Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
teisipäev, 1. november 2016
Lühifilmikonkurss „Minu tõde ja õigus“
SA A.H. Tammsaare Muuseum Vargamäel kuulutas välja lühifilmikonkursi „Minu tõde ja õigus“. Filmikonkurss toimub koostöös Kinobuss MTÜ ja Eesti Emakeeleõpetajate Seltsiga. Konkursi ülesandeks on luua lühifilm „Tõde ja õiguse“ I osa ainetel.
Konkursil lähevad arvesse tööd, mille lähtekohaks on „Tõde ja õigus“ I osa. Konkursi žürii hindab tammsaarelikkust, idee originaalsust ning oskust siduda kunstiliseks tervikuks erinevad valdkonnad, elukogemuse ning digitehnoloogia. Konkurssi eesmärgiks on väärtustada vaba ja isikupärast eneseväljendust ning toetada žanri viljelemist. Võistluse žürii koosneb erinevatest filmindusega seotud ning A.H. Tammsaare kirjanduspärandit uurivatest inimestest.
Lubatud on kõik žanrid. Võistlusel osalejate vanusepiir on 15-26 eluaastat. „Konkursi eesmärk on laiendada sihtrühma, kes loeks ning analüüsiks Tammsaare „Tõde ja õigust“ ning leida erinevaid võimalusi, kuidas lugejale läheneda. Samuti oleme huvitatud noorte inimeste epopöa tänapäevasest tõlgendusest ning nende vaatenurgast romaanile, seal hulgas ka eesti keelt teise keelena rääkivate noorte seas.“ ütles SA A.H. Tammsaare Muuseumi juhataja Reelika Räim.
Konkurss algab 30. oktoobril 2016 ja lõpeb 15. mail 2017 ning koosneb vahekonkursist ja lõppkonkursist. Vahekonkursil osalejad saavad osa võtta muuseumi poolt läbiviidud koolitusel, kus omandatakse ülevaade stsenaariumi koostamisest, kaamera käsitlemisest, režissööritööst ning monteerimise vahenditest. Vahekonkursil osalemiseks on vaja saata 5. jaanuariks sünopsis aadressil Vahekonkursist ei pea, aga on soovitatav osa võtta.
Konkursi tulemused kuulutatakse välja 27. mail 2017. Parimaks valitud filmide preemiad panevad välja Allfilm OÜ, AS Overall Eesti jt. Auhinnatud filmid linastuvad Vargamäe muuseumis Vargamäe Filmipäevade raames suurel ekraanil. Konkursi statuut on leitav SA A.H. Tammsaare Muuseum Vargamäel kodulehelt
SA A.H. Tammsaare Muuseum Vargamäel tutvustab 19. sajandi taluelu ja A.H. Tammsaare kultuuri- ja kirjanduspärandit. Muuseumis leiavad aset mitmesugused sündmused: koolitunnid, noorte- ja lastepäevad, teatrietendused, kino, näitused jt. Muuseumi asukoht on tuntud romaani „Tõde ja õigus“ kaudu.
teisipäev, 18. oktoober 2016
Robotexi filmikonkurss
Hea filmihuviline
Robotexi meeskond kutsub Sind osalema videokonkursil "Mida ei saa jõuga, saab nõuga".
Kuidas lahendaksid robotid erinevaid probleeme? Kuidas lihtsustada igapäevaseid toimetusi. Laske fantaasial lennata!
Võistlustöö pikkus peab jääma vahemikku 30 sekundit kuni 3 minutit.
Võistlustööde esitamise tähtaeg on 07.11.2016.
Reeglid ja informatsioon teiste konkursside kohta:
Robotex on Euroopa suurim robotivõistlus, mis toimub Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli koordineerimisel koostöös Tartu Ülikooli ja Hariduse ja Infotehnoloogia Sihtasutusega.
Robotex 2016 leiab aset 02.- 04. detsembril TTÜ Spordihoones, Männiliiva tn 7. Robotex 2016 raames toimub 23 erinevat robotivõistlust, põnev Tehnoloogianäitus ning on võimalus ennast proovile panna erinevates töötubades.
Üritus on kõigile TASUTA!
Robotex 2016 kuldsponsorid on ICD Industries, Eesti Energia, VEX Robotics ja Oomipood.
Robotex 2016 suursponsorid on iRobot, Stoneridge Electronics AS, Ensto Ensek AS, Interflux Eesti OÜ, Norma AS, Abplanalp Estee OÜ, Ldiamon AS, Duroc Machine Tool OÜ, Eesti Infotehnolooga ja Telekommunikatsiooni Liit, Starship Technologies ja Trinamic.
neljapäev, 28. juuli 2016
ALTER-NATIVE IFF - Call for Submissions
24 ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival
2-6 November 2016 – Targu Mures, Romania
Submissions for the International Competition are open!
Works that can be submitted to the competition are original audiovisual works - fiction, non-fiction, animation and experimental films - whose running time does not exceed 30 minutes.
The festival has no participation fee. Films submitted to the festival are to be completed in the last 3 years.
Films can only be submitted once. Films previously submitted to ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival are not eligible.
Films which have been exhibited on the Internet will not be accepted.
Shorts shall only be entered online via
The entry is valid if all the required fields are filled out, additional data is only necessary if the organizers of the Festival ask for such.
Please read carefully the Festival Regulations before you submit.
Deadline for submissions is September 15th, 2016.
We are looking forward to receiving your films!
The ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival team
teisipäev, 26. juuli 2016
International Script Pitch 2016 | Call for Scripts
We're looking for captivating screenplays and pitches for short films that
blow us away!
International Script Pitch 2016 | Call for Scripts
14.11.-18.11.2016. Berlin
interforum, the fringe programme for professional visitors and film enthusiasts at the International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin is now accepting entries for our international Script Pitch competition.
All script writers and interested filmmakers are welcome to apply with their script. Eight contestants will be selected to participate in the Script Pitch competition.
Download the application form (pdf) here:
More information on the International Script Pitch here:
Three fabulous awards await you!
BEST PITCH / €1000 cash from 25p MEDIA GROUP and the opportunity to be presented at WO YC Issue , Cannes 2017
ESP JURY AWARD / a stipend to participate in the European Short Pitch 2017 by NISI MASA
daazo Award / a one-on-one session of individual festival strategy consulting provided by daazo
In addition to the Script Pitch competition all participants are provided with a four-days Script Lab to accompany the competition from 14 September until 17 September 2016. Within the practical and stimulating workshop programme there will be both a seminar on script development to sharpen the
participants' creative skills with NISI MASA experts and a pitch training with Gabriele Brunnenmeyer (script consultant, Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film, coach, DE) to evaluate the live performance of each contestant.
Script Pitch participants will be given the opportunity to meet international filmmakers, writers and industry experts at exclusive networking events at the International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin.
On 18 November 2016 the eight finalists will have 5 minutes to pitch their projects and convince the international jury consisting of amongst others Wouter Jansen (Programme Director, ISSF GO Shorts, NL) and Julian Windisch (Managing Editor, Arte Creative, DE) of their idea.
To maximize the interlinking of creative and industry professionals in an open forum - and to party on - the competitors, the jury and the audience are invited for our interforum Drinks on the night of the competition!
The entire competition will we held in English.
More on the International Script Pitch here:
More on interforum here:
Nele Fritzsche
blow us away!
International Script Pitch 2016 | Call for Scripts
14.11.-18.11.2016. Berlin
interforum, the fringe programme for professional visitors and film enthusiasts at the International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin is now accepting entries for our international Script Pitch competition.
All script writers and interested filmmakers are welcome to apply with their script. Eight contestants will be selected to participate in the Script Pitch competition.
Download the application form (pdf) here:
More information on the International Script Pitch here:
Three fabulous awards await you!
BEST PITCH / €1000 cash from 25p MEDIA GROUP
ESP JURY AWARD / a stipend to participate in the European Short Pitch 2017 by NISI MASA
daazo Award / a one-on-one session of individual festival strategy consulting provided by daazo
In addition to the Script Pitch competition all participants are provided with a four-days Script Lab to accompany the competition from 14 September until 17 September 2016. Within the practical and stimulating workshop programme there will be both a seminar on script development to sharpen the
participants' creative skills with NISI MASA experts and a pitch training with Gabriele Brunnenmeyer (script consultant, Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film, coach, DE) to evaluate the live performance of each contestant.
Script Pitch participants will be given the opportunity to meet international filmmakers, writers and industry experts at exclusive networking events at the International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin.
On 18 November 2016 the eight finalists will have 5 minutes to pitch their projects and convince the international jury consisting of amongst others Wouter Jansen (Programme Director, ISSF GO Shorts, NL) and Julian Windisch (Managing Editor, Arte Creative, DE) of their idea.
To maximize the interlinking of creative and industry professionals in an open forum - and to party on - the competitors, the jury and the audience are invited for our interforum Drinks on the night of the competition!
The entire competition will we held in English.
More on the International Script Pitch here:
More on interforum here:
Nele Fritzsche
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

esmaspäev, 25. juuli 2016
Konkursi kultuuritegelastest portreefilmide tootmiseks
Eesti Rahvusringhääling kuulutab koostöös Eesti Filmi Instituudi ja Eesti Kultuurkapitaliga välja konkursi portreefilmide tootmiseks, mis tutvustavad Eesti jaoks olulisi kultuuriloojaid.
