acceptés en pré-sélection :
• Les premiers courts-métrages professionnels et/ou auto-produits (les œuvres antérieures réalisées pour la télévision ou dans le cadre d’une école de cinéma ne sont pas comptabilisées).
• Les films d’écoles.
• Réalisés après le 1er janvier 2013.
• D’une durée maximale de 30 minutes.
• Produits ou coproduits majoritairement en Europe*.
Avant de nous faire parvenir vos films, merci de prendre connaissance du règlement ci-dessous. Les DVDs des films, accompagnés des documents d’inscription dument remplis, doivent être déposés ou envoyés à l’adresse suivante :
Les Enfants terribles FIDEC asbl
Avenue Delchambre, 7a
4500 Huy
Les inscriptions par e-mail sont autorisées.
Les fichiers ou liens, obligatoirement accompagnés des documents d’inscription dument complétés, doivent être envoyés à l’adresse
Les réalisateurs des films sélectionnés seront prévenus par mail début septembre.
* Produits ou coproduits majoritairement dans un des Etats membres de l’Union européenne ou des Etats suivants : Albanie, Andorre, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Biélorussie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Géorgie, Islande, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macédoine, Moldavie, Monaco, Monténégro, Norvège, Russie, Saint-Marin, Serbie, Suisse, Turquie, Ukraine.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

International Short Film Festival Winterthur
The International Short Film Festival Winterthur is Switzerland’s most important short film festival. The festival takes place each year in November. It is a popular audience event and an important platform for the short film industry.
Short films of all genres no longer than 30 minutes and no older than 2013 can now be submitted for the competition of the 18th edition of Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur.
The submission's deadline is July 14 2014 - the earlier the better!
This is how you submit your film:
•Server Upload: Fill in the entry form and follow the instructions of the film-upload (FTP-Client or Java-Upload). Upload your film digitally on our server.
Please note: Uploads or ONLY possible via this website.
•Post road: If the upload doesn’t work send a DVD preview copy (Pal or NTSC) to us via regular mail until July 14, 2014 (post mark decisive).
Please note: It is MANDATORY to fill in the entry form.
You can find the rules and regulations at
Short films of all genres no longer than 30 minutes and no older than 2013 can now be submitted for the competition of the 18th edition of Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur.
The submission's deadline is July 14 2014 - the earlier the better!
This is how you submit your film:
•Server Upload: Fill in the entry form and follow the instructions of the film-upload (FTP-Client or Java-Upload). Upload your film digitally on our server.
Please note: Uploads or ONLY possible via this website.
•Post road: If the upload doesn’t work send a DVD preview copy (Pal or NTSC) to us via regular mail until July 14, 2014 (post mark decisive).
Please note: It is MANDATORY to fill in the entry form.
You can find the rules and regulations at
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Asiana International Short Film Festival
The 12th Asiana International Short Film Festival
The Asiana International Short Film Festival, as an international competitive film festival, will introduce diverse genres of short films to the international audiences and contribute to establish the festival’s filmmakers in the international community.
The 12th Asiana International Short Film Festival is a part of the Mecenat movements and one of sponsored business for culture and arts by the Asiana Airlines, Inc., which aims to encourage the unique cinematic creativity of the short films and to strongly support future media culture.
The Asiana International Short Film Festival aims to expand the alternative arena of distribution and marketing of short films, through post festival screenings such as the In-Flight screenings and others.
The 12th Asiana International Short Film Festival will be held from November 6 to 11 of 2014 in the heart of Seoul, Korea.
The 12th Asiana International Short Film Festival consists of International Competition, Korean Competition and non-competitive Special Program.
International Competition
Open for international short filmmakers, the awards are as follows;
Grand Prize
- 15 million Won (approx. USD 15,000), a trophy, 2 round trip flight tickets (Business Class)
Special Jury Award
- 5 million Won (approx. USD 5,000), a trophy
AISFF Rock Award
- 3 million Won (approx. USD 3,000), a trophy
AISFF Public Jury Award
- 1 million Won (approx. USD 1,000), a trophy
Face in Shorts Award
- 1 million Won (approx. USD 1,000), a trophy
* In addition to the awards stated above, there will be more awards sponsored by the festival’s corporate partner.
1) AISFF 2014 accepts short films produced after June 2013, in any type or genre of fiction/non-fiction, animation/live action film with maximum 30 minutes in length. For all submissions, only Korean Premiere must be accepted.
2) The screening format should be 35mm film, DCP files, Beta (NTSC), Digi-Beta (NTSC), 6mm DV (NTSC), HD, and HDV. Unless dialogue is in English, the print or the video should have English subtitles.
3) The submission deadline is July 31, 2014.
4) The entry fee is none.
5) After you receive the official invitation letter from the program team, you should send all the required materials to the festival office by regular mail. All documents must be in English, and digital publicity materials must be received NO LATER THAN September 30, 2014 via the AISFF program team’s email. Be sure to mark all materials: "FOR TEMPORARY, CULTURAL PURPOSE ONLY. NO COMMERCIAL VALUE" when you send the materials using by post.
- Resister your film at and upload the preview or post two preview DVDs to the festival office below.
Asiana International Short Film Festival (ATTN. Program Team)
#901, Sinmunno Bldg.,
12, Saemunan-ro 3-gil, Jongno-gu,
Seoul 110-061, South Korea
The Asiana International Short Film Festival, as an international competitive film festival, will introduce diverse genres of short films to the international audiences and contribute to establish the festival’s filmmakers in the international community.
The 12th Asiana International Short Film Festival is a part of the Mecenat movements and one of sponsored business for culture and arts by the Asiana Airlines, Inc., which aims to encourage the unique cinematic creativity of the short films and to strongly support future media culture.
The Asiana International Short Film Festival aims to expand the alternative arena of distribution and marketing of short films, through post festival screenings such as the In-Flight screenings and others.
The 12th Asiana International Short Film Festival will be held from November 6 to 11 of 2014 in the heart of Seoul, Korea.
The 12th Asiana International Short Film Festival consists of International Competition, Korean Competition and non-competitive Special Program.
International Competition
Open for international short filmmakers, the awards are as follows;
Grand Prize
- 15 million Won (approx. USD 15,000), a trophy, 2 round trip flight tickets (Business Class)
Special Jury Award
- 5 million Won (approx. USD 5,000), a trophy
AISFF Rock Award
- 3 million Won (approx. USD 3,000), a trophy
AISFF Public Jury Award
- 1 million Won (approx. USD 1,000), a trophy
Face in Shorts Award
- 1 million Won (approx. USD 1,000), a trophy
* In addition to the awards stated above, there will be more awards sponsored by the festival’s corporate partner.
1) AISFF 2014 accepts short films produced after June 2013, in any type or genre of fiction/non-fiction, animation/live action film with maximum 30 minutes in length. For all submissions, only Korean Premiere must be accepted.
2) The screening format should be 35mm film, DCP files, Beta (NTSC), Digi-Beta (NTSC), 6mm DV (NTSC), HD, and HDV. Unless dialogue is in English, the print or the video should have English subtitles.
3) The submission deadline is July 31, 2014.
4) The entry fee is none.
5) After you receive the official invitation letter from the program team, you should send all the required materials to the festival office by regular mail. All documents must be in English, and digital publicity materials must be received NO LATER THAN September 30, 2014 via the AISFF program team’s email. Be sure to mark all materials: "FOR TEMPORARY, CULTURAL PURPOSE ONLY. NO COMMERCIAL VALUE" when you send the materials using by post.
