Tsiistre filmilaagris vändatud lühimängufilm "Ring" (režissöör Ksenia Voronchikhina) võitis Iževski lühiflmide festivalil esimese auhinna.
"Ring" on üks kahest lühifilmist, mis valmis sel suvel Tsiistre filmilaagris, kus kohtusid udmurdi ja eesti filmitegijad. "Ring" valmis Ksenia eestvedamisel justkui kõrvalproduktina laagri põhifilmi "Järv" kõrvalt. Selles teevad kaasa peaaegu kõik laagris osalenud inimesed - stsenarist Anti Naunainen, operaatori-töö juhendajad Urmas Reisberg, Paul Nurme jpt.
Filmi saab vaadata siit: https://yadi.sk/i/PFrvuomnmF4qu
Udmurdi pealinna Iževski festivali peavõidu napsas "Põhi-Lõuna", mille režissöör Andrey Peršini on käinud ja auhinnatud ka Tsiistres toimunud Soome-Ugri Filmifestivalil.
Festivali koduleht:
Blogi filmientusiastidele konkursside ja -festivalide, filmitegemiste ja -näitamiste kohta, Eestis ja mujal. Toimetamata kujul.
esmaspäev, 21. detsember 2015
"Ring" võitis Iževski festivalil auhinna
kolmapäev, 2. detsember 2015
European Short Pitch 2016 – Call for Works-in-Progress
As European Short Pitch always aims to be at the forefront of the ever-changing needs of the short film industry, from this year onwards, we’ll be adding a new segment to the coproduction forum, pitches of works-in-progress, this in collaboration with C3PM organized by Paris Courts Devant and Espera Productions, to supply the selected filmmakers with a platform to find a co-producer and to promote their short films to be completed on a European level.
Selected on the basis of the quality and the potential of their short film projects, 5 European talents will pitch and showcase their projects in front of a panel of 55 producers, financers, buyers, and distributors.
European Short Pitch aims to bring young European talents into the spotlight, give them a high-end promotion opportunity, and develop short film coproduction in Europe. This initiative is about enhanced economic viability and European visibility for short film projects.
Coproduction Forum and Pitches of Works-in-Progress
The coproduction forum will take place from the 2nd till the 6th of March 2016 in Luxembourg as part of the Luxembourg City Film Festival in partnership with LARS. Participants will have one day to prepare and rehearse their pitches with the tutors present. The pitching, in the presence of the invited professionals, will take place on the 4th of March in the afternoon where each project will have a chance to screen the work-in-progress and to pitch the film and its specific needs.
Each project will have 7 minutes (excl. screening of work-in-progress) – questions included.
One-to-one meetings (25 minutes long) with professionals will take place the morning after. On the evening of the 4th an award ceremony will take place with two in kind post-production awards offered by Espera Productions, one for 3500€ and one for 7500€, which will be handed out by a jury headed by the representatives of the Luxembourgish post-production house, Espera Productions.
Who can apply?
European Short Pitch is open to creative teams developing international short film projects. It is therefore open to directors and producers.
Directors developing a project on their own are very welcome to participate in the programme. Yet it is strongly advised to already have nationally a production company interested or attached to the project.
The director/producer has to be between 18 and 35 years of age on the closing date of the call (6th of January 2016).
His/her nationality or country of residence should be one of the member countries of the Creative Europe Programme (European Union + Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Iceland, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway and Turkey). European Short Pitch will also select up to 3 projects from non-member countries of the Creative Europe Programme where NISI MASA has a member organisation: Kosovo, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.
The working language of European Short Pitch is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate.
Participation fees
The participation fee for each project is 250 Euros. The fee covers the travel costs, the accommodation and subsistence for the coproduction forum. One person per project is covered by European Short Pitch. However, upon prior agreement, an extra person per project shall be admitted – he/she will have to cover his/her own travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.
How to apply?
Before the application deadline (6th of January 2016, midnight C.E.T.), applicants have to send the following to aleksandra@nisimasa.com.
•The completed application form. Click here to access it: ESP 2016 – Application Form_Works-in-Progess;
•The Work-in-Progress (live action, animation or documentary are accepted) inferior to 20 minutes with English subtitles delivered as an .mpeg4 or .H264 via WeTransfer. It’s important to note that the shooting needs to be finished in order to qualify and the film cannot be finalized by the time the coproduction forum takes place.
•CVs of the people involved creatively in the project (director & producer);
•A presentation of the production company attached (if applicable).
Selection process
The jury, consisting of ESP Alumni and the organizing team, will gather in Vilnius, Lithuania on the 16th of January where they’ll decide upon the projects selected for the Works-in-Progress section of European Short Pitch 2016.
Participants will be informed on their selection / non-selection on the 20th of January 2016, either via the NISI MASA website (www.nisimasa.com) or by email.
The invited professionals
55 film professionals will be invited for the coproduction forum, chosen for their experience in European short film coproduction and according to the profiles of the selected projects. In some specific cases, participants will be offered to propose names of professionals to invite.
They will be mostly film producers (40 of them), the remaining 15 being either distributors/sales agents, financers (representatives of film funds), or buyers (TV commissioning editors). The list of professionals invited for the previous editions are available on www.nisimasa.com (cf. ‘Book of Producers’).
The organizing team & NISI MASA
European Short Pitch is organised by NISI MASA – European Network of Young Cinema. Present in 31 countries, NISI MASA has been organising dozens of international film projects since 2001.
The 2016 edition of European Short Pitch will be managed by Wim Vanacker, Head of the Script Department, Jérôme Nunes, Manager of the Coproduction forum and Aleksandra Zakharchenko, Project Coordinator.
European Short Pitch 2016 – by NISI MASA
BàL No 124
206 Quai de Valmy
75010 Paris – France
Phone: +33 960 396 338
europeanshortpitch@nisimasa.com / www.nisimasa.com
Selected on the basis of the quality and the potential of their short film projects, 5 European talents will pitch and showcase their projects in front of a panel of 55 producers, financers, buyers, and distributors.
European Short Pitch aims to bring young European talents into the spotlight, give them a high-end promotion opportunity, and develop short film coproduction in Europe. This initiative is about enhanced economic viability and European visibility for short film projects.
Coproduction Forum and Pitches of Works-in-Progress
The coproduction forum will take place from the 2nd till the 6th of March 2016 in Luxembourg as part of the Luxembourg City Film Festival in partnership with LARS. Participants will have one day to prepare and rehearse their pitches with the tutors present. The pitching, in the presence of the invited professionals, will take place on the 4th of March in the afternoon where each project will have a chance to screen the work-in-progress and to pitch the film and its specific needs.
Each project will have 7 minutes (excl. screening of work-in-progress) – questions included.
One-to-one meetings (25 minutes long) with professionals will take place the morning after. On the evening of the 4th an award ceremony will take place with two in kind post-production awards offered by Espera Productions, one for 3500€ and one for 7500€, which will be handed out by a jury headed by the representatives of the Luxembourgish post-production house, Espera Productions.
Who can apply?
European Short Pitch is open to creative teams developing international short film projects. It is therefore open to directors and producers.
Directors developing a project on their own are very welcome to participate in the programme. Yet it is strongly advised to already have nationally a production company interested or attached to the project.
The director/producer has to be between 18 and 35 years of age on the closing date of the call (6th of January 2016).
His/her nationality or country of residence should be one of the member countries of the Creative Europe Programme (European Union + Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Iceland, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway and Turkey). European Short Pitch will also select up to 3 projects from non-member countries of the Creative Europe Programme where NISI MASA has a member organisation: Kosovo, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.
The working language of European Short Pitch is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate.
Participation fees
The participation fee for each project is 250 Euros. The fee covers the travel costs, the accommodation and subsistence for the coproduction forum. One person per project is covered by European Short Pitch. However, upon prior agreement, an extra person per project shall be admitted – he/she will have to cover his/her own travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.
How to apply?
Before the application deadline (6th of January 2016, midnight C.E.T.), applicants have to send the following to aleksandra@nisimasa.com.
•The completed application form. Click here to access it: ESP 2016 – Application Form_Works-in-Progess;
•The Work-in-Progress (live action, animation or documentary are accepted) inferior to 20 minutes with English subtitles delivered as an .mpeg4 or .H264 via WeTransfer. It’s important to note that the shooting needs to be finished in order to qualify and the film cannot be finalized by the time the coproduction forum takes place.
•CVs of the people involved creatively in the project (director & producer);
•A presentation of the production company attached (if applicable).
Selection process
The jury, consisting of ESP Alumni and the organizing team, will gather in Vilnius, Lithuania on the 16th of January where they’ll decide upon the projects selected for the Works-in-Progress section of European Short Pitch 2016.
Participants will be informed on their selection / non-selection on the 20th of January 2016, either via the NISI MASA website (www.nisimasa.com) or by email.
The invited professionals
55 film professionals will be invited for the coproduction forum, chosen for their experience in European short film coproduction and according to the profiles of the selected projects. In some specific cases, participants will be offered to propose names of professionals to invite.
They will be mostly film producers (40 of them), the remaining 15 being either distributors/sales agents, financers (representatives of film funds), or buyers (TV commissioning editors). The list of professionals invited for the previous editions are available on www.nisimasa.com (cf. ‘Book of Producers’).
The organizing team & NISI MASA
European Short Pitch is organised by NISI MASA – European Network of Young Cinema. Present in 31 countries, NISI MASA has been organising dozens of international film projects since 2001.
The 2016 edition of European Short Pitch will be managed by Wim Vanacker, Head of the Script Department, Jérôme Nunes, Manager of the Coproduction forum and Aleksandra Zakharchenko, Project Coordinator.
European Short Pitch 2016 – by NISI MASA
BàL No 124
206 Quai de Valmy
75010 Paris – France
Phone: +33 960 396 338
europeanshortpitch@nisimasa.com / www.nisimasa.com
teisipäev, 24. november 2015
Rakvere Gümnaasiumi filmifestival
REGISTREERIDA SAAB 31. detsembrini!
Film tuleb esitada CD/ DVD kandjale kirjutatud failina või interneti vahendusel (selleks tuleb film .mp4 või .mov formaadis laadida dropboxi. NB! Filmikaart tuleb sellisel juhul esitada .PDF-failina).
Filmiga tuleb kaasa panna täidetud filmikaart mille leiad siit lehelt.
Film saada aadressile
Vabaduse 1, Rakvere
44316, Eesti
märksõnaks lisa "Filmifestival"
või too Rakvere Gümnaasiumi kantseleisse.
P.S - kasuta soovituslikult filmi saatmisel turvaümbrikku, mis tagab filmi turvalise kohale jõudmise (küsi postkontorist).
Täiendavate küsimuste korral pöördu filmifestival@filmifestival.eu
Rakvere Gümnaasiumi filmifestival on amatöörfilmifestival, mille eesmärgiks on motiveerida noori harjutama kätt filminduses. Ühtlasi on ürituse eesmärgiks anda oma poolne panus esitlemaks noorte teoseid ka laiemale publikule.
1. Filmi valmimise ajale ei ole seatud piiranguid.
2. Film peab osalema Rakvere Gümnaasiumi filmifestivalil esimest korda,
2.1. film võib olla osalenud varasemalt teistel festivalidel.
3. Festivalil osaleva filmi meeskonna kõik liikmed peavad olema vanuses kuni 26 eluaastat.
3.1. Erandid kehtivad juhendajate puhul.
4. Filmid jagunevad kahte kategooriasse autori vanuse järgi.
4.1. Kõik filmid, mille autor on vanem kui 19 eluaastat loetakse automaatselt tudengifilmi kategooriasse.
4.2. Filmid, mille autor on alla 20 aasta vana, loetakse kuni 19-aastaste kategooriasse.
5. Esitatav film peab olema omaloominguline ning originaalne.
6. Tegu ei tohi olla plagiaadiga.
7. Filmidel puuduvad teema- ning žanri piirangud.
8. Esitatava filmi kogupikkus ei tohi ületada 15 minutit.
9. Esitatava amatöörfilmi sisu peab vastama üldtuntud viisakusreeglitele.
10. Iga autor võib esitada ainult ühe filmi.
11. Film tuleb esitada CD / DVD kandjale kirjutatud failina või interneti vahendusel.
11.1. CD / DVD kandjale lisada soovituslikult ka festivali reklaammaterjalidesse lisatav kvaliteetne pilt (kaader) autori omal valikul ning võimalusel ka filmi treiler või meelepärane katkend filmist (20-30sekundit) ehk nn „teaser“.
11.2. Materjalide mitte lisamisel valivad korraldajad need juhuslikult omal valikul.
12. Filmi esitamisel tuleb juurde lisada täidetud filmikaart.
13. Film tuleb esitada Rakvere Gümnaasiumi kantseleisse või saata posti teel. Filmi esitamisel interneti vahendusel tuleb vajalik link koos filmikaardiga saata aadressile filmifestival@filmifestival.eu.
Korraldajatel on õigus:
- - teha muudatusi reglemendis,
- - pretensioonide korral film programmist kõrvaldada.
Osaledes festivalil, kinnitab filmi autor, et on tutvunud osalemistingimustega ning järgib neid.
Film tuleb esitada CD/ DVD kandjale kirjutatud failina või interneti vahendusel (selleks tuleb film .mp4 või .mov formaadis laadida dropboxi. NB! Filmikaart tuleb sellisel juhul esitada .PDF-failina).
Filmiga tuleb kaasa panna täidetud filmikaart mille leiad siit lehelt.
Film saada aadressile
Vabaduse 1, Rakvere
44316, Eesti
märksõnaks lisa "Filmifestival"
või too Rakvere Gümnaasiumi kantseleisse.
P.S - kasuta soovituslikult filmi saatmisel turvaümbrikku, mis tagab filmi turvalise kohale jõudmise (küsi postkontorist).
Täiendavate küsimuste korral pöördu filmifestival@filmifestival.eu
Rakvere Gümnaasiumi filmifestival on amatöörfilmifestival, mille eesmärgiks on motiveerida noori harjutama kätt filminduses. Ühtlasi on ürituse eesmärgiks anda oma poolne panus esitlemaks noorte teoseid ka laiemale publikule.
1. Filmi valmimise ajale ei ole seatud piiranguid.
2. Film peab osalema Rakvere Gümnaasiumi filmifestivalil esimest korda,
2.1. film võib olla osalenud varasemalt teistel festivalidel.
3. Festivalil osaleva filmi meeskonna kõik liikmed peavad olema vanuses kuni 26 eluaastat.
3.1. Erandid kehtivad juhendajate puhul.
4. Filmid jagunevad kahte kategooriasse autori vanuse järgi.
4.1. Kõik filmid, mille autor on vanem kui 19 eluaastat loetakse automaatselt tudengifilmi kategooriasse.
4.2. Filmid, mille autor on alla 20 aasta vana, loetakse kuni 19-aastaste kategooriasse.
5. Esitatav film peab olema omaloominguline ning originaalne.
6. Tegu ei tohi olla plagiaadiga.
7. Filmidel puuduvad teema- ning žanri piirangud.
8. Esitatava filmi kogupikkus ei tohi ületada 15 minutit.
9. Esitatava amatöörfilmi sisu peab vastama üldtuntud viisakusreeglitele.
10. Iga autor võib esitada ainult ühe filmi.
11. Film tuleb esitada CD / DVD kandjale kirjutatud failina või interneti vahendusel.
11.1. CD / DVD kandjale lisada soovituslikult ka festivali reklaammaterjalidesse lisatav kvaliteetne pilt (kaader) autori omal valikul ning võimalusel ka filmi treiler või meelepärane katkend filmist (20-30sekundit) ehk nn „teaser“.