Konkursi eesmärk on luua laiale vaatajaskonnale mõeldud dokumentaalfilmid, mis portreteerivad Eesti silmapaistvaid kultuuriinimesi. Projektiga soovitakse väärtustada eelkõige neid, kelle looming või tegevus on jätnud Eesti ühiskonda tunnetatava jälje ning kelle saavutusi omas valdkonnas võib lugeda tähendusrikkaks.
"Rohkem kui 13 aastaga on Eesti Televisiooni, Kultuurkapitali ja Eesti Filmi Instituudi toetusel valminud tänaseks juba üle 150 lühidokumentaalfilmi sarjast "Eesti lood". Samade koostööpartnerite algatusel loodavate uute portreefilmidega soovime jäädvustada meie ühiskonna jaoks olulisi suurkujusid, olgu nendeks siis teadlased, sportlased, mõtestajad või inimesed mõnelt teiselt alalt," ütleb EFI filmiekspert Kaarel Kuurmaa.
"Portreteerida teist loojat peaks olema filmitegijatele ahvatlev väljakutse. Häid portreefilme võiks olla märgatavalt rohkem kui neid viimastel aastatel on tehtud. Soovime ühendatud jõududega nende sünnile kaasa aidata, et meie väljapaistvate kaasaegsete mõtted ja teod jõuaksid suurte ja väikeste ekraanide vahendusel võimalikult paljude inimesteni," ütleb ETV peatoimetaja Heidi Pruuli.
Eesti Kultuurkapitali audiovisuaalse kunsti sihtkapitali nõukogu esimees Heilika Pikkov lisab: "Loodame, et filmitegijad lähevad süvitsi ja leiavad võtme, kuidas oma portreteeritavad loovalt lahti muukida, andes vaatajale võimaluse pääseda neile olulistele inimestele lähemale kui tavapärased intervjuud ehk võimaldavad ning jättes valminud filmide näol omakorda jälje Eesti kultuurilukku."
Ideede esitamise tähtaeg on 17. oktoober 2016, ideed tuleb saata aadressile
Filmid jõuavad kinodesse ja seejärel ETV ekraanile 2018. aasta jooksul.
Lisainfo konkursi tingimuste kohta:
Info: Kaarel Kuurmaa,
Konkursi eesmärk on luua laiale vaatajaskonnale mõeldud dokumentaalfilmid, mis portreteerivad Eesti silmapaistvaid kultuuriinimesi. Projektiga soovitakse väärtustada eelkõige neid, kelle looming või tegevus on jätnud Eesti ühiskonda tunnetatava jälje ning kelle saavutusi omas valdkonnas võib lugeda tähendusrikkaks.
"Rohkem kui 13 aastaga on Eesti Televisiooni, Kultuurkapitali ja Eesti Filmi Instituudi toetusel valminud tänaseks juba üle 150 lühidokumentaalfilmi sarjast "Eesti lood". Samade koostööpartnerite algatusel loodavate uute portreefilmidega soovime jäädvustada meie ühiskonna jaoks olulisi suurkujusid, olgu nendeks siis teadlased, sportlased, mõtestajad või inimesed mõnelt teiselt alalt," ütleb EFI filmiekspert Kaarel Kuurmaa.
"Portreteerida teist loojat peaks olema filmitegijatele ahvatlev väljakutse. Häid portreefilme võiks olla märgatavalt rohkem kui neid viimastel aastatel on tehtud. Soovime ühendatud jõududega nende sünnile kaasa aidata, et meie väljapaistvate kaasaegsete mõtted ja teod jõuaksid suurte ja väikeste ekraanide vahendusel võimalikult paljude inimesteni," ütleb ETV peatoimetaja Heidi Pruuli.
Eesti Kultuurkapitali audiovisuaalse kunsti sihtkapitali nõukogu esimees Heilika Pikkov lisab: "Loodame, et filmitegijad lähevad süvitsi ja leiavad võtme, kuidas oma portreteeritavad loovalt lahti muukida, andes vaatajale võimaluse pääseda neile olulistele inimestele lähemale kui tavapärased intervjuud ehk võimaldavad ning jättes valminud filmide näol omakorda jälje Eesti kultuurilukku."
Ideede esitamise tähtaeg on 17. oktoober 2016, ideed tuleb saata aadressile
Filmid jõuavad kinodesse ja seejärel ETV ekraanile 2018. aasta jooksul.
Lisainfo konkursi tingimuste kohta:
Info: Kaarel Kuurmaa,
reede, 17. juuni 2016
GoDebut Film Festival 2016
GoDebut Film Festival 2016
Cinema of Baltic and Nordic countries has brought a sufficient contribution into development of cinema art.
However, it does not always receive necessary attention from an international audience. Especially this attention and support from a cinema industry is being lacked for young debuting cinema creators of that region and their works. The aim of the cinema debut festival GoDebut of Baltic and Nordic countries – to promote the activities of young and debuting cinema creators of the countries of this region, to boost their creativity, increase their prominence, and strengthen international cooperation. The festival is being organised in a Lithuanian port city Klaipėda and in one of the most beautiful resorts, included into UNESCO natural heritage object list – Neringa, on September 23-25, 2016.
- All entries must be postmarked by the deadline date. All entries must be received by 15/0716
- Acceptable formats for submission: DVD or password protected online screener.
- All films that are not in English must have English language subtitles.
- Only submissions with completed entry forms will be accepted.
- E-Mail your entry in
- If you have listed a valid email address we will verify that we have received your entry.
- Exhibition prints must be sent to the GoDebut Film Festival online into
- For Features and Documentaries please include two screener copies for judging.
- All Short Films must be no longer than 25 minutes in length.
- Releases for music and talent must be obtained by the filmmaker. GoDebut Film Festival is not liable for copyright infringement or unauthorized use.
- If your film has been selected to be screened at the festival we will request you send a press kit to include: stills, posters, postcards, a DVD of the trailer, and other publicity materials to maximize exposure for your film. These materials will not be returned.
- If your film has been selected to be screened at the festival we ask that it not be viewable in its entirety online on sites like YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook before the festival screening. Trailers or clips from the film are acceptable.
- GoDebut Film Festival does not assume any liability for damage to films, videos, or publicity materials.
- Film must have been completed after October 1, 2014.
- Filmmakers will be notified of festival acceptance by approximately July 10, 2016.
GoDebut Film Festival 2016
September 22-25, 2016
Cinema of Baltic and Nordic countries has brought a sufficient contribution into development of cinema art.
However, it does not always receive necessary attention from an international audience. Especially this attention and support from a cinema industry is being lacked for young debuting cinema creators of that region and their works. The aim of the cinema debut festival GoDebut of Baltic and Nordic countries – to promote the activities of young and debuting cinema creators of the countries of this region, to boost their creativity, increase their prominence, and strengthen international cooperation. The festival is being organised in a Lithuanian port city Klaipėda and in one of the most beautiful resorts, included into UNESCO natural heritage object list – Neringa, on September 23-25, 2016.
- All entries must be postmarked by the deadline date. All entries must be received by 15/0716
- Acceptable formats for submission: DVD or password protected online screener.
- All films that are not in English must have English language subtitles.
- Only submissions with completed entry forms will be accepted.
- E-Mail your entry in
- If you have listed a valid email address we will verify that we have received your entry.
- Exhibition prints must be sent to the GoDebut Film Festival online into
- For Features and Documentaries please include two screener copies for judging.
- All Short Films must be no longer than 25 minutes in length.
- Releases for music and talent must be obtained by the filmmaker. GoDebut Film Festival is not liable for copyright infringement or unauthorized use.
- If your film has been selected to be screened at the festival we will request you send a press kit to include: stills, posters, postcards, a DVD of the trailer, and other publicity materials to maximize exposure for your film. These materials will not be returned.
- If your film has been selected to be screened at the festival we ask that it not be viewable in its entirety online on sites like YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook before the festival screening. Trailers or clips from the film are acceptable.
- GoDebut Film Festival does not assume any liability for damage to films, videos, or publicity materials.
- Film must have been completed after October 1, 2014.
- Filmmakers will be notified of festival acceptance by approximately July 10, 2016.
GoDebut Film Festival 2016
September 22-25, 2016
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Short Riga Tudengifilmide ja muusikavideo konkursid
Short Riga Baltic Student Competition
Here’s to new film talent in the Baltic countries – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Participants not only compete, they embark on a journey of in-depth analysis of their work and get not only the glory of being part of the Riga IFF – film students are able gain hands-on constructive feedback from film professionals on an international level.
Short Riga Baltic Music Video Competition
The music video, much like the short film, is a playground for experimentation in form, structure and style. This competition is aimed at exploring advancements of artistic expression in moving picture set to moving music (or vice versa?).
01. 06. 2016.
Here’s to new film talent in the Baltic countries – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Participants not only compete, they embark on a journey of in-depth analysis of their work and get not only the glory of being part of the Riga IFF – film students are able gain hands-on constructive feedback from film professionals on an international level.
Short Riga Baltic Music Video Competition
The music video, much like the short film, is a playground for experimentation in form, structure and style. This competition is aimed at exploring advancements of artistic expression in moving picture set to moving music (or vice versa?).
01. 06. 2016.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
balti riigid,

reede, 20. mai 2016
Oodatakse ideid filmisarjale “Eesti lood”
Algab ideede konkurss dokumentaalfilmide sarja “Eesti lood” tootmiseks aastal 2017. Juba teist aastat algab konkurss tavalisest varem, et teise vooru pääsejad võiksid arendada oma töid pikemalt.
