pühapäev, 28. märts 2010

III Söuli Lühifilmide ja -videode Maailmafestival

Filmide saatmise tähtaeg on 30.aprill. Filmide pikkus – kuni 30 min.
Lähem info alljärgnevas materjalis.

The 3rd Seoul World Short Film & Video Festival
Entry Rule
1. Eligibility : Anyone regardless of applicant’s nationality,
2. Genre : fiction, documentary, animation, experimental film and etc
3. Theme : free
4. Running time : Less than 30 minutes
5. Submission : Mini-DV(6mm DV)
6. Video Format : NTSC or PAL
7. Title Language : English, German, French
8. Film Explanation language : English (subtitles or voice actor)
9. Application Categories :
1) Film-major student (aged 25 or below)
2) Non-professional film artist
3) Professional Film artist
4) 1min film(no limit)
10. Time line
1) Entry Schedule
announcement : 2010. 1. April
entry date : 2010. 1. April ~ 30. April. 6pm
* Festival participants will be required to register by April 30.
2) Public screening & judgment of finalists Schedule
2010. 26. May ~ 30. May
* Please download a entry form at "http://unicakorea.org"
11. Awards Ceremony : 2010. 30. May. 5pm
12. Location : cinemaru (Seoul)
13. Send Applications to : Guri P.O Box 41. Inchang-Dong 674-1
Guri-City. Gyeonggi-Do 471-060. Republic of KOREA
14. Judgment : An Authority of the filmdom on internal and external
1) Public screening and judgment for finalists in compliant with UNICA judgment methods
2) Five distinguished experts will consist of the jury, including one person recommended by UNICA-KOREA
15. Award :
1) Winner in each category : A gold medal, A silver medal, A bronze medal, A honorable mention, participation prize.
2) Special Award for a film with exceptionally excellent direction, screenplay, camera, edition and sound
3) Special Award and Supplementary prize for a country ranked high in overall assessment.
E-mail : cj-chang@hanmail.net Fax ; +82-31-513-4638

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