11.2. Materjalide mitte lisamisel valivad korraldajad need juhuslikult omal valikul.
12. Filmi esitamisel tuleb juurde lisada täidetud filmikaart.
13. Film tuleb esitada Rakvere Gümnaasiumi kantseleisse või saata posti teel. Filmi esitamisel interneti vahendusel tuleb vajalik link koos filmikaardiga saata aadressile filmifestival@filmifestival.eu.
Korraldajatel on õigus:
- - teha muudatusi reglemendis,
- - pretensioonide korral film programmist kõrvaldada.
Osaledes festivalil, kinnitab filmi autor, et on tutvunud osalemistingimustega ning järgib neid.
kolmapäev, 18. november 2015
Eesti Energia nutika tarbimise videokonkurss
1. Eesti Energia energiasäästu videokonkurss 2015 algab 13.11.2015 ja lõpeb 25.11.2015 kell 15.00.
2. Videokonkursil osalemiseks tuleb luua lühike videoklipp, mis tutvustab mõnda energiasäästu või nutika tarbimise nippi.
2.1. Klipp võib olla filmitud või lahendatud joonis- või nukufilmi stiilis.
3. Videokonkursil osalemiseks tuleb oma klipp saata aadressile: kokkuhoid@energia.ee. Kui klipp on e-kirjaga saatmiseks liiga mahukas, võib selle laadida näiteks www.wetransfer.com või www.dropbox.com keskkonda ning saata sealt saadud link aadressile kokkuhoid@energia.ee.
4. Konkursile saadetud video peab olema autori enda loodud.
5. Eesti Energia laeb osalejatele viidates kõik e-postile laekunud ja konkursi tingimustele vastavad videod üles Eesti Energia Facebooki lehele, kus toimub avalik hääletus (ehk enim laike koguva video väljaselgitamine).
5.1. Konkursil ei osale mittesobivad videoklipid. Mittesobivaks loetakse klippe, mis on vastuolus heade kommete ja tavadega (ehk kutsuvad üles käituma õigusvastaselt või rikkuma üldisi moraalinorme, õigustavad õigusrikkumisi ning alavääristavad õiguskuulekat käitumist, kutsuvad üles vägivaldsele käitumisele ja õhutavad vägivalla kasutamist, kutsuvad üles inimese tervist ja keskkonda kahjustavale tegevusele jne). Samuti ei lisata konkursivideote hulka selliseid videoid, mis ei seostu energiasäästuga või ei kvalifitseeru võistlusele konkursi väljakuulutaja otsusega mõnel muul põhjusel.
6. Konkursil loositakse välja kaks auhinda:
6.1. peaauhind iPhone 6s – konkursi võiduvideole, mis kogub Eesti Energia Facebooki lehel kampaaniaperioodi lõpuks (25. november 2015 kl 15.00) kõige rohkem meeldimisi (laike);
6.2. lisaauhind iPhone 6s – lisaauhinna võidab üks video jagaja Facebookis. Lisaauhind selgitatakse välja kolmeliikmelise komisjoni juuresolekul portaali random.org abil.
2. Videokonkursil osalemiseks tuleb luua lühike videoklipp, mis tutvustab mõnda energiasäästu või nutika tarbimise nippi.
2.1. Klipp võib olla filmitud või lahendatud joonis- või nukufilmi stiilis.
3. Videokonkursil osalemiseks tuleb oma klipp saata aadressile: kokkuhoid@energia.ee. Kui klipp on e-kirjaga saatmiseks liiga mahukas, võib selle laadida näiteks www.wetransfer.com või www.dropbox.com keskkonda ning saata sealt saadud link aadressile kokkuhoid@energia.ee.
4. Konkursile saadetud video peab olema autori enda loodud.
5. Eesti Energia laeb osalejatele viidates kõik e-postile laekunud ja konkursi tingimustele vastavad videod üles Eesti Energia Facebooki lehele, kus toimub avalik hääletus (ehk enim laike koguva video väljaselgitamine).
5.1. Konkursil ei osale mittesobivad videoklipid. Mittesobivaks loetakse klippe, mis on vastuolus heade kommete ja tavadega (ehk kutsuvad üles käituma õigusvastaselt või rikkuma üldisi moraalinorme, õigustavad õigusrikkumisi ning alavääristavad õiguskuulekat käitumist, kutsuvad üles vägivaldsele käitumisele ja õhutavad vägivalla kasutamist, kutsuvad üles inimese tervist ja keskkonda kahjustavale tegevusele jne). Samuti ei lisata konkursivideote hulka selliseid videoid, mis ei seostu energiasäästuga või ei kvalifitseeru võistlusele konkursi väljakuulutaja otsusega mõnel muul põhjusel.
6. Konkursil loositakse välja kaks auhinda:
6.1. peaauhind iPhone 6s – konkursi võiduvideole, mis kogub Eesti Energia Facebooki lehel kampaaniaperioodi lõpuks (25. november 2015 kl 15.00) kõige rohkem meeldimisi (laike);
6.2. lisaauhind iPhone 6s – lisaauhinna võidab üks video jagaja Facebookis. Lisaauhind selgitatakse välja kolmeliikmelise komisjoni juuresolekul portaali random.org abil.
teisipäev, 13. oktoober 2015
Robotexi videokonkurss
Võistluse teemaks on „Robot läbi maailma silmade”.
Kuidas näevad inimesed roboteid, kuidas näevad teised elusolendid roboteid? Kas robotid on meile ainult kasulikud või esineb nende olemasolus ka negatiivseid aspekte. Laske fantaasial lennata!
Võistlustöö pikkus peab jääma vahemikku 30 sekundit kuni 3 minutit.
Võistlustöö peab vastama teemapüstitusele.
Võistlustööl ei tohi olla kujutatud ebasündsaid asju
Võistlustööd tuleb üles laadida Youtube/Vimeo keskkonda ning saata link e-maili teel triin.lehtmets@robotex.ee
Võistlustööga peab.txt failina kaasa saatma järgneva info:
töö teema;
autori ideed lühidalt tutvustav lõik (3 kuni 5 lauset);
autori nimi;
autori vanus;
autori kontakttelefon;
autori e-mail;
kool/huviring (olemasolul);
juhendaja (olemasolul).
Iga osavõtja võib esitada kuni kaks võistlustööd.
Võistlustööde esitamise tähtaeg on 20.11.2015
Autasustamine toimub 4.– 6. detsembril toimuval Robotex 2015 üritusel TTÜ spordihoones
(Männiliiva tänav 7).
Võitjaid teavitatakse auhindamisest. Auhinna saavad ainult auhindamisele kohale tulnudosalejad. Eelneval kokkuleppel korraldajatega on võimalik auhind kätte saada Robotexi kontorist
aadressil Raja tn 15, Tallinn
Vaata ka teisi Robotexi konkursse:
Kuidas näevad inimesed roboteid, kuidas näevad teised elusolendid roboteid? Kas robotid on meile ainult kasulikud või esineb nende olemasolus ka negatiivseid aspekte. Laske fantaasial lennata!
Võistlustöö pikkus peab jääma vahemikku 30 sekundit kuni 3 minutit.
Võistlustöö peab vastama teemapüstitusele.
Võistlustööl ei tohi olla kujutatud ebasündsaid asju
Võistlustööd tuleb üles laadida Youtube/Vimeo keskkonda ning saata link e-maili teel triin.lehtmets@robotex.ee
Võistlustööga peab.txt failina kaasa saatma järgneva info:
töö teema;
autori ideed lühidalt tutvustav lõik (3 kuni 5 lauset);
autori nimi;
autori vanus;
autori kontakttelefon;
autori e-mail;
kool/huviring (olemasolul);
juhendaja (olemasolul).
Iga osavõtja võib esitada kuni kaks võistlustööd.
Võistlustööde esitamise tähtaeg on 20.11.2015
Autasustamine toimub 4.– 6. detsembril toimuval Robotex 2015 üritusel TTÜ spordihoones
(Männiliiva tänav 7).
Võitjaid teavitatakse auhindamisest. Auhinna saavad ainult auhindamisele kohale tulnudosalejad. Eelneval kokkuleppel korraldajatega on võimalik auhind kätte saada Robotexi kontorist
aadressil Raja tn 15, Tallinn
Vaata ka teisi Robotexi konkursse:
esmaspäev, 12. oktoober 2015
"Liblikmees" kinodes
9. oktoobril hakkas Eesti kinodes jooksma lühifilmide kassett "Lennud unes ja ilmsi", mis sisaldab nelja lühifilmi.
Teiste hulgas on ka Kinoonude stsenaristikalaagrist läbi käinud "Liblikmees", mille lavastas Edina Csüllög. Film põhineb Mehis Heinsaare novellil ja selle on adapteerinud Urmas Nimetu.
Pikalt haudunud stsenaarium osales Nisi Masa stsenaristika töötoas (2010) ning idee võitis ajaloo esimese Baltic Pitching Forumi (2013).
Teiste hulgas on ka Kinoonude stsenaristikalaagrist läbi käinud "Liblikmees", mille lavastas Edina Csüllög. Film põhineb Mehis Heinsaare novellil ja selle on adapteerinud Urmas Nimetu.
Pikalt haudunud stsenaarium osales Nisi Masa stsenaristika töötoas (2010) ning idee võitis ajaloo esimese Baltic Pitching Forumi (2013).
"No Fishing" ja "Vanameeste näppaja" Cinamonis
Tartu Tudengipäevade jooksul näidatakse Tartu Cinamoni kinos igal õhtul tudengifilme. Teiste hulgas linastuvad ka "No Fishing" (teisipäeval) ja "Vanameeste näppaja".
Seansid toimuvad esmaspäevast neljapäevani kell 19.
Nädala lõpetab reedene Tudengifilmi üritus, kus selguvad aasta parimad tudengifilmid. Ürituse žüriisse kuulub ka Tudengifilmi mitmekordne laureaat Urmas Reisberg.
Seansid toimuvad esmaspäevast neljapäevani kell 19.
Nädala lõpetab reedene Tudengifilmi üritus, kus selguvad aasta parimad tudengifilmid. Ürituse žüriisse kuulub ka Tudengifilmi mitmekordne laureaat Urmas Reisberg.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
no fishing,
vanameeste näppaja

reede, 9. oktoober 2015
Carbon Culture Poetry Film Prize
We want to integrate film and literary culture. Carbon Culture will award a $1,000 prize for the best poetry film. Zata Kitowski, director of PoetryFilm, will pick the grand prize winner and finalists. The winning entry will receive $1,000. The top five entries will receive high-profile placements across a number of networks, note in a one page ad alongside honorable mentions in our newsstand print and device editions. All entries are considered for sponsored entry to our list of film festivals and poetry film festivals. Deadline for submissions is January 1, 2016.
Rules for Submission
Create a video adaptation of any CCR poem or your original poem.
Post the video to a Youtube or Vimeo account and make it live.
Submit the piece as an Mp4 alongside your bio or team member’s bios to us.
Prize Announcements will be made in April 2016
Film Types
All visual and textual interpretations of any contemporary poem written by you or someone on your team are welcome. Animation (digital or cartoon,) live action, kinetic poems, stop motion, anything you can imagine. We are looking for literal and non-literal interpretations of the poem. How long should it be? That is up to you. Poetry is meant to be heard and we encourage audio.
The prize is open to poets, students, individuals and teams.
Rules for Submission
Create a video adaptation of any CCR poem or your original poem.
Post the video to a Youtube or Vimeo account and make it live.
Submit the piece as an Mp4 alongside your bio or team member’s bios to us.
Prize Announcements will be made in April 2016
Film Types
All visual and textual interpretations of any contemporary poem written by you or someone on your team are welcome. Animation (digital or cartoon,) live action, kinetic poems, stop motion, anything you can imagine. We are looking for literal and non-literal interpretations of the poem. How long should it be? That is up to you. Poetry is meant to be heard and we encourage audio.
The prize is open to poets, students, individuals and teams.
Doctor Clip Roma Poetry Film Festival 2015
International Festival of Poetry Film
Fifth Edition
Terms of Entry:
Films no longer than 10 minutes relating to a poem, aesthetically or in their form or content, and produced after October 2013.
Subtitles: English subtitles are required, Italian subtitled are welcome.
Format: Youtube or Vimeo URL to the video, with password.
The link will be valid till December 5th, 2015
If the film will be selcted for Doctorclip 2015 the author is required to send a copy of the film in the following format (HD Prores 422) for the screening.
Registration Deadline: November 20th, 2015
Fees: none
Fifth Edition
Terms of Entry:
Films no longer than 10 minutes relating to a poem, aesthetically or in their form or content, and produced after October 2013.
Subtitles: English subtitles are required, Italian subtitled are welcome.
Format: Youtube or Vimeo URL to the video, with password.
The link will be valid till December 5th, 2015
If the film will be selcted for Doctorclip 2015 the author is required to send a copy of the film in the following format (HD Prores 422) for the screening.
Registration Deadline: November 20th, 2015
Fees: none
5th CYCLOP International Videopoetry Contest
The 5th CYCLOP International Videopoetry Festival will take place on November, 20th and 22th, 2015 in Ukraine (Kyiv). The festival programme features video poetry-related lectures, workshops, round tables, discussions, presentations of international contests and festivals, as well as a demonstration of the best examples of Ukrainian and world videopoetry, a competitive program, an awards ceremony and other related projects.
One of the projects is a new Contest for International Poetry films within the framework of CYCLOP festival. The list of international jury: Alastair Cook (Filmpoem Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland), Zata Banks (PoetryFilm, London, United Kingdom), Javier Robledo (VideoBardo, Buenos Aires, Argentina), John Bennet (videopoet, USA), Alice Lyons (Videopoet, Sligo, Ireland), Sigrun Hoellrigl (Art Visuals & Poetry, Vienna, Austria), Lucy English (Liberated Words, Bristol, United Kingdom), Polina Horodyska (CYCLOP Videopoetry Festival, Kyiv, Ukraine) and Thomas Zandegiacomo (ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Germany).
Rules and regulations:
Films of up to 10 minutes duration that are no more than two years old (January 2013) may be entered.
There are no limitation about subject and language restrictions. All films that are not in English must have English subtitles.
Video can be performed in any techniques using any necessary equipment (video, animation, flash etc).
By sending your film, you confirm that the film may be shown at the CYCLOP Videopoetry Festival. The artist must have all property and screening rights.
Each artist can send more than one work.
All videos must be sent with the following characteristics:
File format: .MOV or .AVI.
Standard: PAL. Codec: H264.