Saabunud kavandite hulgast valivad Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital välja 20 huvitavat ideed teise vooru. Teise vooru pääsejatel on võimalik arendada oma ideid kolm kuud. 20 idee hulgast tehakse lõplik valik hiljemalt oktoobri alguses ja valitakse välja 12 filmiprojekti. Filmid toodetakse 2017. aastal, eetris näeb neid Eesti Vabariigi juubeliaasta algul.
“Eesti lugude” ideekavandite esitamise tähtaeg on 24. mai 2016. Ühel A4-suurusel lehel esitatud kavandisse peaks mahtuma idee kirjeldus ja tegelaste tutvustus, filmilooks komponeerimise viis ning põhjendus. Ideed palume saata e-posti aadressil
Palume idee juures ära märkida režissööri ja produtsendi nimed ning filmi tootjafirma.
“Eesti lood” on sari väikese eelarvega 28-minutilistest tõsielufilmidest, mis keskenduvad elule tänapäeva Eestis. Teleformaadis dokumentaalfilmide tootmist rahastavad ühiselt Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
Algab ideede konkurss dokumentaalfilmide sarja “Eesti lood” tootmiseks aastal 2017. Juba teist aastat algab konkurss tavalisest varem, et teise vooru pääsejad võiksid arendada oma töid pikemalt.
Saabunud kavandite hulgast valivad Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital välja 20 huvitavat ideed teise vooru. Teise vooru pääsejatel on võimalik arendada oma ideid kolm kuud. 20 idee hulgast tehakse lõplik valik hiljemalt oktoobri alguses ja valitakse välja 12 filmiprojekti. Filmid toodetakse 2017. aastal, eetris näeb neid Eesti Vabariigi juubeliaasta algul.
“Eesti lugude” ideekavandite esitamise tähtaeg on 24. mai 2016. Ühel A4-suurusel lehel esitatud kavandisse peaks mahtuma idee kirjeldus ja tegelaste tutvustus, filmilooks komponeerimise viis ning põhjendus. Ideed palume saata e-posti aadressil
Palume idee juures ära märkida režissööri ja produtsendi nimed ning filmi tootjafirma.
“Eesti lood” on sari väikese eelarvega 28-minutilistest tõsielufilmidest, mis keskenduvad elule tänapäeva Eestis. Teleformaadis dokumentaalfilmide tootmist rahastavad ühiselt Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
kolmapäev, 11. mai 2016
Cinedans – Dance on Screen Festival 2017
The entry-call for the Cinedans – Dance on Screen Festival 2017 opens May 1.
Deadline: 1 October 2016
You can submit your film three categories:
– short film competition (< 30min)
– student competition (< 30min)
– outside of competition (documentary, performance-relay, installation work a.o.)
Submissions page:
Make sure to read our terms and conditions.
Not sure if your film is eligible for Cinedans or do you have any questions regarding your submission?
Please do not hesitate to contact us via:
Deadline: 1 October 2016
You can submit your film three categories:
– short film competition (< 30min)
– student competition (< 30min)
– outside of competition (documentary, performance-relay, installation work a.o.)
Submissions page:
Make sure to read our terms and conditions.
Not sure if your film is eligible for Cinedans or do you have any questions regarding your submission?
Please do not hesitate to contact us via:
teisipäev, 10. mai 2016
Merefilmide festival 15.-17. juunini
Tere filmisõber,
15. - 17. juulini toimub sellel aastal Tallinna Merepäevade raames Merefilmide festival. Filme on igale vanusele ja maitsele ning mitmes saalis ja laval korraga. Merepäevasid külastab aasta aastalt enam kui 130 000 inimest.
Kandideeri oma filmiga sobivas kategoorias ja tee end nähtavaks!
Oma filme saab registreerida kuni 25. maini 2016 täites alloleva vormi. Film tuleb laadida pilvesse ning vormi lisada filmifaili sisaldava kausta link või see tuua Tallinna Kultuuriameti aadressile. Meretemaatilisus lisab omalt poolt vürtsi, aga see pole millekski kohustav ega kuidagi filmivalikut piirav.
Registreerimise vorm asub siin:
Noorte- ja lühifilmid - ootame nii erinevate pikkustega noortefilme, kui ka erinevates žanrites lühifilme. (Tegijate vanus ega tootjafirma pädevus ei mängi rolli - hinnatakse filmi.)
Laste- ja nukufilmid - erinevates pikkustes lastefilmid, nukufilmid, joonisfilmid ja animatsioonid.
Loodus- ja ajaloolised dokumentaalfilmid - ootame meretemaatilisi dokumentaale, kui ka kõike muud. Dokumentaalfilmid võivad pajatada eluolust, laevadest, spordialadest, mereelustikust, lindudest, ilmast, sõjast, Eestist kui ka välismaast.
Mängufilmid - kui omalt poolt loodud mängufilm eelnevatesse loenditesse ei sobitunud, siis ka täispikad mängufilmid, mis oma sisult, olemuselt on küpsed ja žüriile huvipakkuvad leiavad tee filmifestivali kavasse.
Välja valitud filmid selguvad hiljemalt 10.juuniks, millest teavitatakse veebilehel ning saadetakse kõigile osalejatele ka vastav e-mail. Parimatele on Canon välja pannud hulgaliselt auhindu, et filmide tegemine saaks veelgi parema hoo sisse. Iga film on loodud puudutamaks kedagi - kandideeri ja aitame need inimesed üles leida!
Lisaküsimuste tekkimisel:
Tallinna Kultuuriamet
Vabaduse väljak 10a
10146 Tallinn
Tallinna Merepäevad 2016 - Merefilmide festival
15. - 17. juulini toimub sellel aastal Tallinna Merepäevade raames Merefilmide festival. Filme on igale vanusele ja maitsele ning mitmes saalis ja laval korraga. Merepäevasid külastab aasta aastalt enam kui 130 000 inimest.
Kandideeri oma filmiga sobivas kategoorias ja tee end nähtavaks!
Oma filme saab registreerida kuni 25. maini 2016 täites alloleva vormi. Film tuleb laadida pilvesse ning vormi lisada filmifaili sisaldava kausta link või see tuua Tallinna Kultuuriameti aadressile. Meretemaatilisus lisab omalt poolt vürtsi, aga see pole millekski kohustav ega kuidagi filmivalikut piirav.
Registreerimise vorm asub siin:
Noorte- ja lühifilmid - ootame nii erinevate pikkustega noortefilme, kui ka erinevates žanrites lühifilme. (Tegijate vanus ega tootjafirma pädevus ei mängi rolli - hinnatakse filmi.)
Laste- ja nukufilmid - erinevates pikkustes lastefilmid, nukufilmid, joonisfilmid ja animatsioonid.
Loodus- ja ajaloolised dokumentaalfilmid - ootame meretemaatilisi dokumentaale, kui ka kõike muud. Dokumentaalfilmid võivad pajatada eluolust, laevadest, spordialadest, mereelustikust, lindudest, ilmast, sõjast, Eestist kui ka välismaast.
Mängufilmid - kui omalt poolt loodud mängufilm eelnevatesse loenditesse ei sobitunud, siis ka täispikad mängufilmid, mis oma sisult, olemuselt on küpsed ja žüriile huvipakkuvad leiavad tee filmifestivali kavasse.
Välja valitud filmid selguvad hiljemalt 10.juuniks, millest teavitatakse veebilehel ning saadetakse kõigile osalejatele ka vastav e-mail. Parimatele on Canon välja pannud hulgaliselt auhindu, et filmide tegemine saaks veelgi parema hoo sisse. Iga film on loodud puudutamaks kedagi - kandideeri ja aitame need inimesed üles leida!
Lisaküsimuste tekkimisel:
Tallinna Kultuuriamet
Vabaduse väljak 10a
10146 Tallinn
Tallinna Merepäevad 2016 - Merefilmide festival
teisipäev, 5. aprill 2016
Baltic Pitching Forum (BPF) 4
7. ja 8. oktoobril, 2014 toimub neljandat korda Baltic Pitching Forum (BPF).
BPF keskendub Baltimaade andekamatele filmitegijatele ning lähitulevikus linastuvatele filmiprojektidele. Foorum kujutab endast filmitööstuse sündmust, mille eesmärgiks on edendada Eesti, Läti ja Leedu lühifilmi projektide tuntust Euroopa turul, samal ajal propageerides Balti regiooni ning filmitegijaid.
Baltic Pitching Forum´ile on oodatud Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus tegutsevad režissöörid ja/või produtsendid, kellel on ette näidata vähemalt üks lõpetatud film ning kes arendavad oma järgmist rahvusvahelisele publikule suunatud, kuni 30 minuti pikkust lühimängufilmi või animatsiooni.
Komisjon valib välja üheksa lühifilmi projekti - kolm igast osalevast riigist. Valitud projektidega seonduvalt kutsutakse Vilniusesse koolitusele ja oma ideed presenteerima maksimaalselt kaks esindajat. Mittevalitud projektide esitajatel on võimalus osaleda
presentatsioonidel vaatlejana.
Parim projekt auhinnatakse reisiga Euroopa lühifilmi kaastootmise foorumile Euro Connection mis toimub Clermont-Ferrand Rahvusvahelise Lühifilmide Festivali raames veebruaris, 2017. Teise koha pälviv projekt saab õiguse osaleda NISI MASA poolt korraldataval European Short Pitchil, mis toimub Luxemburgis jaanuaris 2017.