- Resister your film at and upload the preview or post two preview DVDs to the festival office below.
Asiana International Short Film Festival (ATTN. Program Team)
#901, Sinmunno Bldg.,
12, Saemunan-ro 3-gil, Jongno-gu,
Seoul 110-061, South Korea
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro - Curta Cinema
Festival start date: 06 Nov 2014
End of the festival: 13 Nov 2014
The Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema is exclusively dedicated to the promotion and exhibition of short-length audiovisual works. The Festival shows works finalized in 35 mm as well as digital format, with a maximum length of 30 minutes, and is both competitive and informative. The program of the festival in 2014 will be made up of: International Competition, National Competition, Latin-American Panorama, Rio de Janeiro Panorama, Special Programs, Retrospectives and a Focus on the works of an invited country, with the objective of exhibition, distribution and production of short-length audiovisual works. The Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema qualifies the winners of its National and International Grand Prix to enter the competition for an Oscar nomination by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Besides showing films, the festival promotes workshops, debates and lectures. Entries for films for the competitions, panoramas and special programs, and all the parallel activities of the festival are free.
- A list of dialogs – in English – of the selected films must be sent by October 6 so that electronic subtitles may be done.
- The list of selected films will be released officially by September 30, 2014.
Animation, Documentary, Experimental, Fantastic, Fiction, Other, Terror,
The festival is organized by FRANCO – Associação Franco Cultural and Franco Produções
Prizes and qualifications:
Grand Prix of the Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema – and qualification to compete for a nomination for an Oscar.
Special Jury Prize
Best Film – Young Jury 2014
Best Director
Great Public Award
Latin American Panorama Public Award
End of the festival: 13 Nov 2014
The Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema is exclusively dedicated to the promotion and exhibition of short-length audiovisual works. The Festival shows works finalized in 35 mm as well as digital format, with a maximum length of 30 minutes, and is both competitive and informative. The program of the festival in 2014 will be made up of: International Competition, National Competition, Latin-American Panorama, Rio de Janeiro Panorama, Special Programs, Retrospectives and a Focus on the works of an invited country, with the objective of exhibition, distribution and production of short-length audiovisual works. The Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema qualifies the winners of its National and International Grand Prix to enter the competition for an Oscar nomination by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Besides showing films, the festival promotes workshops, debates and lectures. Entries for films for the competitions, panoramas and special programs, and all the parallel activities of the festival are free.
- A list of dialogs – in English – of the selected films must be sent by October 6 so that electronic subtitles may be done.
- The list of selected films will be released officially by September 30, 2014.
Animation, Documentary, Experimental, Fantastic, Fiction, Other, Terror,
The festival is organized by FRANCO – Associação Franco Cultural and Franco Produções
Prizes and qualifications:
Grand Prix of the Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema – and qualification to compete for a nomination for an Oscar.
Special Jury Prize
Best Film – Young Jury 2014
Best Director
Great Public Award
Latin American Panorama Public Award
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

kolmapäev, 21. mai 2014
Show Me Shorts filmfestival
Show Me Shorts is proud to be New Zealand’s first and only Academy Awards® accredited festival, with our Best Film winner now eligible for nomination for an Oscar®.
We are also an IMDb qualifying festival, granting all eligible film submissions a fast tracked title-page in For more information about the IMDb-qualifying program please visit the Support Tab on your Withoutabox account home page and click on IMDb-Qualifying Status.
Entry guidelines for 2014 are:
GENRE: Films and music videos can be any genre.
LENGTH: Films are to be no less than 2 minutes and no more than 20 minutes in length (including end credits). Unless you are entering a music video, in which case it must be between 1-10 minutes in length.
COMPLETION DATE: Films and music videos must have been completed after July 2012.
BROADCASTING: Films must not have previously been shown publicly on the Internet. (This does not apply to music videos or to short films entered in the ‘Not in competition’ category.)
SUBTITLES: All entries with dialogue not in the English language must be subtitled in English.
DEADLINES & ENTRY FEES: Earlybird Deadline: 15 April 2014 (fee US$20) / Regular Deadline: 15 May 2014 (fee US$25) / Late Deadline: 15 June 2014 (fee US$35) / Extended Deadline: 1 July 2014 (fee US$40).
UNFINISHED FILMS: Please contact us before the deadline to request permission to submit an incomplete film, or have an extension granted.
ENTRY CATEGORIES: Show Me Shorts 2014 has four categories of entry.
Films made by New Zealanders or with significant New Zealand content are eligible for the ‘New Zealand short films’ entry category.
Films made without significant NZ contribution or content are eligible for the ‘International short films’ entry category.
New Zealand or international films that are, or have been, shown on the Internet are eligible for the ‘Not in competition’ entry category.
Music videos made by New Zealanders or with significant New Zealand content are eligible for the ‘New Zealand Music video’ entry category. Show Me Shorts priorities films with high production values, as well as films that are making their premiere in our festival.
POSTAGE: All postage costs are the responsibility of the sender. Entry materials will NOT be returned. If selected, screening materials may be returned.
CENSORSHIP: If your film has previously been rated for screening in New Zealand please let us know.
PROMO USE: Show Me Shorts reserves the right to use up to 30 seconds of all entries for promotional purposes.
Please also check out our FAQ page to see if we have an answer for your question.
For even more incentive to Enter, check out the Awards page of our website for the list of awards and prizes confirmed so far. Or better yet, >> Join our e-news list for monthly updates
We are also an IMDb qualifying festival, granting all eligible film submissions a fast tracked title-page in For more information about the IMDb-qualifying program please visit the Support Tab on your Withoutabox account home page and click on IMDb-Qualifying Status.
Entry guidelines for 2014 are:
GENRE: Films and music videos can be any genre.
LENGTH: Films are to be no less than 2 minutes and no more than 20 minutes in length (including end credits). Unless you are entering a music video, in which case it must be between 1-10 minutes in length.
COMPLETION DATE: Films and music videos must have been completed after July 2012.
BROADCASTING: Films must not have previously been shown publicly on the Internet. (This does not apply to music videos or to short films entered in the ‘Not in competition’ category.)
SUBTITLES: All entries with dialogue not in the English language must be subtitled in English.
DEADLINES & ENTRY FEES: Earlybird Deadline: 15 April 2014 (fee US$20) / Regular Deadline: 15 May 2014 (fee US$25) / Late Deadline: 15 June 2014 (fee US$35) / Extended Deadline: 1 July 2014 (fee US$40).
UNFINISHED FILMS: Please contact us before the deadline to request permission to submit an incomplete film, or have an extension granted.
ENTRY CATEGORIES: Show Me Shorts 2014 has four categories of entry.
Films made by New Zealanders or with significant New Zealand content are eligible for the ‘New Zealand short films’ entry category.
Films made without significant NZ contribution or content are eligible for the ‘International short films’ entry category.
New Zealand or international films that are, or have been, shown on the Internet are eligible for the ‘Not in competition’ entry category.
Music videos made by New Zealanders or with significant New Zealand content are eligible for the ‘New Zealand Music video’ entry category. Show Me Shorts priorities films with high production values, as well as films that are making their premiere in our festival.
POSTAGE: All postage costs are the responsibility of the sender. Entry materials will NOT be returned. If selected, screening materials may be returned.
CENSORSHIP: If your film has previously been rated for screening in New Zealand please let us know.