Resolution: HD — 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720 (16:9) / SD — 640 x 480 (4:3) or 640 x 360 (16:9)
The closing date for entries is 30 September 2015.
All entrants will be informed by e-mail of the results of the call for entries from Oktober 2015 on. Please make sure that your e-mail address is correct.
One of the projects is a new Contest for International Poetry films within the framework of CYCLOP festival. The list of international jury: Alastair Cook (Filmpoem Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland), Zata Banks (PoetryFilm, London, United Kingdom), Javier Robledo (VideoBardo, Buenos Aires, Argentina), John Bennet (videopoet, USA), Alice Lyons (Videopoet, Sligo, Ireland), Sigrun Hoellrigl (Art Visuals & Poetry, Vienna, Austria), Lucy English (Liberated Words, Bristol, United Kingdom), Polina Horodyska (CYCLOP Videopoetry Festival, Kyiv, Ukraine) and Thomas Zandegiacomo (ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Germany).
Rules and regulations:
Films of up to 10 minutes duration that are no more than two years old (January 2013) may be entered.
There are no limitation about subject and language restrictions. All films that are not in English must have English subtitles.
Video can be performed in any techniques using any necessary equipment (video, animation, flash etc).
By sending your film, you confirm that the film may be shown at the CYCLOP Videopoetry Festival. The artist must have all property and screening rights.
Each artist can send more than one work.
All videos must be sent with the following characteristics:
File format: .MOV or .AVI.
Standard: PAL. Codec: H264.
Resolution: HD — 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720 (16:9) / SD — 640 x 480 (4:3) or 640 x 360 (16:9)
The closing date for entries is 30 September 2015.
All entrants will be informed by e-mail of the results of the call for entries from Oktober 2015 on. Please make sure that your e-mail address is correct.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

5th Sadho Poetry Film Festival
Entries are now being invited for the 5th Sadho Poetry Film Fest 2015-16
Deadline: Submission by mail: October 30, 2015
Submission for online preview: October 22, 2015 (if the entry form is submitted through mail.)
Submission for online preview: October 22, 2015 (if the entry form is submitted through mail.)
The Sadho Poetry Film Fest, the first of its kind in Asia, is a unique biennial festival that showcases the finest Poetry & Poetic Films from all over the world.
The Sadho Poetry Film Fest, the first of its kind in Asia, is a unique biennial festival that showcases the finest Poetry & Poetic Films from all over the world.
The festival has two avatars. The two-day main event is organized at New Delhi every alternate year, in which all the films are screened and the viewers vote for the 'Viewers' Choice Award'. The next year, the festival travels to various cities with abridged screenings, also targeting destinations that are normally left out of the film-festival circuits.
The festival has a special section for poetry films made by students independently or as a part of their film-school curricula.
Sadho also has material exchange partnerships with other important organizations and festivals that focus on this genre of films in other parts of the world, and is always looking for new collaborations.
The screening of the travel festival will begin soon.
We showcase films, that broadly fall into following categories:
Poetry Films – based on or inspired by a poem. Most of the films in the festival are of this genre.
Poetic Films – Films that are highly poetic in their cinematic construction. We include some of the finest of this vast and varied genre in our festival.
Poetry Discourse Films – Films that engage in a debate about the image, the world and life.
Student Poetry Films - Films on poetry made by students as a part of their curriculum or independantly.
Film on poets
We showcase films, that broadly fall into following categories:
Poetry Films – based on or inspired by a poem. Most of the films in the festival are of this genre.
Poetic Films – Films that are highly poetic in their cinematic construction. We include some of the finest of this vast and varied genre in our festival.
Poetry Discourse Films – Films that engage in a debate about the image, the world and life.
Student Poetry Films - Films on poetry made by students as a part of their curriculum or independantly.
Film on poets
esmaspäev, 21. september 2015
European Short Pitch 2016 - 10th edition
Call for short film projects
Application deadline – 30th of September 2015
European Short Pitch is an initiative aimed at promoting the European coproduction of short films. It combines a scriptwriting workshop in residency and a coproduction forum bringing together scriptwriters, directors and industry professionals from all over Europe.
Selected on the basis of their short film projects, 20 European talents gather to discuss, rewrite, and learn to promote their stories on a European level with the support of 5 tutors. They eventually pitch their projects in front of a panel of 55 producers, financiers, buyers, and distributors.
European Short Pitch aims to bring young European talents into the spotlight, give them a high-end promotion opportunity, and develop short film coproduction in Europe. This initiative is about enhanced economic viability and European visibility for short film projects.
From the previous editions (2007-2015), around 200 projects were presented that have resulted so far in the making of 75 short films – many of them having a very successful international career.
Who can apply?
European Short Pitch is open to creative teams developing international short film projects. It is therefore open to writers, directors, and producers.
Writer-directors developing a project on their own are very welcome to participate in the programme. Yet it is strongly advised to already have nationally a production company interested or attached to the project, especially at the time of the coproduction forum (2nd -6th March 2016).
The author(s) of the script has to be between 18 and 35 years of age on the closing date of the call for projects (30th of September 2015). His/her nationality or country of residence should be one of the member countries of the Creative Europe Programme (European Union + Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Iceland, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway and Turkey). European Short Pitch will also select up to 3 projects from non-member countries of the Creative Europe Programme where NISI MASA has a member organisation: Kosovo, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.
Applicants must confirm their availability for the different sessions. The working language of European Short Pitch is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate.
Scriptwriting workshop, coproduction forum & on-line session
European Short Pitch is composed of a scriptwriting workshop in residency, a coproduction forum, and an on-line session in between.
The scriptwriting workshop in residency will take place from the 11th till the 17th of January 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania, in partnership with the Lithuanian Film Centre. Participants will be in groups of four projects, with a tutor heading the process. For five days, they will work intensively on their projects, also giving feedback on other participants’ projects, alternating collective & group sessions, one to one sessions with the tutor, and a lecture on an initiation to pitching. One session with a guest producer will introduce participants to European short film coproduction.
The aim of this first session is to enhance the quality of the script and to prepare participants to promote their projects in an international context.
The on-line session (from 18th of January till 22nd of February 2016) represents an opportunity for participants to rewrite their scripts following the scriptwriting workshop, and to get up to two feedback sessions from their tutors. In parallel, participants will prepare materials for the Book of Projects, and suggest names of professionals they would like European Short Pitch to invite for the coproduction forum.
The aim of this second session is to have a final script ready for the coproduction forum. On the 22nd of February 2016 at the latest, participants have to submit their final script, so that it can be made available – along with the Book of Projects – to invited professionals ten days prior to the coproduction forum.
The coproduction forum will take place from the 2nd till the 6th of March 2016 in Luxembourg as part of Luxembourg City Film Festival in partnership with LARS. Participants will have one day to prepare and rehearse their pitching with their tutors. The pitching, in the presence of invited professionals, will take place on the 4th of March, in two sessions of two hours each, each project having 7 minutes – questions included. One-to-one meetings (25 minutes long) with professionals will start in the afternoon of the 4th, and will continue the morning after. On the evening of the 4th an award ceremony will take place, with three prizes of 1000 Euros each for the Best Pitches (based on the votes of invited professionals) and for the second year in a row, two in kind post-production awards offered by Espera Productions, one for 3500€ and one for 7500€, will be handed out by a jury headed by the representatives of the Luxembourgish postproduction house, Espera Productions.
The aim of this third session is to create a platform of promotion for the projects selected, to encourage encounters and collaborations between film professionals and to initiate short film coproductions.
Participation fees
The participation fee for each project is 500 Euros. The fee covers the tutorship costs, the travel costs, the accommodation and subsistence for both on-location sessions. One person per project is covered by European Short Pitch. However, upon prior agreement, an extra person per project shall be admitted – he/she will have to cover his/her own travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.
How to apply?
Before the application deadline (30th of September 2015, midnight C.E.T.), applicants have to send a zip file (named after the title of the project) to europeanshortpitch@nisimasa.com and aleksandra@nisimasa.com containing:
– The completed Application Form;
– The script in English (there’s no word-count limitation – however European Short Pitch is designed for short film projects of an estimated length inferior to 30 minutes);
– The script in the original language (many languages being read and understood by our preselecting reading committee & jury, we may consider the original version as well);
– CVs of the people involved creatively in the project (author/writer, director & producer);
– A presentation of the production company attached (if applicable).
Applicants may present audiovisual works for consideration (either previous ones of the creative team or preparatory work made for the project presented). Only works available online will be considered (link to be provided in the application form).
The scripts must be entirely original; borrowing, in any way whatsoever, of any pre-existing work protected by copyright or any other legal protection, or violating the rights of third parties is not permitted.
Read more:
Application deadline – 30th of September 2015
European Short Pitch is an initiative aimed at promoting the European coproduction of short films. It combines a scriptwriting workshop in residency and a coproduction forum bringing together scriptwriters, directors and industry professionals from all over Europe.
Selected on the basis of their short film projects, 20 European talents gather to discuss, rewrite, and learn to promote their stories on a European level with the support of 5 tutors. They eventually pitch their projects in front of a panel of 55 producers, financiers, buyers, and distributors.
European Short Pitch aims to bring young European talents into the spotlight, give them a high-end promotion opportunity, and develop short film coproduction in Europe. This initiative is about enhanced economic viability and European visibility for short film projects.
From the previous editions (2007-2015), around 200 projects were presented that have resulted so far in the making of 75 short films – many of them having a very successful international career.
Who can apply?
European Short Pitch is open to creative teams developing international short film projects. It is therefore open to writers, directors, and producers.
Writer-directors developing a project on their own are very welcome to participate in the programme. Yet it is strongly advised to already have nationally a production company interested or attached to the project, especially at the time of the coproduction forum (2nd -6th March 2016).
The author(s) of the script has to be between 18 and 35 years of age on the closing date of the call for projects (30th of September 2015). His/her nationality or country of residence should be one of the member countries of the Creative Europe Programme (European Union + Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Iceland, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway and Turkey). European Short Pitch will also select up to 3 projects from non-member countries of the Creative Europe Programme where NISI MASA has a member organisation: Kosovo, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.
Applicants must confirm their availability for the different sessions. The working language of European Short Pitch is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate.
Scriptwriting workshop, coproduction forum & on-line session
European Short Pitch is composed of a scriptwriting workshop in residency, a coproduction forum, and an on-line session in between.
The scriptwriting workshop in residency will take place from the 11th till the 17th of January 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania, in partnership with the Lithuanian Film Centre. Participants will be in groups of four projects, with a tutor heading the process. For five days, they will work intensively on their projects, also giving feedback on other participants’ projects, alternating collective & group sessions, one to one sessions with the tutor, and a lecture on an initiation to pitching. One session with a guest producer will introduce participants to European short film coproduction.
The aim of this first session is to enhance the quality of the script and to prepare participants to promote their projects in an international context.
The on-line session (from 18th of January till 22nd of February 2016) represents an opportunity for participants to rewrite their scripts following the scriptwriting workshop, and to get up to two feedback sessions from their tutors. In parallel, participants will prepare materials for the Book of Projects, and suggest names of professionals they would like European Short Pitch to invite for the coproduction forum.
The aim of this second session is to have a final script ready for the coproduction forum. On the 22nd of February 2016 at the latest, participants have to submit their final script, so that it can be made available – along with the Book of Projects – to invited professionals ten days prior to the coproduction forum.
The coproduction forum will take place from the 2nd till the 6th of March 2016 in Luxembourg as part of Luxembourg City Film Festival in partnership with LARS. Participants will have one day to prepare and rehearse their pitching with their tutors. The pitching, in the presence of invited professionals, will take place on the 4th of March, in two sessions of two hours each, each project having 7 minutes – questions included. One-to-one meetings (25 minutes long) with professionals will start in the afternoon of the 4th, and will continue the morning after. On the evening of the 4th an award ceremony will take place, with three prizes of 1000 Euros each for the Best Pitches (based on the votes of invited professionals) and for the second year in a row, two in kind post-production awards offered by Espera Productions, one for 3500€ and one for 7500€, will be handed out by a jury headed by the representatives of the Luxembourgish postproduction house, Espera Productions.
The aim of this third session is to create a platform of promotion for the projects selected, to encourage encounters and collaborations between film professionals and to initiate short film coproductions.
Participation fees
The participation fee for each project is 500 Euros. The fee covers the tutorship costs, the travel costs, the accommodation and subsistence for both on-location sessions. One person per project is covered by European Short Pitch. However, upon prior agreement, an extra person per project shall be admitted – he/she will have to cover his/her own travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.
How to apply?
Before the application deadline (30th of September 2015, midnight C.E.T.), applicants have to send a zip file (named after the title of the project) to europeanshortpitch@nisimasa.com and aleksandra@nisimasa.com containing:
– The completed Application Form;
– The script in English (there’s no word-count limitation – however European Short Pitch is designed for short film projects of an estimated length inferior to 30 minutes);
– The script in the original language (many languages being read and understood by our preselecting reading committee & jury, we may consider the original version as well);
– CVs of the people involved creatively in the project (author/writer, director & producer);
– A presentation of the production company attached (if applicable).
Applicants may present audiovisual works for consideration (either previous ones of the creative team or preparatory work made for the project presented). Only works available online will be considered (link to be provided in the application form).
The scripts must be entirely original; borrowing, in any way whatsoever, of any pre-existing work protected by copyright or any other legal protection, or violating the rights of third parties is not permitted.
Read more:
Tartu Tudengifilm 2015
Tudengifilm on Tartu Sügispäevade raames toimuv üliõpilaste filmikonkurss, mille raames tunnustatakse parimaid noori filmitegijaid ja tuuakse vaatajateni mitmekesine valik tudengite tehtud filmidest.
Konkursile on oodatud osalema nii filmitudengid kui filmientusiastid.
Filmitudengi kategooriasse kuuluvad teosed, mille autorid on filmindust õppivad üliõpilased (BFM, EKA animatsioon jt). Filmientusiasti kategooria autorid on filmindusega omal käel tegelevad tudengid. Võistlejate eelnev kogemus ja tehnilised võimalused ei ole konkursil esmatähtsad, sellest
olulisem on hea idee ja ettevõtlikkus.
Ainus eeldus on, et filmi autor oleks sel õppeaastal mõne kõrg- või kutsekooli nimekirjas. Üks autor võib esitada maksimaalselt kaks filmi.
Oodatud on nii mängu- kui ka dokumentaalfilmid, žanripiiranguid ei ole seatud. Lisaks tuleb lühifilmiga kaasa panna ka 10-sekundiline treiler.
Maksimaalne võistlustöö pikkus võib olla 20 minutit. Filmide esitamise tähtaeg on 7. oktoober 2015.
Võistlustöö esitamiseks täida registreerimisankeet ja saada koos treileriga aadressile: Ülikooli Kultuuriklubi, Kalevi 24, 51010, Tartu või osalen@studentdays.ee. Sobib ka allalaetava faili link.