Siinkohal on rõõm meenutada, et eelmisel aastal sai parimaks tunnistatud Eesti lühianimatsiooniprojekt "Talv vihmametsas" /rež. Anu-Laura Tuttelberg, prod. Andrus Raudsalu, tootjafirma Nukufilm./
Avalduste esitamise tähtaeg on 1. august ning kõik osalemise tingimused on
kättesaadavad aadressil:
Baltic Pitching Forum toimub rahvusvahelise lühifilmide festivali “Vilnius Film Shorts” raames Vilniuses, Leedus. BPF-i korraldab Leedu lühifilmide agentuur Lithuanian Shorts koostöös rahvusvahelise lühifilmifestivaliga SHORT RIGA Lätist ja Lühifilmi Keskusega ShortEst Eestist.
Sündmust toetavad NORDEN – Nordic Culture Point ning Leedu, Läti ja Eesti
Loov Euroopa Media Deskid.
Peter Murdmaa
+372 5169259
BPF keskendub Baltimaade andekamatele filmitegijatele ning lähitulevikus linastuvatele filmiprojektidele. Foorum kujutab endast filmitööstuse sündmust, mille eesmärgiks on edendada Eesti, Läti ja Leedu lühifilmi projektide tuntust Euroopa turul, samal ajal propageerides Balti regiooni ning filmitegijaid.
Baltic Pitching Forum´ile on oodatud Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus tegutsevad režissöörid ja/või produtsendid, kellel on ette näidata vähemalt üks lõpetatud film ning kes arendavad oma järgmist rahvusvahelisele publikule suunatud, kuni 30 minuti pikkust lühimängufilmi või animatsiooni.
Komisjon valib välja üheksa lühifilmi projekti - kolm igast osalevast riigist. Valitud projektidega seonduvalt kutsutakse Vilniusesse koolitusele ja oma ideed presenteerima maksimaalselt kaks esindajat. Mittevalitud projektide esitajatel on võimalus osaleda
presentatsioonidel vaatlejana.
Parim projekt auhinnatakse reisiga Euroopa lühifilmi kaastootmise foorumile Euro Connection mis toimub Clermont-Ferrand Rahvusvahelise Lühifilmide Festivali raames veebruaris, 2017. Teise koha pälviv projekt saab õiguse osaleda NISI MASA poolt korraldataval European Short Pitchil, mis toimub Luxemburgis jaanuaris 2017.
Siinkohal on rõõm meenutada, et eelmisel aastal sai parimaks tunnistatud Eesti lühianimatsiooniprojekt "Talv vihmametsas" /rež. Anu-Laura Tuttelberg, prod. Andrus Raudsalu, tootjafirma Nukufilm./
Avalduste esitamise tähtaeg on 1. august ning kõik osalemise tingimused on
kättesaadavad aadressil:
Baltic Pitching Forum toimub rahvusvahelise lühifilmide festivali “Vilnius Film Shorts” raames Vilniuses, Leedus. BPF-i korraldab Leedu lühifilmide agentuur Lithuanian Shorts koostöös rahvusvahelise lühifilmifestivaliga SHORT RIGA Lätist ja Lühifilmi Keskusega ShortEst Eestist.
Sündmust toetavad NORDEN – Nordic Culture Point ning Leedu, Läti ja Eesti
Loov Euroopa Media Deskid.
Peter Murdmaa
+372 5169259
European Short Pitch is looking for a Project Coordinator for its 2017 edition
NISI MASA – European Network of Young Cinema is currently looking for an intern to take on the role of Project Coordinator for the 11th edition of European Short Pitch. European Short Pitch is an initiative aimed at promoting the European coproduction of short films. It combines a scriptwriting workshop in January and a coproduction forum bringing together scriptwriters, directors and industry professionals from all over Europe in March.
The Project Coordinator is an integral member of the project team responsible for the management of European Short Pitch. The Project Coordinator is responsible for organizing and controlling the project activities, under the guidance and direction of the Head of the Script Department and the coproduction forum Manager.
– Eligible to Erasmus, Leonardo scheme (or equivalent) or CUI-CAE (French system).
Scope of Responsibilities:
– Coordinating and administrating a diverse range of events and projects in collaboration with groups and individuals from creative, cultural and funding organizations.
– Setting up and supporting script-related events including room booking, speaker liaison, organizing catering, managing booking systems, documentation and promotion.
– Supporting and liaising with invited professionals and project participants.
– Project scheduling.
– Documenting and disseminating script related projectsin a timely fashion.
– Administrative and accountancy follow-up.
Skills & Experience:
– Flexible and adaptable.
– Highly organized.
– Accurate, punctual and excellent time management skills.
– Ability to take initiative.
– Fluent in English, both spoken and written. Fluent in French a plus.
– ICT literate and able to develop new skills quickly.
– Good communication and networking skills – ability to effectively communicate in person, in writing and by telephone.
– Interested in cinema and culture in general.
– Team worker.
– Able to prioritize.
Period of internship:
From 15/09/2016 till 14/03/2017
How to apply:
Please submit your CV and cover letter to by 10/04/2016. You must clearly indicate the role title in your submission.
The Project Coordinator is an integral member of the project team responsible for the management of European Short Pitch. The Project Coordinator is responsible for organizing and controlling the project activities, under the guidance and direction of the Head of the Script Department and the coproduction forum Manager.
– Eligible to Erasmus, Leonardo scheme (or equivalent) or CUI-CAE (French system).
Scope of Responsibilities:
– Coordinating and administrating a diverse range of events and projects in collaboration with groups and individuals from creative, cultural and funding organizations.
– Setting up and supporting script-related events including room booking, speaker liaison, organizing catering, managing booking systems, documentation and promotion.
– Supporting and liaising with invited professionals and project participants.
– Project scheduling.
– Documenting and disseminating script related projectsin a timely fashion.
– Administrative and accountancy follow-up.
Skills & Experience:
– Flexible and adaptable.
– Highly organized.
– Accurate, punctual and excellent time management skills.
– Ability to take initiative.
– Fluent in English, both spoken and written. Fluent in French a plus.
– ICT literate and able to develop new skills quickly.
– Good communication and networking skills – ability to effectively communicate in person, in writing and by telephone.
– Interested in cinema and culture in general.
– Team worker.
– Able to prioritize.
Period of internship:
From 15/09/2016 till 14/03/2017
How to apply:
Please submit your CV and cover letter to by 10/04/2016. You must clearly indicate the role title in your submission.
esmaspäev, 14. märts 2016
interfilm 32nd International Short Film Festival Berlin 2016
15 - 20 November 2016
Entry deadline: 24 June 2016
The coming interfilm festival will present more than 500 films during six festival days in seven competitions and numerous special programmes. International juries will confer 'interfilm Short Awards' with prizes totalling EUR 40,000.
International Competition
Documentary Competition
Confrontations Competition - films with a conscience
German Competition
Eject - The Long Night of Weird Shorts
Green Film Award - Environmental Shorts
Special Programmes:
Focus on China and Italy
Experimental Films
Metropolis Mexico City
Dance Films
Queer Films
Shocking Films
Music Films
Music Videos
Berlin Films
Bike Shorts
and more
Enter your films:
Please submit your films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes at
More info and regulations here:
Entry deadline: 24 June 2016
The coming interfilm festival will present more than 500 films during six festival days in seven competitions and numerous special programmes. International juries will confer 'interfilm Short Awards' with prizes totalling EUR 40,000.
International Competition
Documentary Competition
Confrontations Competition - films with a conscience
German Competition
Eject - The Long Night of Weird Shorts
Green Film Award - Environmental Shorts
Special Programmes:
Focus on China and Italy
Experimental Films
Metropolis Mexico City
Dance Films
Queer Films
Shocking Films
Music Films
Music Videos
Berlin Films
Bike Shorts
and more
Enter your films:
Please submit your films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes at
More info and regulations here:
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

KUKI - 9th International Short Film Festival for Children and Youth Berlin 2016
Shorts for Kids / TeenScreen
13 - 20 November 2016
Entry deadline: 27 May 2016
The coming KUKI Festival will present approximately 100 short films during eight festival days in various competition categories and special programmes. Films selected for competition will compete for a total cash prize pool of €6500.
Juries of children and teens will confer four awards in two sections:
• International Films for Children
• International Films for Youth
• Audience Award for Best Documentary
• SPARK Media Education Award
Special Programmes
• Environmental films
• English, French & Spanish Foreign Language Programmes
• Workshops
Enter your films:
Please submit your films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes at
More info and regulations here:
13 - 20 November 2016
Entry deadline: 27 May 2016
The coming KUKI Festival will present approximately 100 short films during eight festival days in various competition categories and special programmes. Films selected for competition will compete for a total cash prize pool of €6500.
Juries of children and teens will confer four awards in two sections:
• International Films for Children
• International Films for Youth
• Audience Award for Best Documentary
• SPARK Media Education Award
Special Programmes
• Environmental films
• English, French & Spanish Foreign Language Programmes
• Workshops
Enter your films:
Please submit your films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes at
More info and regulations here:
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

esmaspäev, 8. veebruar 2016
Töötoad Tartu näiteringide noortele
Tartu Kooliteatrite I Talvekool 18.-20. veebruaril 2016 Lille majas
Juhendaja Urmas Reisberg, režissöör-stsenarist
Õpitoa eesmärk on toetada Tartu kooliteatri tegijaid truppi tutvustava tummfilmi tegemisel Tartu Kooliteatrite Festivalile.
Õpime, kuidas kaamerat paremini kasutada ja kuidas lihtsalt ja kiirelt teha võimalikult hea video.
Kaasa võtta kaamerad, millega filmida. Eelistatult videokaamerad, aga sobivad ka fotokad ja mobiilid – peaasi, et enne järgi uurid, kuidas see töötab.