PROMO USE: Show Me Shorts reserves the right to use up to 30 seconds of all entries for promotional purposes.
Please also check out our FAQ page to see if we have an answer for your question.
For even more incentive to Enter, check out the Awards page of our website for the list of awards and prizes confirmed so far. Or better yet, >> Join our e-news list for monthly updates
Giffoni Film Festival
The Giffoni Film Festival is organised by the independent Association: “Ente Autonomo Festival Internazionale del Cinema per Ragazzi e per la Gioventù”, a non-profit Association that was constituted in 1973. It is supported by the Campania Regional Government, POR Campania, the Italian Ministry for Arts and Culture, the Salerno Provincial Administration and the Municipality of Giffoni Valle Piana. Other associations, organisations, institutions and private sponsors also support the Festival.
The 44th edition of the Giffoni Film Festival will take place under the Patronage of the Italian Head of State.
For over 44 years the Festival has acted as a sounding board for cinema production destined for children and young people. It represents the ideal place for vivacious confrontation between filmmakers, producers and distributors and also provides a bridge between the sector’s production universe and its target audience. The Festival also aims to promote the knowledge and circulation of products of high artistic value, capable of contributing to the formation and cultural growth of a mature critical conscience in young people.
1.1 Elements +3 – competitive section for short animation movies for children from 3 to 5 years of age.
1.2 Elements +6 – competitive section for feature length films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 6 to 9 years of age.
1.3 Elements +10 – competitive section for feature length films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 10 to 12 years of age.
1.4 Generator +13 – competitive section for feature length films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 13 to 15 years of age.
1.5 Generator +16 – competitive section for feature length films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 16 to 18 years of age.
1.6 Generator +18 – competitive section for feature films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 18 years on.
1.7 GEX Doc – competitive section for documentaries about infanthood and coming of age.
1.8 Previews – Feature films out of competition for youth and families.
1.9 Short is Different – Short films out of competition revolving around the theme of the Festival.
1.10 Parental Control – non competitive sections for feature length films released in the Italian territory during the 2013/14 season.
Short films must not run for more than 30' while feature length films must run for at least 60'.
Preferred formats are as follows: DCP, DigiBeta, HDCAM (not SR), Blu-ray.
DVD and file H264HD or Apple Pro-res format only for short films.
2.1 For the Elements competitive sections the National Jury is to be composed of children (600 circa per section) who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film and to the best short film;
2.2 For the Generator +13 and +16 competitive sections the International Jury is to be composed of teenagers from all over the world (500 circa per section) who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film and the “Jury Grand Prix”;
2.3 For the Generator +18 section the Jury is to be composed of teachers, university students and cinephiles who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film, to the best fiction and animated short film.
The Juries’ decisions are unquestionable.
3.1 Terms and conditions for the admission to the selection. Only films produced after October 2012 will be considered for selection and priority will be given to previously unedited films. ONLY FOR FEATURE LENGTH FILMS: the film presentation at any other italian film festival or its theatrical or broadcasting on television in italy will exclude it from participating in the giffoni film festival.
The deadline of DVDs, files or links submission to be included in the pre-selection is the 6th of June 2014.
All DVDs, accompanied by a completed copy of our entry form (only if NOT already submitted online), should be sent to the following address:
Via Aldo Moro 4
84095 Giffoni Valle Piana
The file/links of the film can be sent to (feature films) and (shorts)
Materials for inclusion in the pre-selection must be sent at the expense of the participants. The DVDs will be returned only if a specific request is made by the sender. Our Association will keep a copy of each film, which will then be kept in our Cine Library and used exclusively for cultural and educational reasons.
3.2 Selection terms. The selection will take place under the unquestionable judgment of the Festival’s Artistic Management who will communicate the results exclusively to the production and distribution companies of the films selected, no later than the 18th of June 2014.
3.3 Materials. On receiving official notification of the film’s inclusion in competition, absolute priority must be given to the dispatch of the following materials:
DVD of the entire film (if not already submitted for the pre-selection)
Biography, filmography and photograph of the Director (by e-mail)
Director’s notes on the film and production notes (by e-mail)
Complete list of dialogues in English and/or a list of subtitles (by e-mail)
Slides or photographs from the film (by e-mail or ftp)
Posters and flyers
Trailer (only for feature films) in video format no longer than 2 minutes (also by ftp)
DVDs, brochures, posters and flyers should be sent exclusively via courier, separately from the print, to the following address:
Via Aldo Moro 4
84095 Giffoni Valle Piana (SA)
Salerno - Italy
Note: In order to promote the film in competition, it is essential that the production company give their authorisation for a maximum of 2’ (max. 30” for short films) of scenes taken from the film to be broadcast on National and International television.
3.4 Shipments.Any copies (both feature films and short films) for the official screening must be sent exclusively via courier service to the same address (see above) and the prints must arrive in the Festival’s office no later than the 11th July 2014.
All shipments from NON-EU MEMBER STATES must be accompanied by a pro-forma invoice indicating for customs purposes only, a value of no more than $10USD for feature films and $5USD for short films and indicate clearly in writing the following “NO COMMERCIAL VALUE, FOR CULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY”. At the same time the sender must ensure that an e-mail containing the title of the film, the number of packages, the date and coordinates of the shipment (AWB number) is received in the Office of the Festival’s Artistic Secretary.
All the films in competition will be screened in original language with the addition of electronic subtitles (with the exception of the Elements +3 and Elements +6 sections, for which a voice-over system will be adopted).
The prints must be subtitled in English if they come from non-Anglophone countries.
The official copy must be identical to the DVD copy submitted for pre-selection.
In the case of DCPs please consider the time needed to carry out tests and upload it. The copy must arrive within July 11. In the case of encrypted DCPs, a valid KDM must be sent for the following time frame: July 14 – July 27 2014.
The GFF foresees no cost for admission to the pre-selection.
Shipment costs for films in pre-selection are to be covered by the participants.
All shipment expenses for the films selected for competition, as well as those incurred for their return to their country of origin, will be covered by the GFF. In case the copy of the films is shipped from/to another Festival, we shall cover the cost of only one track.
Travel Insurance. The expedition of the prints to and from Giffoni is to be covered by participants. The Festival takes care of insurance for the period of the goods’ stay in Giffoni. The insurance value will not be higher than the cost of re-printing a copy according to the going rate in Italy.
Producers and distributors of the winning films are kindly asked to hand a copy of the title either on 35mm or Digital format to the Festival, in order to keep it at the Festival Archive. The copy will not be used for any commercial purposes.
5.1 TRAVELLING EXPENSES. The Giffoni Film Festival will cover the cost of economy class flight tickets exclusively for the Directors of the feature films in competition.
Hospitality (B/B and dinners) is foreseen for the Directors and for a representative of the production/distribution company of each feature film in all the competitive sections (the hospitality goes from the day before the screening to the day after the Award Ceremony).
Hospitality (B/B and dinners) for a maximum of 3 nights is foreseen for the Directors of the short films in all the competitive sections.
N.B. The Production and Distribution Companies of the films selected are invited to support the participation of their films at the GFF by sustaining the attendance of the leading actors from their films to whom we will be happy to offer accommodation to (B/B and dinners).
Entrance into one of the GFF’s competitive sections entails unconditional acceptance of the Festival’s regulations. It is strictly the producers, distributors or any other subjects’ responsibility to guarantee that they are authorized to submit the films at GFF.