Finaali pääsenud võistlustööd linastuvad Tudengifilmi finaalüritusel 16. oktoobril kell 18:30 Cinamoni suures saalis. Asjatundlik žürii kuulutab välja Tudengifilm 2015 laureaadi kahes kategoorias, nii filmisõprade kui filmitudengite seast.
Peaauhinna, suuruses 2 x 1000 eurot, paneb välja Swedbank. Lisaks lähevad jagamisele mitmed eriauhinnad ja selgub publikulemmik.
Tartu Sügispäevade nädalal saab Tudengifilmi eelürituse raames Cinamoni kinos jälgida ka tudengifilmide kinoprogrammi. Esmaspäevast reedeni vältav eriprogramm tutvustab hubases kinos rahvale nii kohalike kui rahvusvaheliste autorite vändatud tudengifilme.
Tudengifilmi konkursist on oodatud osa võtma kõik kõrgkoolide õpilased. Publikusse on loomulikult oodatud kõik filmikunsti hindavad inimesed, kes soovivad kätt pulsil hoida noorte tegijate mõtte-ja filmimaailmal.
Küsimuste korral pöördu julgelt Elina poole elina@studentdays.ee või +372 51 15 420.
Ootame Teid osa võtma!
Tudengifilmi Facebooki üritus on leitav siit:
Konkursile on oodatud osalema nii filmitudengid kui filmientusiastid.
Filmitudengi kategooriasse kuuluvad teosed, mille autorid on filmindust õppivad üliõpilased (BFM, EKA animatsioon jt). Filmientusiasti kategooria autorid on filmindusega omal käel tegelevad tudengid. Võistlejate eelnev kogemus ja tehnilised võimalused ei ole konkursil esmatähtsad, sellest
olulisem on hea idee ja ettevõtlikkus.
Ainus eeldus on, et filmi autor oleks sel õppeaastal mõne kõrg- või kutsekooli nimekirjas. Üks autor võib esitada maksimaalselt kaks filmi.
Oodatud on nii mängu- kui ka dokumentaalfilmid, žanripiiranguid ei ole seatud. Lisaks tuleb lühifilmiga kaasa panna ka 10-sekundiline treiler.
Maksimaalne võistlustöö pikkus võib olla 20 minutit. Filmide esitamise tähtaeg on 7. oktoober 2015.
Võistlustöö esitamiseks täida registreerimisankeet ja saada koos treileriga aadressile: Ülikooli Kultuuriklubi, Kalevi 24, 51010, Tartu või osalen@studentdays.ee. Sobib ka allalaetava faili link.
Finaali pääsenud võistlustööd linastuvad Tudengifilmi finaalüritusel 16. oktoobril kell 18:30 Cinamoni suures saalis. Asjatundlik žürii kuulutab välja Tudengifilm 2015 laureaadi kahes kategoorias, nii filmisõprade kui filmitudengite seast.
Peaauhinna, suuruses 2 x 1000 eurot, paneb välja Swedbank. Lisaks lähevad jagamisele mitmed eriauhinnad ja selgub publikulemmik.
Tartu Sügispäevade nädalal saab Tudengifilmi eelürituse raames Cinamoni kinos jälgida ka tudengifilmide kinoprogrammi. Esmaspäevast reedeni vältav eriprogramm tutvustab hubases kinos rahvale nii kohalike kui rahvusvaheliste autorite vändatud tudengifilme.
Tudengifilmi konkursist on oodatud osa võtma kõik kõrgkoolide õpilased. Publikusse on loomulikult oodatud kõik filmikunsti hindavad inimesed, kes soovivad kätt pulsil hoida noorte tegijate mõtte-ja filmimaailmal.
Küsimuste korral pöördu julgelt Elina poole elina@studentdays.ee või +372 51 15 420.
Ootame Teid osa võtma!
Tudengifilmi Facebooki üritus on leitav siit:
neljapäev, 10. september 2015
Call for ALTER-NATIVE 23
Targu Mures, Romania
4 – 8th November 2015.
The deadline for receipt of applications and the films is 15 September 2015.
There is no registration fee for films entered for the festival.
Films submitted to the festival must be completed on or after January 1, 2013.
There are no genre limitations.
Works that can be submitted to the competition are original audiovisual works (short fiction, documentary, animation and experimental films) whose running time does not exceed 30 minutes.
Films can only be submitted once. Films previously submitted to ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival are not eligible.
Films which have been exhibited on the Internet will not be accepted.
Each work requires a separat entry form.
Please read the Festival Regulations carefully, and fill in the online form.
Targu Mures, Romania
4 – 8th November 2015.
The deadline for receipt of applications and the films is 15 September 2015.
There is no registration fee for films entered for the festival.
Films submitted to the festival must be completed on or after January 1, 2013.
There are no genre limitations.
Works that can be submitted to the competition are original audiovisual works (short fiction, documentary, animation and experimental films) whose running time does not exceed 30 minutes.
Films can only be submitted once. Films previously submitted to ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival are not eligible.
Films which have been exhibited on the Internet will not be accepted.
Each work requires a separat entry form.
Please read the Festival Regulations carefully, and fill in the online form.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

kolmapäev, 9. september 2015
X AAAI Video Competition
AAAI is pleased to announce the continuation of the AAAI Video Competition, now entering its tenth year. The video competition will be held in conjunction with the AAAI-16 conference in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, February 12-17, 2016: http://www.aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI/aaai16.php.
At the award ceremony, authors of award-winning videos will be presented with “Shakeys", trophies named in honour of SRI's Shakey robot and its pioneering video. Top videos will be screened during the award ceremony and throughout the conference.
The goal of the competition is to show the world how much fun AI is by documenting exciting artificial intelligence advances in research, education, and application. View previous entries and award winners at http://www.aaaivideos.org/past_competitions or watch last year’s videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/aaaivideocompetition.
The rules are simple: Compose a short video about an exciting AI project, and narrate it so that it is accessible to a broad online audience. We strongly encourage student participation.
To increase reach, select videos will be uploaded to YouTube and promoted through social media (twitter, facebook, g+) and major blogs in AI and robotics. Last year’s videos were viewed over 1 million times!
We will also be running a "People’s Choice Award" where viewers on internet can vote for their favorite AI video.
The AAAI Video Competition is also an ideal opportunity to give further visibility to contributions presented at AAAI-16. We therefore welcome videos associated with manuscripts submitted to AAAI-16, and will make sure to publicize your paper in the video proceedings and during the award ceremony.
Deadline is October 15
At the award ceremony, authors of award-winning videos will be presented with “Shakeys", trophies named in honour of SRI's Shakey robot and its pioneering video. Top videos will be screened during the award ceremony and throughout the conference.
The goal of the competition is to show the world how much fun AI is by documenting exciting artificial intelligence advances in research, education, and application. View previous entries and award winners at http://www.aaaivideos.org/past_competitions or watch last year’s videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/aaaivideocompetition.
The rules are simple: Compose a short video about an exciting AI project, and narrate it so that it is accessible to a broad online audience. We strongly encourage student participation.
To increase reach, select videos will be uploaded to YouTube and promoted through social media (twitter, facebook, g+) and major blogs in AI and robotics. Last year’s videos were viewed over 1 million times!
We will also be running a "People’s Choice Award" where viewers on internet can vote for their favorite AI video.
The AAAI Video Competition is also an ideal opportunity to give further visibility to contributions presented at AAAI-16. We therefore welcome videos associated with manuscripts submitted to AAAI-16, and will make sure to publicize your paper in the video proceedings and during the award ceremony.
Deadline is October 15
Ideas Powered video contest
Your ideas make you. You can win a trip for 2, to ANY European destination.
Make a short video showing us who you are and what makes you un-replicable.
Why? To stand a chance to win the weekend of a lifetime for two people to any European destination!
The rules are simple. Simply send us a video (up to three minutes long) related to one of the following three themes:
Arts (music, graphics, literature, performing arts)
Innovation & entrepreneurship
Design or style
Do you act? Or play an instrument that no one else does? Maybe you are a singer, a songwriter… or even a fire juggler. You don’t have to appear in the video; it could simply showcase your artistic work or your journey home. The video must be original and let everybody know why you are ‘Ideas Powered’ – why you are one of a kind.
You must be an EU resident, and between the ages of 15 – 24, but other than that, the page is blank!
Good luck!
Make a short video showing us who you are and what makes you un-replicable.
Why? To stand a chance to win the weekend of a lifetime for two people to any European destination!
The rules are simple. Simply send us a video (up to three minutes long) related to one of the following three themes:
Arts (music, graphics, literature, performing arts)
Innovation & entrepreneurship
Design or style
Do you act? Or play an instrument that no one else does? Maybe you are a singer, a songwriter… or even a fire juggler. You don’t have to appear in the video; it could simply showcase your artistic work or your journey home. The video must be original and let everybody know why you are ‘Ideas Powered’ – why you are one of a kind.
You must be an EU resident, and between the ages of 15 – 24, but other than that, the page is blank!
Good luck!
Communicate Your Science Video Competition
Want to communicate your research to a wider audience and try your hand at video production? Now’s your chance! Early career scientists pre-registered for the EGU General Assembly are invited to take part in the EGU’s Communicate Your Science Video Competition!
What we’re looking for?
The aim is to produce a video up-to-three-minutes long to share your research with the general public. Your video can include scenes of you out in the field and explaining an outcrop, or at the lab bench showing how to work out water chemistry; entries can also contain cartoons, animations (including stop motion), or music videos – you name it! As long as you’re explaining concepts in the Earth, planetary and space sciences in a language suitable for a general audience, you can be as creative as you like.
How to enter?
Once the call for entries opens, usually in early January, video files should be sent to Laura Roberts Artal (roberts@egu.eu) by early to mid March, together with proof of online pre-registration to the EGU General Assembly. Videos must be submitted in one of the file formats supported by YouTube (.MOV, .MPEG4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS .FLV, 3GPP and WebM) and be no longer than 3 minutes! The aim is to be creative, concise, and to communicate geoscience effectively. Video files can be quite large, so we recommend sending them using Dropbox, Wetransfer, or an alternative file-sharing service.
Selecting finalists
The judging panel will select up to 10 shortlisted videos which will be showcased on the EGU YouTube Channel for public voting in April 2016. In the run up to the General Assembly and during the conference, viewers can vote for their favourite film by clicking on the video’s ‘like’ button. The winning video will be the one with the most likes by the end of the General Assembly.
What you can win?
The winning entry will be announced during the conference and the winner will receive a free registration to the General Assembly in 2017.
What are you waiting for? Take the chance to showcase your research and spread great geoscientific facts with the world!
What we’re looking for?
The aim is to produce a video up-to-three-minutes long to share your research with the general public. Your video can include scenes of you out in the field and explaining an outcrop, or at the lab bench showing how to work out water chemistry; entries can also contain cartoons, animations (including stop motion), or music videos – you name it! As long as you’re explaining concepts in the Earth, planetary and space sciences in a language suitable for a general audience, you can be as creative as you like.
How to enter?
Once the call for entries opens, usually in early January, video files should be sent to Laura Roberts Artal (roberts@egu.eu) by early to mid March, together with proof of online pre-registration to the EGU General Assembly. Videos must be submitted in one of the file formats supported by YouTube (.MOV, .MPEG4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS .FLV, 3GPP and WebM) and be no longer than 3 minutes! The aim is to be creative, concise, and to communicate geoscience effectively. Video files can be quite large, so we recommend sending them using Dropbox, Wetransfer, or an alternative file-sharing service.
Selecting finalists
The judging panel will select up to 10 shortlisted videos which will be showcased on the EGU YouTube Channel for public voting in April 2016. In the run up to the General Assembly and during the conference, viewers can vote for their favourite film by clicking on the video’s ‘like’ button. The winning video will be the one with the most likes by the end of the General Assembly.
What you can win?
The winning entry will be announced during the conference and the winner will receive a free registration to the General Assembly in 2017.
What are you waiting for? Take the chance to showcase your research and spread great geoscientific facts with the world!
5th Green-Go short film contest
Are you concerned to hear of children risking their health and lives working in gold mines?
Is it shocking for you to see that once blooming nature is not here anymore?
You can't agree that fair trade is just a short-lived fashion?
Do you want to show that overconsumption is a pressing problem? Have you made changes in your life to consume less or
more ethically? Love fair trade? Prefer buying local?
Make a film about overconsumption or the innovative ways to change or reduce it! Raise awareness and inspire others!
Do you see the dark side of raw material extraction, like mining or oil drilling? Are you aware that one million children work in
mines all over the world? Do you think that such mining is not worth the social or environmental price?
Shoot a film and raise your voice for protection of people and nature!
Let's imagine there is a court process to decide whether to keep European nature or to get rid of it. The only evidence in favour
of nature would be three short films. One of them would be yours. What film would that be? One filled with beautiful memories
or one with arguments on creating green jobs and generating other benefits for people? Or do you have better ideas?
Make your stance for European nature!
max. 4 minutes, but 60-90 seconds preferably
any genre (cartoon, animation, puppet film, documentary, interviews, etc.)
any film format, high resolution films (at least 720 px wide)
films that can make an impact!
The winners of each of the three categories will be decided by a jury by 15 October.
The winning and other selected films will be showed to the public in high level events.
You do not want to shoot a film, but would like to voice your opinion on the above issues? Talk to te camera and send your video recorded message to us and we will make sure that it reaches those whom it concerns!
Video recorded messages shall be maximum 30 seconds long.
Our aim is to screen the winning and other selected films to decision makers and the public in order to make an impact.
A collage film will be made from the testimonies and your voice will be heard.
Co-organisers of the You are part of nature. Live with it!
Category winners: gift voucher worth 700 EUR in an acclaimed online store
One public award for the film collecting the most votes on the Green-Go website: gift voucher worth 500 EUR in an acclaimed online store
DEADLINE: 15 September 2015
More information, the terms and conditions and the application form:
The short film contest is realised with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of this call are the sole responsibility of CEEweb, and the contents of the films are the sole responsibility of the film makers and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Is it shocking for you to see that once blooming nature is not here anymore?
You can't agree that fair trade is just a short-lived fashion?
Do you want to show that overconsumption is a pressing problem? Have you made changes in your life to consume less or
more ethically? Love fair trade? Prefer buying local?
Make a film about overconsumption or the innovative ways to change or reduce it! Raise awareness and inspire others!
Do you see the dark side of raw material extraction, like mining or oil drilling? Are you aware that one million children work in
mines all over the world? Do you think that such mining is not worth the social or environmental price?
Shoot a film and raise your voice for protection of people and nature!
Let's imagine there is a court process to decide whether to keep European nature or to get rid of it. The only evidence in favour
of nature would be three short films. One of them would be yours. What film would that be? One filled with beautiful memories
or one with arguments on creating green jobs and generating other benefits for people? Or do you have better ideas?
Make your stance for European nature!
max. 4 minutes, but 60-90 seconds preferably
any genre (cartoon, animation, puppet film, documentary, interviews, etc.)
any film format, high resolution films (at least 720 px wide)
films that can make an impact!
The winners of each of the three categories will be decided by a jury by 15 October.
The winning and other selected films will be showed to the public in high level events.