Juhendaja Anne Türnpu, lavastaja, näitleja ning lavakooli õppejõud
Õpituba häälest, hääle suunamisest, suhtlemisest, impulsist, mõtte selgusest, kõnelemisest ja sellest, kuidas sõna on tegu.
Juhendajate rühmas on rõhk eelkõige meetoditel ja ülesannetel, mida nad saavad kasutada töös noortega, näiteks näiteringi tunni alguses või enne etendust vms.
Juhendaja Lennart Peep, Teatri Must Kast lavastaja
Kaasaegne teater on liikunud traditsioonilise sõnateatri juurest edasi liikuvama ja füüsilisema eneseväljenduse poole. Kooli- ja harrastusteatrite festivalidel on erinevad žüriid andnud mõista, et „rääkivate peade draama”, kus laval peale kõnelemise muud tegu pole, on oma väljenduslaadilt igav ja fantaasiavaene.
Sellest johtuvalt on Tartu Kooliteatrite Talvekooli eesmärk anda osalejatele esiti aimu sellest, et teksti taga on tegevus; ja teiseks, et sedasama tegevust on võimalik muu hulgas ka stiliseeritult füüsilise eneseväljenduse võtmes esitada.
Moderaator Auli Auväärt, Lille Maja noortekeskuse draamaõpetaja
Seminaris mõtleme draamaõppe vajalikkuse ja eesmärkide üle ning jagame oma kogemusi draamaõpetajana. Ühtlasi vormistame oma mõtted lühikeseks tummtreileri stsenaariumiks, mille filmime ise üles ja lõikame filmi õpitoa juhendaja Urmase abil ka kokku.
Lisainfo: Auli Auväärt, või 53 088 999
Juhendaja Urmas Reisberg, režissöör-stsenarist
Õpitoa eesmärk on toetada Tartu kooliteatri tegijaid truppi tutvustava tummfilmi tegemisel Tartu Kooliteatrite Festivalile.
Õpime, kuidas kaamerat paremini kasutada ja kuidas lihtsalt ja kiirelt teha võimalikult hea video.
Kaasa võtta kaamerad, millega filmida. Eelistatult videokaamerad, aga sobivad ka fotokad ja mobiilid – peaasi, et enne järgi uurid, kuidas see töötab.
Juhendaja Anne Türnpu, lavastaja, näitleja ning lavakooli õppejõud
Õpituba häälest, hääle suunamisest, suhtlemisest, impulsist, mõtte selgusest, kõnelemisest ja sellest, kuidas sõna on tegu.
Juhendajate rühmas on rõhk eelkõige meetoditel ja ülesannetel, mida nad saavad kasutada töös noortega, näiteks näiteringi tunni alguses või enne etendust vms.
Juhendaja Lennart Peep, Teatri Must Kast lavastaja
Kaasaegne teater on liikunud traditsioonilise sõnateatri juurest edasi liikuvama ja füüsilisema eneseväljenduse poole. Kooli- ja harrastusteatrite festivalidel on erinevad žüriid andnud mõista, et „rääkivate peade draama”, kus laval peale kõnelemise muud tegu pole, on oma väljenduslaadilt igav ja fantaasiavaene.
Sellest johtuvalt on Tartu Kooliteatrite Talvekooli eesmärk anda osalejatele esiti aimu sellest, et teksti taga on tegevus; ja teiseks, et sedasama tegevust on võimalik muu hulgas ka stiliseeritult füüsilise eneseväljenduse võtmes esitada.
Moderaator Auli Auväärt, Lille Maja noortekeskuse draamaõpetaja
Seminaris mõtleme draamaõppe vajalikkuse ja eesmärkide üle ning jagame oma kogemusi draamaõpetajana. Ühtlasi vormistame oma mõtted lühikeseks tummtreileri stsenaariumiks, mille filmime ise üles ja lõikame filmi õpitoa juhendaja Urmase abil ka kokku.
Lisainfo: Auli Auväärt, või 53 088 999
kolmapäev, 3. veebruar 2016
Call for entries for the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival
English below
Ausschreibung zum ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin
ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival: Weltweit größtes Festival für Poesiefilme zieht von Berlin nach Münster. Zum ersten Mal richtet die Filmwerkstatt Münster in Kooperation mit der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin aus. Eingereicht werden können auf Gedichten basierende Kurzfilme (max. 15 Minuten lang), die nach dem 1. Januar 2013 fertiggestellt wurden. Der Wettbewerb ist mit insgesamt € 12 000 dotiert. Eine Programmkommission, bestehend aus Experten aus Film und Lyrik, wählt die Filme für den Wettbewerb aus und empfiehlt weitere für das Festivalprogramm. Eine aus Dichtung, Film und Medien besetzte Jury kürt die Gewinnerfilme, die auf dem Festival vom 27. bis 30. Oktober 2016 im Programmkino Schloßtheater in Münster (Westfalen) und danach von der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie auch in Berlin gezeigt werden.
Folgende Preise werden vergeben:
• ZEBRA - Preis für den besten Poesiefilm, gestiftet von der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin / Haus für Poesie
• Goethe Filmpreis, gestiftet vom Goethe-Institut
• ZEBRINO - Preis für den besten Kinder- und Jugendfilm
• Publikumspreis
Außerdem lädt das Festival ein, das diesjährige Festivalgedicht "Orakel van een gevonden schoen" von Mustafa Stitou zu verfilmen. Die Regisseure/innen der drei besten Verfilmungen werden nach Münster eingeladen, treffen den Dichter und bekommen die Möglichkeit, ihre Filme vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Das Gedicht in Ton und in Übersetzungen finden Sie auf und
Einsendeschluss für alle Wettbewerbe ist der 1. Juli 2016. Alle eingereichten Filme nehmen automatisch am Wettbewerb um die Festivalpreise und an der Auswahl für die Programme teil.
Einsendeschluss: 1.7.2016 (Poststempel)
Die vollständigen Teilnahmebedingungen unter
Der Schwerpunkt des diesjährigen ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin liegt auf den Niederlanden und Flandern. Damit gehört das Festival zum offiziellen Rahmenprogramm der Frankfurter Buchmesse, auf der die niederländische Sprache Schwerpunkt ist.
Das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin ist ein Projekt der Filmwerkstatt Münster in Zusammenarbeit mit der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie - ermöglicht durch die Förderung der Kunststiftung NRW, der LWL Kulturstiftung, des Landes NRW und der Stadt Münster sowie des Niederländischen Generalkonsulats und der Flämischen Repräsentanz. Die Wettbewerbspreise werden 2016 von der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie, dem Goethe-Institut sowie dem Auswärtigen Amt gestiftet.
Call for entries for the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin
ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival: The biggest international festival for poetry films is moving from Berlin to Münster. For the very first time the Filmwerkstatt Münster, in cooperation with Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie, will host the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin. The prizes are endowed together with 12.000 €. Eligible for submission are poetry films with a maximum length of 15 minutes that were finished after 1st of January 2013. From among the films submitted, a programme commission consisting of film and poetry experts is going to nominate the films for the festival and the competition. An international jury will choose the winning films, which will be shown from the 27th to the 30th of October 2016 at Schloßtheater (Münster, Westphalia) and afterwards at Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie.
The prizes that will be awarded are:
• ZEBRA Prize for the Best Poetry Film, donated by the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
• the Goethe Film Prize, donated by the Goethe Institut
• the prize for the Best Film for Tolerance, donated by the German Foreign Office
• ZEBRINO - the prize for the Best Film for Children and Young People
• the Audience Prize
The Festival is also inviting entries of films based on this year's »Festival poem«, »Oracle of a found shoe« by Mustafa Stitou. The directors of the three best films will be invited to Münster to meet the poet and have the opportunity to present and discuss their films. From the 1st of February 2016 you can find the poem with a sound recording and various translations at and .
Deadline for entries is the 1st of July 2016. All films submitted are automatically considered for all selection processes.
Deadline: 1st July 2016 (date as postmark)
All information about the festival and submissions at
The focus of this year's ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin is the Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium). Therefore, the festival is part of the official accompanying programme of the upcoming Frankfurt Book Fair, which focuses on the Dutch language. North Rhine-Westphalia, as the new festival location, is also going to play an important role.
The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin is a project of the Filmwerkstatt Münster, in cooperation with Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie. The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin has been made possible with the support of the arts foundations Kunststiftung NRW and LWL Kulturstiftung, the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the City Council of Münster and other supporters and cooperation partners.
Ausschreibung zum ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin
ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival: Weltweit größtes Festival für Poesiefilme zieht von Berlin nach Münster. Zum ersten Mal richtet die Filmwerkstatt Münster in Kooperation mit der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin aus. Eingereicht werden können auf Gedichten basierende Kurzfilme (max. 15 Minuten lang), die nach dem 1. Januar 2013 fertiggestellt wurden. Der Wettbewerb ist mit insgesamt € 12 000 dotiert. Eine Programmkommission, bestehend aus Experten aus Film und Lyrik, wählt die Filme für den Wettbewerb aus und empfiehlt weitere für das Festivalprogramm. Eine aus Dichtung, Film und Medien besetzte Jury kürt die Gewinnerfilme, die auf dem Festival vom 27. bis 30. Oktober 2016 im Programmkino Schloßtheater in Münster (Westfalen) und danach von der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie auch in Berlin gezeigt werden.
