Want to communicate your research to a wider audience and try your hand at video production? Now’s your chance! Early career scientists pre-registered for the EGU General Assembly are invited to take part in the EGU’s Communicate Your Science Video Competition!
What we’re looking for?
The aim is to produce a video up-to-three-minutes long to share your research with the general public. Your video can include scenes of you out in the field and explaining an outcrop, or at the lab bench showing how to work out water chemistry; entries can also contain cartoons, animations (including stop motion), or music videos – you name it! As long as you’re explaining concepts in the Earth, planetary and space sciences in a language suitable for a general audience, you can be as creative as you like.
How to enter?
Once the call for entries opens, usually in early January, video files should be sent to Laura Roberts Artal (roberts@egu.eu) by early to mid March, together with proof of online pre-registration to the EGU General Assembly. Videos must be submitted in one of the file formats supported by YouTube (.MOV, .MPEG4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS .FLV, 3GPP and WebM) and be no longer than 3 minutes! The aim is to be creative, concise, and to communicate geoscience effectively. Video files can be quite large, so we recommend sending them using Dropbox, Wetransfer, or an alternative file-sharing service.
Selecting finalists
The judging panel will select up to 10 shortlisted videos which will be showcased on the EGU YouTube Channel for public voting in April 2016. In the run up to the General Assembly and during the conference, viewers can vote for their favourite film by clicking on the video’s ‘like’ button. The winning video will be the one with the most likes by the end of the General Assembly.
What you can win?
The winning entry will be announced during the conference and the winner will receive a free registration to the General Assembly in 2017.
What are you waiting for? Take the chance to showcase your research and spread great geoscientific facts with the world!
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