You do not want to shoot a film, but would like to voice your opinion on the above issues? Talk to te camera and send your video recorded message to us and we will make sure that it reaches those whom it concerns!
Video recorded messages shall be maximum 30 seconds long.
Our aim is to screen the winning and other selected films to decision makers and the public in order to make an impact.
A collage film will be made from the testimonies and your voice will be heard.
Co-organisers of the You are part of nature. Live with it!
Category winners: gift voucher worth 700 EUR in an acclaimed online store
One public award for the film collecting the most votes on the Green-Go website: gift voucher worth 500 EUR in an acclaimed online store
DEADLINE: 15 September 2015
More information, the terms and conditions and the application form:
The short film contest is realised with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of this call are the sole responsibility of CEEweb, and the contents of the films are the sole responsibility of the film makers and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Power of Compost: Video Competition
What is so great about compost?
Compost is an incredibly powerful tool in the zero waste tool box. Organic waste is often one of the most challenging waste streams in urban areas, as it’s usually the largest waste stream of household waste and the most problematic in environmental terms. With separation at source and proper treatment through composting however, it can be an amazing opportunity to help create a genuinely circular economy. Composting organic waste can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and avoid hazardous disposal systems such as landfilling and incineration. As a natural soil improver, it replaces the need for chemical-based fertilisers (contributors to climate change), and it has amazing rejuvenating qualities for soil, increasing the capacity of the land to act as a ‘carbon sink’ and reducing the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
Across Europe millions of people are involved in composting, both on an individual level and as part of neighbourhood or community schemes. These actions are preventing vast amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, and providing vital nutrients for soils. We want to hear your composting stories, and learn more about the inspirational ways that you and your communities are taking action to reduce organic waste.
That is why we have decided to launch a competition to celebrate composting, with some fantastic rewards.
Our competition…
Are you part of a fantastic composting project that doesn’t get enough attention? Do you need some added funds to expand your community composting scheme? Or are you just passionate about composting and want to promote your own creative organic waste solution? We want to know about it!
Submit your video to win
We have 3 huge prizes up for grabs, in our composting video competition, and all you have to do is submit a video or animation showing off your composting project, explaining why composting is so great, or highlighting a creative solution. We are particularly encouraging home-made and amateur video contributions, so remember the content is more important than the camera quality, and get out your smart-phones, and video-cameras and get stuck into a bit of compost.
The competition is divided into three categories, with different criteria and prizes, and will be judged by our panel of experts including experts from the European Compost Network (ECN), The Organic Stream, and Zero Waste Europe so if you want to participate, make sure you take a look at the different categories. You don’t have to specify which category your video comes under during the application process, so don’t worry if you aren’t sure, or feel that your video might fit more than one category, as our judges will assess which award the video would be most suited for.
The categories:
Community Solutions Award — Prize 500eur
In this category we are looking for the best community solution, so if you are part of a neighbourhood composting project or work with other local composters to collect all that food-waste, or just want to talk about community solutions make sure that you send us a video.
Creative Composter Award — Prize 500eur
This category will choose the most creative composting solution, we want to see your innovative and unusual composting efforts, as well as any creative attempts to promote composting of organic waste.
Compost Education Award — Prize 500eur
In the final category we are looking for the most effective and inspiring educational video about compost. This could be about the benefits of compost, or how to start your own compost project, or anything else really, so long as it is educational and espouses composting!
Tips & hints
We know that not everyone out there is a master in creating videos, there may not even be a direct correlation between video-editors and composters at all! But there is no need to worry, as we have put together some simple tips and hints to make sure your video is in with the best chance of winning!
There are so many more benefits of compost which we wrote about in depth for International Compost Week. We recommend that you give the article a read over before making your video to help ensure that you cover the kind of advantages of composting we are looking for.
* Keep your video relatively short and to the point. We would expect videos to be around the 1.5 minute mark, and if videos are longer than 3 minutes we will not be able to include them in our competition.
* If you are filming on a smartphone make sure to have your phone rotated in landscape (we find that makes a much better film!)
* Try and move the camera as smoothly as possible to help avoid a film which could be difficult to watch
* If your computer doesn’t come with any, there are plenty of free video editing and animation software options available, which you should be able to find with a quick internet search.
* If video isn’t your thing, then you are also free to submit animations or other ‘video’ forms. Be creative, and surprise us!
The rules
This is the short version of the rules, for the legal stuff have a look at our full rules.
* All entries must be received by midnight (GMT) on the 1st of November.
* Entries should be uploaded to Youtube and set as unlisted, the link should then be sent to competition@zerowasteeurope.eu
* The judges will be looking for the best projects, ideas and composting solutions, not the most polished, professional videos.
* The video should reflect the benefits of compost as explained above and the core values of Zero Waste Europe.
* We are afraid that we will not be able to accept videos which are not either in English, or have English subtitles.
* All entries must consist of original or previously unreleased content, by entering the competition you give Zero Waste Europe the right to host your video on our Youtube channel, and share it through social media.
* Winners will be contacted by email.
Compost is an incredibly powerful tool in the zero waste tool box. Organic waste is often one of the most challenging waste streams in urban areas, as it’s usually the largest waste stream of household waste and the most problematic in environmental terms. With separation at source and proper treatment through composting however, it can be an amazing opportunity to help create a genuinely circular economy. Composting organic waste can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and avoid hazardous disposal systems such as landfilling and incineration. As a natural soil improver, it replaces the need for chemical-based fertilisers (contributors to climate change), and it has amazing rejuvenating qualities for soil, increasing the capacity of the land to act as a ‘carbon sink’ and reducing the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
Across Europe millions of people are involved in composting, both on an individual level and as part of neighbourhood or community schemes. These actions are preventing vast amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, and providing vital nutrients for soils. We want to hear your composting stories, and learn more about the inspirational ways that you and your communities are taking action to reduce organic waste.
That is why we have decided to launch a competition to celebrate composting, with some fantastic rewards.
Our competition…
Are you part of a fantastic composting project that doesn’t get enough attention? Do you need some added funds to expand your community composting scheme? Or are you just passionate about composting and want to promote your own creative organic waste solution? We want to know about it!
Submit your video to win
We have 3 huge prizes up for grabs, in our composting video competition, and all you have to do is submit a video or animation showing off your composting project, explaining why composting is so great, or highlighting a creative solution. We are particularly encouraging home-made and amateur video contributions, so remember the content is more important than the camera quality, and get out your smart-phones, and video-cameras and get stuck into a bit of compost.
The competition is divided into three categories, with different criteria and prizes, and will be judged by our panel of experts including experts from the European Compost Network (ECN), The Organic Stream, and Zero Waste Europe so if you want to participate, make sure you take a look at the different categories. You don’t have to specify which category your video comes under during the application process, so don’t worry if you aren’t sure, or feel that your video might fit more than one category, as our judges will assess which award the video would be most suited for.
The categories:
Community Solutions Award — Prize 500eur
In this category we are looking for the best community solution, so if you are part of a neighbourhood composting project or work with other local composters to collect all that food-waste, or just want to talk about community solutions make sure that you send us a video.
Creative Composter Award — Prize 500eur
This category will choose the most creative composting solution, we want to see your innovative and unusual composting efforts, as well as any creative attempts to promote composting of organic waste.
Compost Education Award — Prize 500eur
In the final category we are looking for the most effective and inspiring educational video about compost. This could be about the benefits of compost, or how to start your own compost project, or anything else really, so long as it is educational and espouses composting!
Tips & hints
We know that not everyone out there is a master in creating videos, there may not even be a direct correlation between video-editors and composters at all! But there is no need to worry, as we have put together some simple tips and hints to make sure your video is in with the best chance of winning!
There are so many more benefits of compost which we wrote about in depth for International Compost Week. We recommend that you give the article a read over before making your video to help ensure that you cover the kind of advantages of composting we are looking for.
* Keep your video relatively short and to the point. We would expect videos to be around the 1.5 minute mark, and if videos are longer than 3 minutes we will not be able to include them in our competition.
* If you are filming on a smartphone make sure to have your phone rotated in landscape (we find that makes a much better film!)
* Try and move the camera as smoothly as possible to help avoid a film which could be difficult to watch
* If your computer doesn’t come with any, there are plenty of free video editing and animation software options available, which you should be able to find with a quick internet search.
* If video isn’t your thing, then you are also free to submit animations or other ‘video’ forms. Be creative, and surprise us!
The rules
This is the short version of the rules, for the legal stuff have a look at our full rules.
* All entries must be received by midnight (GMT) on the 1st of November.
* Entries should be uploaded to Youtube and set as unlisted, the link should then be sent to competition@zerowasteeurope.eu
* The judges will be looking for the best projects, ideas and composting solutions, not the most polished, professional videos.
* The video should reflect the benefits of compost as explained above and the core values of Zero Waste Europe.
* We are afraid that we will not be able to accept videos which are not either in English, or have English subtitles.
* All entries must consist of original or previously unreleased content, by entering the competition you give Zero Waste Europe the right to host your video on our Youtube channel, and share it through social media.
* Winners will be contacted by email.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

eSkills for Jobs 2015 European Video Competition
Participate in the eSkills for Jobs 2015 European Video Competition!
The eSkills for Jobs 2015 European video competition, organised within the context of the eSkills for Jobs awareness raising campaign, is an opportunity to highlight and reward persons with a high level of digital skills and literacy at a European level.
The competition focuses on identifying concrete successful initiatives made possible by the use of ICT and the mastery of eSkills. The aim is to reach out to motivated and talented young people (aged 16 and over), business leaders, policymakers, ICT practitioners, NGOs, educators, job seekers and entrepreneurs.
The eSkills video competition is open to all European citizens. Videos could be submitted in the following three categories: (For more details on how to participate select one of the competition categories.)
. Digital Citizenship (target: business leaders, ICT practitioners, NGOs)
. Digital Entrepreneurship (target: entrepreneurs)
. Most inspirational career campaigner (target: job seekers and career changers)
The deadline for submission of entries is Saturday 31 October 2015.
A winner and a runner-up will be selected per category. The winner and runner-up will be invited to attend the award winning ceremony on 14-15 December 2015 during the eSkills high-level conference organised under the auspices of the European Council Luxembourg Presidency. The flight and accommodation will be covered by the eSkills for Jobs Campaign.
The eSkills for Jobs 2015 European video competition, organised within the context of the eSkills for Jobs awareness raising campaign, is an opportunity to highlight and reward persons with a high level of digital skills and literacy at a European level.
The competition focuses on identifying concrete successful initiatives made possible by the use of ICT and the mastery of eSkills. The aim is to reach out to motivated and talented young people (aged 16 and over), business leaders, policymakers, ICT practitioners, NGOs, educators, job seekers and entrepreneurs.
The eSkills video competition is open to all European citizens. Videos could be submitted in the following three categories: (For more details on how to participate select one of the competition categories.)
. Digital Citizenship (target: business leaders, ICT practitioners, NGOs)
. Digital Entrepreneurship (target: entrepreneurs)
. Most inspirational career campaigner (target: job seekers and career changers)
The deadline for submission of entries is Saturday 31 October 2015.
A winner and a runner-up will be selected per category. The winner and runner-up will be invited to attend the award winning ceremony on 14-15 December 2015 during the eSkills high-level conference organised under the auspices of the European Council Luxembourg Presidency. The flight and accommodation will be covered by the eSkills for Jobs Campaign.
esmaspäev, 17. august 2015
Script Pitch 2015
interfilm Berlin & 25p MEDIA GROUP present in cooperation with NISI MASA and daazo / World Of Shorts Magazine:
From NOV-09 until NOV-13th 2015 during the interfilm Festival
We're looking for captivating screenplays and pitches for short films that blow us away!
interforum, the fringe program for professional visitors and film enthusiasts at the International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin is now accepting entries for our international Script Pitch competition.
Three fabulous awards await you!
BEST PITCH / €1000 cash from 25p *MEDIA GROUP and the opportunity to be presented on the pitch page of WOSH Issue, Cannes 2016
ESP Jury Award / a stipend to participate in the European Short Pitch 2016 by NISI MASA
daazo Award / a one-on-one session of individual festival strategy consulting provided by daazo
JURY / Anna Brüggemann (actress/ screenwriter, DE) / Emily Kyriakides (Senior Producer, Lighthouse Production, UK), a.o.
In addition to the Script Pitch competition, all participants are provided with a practical and stimulating workshop programme to accompany the competition. There will be both a workshop on script development to sharpen the participants' creative skills with Nadja Dumouchel (La scénaristerie, Arte, FR) and Wim Wanacker (Head of Script Department, NISI MASA, BE) and a seminar on pitching with Gabriele Brunnenmeyer (Script Consulting, Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film, Maia Workshops, DE) to evaluate the live performance of each contestant. The entire competition will we held in English.
A Meet & Greet for competitors and the audience will be held afterwards, to maximize the interlinking of creative and industry professionals in an open forum.
As of now, all script writers and interested filmmakers are welcome to apply with their script. Eight contestants will be selected to participate in the Script Pitch competition. The application form can be downloaded online here.
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 25291320
From NOV-09 until NOV-13th 2015 during the interfilm Festival
We're looking for captivating screenplays and pitches for short films that blow us away!
interforum, the fringe program for professional visitors and film enthusiasts at the International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin is now accepting entries for our international Script Pitch competition.
Three fabulous awards await you!
BEST PITCH / €1000 cash from 25p *MEDIA GROUP and the opportunity to be presented on the pitch page of WOSH Issue, Cannes 2016
ESP Jury Award / a stipend to participate in the European Short Pitch 2016 by NISI MASA
daazo Award / a one-on-one session of individual festival strategy consulting provided by daazo
JURY / Anna Brüggemann (actress/ screenwriter, DE) / Emily Kyriakides (Senior Producer, Lighthouse Production, UK), a.o.
In addition to the Script Pitch competition, all participants are provided with a practical and stimulating workshop programme to accompany the competition. There will be both a workshop on script development to sharpen the participants' creative skills with Nadja Dumouchel (La scénaristerie, Arte, FR) and Wim Wanacker (Head of Script Department, NISI MASA, BE) and a seminar on pitching with Gabriele Brunnenmeyer (Script Consulting, Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film, Maia Workshops, DE) to evaluate the live performance of each contestant. The entire competition will we held in English.
A Meet & Greet for competitors and the audience will be held afterwards, to maximize the interlinking of creative and industry professionals in an open forum.
As of now, all script writers and interested filmmakers are welcome to apply with their script. Eight contestants will be selected to participate in the Script Pitch competition. The application form can be downloaded online here.
interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 1a
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 25291320
Läänemeremaade lühifilmikonkurss
Culture.pl, the Pomeranian Film Foundation in Gdynia, the Gdynia Film Festival, and the Gdynia Film School are organising a short-film competition about the Baltic Sea countries – their cultural identity, their history, their society, their transformation.
Participants have a month to submit a film lasting 1 to 5 minutes, and are encouraged to reflect on current facets of the Baltic Sea, and how to best present it on film. The competition is open to both professional and amateur filmmakers, provided they are citizens of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark , Germany, Iceland, Russia – inhabitants of Kaliningrad and the St-Petersburg area– and Poland.