Folgende Preise werden vergeben:
• ZEBRA - Preis für den besten Poesiefilm, gestiftet von der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin / Haus für Poesie
• Goethe Filmpreis, gestiftet vom Goethe-Institut
• ZEBRINO - Preis für den besten Kinder- und Jugendfilm
• Publikumspreis
Außerdem lädt das Festival ein, das diesjährige Festivalgedicht "Orakel van een gevonden schoen" von Mustafa Stitou zu verfilmen. Die Regisseure/innen der drei besten Verfilmungen werden nach Münster eingeladen, treffen den Dichter und bekommen die Möglichkeit, ihre Filme vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Das Gedicht in Ton und in Übersetzungen finden Sie auf und
Einsendeschluss für alle Wettbewerbe ist der 1. Juli 2016. Alle eingereichten Filme nehmen automatisch am Wettbewerb um die Festivalpreise und an der Auswahl für die Programme teil.
Einsendeschluss: 1.7.2016 (Poststempel)
Die vollständigen Teilnahmebedingungen unter
Der Schwerpunkt des diesjährigen ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin liegt auf den Niederlanden und Flandern. Damit gehört das Festival zum offiziellen Rahmenprogramm der Frankfurter Buchmesse, auf der die niederländische Sprache Schwerpunkt ist.
Das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin ist ein Projekt der Filmwerkstatt Münster in Zusammenarbeit mit der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie - ermöglicht durch die Förderung der Kunststiftung NRW, der LWL Kulturstiftung, des Landes NRW und der Stadt Münster sowie des Niederländischen Generalkonsulats und der Flämischen Repräsentanz. Die Wettbewerbspreise werden 2016 von der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie, dem Goethe-Institut sowie dem Auswärtigen Amt gestiftet.
Call for entries for the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin
ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival: The biggest international festival for poetry films is moving from Berlin to Münster. For the very first time the Filmwerkstatt Münster, in cooperation with Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie, will host the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin. The prizes are endowed together with 12.000 €. Eligible for submission are poetry films with a maximum length of 15 minutes that were finished after 1st of January 2013. From among the films submitted, a programme commission consisting of film and poetry experts is going to nominate the films for the festival and the competition. An international jury will choose the winning films, which will be shown from the 27th to the 30th of October 2016 at Schloßtheater (Münster, Westphalia) and afterwards at Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie.
The prizes that will be awarded are:
• ZEBRA Prize for the Best Poetry Film, donated by the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
• the Goethe Film Prize, donated by the Goethe Institut
• the prize for the Best Film for Tolerance, donated by the German Foreign Office
• ZEBRINO - the prize for the Best Film for Children and Young People
• the Audience Prize
The Festival is also inviting entries of films based on this year's »Festival poem«, »Oracle of a found shoe« by Mustafa Stitou. The directors of the three best films will be invited to Münster to meet the poet and have the opportunity to present and discuss their films. From the 1st of February 2016 you can find the poem with a sound recording and various translations at and .
Deadline for entries is the 1st of July 2016. All films submitted are automatically considered for all selection processes.
Deadline: 1st July 2016 (date as postmark)
All information about the festival and submissions at
The focus of this year's ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin is the Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium). Therefore, the festival is part of the official accompanying programme of the upcoming Frankfurt Book Fair, which focuses on the Dutch language. North Rhine-Westphalia, as the new festival location, is also going to play an important role.
The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin is a project of the Filmwerkstatt Münster, in cooperation with Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie. The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin has been made possible with the support of the arts foundations Kunststiftung NRW and LWL Kulturstiftung, the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the City Council of Münster and other supporters and cooperation partners.
kolmapäev, 27. jaanuar 2016
Film contest "Be a better being"
Submit films with the theme "be a better being"
The Junge Akademie, in co-operation with the Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, filmArche, interfilm Berlin, the Deutsche Kinemathek and the media partner H-Soz-Kult, is calling for contributions from filmmakers anywhere in the world to the competition of the forum be a better being.
Website with Reglement and Entryform:
Entry deadline: 24 June 2016
A better being - between aspiration and pressure
'Be a better being!' is a phrase that is generally directed at oneself. Its focus is the increasingly widespread drive for individual improvement, the desire to become a "better being". Yet what does it mean to be a "better being"? What criteria should be used to define such a concept? Many of the measurements we hear about nowadays are based on an ideal body, an ideal depth of meditation, an ideal diet, or even an ideal stress level. The often opaque norms of apps, of self-help books, of the marketing world produce certain concepts of what a human is or should be. People's readiness to apply these concepts leads us to assume that these norms are negotiable. But is that really the case? Or is the border between individuals' free decision-making and social or media pressure becoming increasingly blurred? What is the role of moral and religious concerns in this context?
And what about the social and political components of self-improvement, in other words: the goal of a more inclusive society, a more cohesive commonwealth of people, social groups, and nations, particularly against the backdrop of the current crisis of European integration and solidarity? Or are we, as individuals, going to be submerged in a Brave New World in which we voluntarily reveal all the relevant data about our mental and bodily states? A world structured by the algorithms of search engines, which is allegedly becoming ever more secure thanks to worldwide networks of control? Control through the online community? Or through the state? Or through the state within the state? And, finally, what role does the young generation play in all of this?
be a better being is looking for short films that deal with these phenomena in creative and unconventional ways. Submissions should authentically portray the large, small, and odd aspects of the diverse ways in which our world manifests itself as a place of actual or imagined self-improvement, thus contributing to a dialogue between scholars, filmmakers, and society at large.
We award a screening fee of 300,- EUR to all films selected for screening during the Forum scheduled for November 2016. In addition, an audience prize of 1000,- EUR will be awarded.
Starting in January 2016, more opinions and positions of scholars and experts on be a better being will be available on the project blog "Perspectives".
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Magdalena Nowicka (Berlin) and Dr. Evelyn Runge (Jerusalem)
Submissions should reflect the many different facets of the topic be a better being. All genres are permitted: from narrative films to animated films to documentaries or experimental films. To qualify for submission, films must have been produced in the last three years and must not exceed 15 minutes in duration. The deadline for submissions is the 24th of June 2016.
The films selected by the jury will be presented in mid-November 2016 at the two-day forum be a better being and will provide the basis for discussions between filmmakers and scholars. Some of the contributions will be available for viewing and discussion beforehand on the online platform The contributions presented online will not necessarily be part of the competition and may include films produced more than three years ago. More information as well as terms and conditions can be found here:
The Junge Akademie, in co-operation with the Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, filmArche, interfilm Berlin, the Deutsche Kinemathek and the media partner H-Soz-Kult, is calling for contributions from filmmakers anywhere in the world to the competition of the forum be a better being.
Website with Reglement and Entryform:
Entry deadline: 24 June 2016
A better being - between aspiration and pressure
'Be a better being!' is a phrase that is generally directed at oneself. Its focus is the increasingly widespread drive for individual improvement, the desire to become a "better being". Yet what does it mean to be a "better being"? What criteria should be used to define such a concept? Many of the measurements we hear about nowadays are based on an ideal body, an ideal depth of meditation, an ideal diet, or even an ideal stress level. The often opaque norms of apps, of self-help books, of the marketing world produce certain concepts of what a human is or should be. People's readiness to apply these concepts leads us to assume that these norms are negotiable. But is that really the case? Or is the border between individuals' free decision-making and social or media pressure becoming increasingly blurred? What is the role of moral and religious concerns in this context?
And what about the social and political components of self-improvement, in other words: the goal of a more inclusive society, a more cohesive commonwealth of people, social groups, and nations, particularly against the backdrop of the current crisis of European integration and solidarity? Or are we, as individuals, going to be submerged in a Brave New World in which we voluntarily reveal all the relevant data about our mental and bodily states? A world structured by the algorithms of search engines, which is allegedly becoming ever more secure thanks to worldwide networks of control? Control through the online community? Or through the state? Or through the state within the state? And, finally, what role does the young generation play in all of this?
be a better being is looking for short films that deal with these phenomena in creative and unconventional ways. Submissions should authentically portray the large, small, and odd aspects of the diverse ways in which our world manifests itself as a place of actual or imagined self-improvement, thus contributing to a dialogue between scholars, filmmakers, and society at large.
We award a screening fee of 300,- EUR to all films selected for screening during the Forum scheduled for November 2016. In addition, an audience prize of 1000,- EUR will be awarded.
Starting in January 2016, more opinions and positions of scholars and experts on be a better being will be available on the project blog "Perspectives".
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Magdalena Nowicka (Berlin) and Dr. Evelyn Runge (Jerusalem)
Submissions should reflect the many different facets of the topic be a better being. All genres are permitted: from narrative films to animated films to documentaries or experimental films. To qualify for submission, films must have been produced in the last three years and must not exceed 15 minutes in duration. The deadline for submissions is the 24th of June 2016.
The films selected by the jury will be presented in mid-November 2016 at the two-day forum be a better being and will provide the basis for discussions between filmmakers and scholars. Some of the contributions will be available for viewing and discussion beforehand on the online platform The contributions presented online will not necessarily be part of the competition and may include films produced more than three years ago. More information as well as terms and conditions can be found here:
pühapäev, 24. jaanuar 2016
FUFF 2016. Call for short films and scripts
1. Call for the Scriptwriting workshop (deadline – 15 February 2016).
The Finno-Ugric Film Festival (FUFF) announces its Scriptwriting workshop, to be held during the Festival in Tsiistre, Estonia, 8-11 June 2016.
We invite 12 applications from filmmakers who wish to participate in this workshop. Those selected will receive assistance as follows:
• For applicants from the Finno-Ugric small nations (Komi, Udmurt, Khanty, Mansy, Nenets, Enets, etc.) FUFF will reimburse travel expenses from Moscow or Saint-Petersburg as well as providing accommodation and food during the festival. For other applicants we provide accommodation and food. There is no participation fee for the workshop.