This list of regulations has been drawn up in both the Italian and English languages. If problems of interpretation should arise the version in Italian will prevail.
The management of the GFF is allowed to take decisions that are not foreseen in the above regulations and to change the regulations in special cases.
The Court of Salerno is regarded as the competent authority for all eventual controversy.
Giffoni, November 2013
Submit your film through our System - Eventival:
Submit your film through FilmFestivalLife:
You can now submit to the 'Giffoni Film Festival' through FilmFestivalLife. HD secure screeners, festival and film rating tools, social features and the fastest growing community of film professionals online to share with. Be in the place where festivals are now discovering the next generation.
Submit your film through FilmFreeway:
Submit your film through Click for Festivals:
The 44th edition of the Giffoni Film Festival will take place under the Patronage of the Italian Head of State.
For over 44 years the Festival has acted as a sounding board for cinema production destined for children and young people. It represents the ideal place for vivacious confrontation between filmmakers, producers and distributors and also provides a bridge between the sector’s production universe and its target audience. The Festival also aims to promote the knowledge and circulation of products of high artistic value, capable of contributing to the formation and cultural growth of a mature critical conscience in young people.
1.1 Elements +3 – competitive section for short animation movies for children from 3 to 5 years of age.
1.2 Elements +6 – competitive section for feature length films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 6 to 9 years of age.
1.3 Elements +10 – competitive section for feature length films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 10 to 12 years of age.
1.4 Generator +13 – competitive section for feature length films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 13 to 15 years of age.
1.5 Generator +16 – competitive section for feature length films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 16 to 18 years of age.
1.6 Generator +18 – competitive section for feature films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 18 years on.
1.7 GEX Doc – competitive section for documentaries about infanthood and coming of age.
1.8 Previews – Feature films out of competition for youth and families.
1.9 Short is Different – Short films out of competition revolving around the theme of the Festival.
1.10 Parental Control – non competitive sections for feature length films released in the Italian territory during the 2013/14 season.
Short films must not run for more than 30' while feature length films must run for at least 60'.
Preferred formats are as follows: DCP, DigiBeta, HDCAM (not SR), Blu-ray.
DVD and file H264HD or Apple Pro-res format only for short films.
2.1 For the Elements competitive sections the National Jury is to be composed of children (600 circa per section) who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film and to the best short film;
2.2 For the Generator +13 and +16 competitive sections the International Jury is to be composed of teenagers from all over the world (500 circa per section) who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film and the “Jury Grand Prix”;
2.3 For the Generator +18 section the Jury is to be composed of teachers, university students and cinephiles who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film, to the best fiction and animated short film.
The Juries’ decisions are unquestionable.
3.1 Terms and conditions for the admission to the selection. Only films produced after October 2012 will be considered for selection and priority will be given to previously unedited films. ONLY FOR FEATURE LENGTH FILMS: the film presentation at any other italian film festival or its theatrical or broadcasting on television in italy will exclude it from participating in the giffoni film festival.
The deadline of DVDs, files or links submission to be included in the pre-selection is the 6th of June 2014.
All DVDs, accompanied by a completed copy of our entry form (only if NOT already submitted online), should be sent to the following address:
Via Aldo Moro 4
84095 Giffoni Valle Piana
The file/links of the film can be sent to (feature films) and (shorts)
Materials for inclusion in the pre-selection must be sent at the expense of the participants. The DVDs will be returned only if a specific request is made by the sender. Our Association will keep a copy of each film, which will then be kept in our Cine Library and used exclusively for cultural and educational reasons.
3.2 Selection terms. The selection will take place under the unquestionable judgment of the Festival’s Artistic Management who will communicate the results exclusively to the production and distribution companies of the films selected, no later than the 18th of June 2014.
3.3 Materials. On receiving official notification of the film’s inclusion in competition, absolute priority must be given to the dispatch of the following materials:
DVD of the entire film (if not already submitted for the pre-selection)
Biography, filmography and photograph of the Director (by e-mail)
Director’s notes on the film and production notes (by e-mail)
Complete list of dialogues in English and/or a list of subtitles (by e-mail)
Slides or photographs from the film (by e-mail or ftp)
Posters and flyers
Trailer (only for feature films) in video format no longer than 2 minutes (also by ftp)
DVDs, brochures, posters and flyers should be sent exclusively via courier, separately from the print, to the following address:
Via Aldo Moro 4
84095 Giffoni Valle Piana (SA)
Salerno - Italy
Note: In order to promote the film in competition, it is essential that the production company give their authorisation for a maximum of 2’ (max. 30” for short films) of scenes taken from the film to be broadcast on National and International television.
3.4 Shipments.Any copies (both feature films and short films) for the official screening must be sent exclusively via courier service to the same address (see above) and the prints must arrive in the Festival’s office no later than the 11th July 2014.
All shipments from NON-EU MEMBER STATES must be accompanied by a pro-forma invoice indicating for customs purposes only, a value of no more than $10USD for feature films and $5USD for short films and indicate clearly in writing the following “NO COMMERCIAL VALUE, FOR CULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY”. At the same time the sender must ensure that an e-mail containing the title of the film, the number of packages, the date and coordinates of the shipment (AWB number) is received in the Office of the Festival’s Artistic Secretary.
All the films in competition will be screened in original language with the addition of electronic subtitles (with the exception of the Elements +3 and Elements +6 sections, for which a voice-over system will be adopted).
The prints must be subtitled in English if they come from non-Anglophone countries.
The official copy must be identical to the DVD copy submitted for pre-selection.
In the case of DCPs please consider the time needed to carry out tests and upload it. The copy must arrive within July 11. In the case of encrypted DCPs, a valid KDM must be sent for the following time frame: July 14 – July 27 2014.
The GFF foresees no cost for admission to the pre-selection.
Shipment costs for films in pre-selection are to be covered by the participants.
All shipment expenses for the films selected for competition, as well as those incurred for their return to their country of origin, will be covered by the GFF. In case the copy of the films is shipped from/to another Festival, we shall cover the cost of only one track.
Travel Insurance. The expedition of the prints to and from Giffoni is to be covered by participants. The Festival takes care of insurance for the period of the goods’ stay in Giffoni. The insurance value will not be higher than the cost of re-printing a copy according to the going rate in Italy.
Producers and distributors of the winning films are kindly asked to hand a copy of the title either on 35mm or Digital format to the Festival, in order to keep it at the Festival Archive. The copy will not be used for any commercial purposes.
5.1 TRAVELLING EXPENSES. The Giffoni Film Festival will cover the cost of economy class flight tickets exclusively for the Directors of the feature films in competition.
Hospitality (B/B and dinners) is foreseen for the Directors and for a representative of the production/distribution company of each feature film in all the competitive sections (the hospitality goes from the day before the screening to the day after the Award Ceremony).
Hospitality (B/B and dinners) for a maximum of 3 nights is foreseen for the Directors of the short films in all the competitive sections.
N.B. The Production and Distribution Companies of the films selected are invited to support the participation of their films at the GFF by sustaining the attendance of the leading actors from their films to whom we will be happy to offer accommodation to (B/B and dinners).
Entrance into one of the GFF’s competitive sections entails unconditional acceptance of the Festival’s regulations. It is strictly the producers, distributors or any other subjects’ responsibility to guarantee that they are authorized to submit the films at GFF.
This list of regulations has been drawn up in both the Italian and English languages. If problems of interpretation should arise the version in Italian will prevail.