Films can be sent until August 25 and should be sent through the form available on Culture.pl.
The award ceremony will be held at the 40th Film Festival in Gdynia. Common Baltic is part of the cultural programme carried out by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and Culture.pl. After projects in the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Asia, the Institute's cultural activity now turns to Poland, Russia , Lithuania, Latvia , Estonia, Finland , Norway, Sweden , Denmark, Germany, and Iceland.
Details and contest regulations available on Culture.pl.
Participants have a month to submit a film lasting 1 to 5 minutes, and are encouraged to reflect on current facets of the Baltic Sea, and how to best present it on film. The competition is open to both professional and amateur filmmakers, provided they are citizens of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark , Germany, Iceland, Russia – inhabitants of Kaliningrad and the St-Petersburg area– and Poland.
Films can be sent until August 25 and should be sent through the form available on Culture.pl.
The award ceremony will be held at the 40th Film Festival in Gdynia. Common Baltic is part of the cultural programme carried out by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and Culture.pl. After projects in the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Asia, the Institute's cultural activity now turns to Poland, Russia , Lithuania, Latvia , Estonia, Finland , Norway, Sweden , Denmark, Germany, and Iceland.
Details and contest regulations available on Culture.pl.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

laupäev, 4. juuli 2015
The Baltic Pitching Forum 2015
The Baltic Pitching Forum will be held in Vilnius from October 9th-10th 2015 as a part of the 10th International Short Film Festival Vilnius Film Shorts.
Consisting of training and pitching, the event aims to set up a place for short filmmakers situated in the Baltic countries to present their new projects whilst sharing common issues and knowledge, exchanging experience and good practices, developing artistic ideas and increasing contacts. The event will also encourage them to attract active European producers, TV commissioners, film fun representatives, VoD and festival programmers and distributors.
The Forum will consist of one-day pitching training and one-day pitching sessions of selected projects alongside one-to-one meetings with film professionals from all over Europe. During the forum one project will be selected by the international panel to travel to the European Short Film Co-production Forum Euro Connection, which will be part of the 41st Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival held at the beginning of 2016. The same panel will also choose a project to take part in the European Short Pitch which will take place in 2016.
BPF is open to Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian based film directors and producers, or Baltic born producers and directors based in another country. They will be expected to have finished at least one short film project and to be currently developing a new project which is a fiction or animation short film no longer than 30 min. and oriented to an international audience. Three project from each participating country will be selected to the Baltic Pitching Forum. The application deadline is the 1st of August.
The Baltic Pitching Forum is organised by the Lithuanian Short Film Agency Lithuanian Shorts
(www.lithuanianshorts.com) and International Short Film Festival Vilnius Film Shorts
(www.filmshorts.lt) in association with Riga International Film Festival (www.rigaff.lv), Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS (http://www.2annas.lv/), ShortEst International Short Film Center and Sleepwalkers International Short Film Festival (www.swff.ee).
More information at http://www.filmshorts.lt/en/bpf-2015-2/
Representatives of the Baltic Pitching Forum in participating countries:
Marija Razgute: marija@filmshorts.lt (Lithuania)
Peter Murd Maa and Laurence Boyce: shortest@shortest.eu (Estonia)
Agnese Logina: agnese@rigaiff.lv (Latvia)
Consisting of training and pitching, the event aims to set up a place for short filmmakers situated in the Baltic countries to present their new projects whilst sharing common issues and knowledge, exchanging experience and good practices, developing artistic ideas and increasing contacts. The event will also encourage them to attract active European producers, TV commissioners, film fun representatives, VoD and festival programmers and distributors.
The Forum will consist of one-day pitching training and one-day pitching sessions of selected projects alongside one-to-one meetings with film professionals from all over Europe. During the forum one project will be selected by the international panel to travel to the European Short Film Co-production Forum Euro Connection, which will be part of the 41st Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival held at the beginning of 2016. The same panel will also choose a project to take part in the European Short Pitch which will take place in 2016.
BPF is open to Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian based film directors and producers, or Baltic born producers and directors based in another country. They will be expected to have finished at least one short film project and to be currently developing a new project which is a fiction or animation short film no longer than 30 min. and oriented to an international audience. Three project from each participating country will be selected to the Baltic Pitching Forum. The application deadline is the 1st of August.
The Baltic Pitching Forum is organised by the Lithuanian Short Film Agency Lithuanian Shorts
(www.lithuanianshorts.com) and International Short Film Festival Vilnius Film Shorts
(www.filmshorts.lt) in association with Riga International Film Festival (www.rigaff.lv), Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS (http://www.2annas.lv/), ShortEst International Short Film Center and Sleepwalkers International Short Film Festival (www.swff.ee).
More information at http://www.filmshorts.lt/en/bpf-2015-2/
Representatives of the Baltic Pitching Forum in participating countries:
Marija Razgute: marija@filmshorts.lt (Lithuania)
Peter Murd Maa and Laurence Boyce: shortest@shortest.eu (Estonia)
Agnese Logina: agnese@rigaiff.lv (Latvia)
neljapäev, 4. juuni 2015
Baltic Pitching Forumi eelsündmus 11. juunil
Lühifilmi Keskus ShortEst ja Lühifilmifestival Sleepwalkers kutsuvad osalema Baltic Pitching Forumit tutvustaval eelsündmusel.
11. juunil kl 19 toimub Viimsi kinos Baltic Pitching Forumi (BPF) eelsündmus, kus antakse ülevaade BPFi tegevusest ning tutvustatakse valminud ja teostamisel olevaid projekte. Sündmus on tasuta ning kõik huvilised on oodatud, kuid kuna kohtade arv on piiratud, palume eelnevalt registreerida: bpfestonia.eventbrite.fr
Short Film Center ShortEst invites you to participate in Baltic Pitching Forum Pre-Event which will take place on the 11th of June at 7 pm at Viimsi Cinema. We will give you an overview of the BPF and introduce the on-going projects. The event is free and open to all but as the seating is limited, we kindly ask you to register here:
11. juunil kl 19 toimub Viimsi kinos Baltic Pitching Forumi (BPF) eelsündmus, kus antakse ülevaade BPFi tegevusest ning tutvustatakse valminud ja teostamisel olevaid projekte. Sündmus on tasuta ning kõik huvilised on oodatud, kuid kuna kohtade arv on piiratud, palume eelnevalt registreerida: bpfestonia.eventbrite.fr
Short Film Center ShortEst invites you to participate in Baltic Pitching Forum Pre-Event which will take place on the 11th of June at 7 pm at Viimsi Cinema. We will give you an overview of the BPF and introduce the on-going projects. The event is free and open to all but as the seating is limited, we kindly ask you to register here:
Ennenägematu filmi autasustamine
7 juunil Vene Kultuurikeskus,väike saal
11.00 - 13.00 Vaba programm ja Autasustamise tseremoonia
1. Kitchen Brigade. Кухонная бригада. Köögipersonal. fiction 03:00 Javier Arcelus Cano, Mexico
2. Dji.Death Sails. Джи. Смерть отправляется в плавание. Dji. Surm läheb mereretkele. animation 05:18 Dmitri Voloshin Moldova
3. Hand In Hand. Рука об руку. Käsi käes. fiction 07:00 Ignacio Tatay Spain
4. Mystery of Werewolf`s mistake. Тайна ошибки оборотня. Libahunti vea saladus. animation 1:50 Dmytro Bondarchuk Ukraine
5. Fridge. Холодильник. Külmkapp. fiction experimental 09:00 Pepe Botías Spain
6. Quo Vadis? Куда идешь? Kuhu lähed? animation 02:00 Vasil Dikov Bulgaria
7. I Feel Lost. Чувствую себя потерянным. Tunnen ennast kadunuks. 13:00 fiction Juan Manuel Aragon, Spain
8. Lapet Returns. Лапет возвращается.Lapeti tagasitulek. fiction 10:00 Anshul Sinha Iran
9. Algus. The Bedinning. Начало. animation,experimental 02:33 Dmitry Domoskanov, Estonia
esmaspäev, 18. mai 2015
"Eestli lood" ideede konkurss
Algas ideede konkurss dokumentaalfilmide sarja "Eesti lood" tootmiseks aastal 2016.
Tänavu kuulutatakse konkurss välja tavalisest varem, seega on teise vooru pääsejatel võimalik arendada oma ideid pikemalt.
Saabunud kavandite hulgast valivad Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital esimeses voorus välja 20 huvitavat ideed, teises voorus jääb lõppvalikusse 12 filmiprojekti. Lõppvalik selgub septembris ja filmid valmivad 2016. aasta lõpuks.
Ideekavandite tähtaeg on 26. mai. Ühel A4-suurusel lehel esitatud kavandisse peaks mahtuma idee kirjeldus ja tegelaste tutvustus ning filmilooks komponeerimise viis koos põhjendusega. Ideed palutakse saata e-posti aadressil eestilood@err.ee.
Kavandis on vaja ära märkida režissööri ja produtsendi nimed ning filmi tootjafirma.
"Eesti lood" on sari väikese eelarvega pooletunnistest tõsielufilmidest, mis keskenduvad elule tänapäeva Eestis. Teleformaadis dokumentaalfilmide tootmist rahastavad ühiselt Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
Tänavu kuulutatakse konkurss välja tavalisest varem, seega on teise vooru pääsejatel võimalik arendada oma ideid pikemalt.
Saabunud kavandite hulgast valivad Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital esimeses voorus välja 20 huvitavat ideed, teises voorus jääb lõppvalikusse 12 filmiprojekti. Lõppvalik selgub septembris ja filmid valmivad 2016. aasta lõpuks.
Ideekavandite tähtaeg on 26. mai. Ühel A4-suurusel lehel esitatud kavandisse peaks mahtuma idee kirjeldus ja tegelaste tutvustus ning filmilooks komponeerimise viis koos põhjendusega. Ideed palutakse saata e-posti aadressil eestilood@err.ee.
Kavandis on vaja ära märkida režissööri ja produtsendi nimed ning filmi tootjafirma.
"Eesti lood" on sari väikese eelarvega pooletunnistest tõsielufilmidest, mis keskenduvad elule tänapäeva Eestis. Teleformaadis dokumentaalfilmide tootmist rahastavad ühiselt Eesti Rahvusringhääling, Eesti Filmi Instituut ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.
Madalaeelarveliste mängufilmide konkurss
Eesti Filmi Instituut koostöös Kultuurkapitali, Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu, Kanal 2 ja TV3-ga kuulutavad välja madalaeelarveliste mängufilmide konkursi.
Konkursi tulemusel valitakse välja 3 tootmisesse minevat täispikka mängufilmi rahastusega 120000.- eurot filmile. Ühe filmi telelinastus toimub ERR-s, teise filmi telelinastus Kanal 2-s ning kolmanda filmi telelinastus TV3-s. Filmid linastuvad enne televisiooni ka kinodes.
Konkursi algataja Eesti Filmi Instituudi peaprodutsent Piret Tibbo-Hudgins rõhutab uuest koostööprojektist kõneledes sündmuse laiemat mõju Eesti filmitööstusele ning peab eratelekanalite positiivse panustamise põhjuseks möödunud tugevaid filmiaastaid ning vaatajate tõusnud usaldust Eesti filmi vastu. „See on esmakordne, et lisaks riiklikele filmirahastusinstitutsioonidele ja Eesti Rahvusringhäälingule osalevad ühisprojektis ka erakanalid. Loodetavasti saab sellest konkursist häid tulemusi andev, iga-aastane traditsioon, mis võimaldab kiiremini filmiareenile pääseda ka uutel talentidel,“ kommenteeris Piret Tibbo-Hudgins.
Kandideerima on oodatud nii uued ideed kui ka eelnevalt Eesti Filmi Instituudilt või Kultuurkapitalilt stsenaariumi- või arendustoetust saanud projektid. Filmipakette hindab ekspertkomisjon, mille koosseisu kuuluvad Eesti Filmi Instituudi, Kultuurkapitali, ERR, Kanal 2 ja TV3 esindajad. Konkursi tulemused kuulutatakse välja 28. mail 2015 ning 3 uut filmi peaksid vaatajateni jõudma 2016. aastal.
Piret Tibbo-Hudgins
Sihtasutus Eesti Filmi Instituut
Tel: 627 60 64
Konkursi tulemusel valitakse välja 3 tootmisesse minevat täispikka mängufilmi rahastusega 120000.- eurot filmile. Ühe filmi telelinastus toimub ERR-s, teise filmi telelinastus Kanal 2-s ning kolmanda filmi telelinastus TV3-s. Filmid linastuvad enne televisiooni ka kinodes.
Konkursi algataja Eesti Filmi Instituudi peaprodutsent Piret Tibbo-Hudgins rõhutab uuest koostööprojektist kõneledes sündmuse laiemat mõju Eesti filmitööstusele ning peab eratelekanalite positiivse panustamise põhjuseks möödunud tugevaid filmiaastaid ning vaatajate tõusnud usaldust Eesti filmi vastu. „See on esmakordne, et lisaks riiklikele filmirahastusinstitutsioonidele ja Eesti Rahvusringhäälingule osalevad ühisprojektis ka erakanalid. Loodetavasti saab sellest konkursist häid tulemusi andev, iga-aastane traditsioon, mis võimaldab kiiremini filmiareenile pääseda ka uutel talentidel,“ kommenteeris Piret Tibbo-Hudgins.
Kandideerima on oodatud nii uued ideed kui ka eelnevalt Eesti Filmi Instituudilt või Kultuurkapitalilt stsenaariumi- või arendustoetust saanud projektid. Filmipakette hindab ekspertkomisjon, mille koosseisu kuuluvad Eesti Filmi Instituudi, Kultuurkapitali, ERR, Kanal 2 ja TV3 esindajad. Konkursi tulemused kuulutatakse välja 28. mail 2015 ning 3 uut filmi peaksid vaatajateni jõudma 2016. aastal.
Piret Tibbo-Hudgins
Sihtasutus Eesti Filmi Instituut
Tel: 627 60 64
kolmapäev, 13. mai 2015
Tudengimuusikal Elva noortekeskuses 14. mail
Homme, 14. mail kell 17 näidatakse Elva Avatud Noortekeskuses Kinoonude filmi "Tudengimuusikal".
Filmi kohta saab pikemalt lugeda siit:
Filmi kohta saab pikemalt lugeda siit:
neljapäev, 30. aprill 2015
EstDocs 2015 lühidokkide konkurss
Lühifilmide konkurss EstDocs Short Film Competition ootab osavõtjailt lühidokumentaalfilme. Filmi sisu ja stiil on vaba, võib olla ‘live action’ või joonisfilm ,kuid:
a) film peab olema seotud Eestiga või eestlas(t)ega
b) see peab olema dokumentaalfilm või dokudraama.
Esitatud filmi maksimaalne pikkus v õib olla kuni 7 minutit, lisaks tiitrite pikkus kuni 15 sekundit. Konkursile esitatud filmid ei tohi olla kusagil linastunud enne 31. oktoobrit 2015.a.
