reede, 17. juuni 2016

GoDebut Film Festival 2016

GoDebut Film Festival 2016

Cinema of Baltic and Nordic countries has brought a sufficient contribution into development of cinema art.

However, it does not always receive necessary attention from an international audience. Especially this attention and support from a cinema industry is being lacked for young debuting cinema creators of that region and their works. The aim of the cinema debut festival GoDebut of Baltic and Nordic countries – to promote the activities of young and debuting cinema creators of the countries of this region, to boost their creativity, increase their prominence, and strengthen international cooperation. The festival is being organised in a Lithuanian port city Klaipėda and in one of the most beautiful resorts, included into UNESCO natural heritage object list – Neringa, on September 23-25, 2016.

-    All entries must be postmarked by the deadline date. All entries must be received by 15/0716

-    Acceptable formats for submission: DVD or password protected online screener.
-    All films that are not in English must have English language subtitles.

-    Only submissions with completed entry forms will be accepted.
-    E-Mail your entry in 
-    If you have listed a valid email address we will verify that we have received your entry.

-    Exhibition prints must be sent to the GoDebut Film Festival online into

-    For Features and Documentaries please include two screener copies for judging.
-    All Short Films must be no longer than 25 minutes in length.

-    Releases for music and talent must be obtained by the filmmaker. GoDebut Film Festival is not liable for copyright infringement or unauthorized use.

-    If your film has been selected to be screened at the festival we will request you send a press kit to include: stills, posters, postcards, a DVD of the trailer, and other publicity materials to maximize exposure for your film. These materials will not be returned.

-    If your film has been selected to be screened at the festival we ask that it not be viewable in its entirety online on sites like YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook before the festival screening. Trailers or clips from the film are acceptable.

-    GoDebut Film Festival does not assume any liability for damage to films, videos, or publicity materials.

-    Film must have been completed after October 1, 2014.
-    Filmmakers will be notified of festival acceptance by approximately July 10, 2016.

GoDebut Film Festival 2016

September 22-25, 2016

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