The management of the GFF is allowed to take decisions that are not foreseen in the above regulations and to change the regulations in special cases.
The Court of Salerno is regarded as the competent authority for all eventual controversy.
Giffoni, November 2013
Submit your film through our System - Eventival:
Submit your film through FilmFestivalLife:
You can now submit to the 'Giffoni Film Festival' through FilmFestivalLife. HD secure screeners, festival and film rating tools, social features and the fastest growing community of film professionals online to share with. Be in the place where festivals are now discovering the next generation.
Submit your film through FilmFreeway:
Submit your film through Click for Festivals:
Brest European Short Film Festival
The 29th edition of the Brest European Short Film Festival will take place from 11 till 16, November 2014.
Submission begins: February 15th, 2014
Submission deadline: June 15th, 2014
Registrations conditions:
Genre: Fiction
Screening format: HD video format. Beta, 35mm and DVD formats are not allowed for screening.
Running time: 30 minutes maximum
Copyright: 2013 & 2014
Production: European Union countries, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
Submission begins: February 15th, 2014
Submission deadline: June 15th, 2014
Registrations conditions:
Genre: Fiction
Screening format: HD video format. Beta, 35mm and DVD formats are not allowed for screening.
Running time: 30 minutes maximum
Copyright: 2013 & 2014
Production: European Union countries, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
shnit International Shortfilmfestival
We are in the middle of the submission process for our International Competition shnit OPEN 2014 and would also be delighted to receive your short film! The submission deadline for the 12th edition of shnit International Shortfilmfestival (8 – 19 October 2014) is 1 June 2014.
By the way: With Pro Entry shnit is providing a unique feedback system. For a small registration fee, you will receive a personal and individual feedback for every film you enter. Additionally, you will get free online access to shnit CINEMAS.
Registration Deadline: 1 June 2014
Films completed after: 1 June 2012
Max. running time: 40 minutes (including credits)
Genres and countries of production: all
Prize money: US$ 100,000
By the way: With Pro Entry shnit is providing a unique feedback system. For a small registration fee, you will receive a personal and individual feedback for every film you enter. Additionally, you will get free online access to shnit CINEMAS.
Registration Deadline: 1 June 2014
Films completed after: 1 June 2012
Max. running time: 40 minutes (including credits)
Genres and countries of production: all
Prize money: US$ 100,000
Aesthetica Short Film Festival
We are looking for filmmakers who are driving the genre of short film forward through inspirational and innovative works. Whether you are fresh out of film school or have been making films for years, we want to hear from you. The deadline for submission is 31 May 2014.
Supporting & Championing Short Film
We are accepting films in all genres: advertising, animation, artists’ film, comedy, documentary, drama, experimental, fashion, music video and thriller.
Enter this year for your chance to be screened at the Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2014. The finalists will be screened across the City of York as part of ASFF in November. There will be additional prizes for the winner and runner-up.
This award offers the winner and runners-up a fantastic prize package, which will bring your films to a wider audience.
The deadline for submission is 31 May 2014
All films selected for screening at ASFF will be notified by September 2014
Winners will be announced at the closing ceremony at ASFF on 9 November 2014
Screenings at ASFF
£750 prize money for Festival Winner Award
£250 prize money for Peoples’ Choice Award
Festival screenings in various guest programmes at other UK film festivals
Editorial in Aesthetica Magazine and on the Aesthetica Blog for a selection of finalists
Submission Guidelines
Running times up to 30mins
English language, dubbed in to English or with English subtitles
Please include: Director’s name, country of production, running time
Plus full contact details including postal address, telephone number and email address
Your film must not be in breach of any copyright, including music or sound contained in your entry
View our FAQ page for more information.
Supporting & Championing Short Film
We are accepting films in all genres: advertising, animation, artists’ film, comedy, documentary, drama, experimental, fashion, music video and thriller.
Enter this year for your chance to be screened at the Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2014. The finalists will be screened across the City of York as part of ASFF in November. There will be additional prizes for the winner and runner-up.
This award offers the winner and runners-up a fantastic prize package, which will bring your films to a wider audience.
The deadline for submission is 31 May 2014
All films selected for screening at ASFF will be notified by September 2014
Winners will be announced at the closing ceremony at ASFF on 9 November 2014
Screenings at ASFF
£750 prize money for Festival Winner Award
£250 prize money for Peoples’ Choice Award
Festival screenings in various guest programmes at other UK film festivals
Editorial in Aesthetica Magazine and on the Aesthetica Blog for a selection of finalists
Submission Guidelines
Running times up to 30mins
English language, dubbed in to English or with English subtitles
Please include: Director’s name, country of production, running time
Plus full contact details including postal address, telephone number and email address
Your film must not be in breach of any copyright, including music or sound contained in your entry
View our FAQ page for more information.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Thai Short Film and Video Festival
We are pleased to announce the call for entries for our new edition 18th Thai Short Film and Video Festival held in August 2014.
The submission can be any genres, less than 30 minutes (in exception, documentary has no length limit) and completed after 1st January 2013.
No entry fee.
The festival has not only the national and international competition, but also many special programs.
Each year, we show more than 50 international shorts from other countries around the world. The online entry form will be available at entry form for International competition.
You can complete the online form then and post your film to:
The 18th Thai Short Film and Video Festival
P.O. Box 6, Phuttamonthon, Nakornpathom, Thailand 73170
Submissions deadline: May 31st 2014
Any inquiries, please feel free to contact
Thai Film Foundation
50/17 Salaya-Nakornchaisri Road
Phutthamonthon Nakornpathom 73170 Thailand
Tel: 66 8 67898323
Mobile: 66 2 8002716
Fax: 66 2 8002717
E-mail :
The submission can be any genres, less than 30 minutes (in exception, documentary has no length limit) and completed after 1st January 2013.
No entry fee.
The festival has not only the national and international competition, but also many special programs.
Each year, we show more than 50 international shorts from other countries around the world. The online entry form will be available at entry form for International competition.
You can complete the online form then and post your film to:
The 18th Thai Short Film and Video Festival
P.O. Box 6, Phuttamonthon, Nakornpathom, Thailand 73170
Submissions deadline: May 31st 2014
Any inquiries, please feel free to contact
Thai Film Foundation
50/17 Salaya-Nakornchaisri Road
Phutthamonthon Nakornpathom 73170 Thailand
Tel: 66 8 67898323
Mobile: 66 2 8002716
Fax: 66 2 8002717
E-mail :
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

The Short Film Festival of Sweden is now accepting submissions for the International Competition and the Children’s Film Festival at the 33rd Uppsala International Short Film Festival.
Short films of all genres with a running time of no more than 40 minutes are accepted for onsideration. Submitted films must have been produced 2013 or 2014. Eligible screening formats are 35 mm and .mov files in either the ProRes 422 or h264 codec. All submissions are made on
The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2014.
In order to submit to the festival, please click the link below. There you can read the full festival regulations, create your shortfilmdepot account if you haven’t got one already and submit your film.
Short films of all genres with a running time of no more than 40 minutes are accepted for onsideration. Submitted films must have been produced 2013 or 2014. Eligible screening formats are 35 mm and .mov files in either the ProRes 422 or h264 codec. All submissions are made on
The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2014.