Auhinnaraha kogusumma on $2800. Hetkel on arvestatud, et üldvõitja saab $1000,
publikupreemia on $300 ning erinevates kategooriates ja žanrides antakse välja väiksemaid auhindu, kuid žüriil on õigus jätte auhinnad või mõned auhinnad välja
andmata, sõltuvalt konkursitööde kvaliteedist.
Konkursitööd tuleb esitada hiljemalt 23. septembriks 2015.a. Palume silmas pidada,
et see ei ole saatmise, vaid kättesaamise kuupäev. Erandeid ei tehta kellelegi.
Konkursil on ettenähtud kategooriad amatöör, professionaal ja õpilane.
Žürii on sõltumatu ja võib oma äranägemisel auhinnakategooriaid lisada või neist loobuda. Festivali korraldajatel on õigus konkursile esitatud filme oma äranägemisel ümber liigitada mis tahes kategooria alla.
Õpilaste kategoorias võivad osaleda filmid, mille on loonud statsionaarses õppevormis
õppiv(ad) (üli)õpilane(sed), kelle elukoht võib olla ükskõik kus maailmas. Konkursil osalev film peab olema loodud ajal, mil filmi režissöör või režissöörid olid kooli, kolledži või ülikoolinimekirjas statsionaarse õppevormi (üli)õpilasena. Tõend õppimise kohta,
näiteks üliõpilaspileti koopia, tuleb esitada koos konkursitööga. Kui konkursitöö
esitamise ajal ei ole režissöör õppeasutuse nimekirjas või on selleks ajaks õppeasutuse
lõpetanud, tuleb esitada tõend õppimise kohta 2015. aastal.
Muudes kategoorias võivad osaleda lühifilmid, mille režissöör või režissöörid ei ole
õpilase kategoorias.
Konkursile esitatud filmid peavad olema üldiselt kasutatavas formaadis
ja konteineris, kuid DVD, Blu-ray, või H.264 koodeks MP4 kontaineris on eelistatud. Filmi omanik peab hoolitsema, et film on EstDocs’ile kätte saadaval määratud tähtajaks. Kõikide filmidega peab kaasnema täidetud osavõtuankeet.
Pärast esitamist ei saa filmi konkursilt tagasi võtta.
Esitatud materjale ei tagastata.
Vaatajate huvides on soovitatav ingliskeelsete subtiitrite lisamine filmidele mis ei ole ingliskeelsed, ning eestikeelsete subtiitrite lisamine filmidele mis ei ole eestikeelsed.
Filmi esitamisega EstDocs lühifilmide konkursile annab osaleja selgesõnalise kinnituse,
et ta omab kõiki õigusi antud filmile ning annab kõik mis tahes viisil üleantavad liht-meediaõigused kogu maailmas määramatuks ajaks EstDocsile konkursifilmi
EstDocs'i festival on tolerantne, kuid selle programmi ei võeta pornograafiat ega põhjendamatut vägivalda. Sellesisulised konkursitööd diskvalifitseeritakse. EstDocs ei võta üldjuhul programmi filme, mille reiting Ontario kinos oleks tavaliselt 18A või R.
Sellised filmid võidakse diskvalifitseerida.
a) film peab olema seotud Eestiga või eestlas(t)ega
b) see peab olema dokumentaalfilm või dokudraama.
Esitatud filmi maksimaalne pikkus v õib olla kuni 7 minutit, lisaks tiitrite pikkus kuni 15 sekundit. Konkursile esitatud filmid ei tohi olla kusagil linastunud enne 31. oktoobrit 2015.a.
Auhinnaraha kogusumma on $2800. Hetkel on arvestatud, et üldvõitja saab $1000,
publikupreemia on $300 ning erinevates kategooriates ja žanrides antakse välja väiksemaid auhindu, kuid žüriil on õigus jätte auhinnad või mõned auhinnad välja
andmata, sõltuvalt konkursitööde kvaliteedist.
Konkursitööd tuleb esitada hiljemalt 23. septembriks 2015.a. Palume silmas pidada,
et see ei ole saatmise, vaid kättesaamise kuupäev. Erandeid ei tehta kellelegi.
Konkursil on ettenähtud kategooriad amatöör, professionaal ja õpilane.
Žürii on sõltumatu ja võib oma äranägemisel auhinnakategooriaid lisada või neist loobuda. Festivali korraldajatel on õigus konkursile esitatud filme oma äranägemisel ümber liigitada mis tahes kategooria alla.
Õpilaste kategoorias võivad osaleda filmid, mille on loonud statsionaarses õppevormis
õppiv(ad) (üli)õpilane(sed), kelle elukoht võib olla ükskõik kus maailmas. Konkursil osalev film peab olema loodud ajal, mil filmi režissöör või režissöörid olid kooli, kolledži või ülikoolinimekirjas statsionaarse õppevormi (üli)õpilasena. Tõend õppimise kohta,
näiteks üliõpilaspileti koopia, tuleb esitada koos konkursitööga. Kui konkursitöö
esitamise ajal ei ole režissöör õppeasutuse nimekirjas või on selleks ajaks õppeasutuse
lõpetanud, tuleb esitada tõend õppimise kohta 2015. aastal.
Muudes kategoorias võivad osaleda lühifilmid, mille režissöör või režissöörid ei ole
õpilase kategoorias.
Konkursile esitatud filmid peavad olema üldiselt kasutatavas formaadis
ja konteineris, kuid DVD, Blu-ray, või H.264 koodeks MP4 kontaineris on eelistatud. Filmi omanik peab hoolitsema, et film on EstDocs’ile kätte saadaval määratud tähtajaks. Kõikide filmidega peab kaasnema täidetud osavõtuankeet.
Pärast esitamist ei saa filmi konkursilt tagasi võtta.
Esitatud materjale ei tagastata.
Vaatajate huvides on soovitatav ingliskeelsete subtiitrite lisamine filmidele mis ei ole ingliskeelsed, ning eestikeelsete subtiitrite lisamine filmidele mis ei ole eestikeelsed.
Filmi esitamisega EstDocs lühifilmide konkursile annab osaleja selgesõnalise kinnituse,
et ta omab kõiki õigusi antud filmile ning annab kõik mis tahes viisil üleantavad liht-meediaõigused kogu maailmas määramatuks ajaks EstDocsile konkursifilmi
EstDocs'i festival on tolerantne, kuid selle programmi ei võeta pornograafiat ega põhjendamatut vägivalda. Sellesisulised konkursitööd diskvalifitseeritakse. EstDocs ei võta üldjuhul programmi filme, mille reiting Ontario kinos oleks tavaliselt 18A või R.
Sellised filmid võidakse diskvalifitseerida.
esmaspäev, 27. aprill 2015
Kinoonude filmid Tartu Kevadpäevadel
28. aprillil toimub Tartu Elektriteatris filmiõhtu "Tudengifilmi kuldsed Villemid", kus näidatakse läbilõiget Tartu Tudengifilmi konkursil osalenud filmidest.
Teiste hulgas tulevad näitamisele Kinoonude "Vanameeste näppaja" (2005) ja "No Fishing" (2008).
"Vanameeste näppaja" võitis 2005. aasta Tudengifilmi peapreemia ja publiku preemia. "No Fishing" 2008. aastal publiku preemia.
Lisaks neile peaks linastuma Urmas Reisbergi lühidokumentaal "Kuidas võita Tudengifilmi", kus tudengitest filmitegijad annavad soovitusi hea filmi tegemiseks.
Filmiõhtu on üheks osaks Tartu Kevadpäevade festivalinädalast ja see algab Tartu Elektriteatris (Lai 37) kell 22:30.
Kogu kava näeb siit:
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:
kuidas võita Tudengifilmi,
no fishing,
vanameeste näppaja

kolmapäev, 25. märts 2015
Videokonkurss "Build Europe with us!"
The European Commission is organising an on-line video competition to attract young talents to the construction sector. Submit a short video showcasing your innovative project, vision, or idea for the construction sector and take your chance to win a smartphone and gain visibility at European level.
The construction sector offers plenty of opportunities for you! It generates almost 10% of EU GDP and provides 20 million direct jobs. It is a key solution-provider for the societal challenges we face, such as reaching our energy and climate objectives, preparing for an ageing society and offering smart living solutions.
What can you offer to the construction sector? Bricks made from recycled materials? Smart devices that allow you to better control energy consumption at home? A new app to calculate the environmental impact of the buildings on your smartphone? On the spot innovative approaches? You name it!
What are your skills? What are your talents? Share them with us! The sector needs you.
Visit the DG Growth Website for more details:
The construction sector offers plenty of opportunities for you! It generates almost 10% of EU GDP and provides 20 million direct jobs. It is a key solution-provider for the societal challenges we face, such as reaching our energy and climate objectives, preparing for an ageing society and offering smart living solutions.
What can you offer to the construction sector? Bricks made from recycled materials? Smart devices that allow you to better control energy consumption at home? A new app to calculate the environmental impact of the buildings on your smartphone? On the spot innovative approaches? You name it!
What are your skills? What are your talents? Share them with us! The sector needs you.
Visit the DG Growth Website for more details:
Videokonkurss "Mida Euroopa sinu jaoks tähendab?"
Euroopa Komisjoni Euroopa naabruspoliitika ja liitumisläbirääkimiste
eest vastutav peadirektoraat kuulutab välja videote võistluse „Mida
ühinenud Euroopa sulle tähendab?“. See on avatud noortele inimesetele
ELi liikmesriikidest, samuti kandidaatriikidest ja võimalikest
Kagu-Euroopa kandidaatriikidest vanuses 13–15.
Päästa valla oma loovus ja võida reis Brüsselisse! Jaga oma kogemusi ja arvamusi ühe minuti pikkuses videos!
Loe edasi:
“What does a united Europe mean to you?” - share your views on what a united Europe means to you in a one-minute video!
The European Commission is launching a video competition entitled “What does a united Europe mean to you?” for young people (aged 13-15) from the EU Member States as well as from the candidate countries and potential candidates in Southeast Europe.
National juries will select one entry from each country. The winners will be invited to Brussels, where they will have an opportunity to explore the city and the European institutions, and meet young people from all over Europe.
Entries may be submitted until 10 April 2015 midnight.
Päästa valla oma loovus ja võida reis Brüsselisse! Jaga oma kogemusi ja arvamusi ühe minuti pikkuses videos!
Loe edasi:
“What does a united Europe mean to you?” - share your views on what a united Europe means to you in a one-minute video!
The European Commission is launching a video competition entitled “What does a united Europe mean to you?” for young people (aged 13-15) from the EU Member States as well as from the candidate countries and potential candidates in Southeast Europe.
National juries will select one entry from each country. The winners will be invited to Brussels, where they will have an opportunity to explore the city and the European institutions, and meet young people from all over Europe.
Entries may be submitted until 10 April 2015 midnight.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

kolmapäev, 18. märts 2015
interfilm 31st International Short Film Festival Berlin 2015
interfilm 31st International Short Film Festival Berlin 2015
10 - 15 November 2015
Entry deadline: 19 June 2015
The coming interfilm festival will present more than 500 films during six festival days in seven competitions and numerous special programmes. International juries will confer ‘interfilm Short Awards' with prizes totalling EUR 40,000.
International Competition / Documentary Competition / Confrontations
Competition - films with a conscience / German Competition / Eject - The
Long Night of Weird Shorts / Green Screen Award - Environmental Shorts
Special Programmes:
Focus on Baltic States and Canada / Mockumentaries / Experimental Films /
Animation / Metropolis Seoul / Dance Films / Queer Films / Shocking Films /
Music Films / Music Videos / Berlin Films / Bike Shorts and more
Enter your films to our Berlin festival(s)!
Please submit your films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes at
More about - and regulations - here:
KUKI & TEENSCREEN 8th International Short Film Festival for Children and
Youth Berlin 2015**
08 - 15 November 2015
Entry deadline: 22 May 2015
The coming KUKI & TEENSCREEN festival will present approximately 100 short
films during eight festival days in various competition categories and
special programmes. Films selected for competition will compete for a total
cash prize pool of €3000.
Juries of children and teens will confer four awards in two sections:
• International Films for Children
• International Films for Youth
• Audience Award for Best Documentary
Special Programmes
• Environmental films
• English, French & Spanish Foreign Language Programmes
• Workshops
Enter your films to our Berlin festival(s)!
More about - and regulations - here:
10 - 15 November 2015
Entry deadline: 19 June 2015
The coming interfilm festival will present more than 500 films during six festival days in seven competitions and numerous special programmes. International juries will confer ‘interfilm Short Awards' with prizes totalling EUR 40,000.
International Competition / Documentary Competition / Confrontations
Competition - films with a conscience / German Competition / Eject - The
Long Night of Weird Shorts / Green Screen Award - Environmental Shorts
Special Programmes:
Focus on Baltic States and Canada / Mockumentaries / Experimental Films /
Animation / Metropolis Seoul / Dance Films / Queer Films / Shocking Films /
Music Films / Music Videos / Berlin Films / Bike Shorts and more
Enter your films to our Berlin festival(s)!
Please submit your films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes at
More about - and regulations - here:
KUKI & TEENSCREEN 8th International Short Film Festival for Children and
Youth Berlin 2015**
08 - 15 November 2015
Entry deadline: 22 May 2015
The coming KUKI & TEENSCREEN festival will present approximately 100 short
films during eight festival days in various competition categories and
special programmes. Films selected for competition will compete for a total
cash prize pool of €3000.
Juries of children and teens will confer four awards in two sections:
• International Films for Children
• International Films for Youth
• Audience Award for Best Documentary
Special Programmes
• Environmental films
• English, French & Spanish Foreign Language Programmes
• Workshops
Enter your films to our Berlin festival(s)!
More about - and regulations - here:
Urmas Reisberg
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esmaspäev, 9. märts 2015
Koomiksite ja karikatuuride konkurss “Sooline võrdõiguslikkus"
Koomiksite ja karikatuuride konkurss “Sooline võrdõiguslikkus. Joonista seda!”
ÜRO soolise võrdõiguslikkuse ja naiste õiguste edendamise agentuur koos Euroopa Komisjoni, Belgia arengukoostöö ja ÜRO Lääne-Euroopa piirkondliku teabekeskusega korraldab koomiksite ja karikatuuride konkursi soolise võrdõiguslikkuse teemal.
Tööde esitamise tähtaeg on 20. aprill 2015
Võistlema on oodatud Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikide noored, 18-28 aastased karikaturistid ja kunstitudengid.
Oma töö saad üles laadida siia:
ÜRO soolise võrdõiguslikkuse ja naiste õiguste edendamise agentuur koos Euroopa Komisjoni, Belgia arengukoostöö ja ÜRO Lääne-Euroopa piirkondliku teabekeskusega korraldab koomiksite ja karikatuuride konkursi soolise võrdõiguslikkuse teemal.
Tööde esitamise tähtaeg on 20. aprill 2015
Võistlema on oodatud Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikide noored, 18-28 aastased karikaturistid ja kunstitudengid.