The workshop will be held by two well-known film professionals/scriptwriters/directors who will help to develop your synopsis into a short film script during the festival.
We would like to receive a one-page (A4) synopsis of a short fiction, experimental or documentary film and a motivation letter by 15 February 2016. Please send these by email to:
Selection will be made by the end of March 2016 and all applicants will receive a reply by email. The language of participation is English; we accept Russian language synopses from the territory of Russia.
2. Call for volunteers (deadline – 28 February 2016).
For the time of preparation, we are looking for volunteers in the following fields:
– sponsorship assistant
– PR
– photo making and review writing at the time of the festival
– general assistant
– a person responsible for the cinema hall (oversees that all screenings take place on time, cleanliness, etc.)
– kitchen work
The festival will provide food, accommodation and a festival pass for their volunteers and will partly cover their travel expenses for the whole duration of the festival.
3. Call for films (deadline – 30 March 2016).
Finno-Ugric Short Film Fiction – Experimental Finno-Ugric Short Film – Finno-Ugric Documentary
• There is no limit to the number of films that a filmmaker or producer may register.
• Finno-Ugric means films made by filmmakers of Finno-Ugric origin or films dealing with Finno-Ugric topics that are made by non-Finno-Ugric directors.
• The maximum duration of short films is 30 minutes, including credits.
• Music videos, commercial work and political propaganda are not accepted.
• In order to be admitted, the material must be presented with English/Russian subtitles or with a Russian dialogue list which is sent to the festival by 30 March 2016.
Once a film has been submitted for participation it cannot be withdrawn.
• All shipping expenses of participating works, from their place of origin to the address of this organization, shall be paid exclusively by the participant. The Festival will not be responsible for the cost of receiving any additional materials.
• The Festival does not pay screening fees.
• Films in FUFF’s official selection will be viewable in the FUFF Digital Film Library, accessible to industry professionals throughout the duration of the Festival and available to be viewed privately on a secure server by jury members, film festival programmers, critics, buyers and distributors during and after the event. The contact information for each corresponding producer or rights holder will be published.
• Selected films may form part of the festival’s travelling showcase, participating around the world.
• The festival invites the filmmakers to the festival and provides accommodation and food for the time of the festival for certain filmmakers.
Send or upload film
* Films can be sent through WeTransfer to, or uploaded to our ftp site (please, contact with Paul Nurme
When submitting your film, please also provide an Electronic Press Kit including the following information:
• A still photo from the film (color at 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format)
• A film synopsis (in Russian and English if possible, or if not in either of these two languages)
• A brief biography of the director (in Russian and English if possible, or if not in either of these two languages)
• A photograph of the director (color at 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format)
• Film credits
The Finno-Ugric Film Festival (FUFF) announces its Scriptwriting workshop, to be held during the Festival in Tsiistre, Estonia, 8-11 June 2016.
We invite 12 applications from filmmakers who wish to participate in this workshop. Those selected will receive assistance as follows:
• For applicants from the Finno-Ugric small nations (Komi, Udmurt, Khanty, Mansy, Nenets, Enets, etc.) FUFF will reimburse travel expenses from Moscow or Saint-Petersburg as well as providing accommodation and food during the festival. For other applicants we provide accommodation and food. There is no participation fee for the workshop.
The workshop will be held by two well-known film professionals/scriptwriters/directors who will help to develop your synopsis into a short film script during the festival.
We would like to receive a one-page (A4) synopsis of a short fiction, experimental or documentary film and a motivation letter by 15 February 2016. Please send these by email to:
Selection will be made by the end of March 2016 and all applicants will receive a reply by email. The language of participation is English; we accept Russian language synopses from the territory of Russia.
2. Call for volunteers (deadline – 28 February 2016).
For the time of preparation, we are looking for volunteers in the following fields:
– sponsorship assistant
– PR
– photo making and review writing at the time of the festival
– general assistant
– a person responsible for the cinema hall (oversees that all screenings take place on time, cleanliness, etc.)
– kitchen work
The festival will provide food, accommodation and a festival pass for their volunteers and will partly cover their travel expenses for the whole duration of the festival.
3. Call for films (deadline – 30 March 2016).
Finno-Ugric Short Film Fiction – Experimental Finno-Ugric Short Film – Finno-Ugric Documentary
• There is no limit to the number of films that a filmmaker or producer may register.
• Finno-Ugric means films made by filmmakers of Finno-Ugric origin or films dealing with Finno-Ugric topics that are made by non-Finno-Ugric directors.
• The maximum duration of short films is 30 minutes, including credits.
• Music videos, commercial work and political propaganda are not accepted.
• In order to be admitted, the material must be presented with English/Russian subtitles or with a Russian dialogue list which is sent to the festival by 30 March 2016.
Once a film has been submitted for participation it cannot be withdrawn.
• All shipping expenses of participating works, from their place of origin to the address of this organization, shall be paid exclusively by the participant. The Festival will not be responsible for the cost of receiving any additional materials.
• The Festival does not pay screening fees.
• Films in FUFF’s official selection will be viewable in the FUFF Digital Film Library, accessible to industry professionals throughout the duration of the Festival and available to be viewed privately on a secure server by jury members, film festival programmers, critics, buyers and distributors during and after the event. The contact information for each corresponding producer or rights holder will be published.
• Selected films may form part of the festival’s travelling showcase, participating around the world.
• The festival invites the filmmakers to the festival and provides accommodation and food for the time of the festival for certain filmmakers.
Send or upload film
* Films can be sent through WeTransfer to, or uploaded to our ftp site (please, contact with Paul Nurme
When submitting your film, please also provide an Electronic Press Kit including the following information:
• A still photo from the film (color at 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format)
• A film synopsis (in Russian and English if possible, or if not in either of these two languages)
• A brief biography of the director (in Russian and English if possible, or if not in either of these two languages)
• A photograph of the director (color at 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format)
• Film credits
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

teisipäev, 12. jaanuar 2016
Eksperimentaalfilmid Tartus
You are all welcome to come to the first Experimental Film Evening.
It's on the 13th January at Gen Klubi, 20:00. Hopefully this will be the first of a regular monthly look at experimental film (in future the events will be at Elektriteater). The idea is to show a mixture of classic experimental films from the early 19th century, some contemporary experimental films from international authors, and some contemporary experimental films from Estonia.
Chat and a drink afterwards at Gen Klubi.
Some kind of Facebook page is here:
in Estonian:
Olete oodatud ekperimentalfilmide õhtule 13. jaanuaril Gen Klubis kell 20.
Loodetavasti see saab olema algus regulaarsele filmiõhtute sarjale, kus heidame iga kuu pilgu eksperimentaalfilmidele. Idee on näidata vaheldumisi klassikalisi eksperimentaalseid filmi 19. sajandi algusest ning kaasaegseid filme välismaalt ja Eestist.
Joogid ja chat hiljem Gen Klubis.
Mingi Facebook leht on siin:
It's on the 13th January at Gen Klubi, 20:00. Hopefully this will be the first of a regular monthly look at experimental film (in future the events will be at Elektriteater). The idea is to show a mixture of classic experimental films from the early 19th century, some contemporary experimental films from international authors, and some contemporary experimental films from Estonia.
Chat and a drink afterwards at Gen Klubi.
Some kind of Facebook page is here:
in Estonian:
Olete oodatud ekperimentalfilmide õhtule 13. jaanuaril Gen Klubis kell 20.
Loodetavasti see saab olema algus regulaarsele filmiõhtute sarjale, kus heidame iga kuu pilgu eksperimentaalfilmidele. Idee on näidata vaheldumisi klassikalisi eksperimentaalseid filmi 19. sajandi algusest ning kaasaegseid filme välismaalt ja Eestist.
Joogid ja chat hiljem Gen Klubis.
Mingi Facebook leht on siin:
esmaspäev, 11. jaanuar 2016
Film Estonia
Estonian Film Institute opens a new cash-reabte scheme – Film Estonia.
The goal of EFI’s support scheme is to lure new foreign filmmakers and crews to film in Estonia.The new fund will be open to applications from legal entities registered in Estonia whose main area of activity is the production of audiovisual works and whose partner is a foreign film production company.
Film Estonia will allocate support for the production or post-production of full-length feature films, full-length animation films, short animation films, animation series, quality television series or documentary films.
The fund has established minimum limits for the budgets of projects they support – for example, a feature film must have a minimum budget of 1 million Euros to apply, a full-length ani-mation film must have a minimum budget of 2 million Euros and the other types of productions must have minimum budgets between 200,000 and 500,000 Eu-ros.
The new financial support is only paid out after the expenses made in Estonia are audited. The amount of support ranges from 20-30% of the expenses spent in Estonia and is dependent on the participation of Estonians in the creative team for the film project.
In 2016, the budget for Film Estonia is 500,000 Euros.
The first deadline for ap-plications is February 9th, then followed by March 29, May 24th and November 8th.
Support decisions are made within a month of receiving the application. The exact regulations of the new support scheme can be found at the website:
The goal of EFI’s support scheme is to lure new foreign filmmakers and crews to film in Estonia.The new fund will be open to applications from legal entities registered in Estonia whose main area of activity is the production of audiovisual works and whose partner is a foreign film production company.
Film Estonia will allocate support for the production or post-production of full-length feature films, full-length animation films, short animation films, animation series, quality television series or documentary films.