In order to submit to the festival, please click the link below. There you can read the full festival regulations, create your shortfilmdepot account if you haven’t got one already and submit your film.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Internetional Short Film Festival in Drama
15-20 September 2014
1. For the promotion of short films and the development of a spirit of friendship and co-operation among filmmakers from all over the world, the 20th International Short Film Festival in Drama will be held from the 16th to the 21st of September 2013, in the city of Drama, in the district of Macedonia, Northern Greece.
2. Fiction, documentary and animation short films may participate, as long as:
a) Their production has been completed after January 1, 2013.
b) Their final print of screening is available in 16 or 35mm, DCP, HDCAM, BETA (pal) or Apple ProRes 422.
c) Their running time does not exceed 35 minutes (the Selection Committee reserves the right to accept longer films in exceptional cases).
d) Only one film per director is accepted.
3. Entry Procedure
a) The entry form and the preview dvd should be submitted by 30th April 2014 to the Athens premises {International Short Film Festival in Drama, Em. Benaki 71, 10681, Athens, Greece, 0030 210 3300309} .
For online submissions, the director and the producer should also send the entry form signed and stamped by the 30th of April 2014.
b) Requested material
An entry form filled in, signed and sealed by both the producer(s) and the director.
One (1) preview dvd copy of the film subtitled in English, playable by stand alone dvd players .
At least one photograph of the film. (format: jpeg or tiff 300*300dpi)
At least one photograph of the director. (format: jpeg or tiff 300*300dpi)
A complete dialogue list of the film in English, in digital copy.
Director’s biography and filmography, mentioning title and year of production.
c) Submission of the entry form to the International Short Film Festival in Drama implies unconditional acceptance of these regulations.
The DVDs of the films that will be submitted to the Festival along with the entry form will remain with the archives of the Festival.
4. Selection
Final screening copy shipment deadline: 1st September 2014
a) The screening copies and a Blu-Ray of the films that have been selected by the Selection Committee for the competition should be received by 1st September 2014 (Mailing address:
a1. Em. Benaki 71, 10681, Athens, Greece, +30 210 3300309
a2. International Short Film Festival in Drama Agias Varvaras 9, 66100 Drama, Greece, +30 25210 47575).
Requested material:
i) A screening copy, subtitled in English, in one of the following accepted formats: Film Print , DCP, HDCAM, Beta (Pal) , Apple ProRes 422 .
ii) A DVD and a Blu-Ray of the final version of the film, compatible with standalone players, subtitled in English, for the Film Market.
iii) A technical data sheet with all the necessary projection info.
b) Any film that will not meet this deadline will be excluded from the competition. Only high quality standard prints will be accepted.
c) The Festival will return all screening copies within thirty days after the end of the Festival, to the address specified by the director or producer at least 10 days before the expiry of the shipment deadline.
d) The Festival covers the return shipment, not including extra costs and tariffs to
the shipping country.
5. Awards.
The Jury of the Festival consists of at least 5 members and awards the following Prizes:
The Jury may also award other honorary distinctions for specific artistic achievements. Each prize is awarded to a single film and cannot be awarded ex aequo.
6. General Terms
a)The preview dvd and the Blu-Ray of the film remain with the Festival’s Film Market.
b)The Festival reserves the right to digitize the submitted films for the needs of the Film Market and its Archive.
c)Film excerpts that might be broadcast on television or the internet should not exceed a duration of 3 minutes or 10% of the total running time of the film.
d)The Festival reserves the right to publish film information, including the contact info of the director and the producer.
e)Transportation costs for preview material and prints submitted to the competition program shall be covered by the applicant. The Festival will undertake the costs of returning and securing the films as long as they are in the possession of the Festival.
f)In case of loss or damage under the Festival’s liability, the Festival undertakes the cost of creating a positive copy of that film.
g)The Artistic Director of the Festival reserves the right to compile the Festival's program and implement changes wherever necessary.
h)Any dispute concerning the present regulations will be judged and settled by the President of the Festival.
i)Any legal disputes can only be settled by the local Legal Courts of Drama.
TEL: +30 210 3300309, FAX: +30 210 3302818
TEL+30 25210 47575, FAX:+ 30 2521033526
15-20 September 2014
1. For the promotion of short films and the development of a spirit of friendship and co-operation among filmmakers from all over the world, the 20th International Short Film Festival in Drama will be held from the 16th to the 21st of September 2013, in the city of Drama, in the district of Macedonia, Northern Greece.
2. Fiction, documentary and animation short films may participate, as long as:
a) Their production has been completed after January 1, 2013.
b) Their final print of screening is available in 16 or 35mm, DCP, HDCAM, BETA (pal) or Apple ProRes 422.
c) Their running time does not exceed 35 minutes (the Selection Committee reserves the right to accept longer films in exceptional cases).
d) Only one film per director is accepted.
3. Entry Procedure
a) The entry form and the preview dvd should be submitted by 30th April 2014 to the Athens premises {International Short Film Festival in Drama, Em. Benaki 71, 10681, Athens, Greece, 0030 210 3300309} .
For online submissions, the director and the producer should also send the entry form signed and stamped by the 30th of April 2014.
b) Requested material
An entry form filled in, signed and sealed by both the producer(s) and the director.
One (1) preview dvd copy of the film subtitled in English, playable by stand alone dvd players .
At least one photograph of the film. (format: jpeg or tiff 300*300dpi)
At least one photograph of the director. (format: jpeg or tiff 300*300dpi)
A complete dialogue list of the film in English, in digital copy.
Director’s biography and filmography, mentioning title and year of production.
c) Submission of the entry form to the International Short Film Festival in Drama implies unconditional acceptance of these regulations.
The DVDs of the films that will be submitted to the Festival along with the entry form will remain with the archives of the Festival.
4. Selection
Final screening copy shipment deadline: 1st September 2014
a) The screening copies and a Blu-Ray of the films that have been selected by the Selection Committee for the competition should be received by 1st September 2014 (Mailing address:
a1. Em. Benaki 71, 10681, Athens, Greece, +30 210 3300309
a2. International Short Film Festival in Drama Agias Varvaras 9, 66100 Drama, Greece, +30 25210 47575).
Requested material:
i) A screening copy, subtitled in English, in one of the following accepted formats: Film Print , DCP, HDCAM, Beta (Pal) , Apple ProRes 422 .
ii) A DVD and a Blu-Ray of the final version of the film, compatible with standalone players, subtitled in English, for the Film Market.
iii) A technical data sheet with all the necessary projection info.
b) Any film that will not meet this deadline will be excluded from the competition. Only high quality standard prints will be accepted.
c) The Festival will return all screening copies within thirty days after the end of the Festival, to the address specified by the director or producer at least 10 days before the expiry of the shipment deadline.
d) The Festival covers the return shipment, not including extra costs and tariffs to
the shipping country.
5. Awards.
The Jury of the Festival consists of at least 5 members and awards the following Prizes:
The Jury may also award other honorary distinctions for specific artistic achievements. Each prize is awarded to a single film and cannot be awarded ex aequo.
6. General Terms
a)The preview dvd and the Blu-Ray of the film remain with the Festival’s Film Market.
b)The Festival reserves the right to digitize the submitted films for the needs of the Film Market and its Archive.
c)Film excerpts that might be broadcast on television or the internet should not exceed a duration of 3 minutes or 10% of the total running time of the film.
d)The Festival reserves the right to publish film information, including the contact info of the director and the producer.
e)Transportation costs for preview material and prints submitted to the competition program shall be covered by the applicant. The Festival will undertake the costs of returning and securing the films as long as they are in the possession of the Festival.
f)In case of loss or damage under the Festival’s liability, the Festival undertakes the cost of creating a positive copy of that film.
g)The Artistic Director of the Festival reserves the right to compile the Festival's program and implement changes wherever necessary.
h)Any dispute concerning the present regulations will be judged and settled by the President of the Festival.
i)Any legal disputes can only be settled by the local Legal Courts of Drama.
TEL: +30 210 3300309, FAX: +30 210 3302818
TEL+30 25210 47575, FAX:+ 30 2521033526
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Shortshorts Film Festival Mexico 2014
4-12 september 2014
Call for entries
submissions open from february 25 to May 31
short films from all over the world/any format/any genre
fiction, animation, documentaries, experimentals,
territories of interest: worldwide
Call for entries
submissions open from february 25 to May 31
short films from all over the world/any format/any genre
fiction, animation, documentaries, experimentals,
territories of interest: worldwide
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

European Short Film Festival of Nice
The 14th edition of the European Short Film Festival of Nice will take place from 13 to 19 October 2014.
You can now register a movie until May 21, 2014 .
Every year for 14 years, the association Heliotrope honors young artists European in the field of short film. Through several competitive programs, the festival discover unique works, innovative and diverse reflecting the creativity and originality offered by the short film.
The festival consists of 4 official competitions, each selection is subject to the votes of several juries who will present on October 1 ene price totaling € 16,000 in cash and technical services distributed among the winners.
The European Competition , heart of the festival , will offer forty f ILMS all genres (fiction, documentary and animation) produced from 2013, with a maximum duration of 59 minutes and can come from 45 different countries.
Competition Experience , film competition experimental, art nouveau cinéma and video , will include twenty films from the 1 st January 2013, a maximum of 60 minutes and can come from 45 different countries.
Short Animation Competition will focus only on movies animation schools francophone s products from 1 st January 2013 and a maximum of 60 minutes.
Competition of Short Here showcases produce from the regions PACA and Corsica produced from 1 st January 2013, a maximum of 60 minutes.
The European Competition is analyzed by
the European Competition Jury consists of professionals who award the Grand Prize and the Special Jury Prize,
the Jury gives student the Student Award,
the public awarded the Prize of the City of Nice.
Competition The Experience is analyzed by
the jury and Court of Experience Here the experience that award the Prize, Short Award and the Prix de Here the PACA Region
The Short Animation Competition for which the prize is awarded by the SACD .
Prizes will be awarded at the closing ceremony of the festival on Saturday, October 18, 2014 in Nice , in which each participant is invited.
Registration takes place in three phases:
> Read and accept the rules of the festival.
> Join the platform that manages registration:
> Complete the registration form, print it and send a copy DVD of the film to the mailing address of the association:
Association Heliotrope
A festival is too short
10 bis rue Penchienatti
06000 Nice
Registration Information:
> Registration is free .
> Films must have been produced after 1 st January 2013 .
> The deadline for registration and sending a copy is attached to the May 21, 2014 .
> The festival program program as short films.
> Short films must be between 1 and 59 minutes.
> For short non-Francophone films, films must be sent in original version with subtitles in English or French
> A Notice of selection will be sent to the person responsible for registration in the month of August 2014.
You can now register a movie until May 21, 2014 .
Every year for 14 years, the association Heliotrope honors young artists European in the field of short film. Through several competitive programs, the festival discover unique works, innovative and diverse reflecting the creativity and originality offered by the short film.
The festival consists of 4 official competitions, each selection is subject to the votes of several juries who will present on October 1 ene price totaling € 16,000 in cash and technical services distributed among the winners.
The European Competition , heart of the festival , will offer forty f ILMS all genres (fiction, documentary and animation) produced from 2013, with a maximum duration of 59 minutes and can come from 45 different countries.
Competition Experience , film competition experimental, art nouveau cinéma and video , will include twenty films from the 1 st January 2013, a maximum of 60 minutes and can come from 45 different countries.
Short Animation Competition will focus only on movies animation schools francophone s products from 1 st January 2013 and a maximum of 60 minutes.
Competition of Short Here showcases produce from the regions PACA and Corsica produced from 1 st January 2013, a maximum of 60 minutes.
The European Competition is analyzed by
the European Competition Jury consists of professionals who award the Grand Prize and the Special Jury Prize,
the Jury gives student the Student Award,
the public awarded the Prize of the City of Nice.
Competition The Experience is analyzed by
the jury and Court of Experience Here the experience that award the Prize, Short Award and the Prix de Here the PACA Region
The Short Animation Competition for which the prize is awarded by the SACD .
Prizes will be awarded at the closing ceremony of the festival on Saturday, October 18, 2014 in Nice , in which each participant is invited.
Registration takes place in three phases:
> Read and accept the rules of the festival.
> Join the platform that manages registration:
> Complete the registration form, print it and send a copy DVD of the film to the mailing address of the association:
Association Heliotrope
A festival is too short
10 bis rue Penchienatti
06000 Nice
Registration Information:
> Registration is free .
> Films must have been produced after 1 st January 2013 .
> The deadline for registration and sending a copy is attached to the May 21, 2014 .
> The festival program program as short films.
> Short films must be between 1 and 59 minutes.
> For short non-Francophone films, films must be sent in original version with subtitles in English or French
> A Notice of selection will be sent to the person responsible for registration in the month of August 2014.
Videokonkurss "Mina ja Euroopa Liit"
League of Young Voters pikendab videokonkursi tähtaega. Uueks tähtajaks on 23. mai kell 21.00.
Millisena paistab sinule Euroopa Liit siit väikesest Eestist? Mis probleemidega tegeleb Euroopa Parlament? Mida Euroopa Parlamendi kandidaadid valimistel lubavad ja miks just seda?
Saada meile oma nägemus teemal "Mina ja Euroopa Liit". Filmida võib nii videokaameraga kui hea kvaliteediga telefonikaameraga. Samuti tohib konkursile saata animeeritud videoid.
Videokonkursi esikoha auhinnaks on GoPro videokaamera Hero3: Silver Edition. Konkursi ülejäänud auhinnad on välja pannud Tartu, Lõunakeskuse, City Arena ja Viimsi Seikluspargid.
Konkursi tingimused:
- Video peab olema 1-5 minutit pikk
- Pärast meile video saatmist, on meil õigus seda levitada League of Young Voters projektiga seotud lehekülgedel ja üritustel.
Video tuleb saata aadressile
Millisena paistab sinule Euroopa Liit siit väikesest Eestist? Mis probleemidega tegeleb Euroopa Parlament? Mida Euroopa Parlamendi kandidaadid valimistel lubavad ja miks just seda?
Saada meile oma nägemus teemal "Mina ja Euroopa Liit". Filmida võib nii videokaameraga kui hea kvaliteediga telefonikaameraga. Samuti tohib konkursile saata animeeritud videoid.
Videokonkursi esikoha auhinnaks on GoPro videokaamera Hero3: Silver Edition. Konkursi ülejäänud auhinnad on välja pannud Tartu, Lõunakeskuse, City Arena ja Viimsi Seikluspargid.
Konkursi tingimused:
- Video peab olema 1-5 minutit pikk
- Pärast meile video saatmist, on meil õigus seda levitada League of Young Voters projektiga seotud lehekülgedel ja üritustel.