The fund has established minimum limits for the budgets of projects they support – for example, a feature film must have a minimum budget of 1 million Euros to apply, a full-length ani-mation film must have a minimum budget of 2 million Euros and the other types of productions must have minimum budgets between 200,000 and 500,000 Eu-ros.
The new financial support is only paid out after the expenses made in Estonia are audited. The amount of support ranges from 20-30% of the expenses spent in Estonia and is dependent on the participation of Estonians in the creative team for the film project.
In 2016, the budget for Film Estonia is 500,000 Euros.
The first deadline for ap-plications is February 9th, then followed by March 29, May 24th and November 8th.
Support decisions are made within a month of receiving the application. The exact regulations of the new support scheme can be found at the website:
esmaspäev, 4. jaanuar 2016
EV100 Välisprogrammi taotlusvoor sündmustele
Taotlusvooru abil soovitakse leida sündmusi 2018. aastal välisriikides
toimuva programmi sisustamiseks. Taotlusvooru eesmärk on aidata kaasa
professionaalse suunitlusega, kõrgetasemeliste ning olulise kõlapinnaga
valdkondlike või valdkondi ühendavate sündmuste toimumisele
välisriikides 2017 aasta sügisest kuni 2018 aasta lõpuni.
Taotlusvooru kaudu toetatakse:
- Eesti Vabariigi 100. aastapäevale või Eesti Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu eesistumisele pühendatud professionaalse suunitluse, kõrgetasemeliste ning olulise kõlapinnaga valdkondlike või erinevaid valdkondi siduvate ürituste korraldamisega seotud kulude katmist;
- ürituste korraldamise või läbiviimisega seotud inimeste kulude katmist;
- Eesti Vabariigi 100. aastapäeva ja Eesti Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu eesistumise teemade nähtavuse suurendamist ürituste kaudu, mis kuuluvad rahvusvaheliste messide, festivalide, foorumite jt samalaadsete ürituste programmi.
Toetusega saab katta järgmisi kulusid:
- kulud, mis tehakse taotluses kinnitatud toetuse kasutamise ajavahemikul;
- tegevused ja kulutused, mis on vajalikud otseselt ürituse elluviimiseks, sh reisi- ja majutuskulu, materjalide, instrumentide ja muu sündmuse toimumiseks vajalik transpordikulu, päevaraha, kindlustus, viisade vormistamine, osavõtumakse jms;
- täiendava honorari, töötasu ning nendega seotud sotsiaalmaksu, tulumaksu, töötuskindlustusmaksu ja pensionikindlustuse maksete tasumine;
- reklaamikulu ja sündmusega otseselt seotud trükiste koostamise, toimetamise ja trükkimisega seotud ja muud tugitegevuste kulud, sh veebilahenduste kulud;
- heli- ja valgustehnika rendiga seotud kulud;
- käibemaksukulu juhul kui taotleja ei ole käibemaksukohustuslane.
Taotluste hindamisel võetakse arvesse:
- ürituse vastavust välisprogrammi eesmärkidega;
- ürituse üldist mõju Eesti tutvustamisel;
- üritusega kaasnevat võimekust siduda erinevate valdkondade tugevusi ja luua koosmõju;
- korraldajate professionaalsust, varasemat kogemust ja mainet (sh välispartnerid);
- kaasatud esinejate taset;
- ürituse sihtrühma ning toimumise asukohaga (riik, linn) seonduvat;
- ürituse kommunikatsiooni- ja meediakajastuste plaani;
- sihtriigis paikneva välisesinduse arvamust;
- ürituse teostamise ja eelarve realistlikkust ning Eesti poole kulude põhjendatust;
- ürituse innovaatilisust ning pikemaajalist mõju valdkonna rahvusvahelistes suhetes;
- toetuse maksimaalne määr on 80% eelarvest;
- taotluse eelarve peab olema vähemalt 5 000 eurot;
- minimaalne toetussumma ühe taotluse kohta on 4 000 eurot;
Taotlusvooru kaudu ei toetata:
- üritusi, mis on toimunud enne taotluste esitamise tähtaega;
- üritusi, mis toimuvad pärast 31.12.2018;
- harrastuskollektiivide välissõite;
- tehnika, töövahendite jms soetamist;
- organisatsioonide liikmemakse;
- erisoodustusmaksu tasumist;
- muid sündmuse elluviimise seisukohast põhjendamatuid ja ebaolulisi kulusid.
Jorma Sarv
EV 100 ja EL eesistumise rahvusvahelise programmi juht
tel: +372 502 3343
Taotlusvooru kaudu toetatakse:
- Eesti Vabariigi 100. aastapäevale või Eesti Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu eesistumisele pühendatud professionaalse suunitluse, kõrgetasemeliste ning olulise kõlapinnaga valdkondlike või erinevaid valdkondi siduvate ürituste korraldamisega seotud kulude katmist;
- ürituste korraldamise või läbiviimisega seotud inimeste kulude katmist;
- Eesti Vabariigi 100. aastapäeva ja Eesti Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu eesistumise teemade nähtavuse suurendamist ürituste kaudu, mis kuuluvad rahvusvaheliste messide, festivalide, foorumite jt samalaadsete ürituste programmi.
Toetusega saab katta järgmisi kulusid:
- kulud, mis tehakse taotluses kinnitatud toetuse kasutamise ajavahemikul;
- tegevused ja kulutused, mis on vajalikud otseselt ürituse elluviimiseks, sh reisi- ja majutuskulu, materjalide, instrumentide ja muu sündmuse toimumiseks vajalik transpordikulu, päevaraha, kindlustus, viisade vormistamine, osavõtumakse jms;
- täiendava honorari, töötasu ning nendega seotud sotsiaalmaksu, tulumaksu, töötuskindlustusmaksu ja pensionikindlustuse maksete tasumine;
- reklaamikulu ja sündmusega otseselt seotud trükiste koostamise, toimetamise ja trükkimisega seotud ja muud tugitegevuste kulud, sh veebilahenduste kulud;
- heli- ja valgustehnika rendiga seotud kulud;
- käibemaksukulu juhul kui taotleja ei ole käibemaksukohustuslane.
Taotluste hindamisel võetakse arvesse:
- ürituse vastavust välisprogrammi eesmärkidega;
- ürituse üldist mõju Eesti tutvustamisel;
- üritusega kaasnevat võimekust siduda erinevate valdkondade tugevusi ja luua koosmõju;
- korraldajate professionaalsust, varasemat kogemust ja mainet (sh välispartnerid);
- kaasatud esinejate taset;
- ürituse sihtrühma ning toimumise asukohaga (riik, linn) seonduvat;
- ürituse kommunikatsiooni- ja meediakajastuste plaani;
- sihtriigis paikneva välisesinduse arvamust;
- ürituse teostamise ja eelarve realistlikkust ning Eesti poole kulude põhjendatust;
- ürituse innovaatilisust ning pikemaajalist mõju valdkonna rahvusvahelistes suhetes;
- toetuse maksimaalne määr on 80% eelarvest;
- taotluse eelarve peab olema vähemalt 5 000 eurot;
- minimaalne toetussumma ühe taotluse kohta on 4 000 eurot;
Taotlusvooru kaudu ei toetata:
- üritusi, mis on toimunud enne taotluste esitamise tähtaega;
- üritusi, mis toimuvad pärast 31.12.2018;
- harrastuskollektiivide välissõite;
- tehnika, töövahendite jms soetamist;
- organisatsioonide liikmemakse;
- erisoodustusmaksu tasumist;
- muid sündmuse elluviimise seisukohast põhjendamatuid ja ebaolulisi kulusid.
Jorma Sarv
EV 100 ja EL eesistumise rahvusvahelise programmi juht
tel: +372 502 3343
Pitching Contest at Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia
Under the theme "Thrilling, Exciting, Moving", we are looking for pitches for short films that will stir the emotions, with the ability to thrill, excite or move audiences.
Entry period
December 1 (Tue), 2015 ~ February 29 (Mon), 2016
How to Enter
1.Please upload your short film pitch in addition to completing the designated entry form in order to be considered for the primary selection. All elements listed below must be included in the pitch. Please note that the projected run time must be less than 25 minutes.
♦ Plot (250 words max.)
♦ One line that sums up what kind of film this is
♦ Photographic images of the world you envisage
♦ Entrant profile
♦ Link to a showreel or individual links to past works
2.We will notify entrants about the results of the primary selection in March 2016. Successful entrants will be required to submit the following materials (by a specific date yet to be confirmed) for the next stage of the competition.
Screenplay for pitch selected
Proposed cast
Proposed location
Estimated budget
Other information
For inquiries relating to the entry guidelines, please contact us by the following email address.
Read more:
Under the theme "Thrilling, Exciting, Moving", we are looking for pitches for short films that will stir the emotions, with the ability to thrill, excite or move audiences.
Entry period
December 1 (Tue), 2015 ~ February 29 (Mon), 2016
How to Enter
1.Please upload your short film pitch in addition to completing the designated entry form in order to be considered for the primary selection. All elements listed below must be included in the pitch. Please note that the projected run time must be less than 25 minutes.
♦ Plot (250 words max.)
♦ One line that sums up what kind of film this is
♦ Photographic images of the world you envisage
♦ Entrant profile
♦ Link to a showreel or individual links to past works
2.We will notify entrants about the results of the primary selection in March 2016. Successful entrants will be required to submit the following materials (by a specific date yet to be confirmed) for the next stage of the competition.
Screenplay for pitch selected
Proposed cast
Proposed location
Estimated budget
Other information
For inquiries relating to the entry guidelines, please contact us by the following email address.
Read more:
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

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