Video tuleb saata aadressile
reede, 25. aprill 2014
Eesti 49. harrastusfilmide festivali kava
Filmide valikkava 26.aprillil 2014.a. kell 11.00 Balti Filmi- ja Meediakoolis
1.Või mis see kõik tähendab... . Lühitõsielufilm. 5.20 min. Tia Maria Vene, Tallinn.Debüüt.C.
2.Terrikoonik kaadris.EPF. Läbilõige filmistuudio „Eesti Põlevkivi“ filmidest 1963-1976aa. 25 min. Toomas Griin (Tartu), Jaak Eelmets (Jõhvi). C.
3.Kirde saia röstimine. Tõsielufilm. 4.07 min. Sander Maran, BFM B.
4.Päikesäratas. Mängufilm, 23.24 min.Raigo Saariste, BFM. B.
5.Tere. Mängufilm. 3 min. Martin Lõtsev, Diana Komarova, Aleksandra Petrova, Noortemaja „Kanutiaia“ stuudio. Debüüt. A.
6.Isa jälgedes. Tõsielufilm. 12 min. Eve Ester, Tõnu Aru, Tõnu Aru videostuudio, Tallinn.C.
7.Gift. Fotofilm. 3.08 min. Aleksandra Goldrin, stuudio „Meksvideo“ Debüüt.C.
8.Kolm. Mängufilm, 15.38 min. Eva Kübar, Liina Tiido, BFM B.
9.Taevas ja Maa. Animafilm. 6.56 min.Tallinna Läänemere Gümnaasiumi 3-ndate ja 4-ndate keelekümblusklasside õpilased ja õpetaja Tia Maria Vene. Debüüt A.
10.Asi. Mängufilm, 10 min. Jekaterina Moltšanova, Rakvere Reaalgümnaasiumi stuudio Debüüt. A.
Vaheaeg 30 min.
11.Kevadmeeleolud. Loodusvideo. 3.41 min. Väino Valdmann, Põltsamaa. C.
12.Mai. Mängufilm, 15 min. Maria Reinup, BFM. B.
13.Mikrolaineahi. Mängufilm, 48 sek.Aleksander Navarkin, Pavel Zenžinov, Narva Laste Loomemaja stuudio „Rovesnik“. Debüüt A.
14.Oled see sina?.Mängufilm, 10 min. Moonika Siimets, BFM B.
15.Uni.Fotofilm. 1.44 min. Elena Kalinina, stuudio „Meksvideo“ Debüüt.C
16.Õnne manifest. Mängufilm. 13 min. Anna Hints, BFM B.
17.Illuka valla vapp. Animafilm. 4.15 min. Stuudio „Inforing“, Jõhvi.C.
18.Pidu. Mängufilm, 9.50 min. Eve Ester, Tõnu Aru, Tõnu Aru videostuudio. C.
19.Touch the Dead inside. 4.11 min. Dmitriji Domoskanov, stuudio „Meksvideo“. A.
20.Võlutari leivapätsid. Mängufilm, 15 min. Nele Kirsipuu, BFM. Debüüt. B.
21.See juhtus Aafrikas. Animafilm, 2.18 min. Sofija Petrova, Polina Ramenskaja, Narva Laste Loomemaja stuudio „Rovesnik“. Debüüt. A.
22.Vabaduse. Mängufilm, 10 min. Elise Kumm, Rakvere Reaalgümnaasiumi videostuudio. Debüüt. A.
23.Unelmad. Mängufilm. 3.37 min.Polina Linovitskaja, stuudio „Meksvideo“ A.
24.TurboSledge! Komöödia, ulme. 3.17 min. Sander Maran, Jan Andresson, Karl Hans Õunpuu BFM. B.
15.30 Autasustamine
Filmid jagunevad:
A-grupp – kuni 19-a. vanuste autorite filmid
B-grupp – filmiüliõpilaste filmid
C-grupp – kõigi ülejäänud autorite filmid
1.Või mis see kõik tähendab... . Lühitõsielufilm. 5.20 min. Tia Maria Vene, Tallinn.Debüüt.C.
2.Terrikoonik kaadris.EPF. Läbilõige filmistuudio „Eesti Põlevkivi“ filmidest 1963-1976aa. 25 min. Toomas Griin (Tartu), Jaak Eelmets (Jõhvi). C.
3.Kirde saia röstimine. Tõsielufilm. 4.07 min. Sander Maran, BFM B.
4.Päikesäratas. Mängufilm, 23.24 min.Raigo Saariste, BFM. B.
5.Tere. Mängufilm. 3 min. Martin Lõtsev, Diana Komarova, Aleksandra Petrova, Noortemaja „Kanutiaia“ stuudio. Debüüt. A.
6.Isa jälgedes. Tõsielufilm. 12 min. Eve Ester, Tõnu Aru, Tõnu Aru videostuudio, Tallinn.C.
7.Gift. Fotofilm. 3.08 min. Aleksandra Goldrin, stuudio „Meksvideo“ Debüüt.C.
8.Kolm. Mängufilm, 15.38 min. Eva Kübar, Liina Tiido, BFM B.
9.Taevas ja Maa. Animafilm. 6.56 min.Tallinna Läänemere Gümnaasiumi 3-ndate ja 4-ndate keelekümblusklasside õpilased ja õpetaja Tia Maria Vene. Debüüt A.
10.Asi. Mängufilm, 10 min. Jekaterina Moltšanova, Rakvere Reaalgümnaasiumi stuudio Debüüt. A.
Vaheaeg 30 min.
11.Kevadmeeleolud. Loodusvideo. 3.41 min. Väino Valdmann, Põltsamaa. C.
12.Mai. Mängufilm, 15 min. Maria Reinup, BFM. B.
13.Mikrolaineahi. Mängufilm, 48 sek.Aleksander Navarkin, Pavel Zenžinov, Narva Laste Loomemaja stuudio „Rovesnik“. Debüüt A.
14.Oled see sina?.Mängufilm, 10 min. Moonika Siimets, BFM B.
15.Uni.Fotofilm. 1.44 min. Elena Kalinina, stuudio „Meksvideo“ Debüüt.C
16.Õnne manifest. Mängufilm. 13 min. Anna Hints, BFM B.
17.Illuka valla vapp. Animafilm. 4.15 min. Stuudio „Inforing“, Jõhvi.C.
18.Pidu. Mängufilm, 9.50 min. Eve Ester, Tõnu Aru, Tõnu Aru videostuudio. C.
19.Touch the Dead inside. 4.11 min. Dmitriji Domoskanov, stuudio „Meksvideo“. A.
20.Võlutari leivapätsid. Mängufilm, 15 min. Nele Kirsipuu, BFM. Debüüt. B.
21.See juhtus Aafrikas. Animafilm, 2.18 min. Sofija Petrova, Polina Ramenskaja, Narva Laste Loomemaja stuudio „Rovesnik“. Debüüt. A.
22.Vabaduse. Mängufilm, 10 min. Elise Kumm, Rakvere Reaalgümnaasiumi videostuudio. Debüüt. A.
23.Unelmad. Mängufilm. 3.37 min.Polina Linovitskaja, stuudio „Meksvideo“ A.
24.TurboSledge! Komöödia, ulme. 3.17 min. Sander Maran, Jan Andresson, Karl Hans Õunpuu BFM. B.
15.30 Autasustamine
Filmid jagunevad:
A-grupp – kuni 19-a. vanuste autorite filmid
B-grupp – filmiüliõpilaste filmid
C-grupp – kõigi ülejäänud autorite filmid
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Postitused (Atom)