Oma töö saad üles laadida siia:
kolmapäev, 25. veebruar 2015
Tartu loob filmifondi
Tartu linna volikogu otsustas luua filmifondi, millest hakkavad saama toetust
filmitegijad, kelle filmivõtted või järeltootmine toimub Tartus.
Tartu Filmifondi toetusega soovitakse edendada filmide tegemist ja neile tootmis- ja järeltootmisteenuse osutamist Tartu linnapiirkonnas eesmärgiga tuua Tartusse investeeringuid, luua töökohti, edendada turismi ja majandust ning turundada Tartut Eestis ja välismaal.
Filmifondi toetust võivad taotleda mängu-, dokumentaal- ja lühifilmide, animafilmide ning vähemalt nelja episoodiga kvaliteetsarjade tootjad.
Filmifondi suurus on kuni 150 000 eurot aastas ning toetusega kaetakse kuni 20 protsenti tootja poolt filmiprojekti tarbeks Tartu linnapiirkonnas tehtud kulutustest. Filmifondi statuudi ja kulude toetuskõlbulikkuse täpsemad tingimused kinnitab linnavalitsus, fondi hakkab haldama Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus.
Esimene taotlusvoor korraldatakse 2015. aasta IV kvartalis ning koostöölepingud 2016. aastal filmide tootmiseks ja toetuse väljamaksmiseks sõlmitakse volikogu poolt linnaeelarvesse kinnitatud summa piires.
Tartu Filmifondi suurem rahvusvaheline tutvustusüritus toimub tänavu mais Cannes'i filmifestivalil, kus linastub ka koguperemängufilm "Supilinna Salaselts", mis sai Tartu linnalt eelmise ja käesoleva aasta eelarvest kokku 150 000 eurot.
linnapea Urmas Klaas, 513 5145
SA Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus nõukogu esimees Indrek Katušin, 511 6917
kultuurikomisjoni esimees Nikolai Põdramägi, 520 1285
Aune Rumm
linnavolikogu kantselei peaspetsialist
736 1202, 514 9896
Tartu Filmifondi toetusega soovitakse edendada filmide tegemist ja neile tootmis- ja järeltootmisteenuse osutamist Tartu linnapiirkonnas eesmärgiga tuua Tartusse investeeringuid, luua töökohti, edendada turismi ja majandust ning turundada Tartut Eestis ja välismaal.
Filmifondi toetust võivad taotleda mängu-, dokumentaal- ja lühifilmide, animafilmide ning vähemalt nelja episoodiga kvaliteetsarjade tootjad.
Filmifondi suurus on kuni 150 000 eurot aastas ning toetusega kaetakse kuni 20 protsenti tootja poolt filmiprojekti tarbeks Tartu linnapiirkonnas tehtud kulutustest. Filmifondi statuudi ja kulude toetuskõlbulikkuse täpsemad tingimused kinnitab linnavalitsus, fondi hakkab haldama Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus.
Esimene taotlusvoor korraldatakse 2015. aasta IV kvartalis ning koostöölepingud 2016. aastal filmide tootmiseks ja toetuse väljamaksmiseks sõlmitakse volikogu poolt linnaeelarvesse kinnitatud summa piires.
Tartu Filmifondi suurem rahvusvaheline tutvustusüritus toimub tänavu mais Cannes'i filmifestivalil, kus linastub ka koguperemängufilm "Supilinna Salaselts", mis sai Tartu linnalt eelmise ja käesoleva aasta eelarvest kokku 150 000 eurot.
linnapea Urmas Klaas, 513 5145
SA Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus nõukogu esimees Indrek Katušin, 511 6917
kultuurikomisjoni esimees Nikolai Põdramägi, 520 1285
Aune Rumm
linnavolikogu kantselei peaspetsialist
736 1202, 514 9896
neljapäev, 19. veebruar 2015
East-West Talent Lab
Das East West Talent Lab richtet sich an Regie- und Produktionsstudierende, Absolventen/-innen, junge Filmschaffende und Künstler/-innen im Alter von 18 bis 35 Jahren. Pro Jahr werden 30 Plätze vergeben. Teilnehmer/-innen des Wettbewerbs für Experimentalfilm und Videokunst dürfen automatisch am gesamten Programm des Labs teilnehmen. Regisseur/-innen müssen außerdem eine Projektidee einreichen, die noch nicht umgesetzt wurde. Alle Veranstaltungen des Labs finden in englischer Sprache statt. Hier können Sie sich die Entry Form herunterladen:
Urmas Reisberg
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laupäev, 14. veebruar 2015
Videokonkurss "Harmooniline Euroopa"
Algas veebipõhine videokonkurss „Harmooniline Euroopa" videoharrastajatele, amatöörkooridele ja –vokaalansamblitele.
Esitada tuleb oma interpretatsioon teosest „Ood rõõmule" ja lisada sellele videoklipp. Video võib olla pühendatud osalejate endi vabalt valitud Euroopa teemale.
Tööde esitamise tähtaeg on 6. märts 2015.
Esitada tuleb oma interpretatsioon teosest „Ood rõõmule" ja lisada sellele videoklipp. Video võib olla pühendatud osalejate endi vabalt valitud Euroopa teemale.
Tööde esitamise tähtaeg on 6. märts 2015.
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

neljapäev, 5. veebruar 2015
Call for Scriptwriting Workshop at Fenno-Ugric Film Festival
The Finno-Ugric Film Festival (FUFF) announces its Scriptwriting workshop, to be held during the Festival in Tsiistre, Estonia, 10th-13th June 2015.
We invite 12 applications from filmmakers who wish to participate in this workshop. Those selected will receive assistance as follows:
For applicants from the Finno-Ugric small nations (Komi, Udmurt, Khanty, Mansy, Nenets, Enets, etc.) FUFF will reimburse travel expenses from Moscow as well as providing accommodation and food during the festival.
In addition the invitation is open to filmmakers from other countries. For these applicants FUFF will provide food and accommodation during the festival.
The workshop will be held by two well-known film professionals/scriptwriters/directors who will help to develop your synopsis into a short film script during the festival.
We would like to receive a one-page (A4) synopsis of a short fiction, experimental or documentary film and a motivation letter by 15th of February. Please send these by email to: sara.kisari[at]gmail.com.
Selection will be made by the end of March 2014 and all applicants will receive a reply by email. The language of participation is English; we accept Russian language synopses from the territory of Russia. We encourage students and non-professionals to send in their synopsis proposal on behalf of those whose English is not so good as we will provide interpreters during the workshop.
We invite 12 applications from filmmakers who wish to participate in this workshop. Those selected will receive assistance as follows:
For applicants from the Finno-Ugric small nations (Komi, Udmurt, Khanty, Mansy, Nenets, Enets, etc.) FUFF will reimburse travel expenses from Moscow as well as providing accommodation and food during the festival.
In addition the invitation is open to filmmakers from other countries. For these applicants FUFF will provide food and accommodation during the festival.
The workshop will be held by two well-known film professionals/scriptwriters/directors who will help to develop your synopsis into a short film script during the festival.
We would like to receive a one-page (A4) synopsis of a short fiction, experimental or documentary film and a motivation letter by 15th of February. Please send these by email to: sara.kisari[at]gmail.com.
Selection will be made by the end of March 2014 and all applicants will receive a reply by email. The language of participation is English; we accept Russian language synopses from the territory of Russia. We encourage students and non-professionals to send in their synopsis proposal on behalf of those whose English is not so good as we will provide interpreters during the workshop.
Urmas Reisberg
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teisipäev, 27. jaanuar 2015
Sedicicorto International Film Festival Forli 2015
FESTIVAL DATES : from Oct 8, 2015 to Oct 17, 2015
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st 2013
2) Maximum duration : 40 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries (except Italy)
4) Screening format : Beta SP, DVD Pal, mini DV
5) Accepted genres : Fiction
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st 2013
2) Maximum duration : 40 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries (except Italy)
4) Screening format : Beta SP, DVD Pal, mini DV
5) Accepted genres : Animation, Experimental
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st, 2013
2) Maximum duration : 35 minutes
3) Country of production : Italy
4) Screening format : Beta SP PAL, DVD PAL, mini-DV
5) Accepted genres : All genres
Animation for children.
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Accepted genres : Animation
2) Films completed after : January 1st 2013
3) Maximum duration : 15 minutes
4) Country of production : all countries (except Italy)
5) Screening format : Beta SP, DVD Pal, mini DV
SEDICICORTO International
C.P n.8 - S.Martino in Strada
47121 FORLI(FC)
TEL : +39 347 2563211
E-MAIL : info@sedicicorto.it
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st 2013
2) Maximum duration : 40 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries (except Italy)
4) Screening format : Beta SP, DVD Pal, mini DV
5) Accepted genres : Fiction
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st 2013
2) Maximum duration : 40 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries (except Italy)
4) Screening format : Beta SP, DVD Pal, mini DV
5) Accepted genres : Animation, Experimental
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st, 2013
2) Maximum duration : 35 minutes
3) Country of production : Italy
4) Screening format : Beta SP PAL, DVD PAL, mini-DV
5) Accepted genres : All genres
Animation for children.
Registration deadline : Jun 5, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file,Standard DVD
Requirements :
1) Accepted genres : Animation
2) Films completed after : January 1st 2013
3) Maximum duration : 15 minutes
4) Country of production : all countries (except Italy)
5) Screening format : Beta SP, DVD Pal, mini DV
SEDICICORTO International
C.P n.8 - S.Martino in Strada
47121 FORLI(FC)
TEL : +39 347 2563211
E-MAIL : info@sedicicorto.it
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Viewster Online Film Fest 2015
FESTIVAL DATES : from Mar 12, 2015 to Mar 26, 2015
Escape, Explore and Engage: #VOFF5 will take us on a wild ride through some of the finest animated worlds, from far off galaxies to the worlds within our heads, #VOFF5 will push our boundaries and uncover places we never dreamed existed.
With $50,000 to share amongst the festival winners, #VOFF5 is one of the most highly rewarded animation festivals in the world and it's our online community, who decides which of our films are screened to our Jury of Experts.
In case of selection you will be notified by February 6 latest. Please refrain from asking for your selection status until then.
Registration deadline : Feb 1, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st, 2006
2) Maximum duration : 35 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries
4) Screening format : HD video file, 720p or 1080p, square pixel, 1:1.78 aspect ratio (letter-/pillar-box if necessary), h264 codec, MOV or MP4 container, 8-10 Mbit video bitrate
5) Accepted genres : Animation
6) Language : Must be English spoken language or English subtitles
7) Minimum Duration : 1 minute
8) Rights: : Global rights must be available for online festival screening (including cleared rights for any music used)
9) Theme : movie must fit the theme "Animated Worlds."
check http://festival.viewster.com for more information
Mühlebachstraße 162
CH-8008 Zurich
TEL : Enquiries by email only
E-MAIL : festival@viewster.com
Escape, Explore and Engage: #VOFF5 will take us on a wild ride through some of the finest animated worlds, from far off galaxies to the worlds within our heads, #VOFF5 will push our boundaries and uncover places we never dreamed existed.
With $50,000 to share amongst the festival winners, #VOFF5 is one of the most highly rewarded animation festivals in the world and it's our online community, who decides which of our films are screened to our Jury of Experts.
In case of selection you will be notified by February 6 latest. Please refrain from asking for your selection status until then.
Registration deadline : Feb 1, 2015
Registration fee: no fee
Preview format : Uploaded file
Requirements :
1) Films completed after : January 1st, 2006
2) Maximum duration : 35 minutes
3) Country of production : All countries
4) Screening format : HD video file, 720p or 1080p, square pixel, 1:1.78 aspect ratio (letter-/pillar-box if necessary), h264 codec, MOV or MP4 container, 8-10 Mbit video bitrate
5) Accepted genres : Animation
6) Language : Must be English spoken language or English subtitles
7) Minimum Duration : 1 minute
8) Rights: : Global rights must be available for online festival screening (including cleared rights for any music used)
9) Theme : movie must fit the theme "Animated Worlds."
check http://festival.viewster.com for more information
Mühlebachstraße 162
CH-8008 Zurich
TEL : Enquiries by email only
E-MAIL : festival@viewster.com
Urmas Reisberg
Kommentaare ei ole:

Visegard Animation Forum 2015
Visegard Animation Forum is the biggest PITCHING COMPETITION OF animated PROJECTS IN DEVELOPMENT in Central and Eastern Europe!
Submit your ANIMATED SHORT OR TV SERIES PROJECT, PRESENT IT AT VISEGRAD ANIMATION FORUM TO AN INTERNATIONAL JURY as well as possible coproduction partners and TV commission editors
- Czech Television Award for the best TV series project – with a free TUTORING of your project by an international TV expert.
- VAF Award for the best short project: 2,000 EUR for following development.
Industry Section of International Festival of Animated Films Anifilm in Trebon on 6th to 8th, May 2015.
SUBMISSION LINK: http://vp.eventival.eu/anifilm/2015
The Forum is organized by the ASAF – Association of Czech Animation
in collaboration with the festival Anifilm,
SPPA – Polish Animation Producers Association,
APAF – Association of Animated Film Producers Slovakia,
DSAF – Slovenian Animated Film Association
and MOME Budapest
organizational support Bonobo studio from Croatia.
For more information, please contact us: ASAF – Association of Czech Animation
Heřmanova 3
170 00,
Praha 7 Holešovice
Czech Republic
Submit your ANIMATED SHORT OR TV SERIES PROJECT, PRESENT IT AT VISEGRAD ANIMATION FORUM TO AN INTERNATIONAL JURY as well as possible coproduction partners and TV commission editors
- Czech Television Award for the best TV series project – with a free TUTORING of your project by an international TV expert.
- VAF Award for the best short project: 2,000 EUR for following development.
Industry Section of International Festival of Animated Films Anifilm in Trebon on 6th to 8th, May 2015.
SUBMISSION LINK: http://vp.eventival.eu/anifilm/2015
The Forum is organized by the ASAF – Association of Czech Animation
in collaboration with the festival Anifilm,
SPPA – Polish Animation Producers Association,
APAF – Association of Animated Film Producers Slovakia,
DSAF – Slovenian Animated Film Association
and MOME Budapest
organizational support Bonobo studio from Croatia.
For more information, please contact us: ASAF – Association of Czech Animation
Heřmanova 3
170 00,
Praha 7 Holešovice
Czech Republic
esmaspäev, 26. jaanuar 2015
ONE Country ONE Film 2015
Entries are now opened for ONE Country ONE Film 2015, Sixth Edition. Films from more than 90 countries were received in 2014! Thanks to all producers, organizations and film makers for their contributions. They help making OCOF a unique festival!
What's the Concept ? : each film selected is the sole (except for the honored country) representative for its country (country of production or in some cases country of shooting).
What films can participate ?
- All categories : Documentaries, fiction, animation, and experimental films (no music videos, commercials or corporate films)
- All genres (except pornography).
- All durations : from short films to feature lengths films.
- All shooting formats.
- All films completed 2 years or less prior to the festival.
What are the entry fees ? : application to the festival is FREE.
What's the deadline ? : films must reach the festival office no later than March 31st 2015 for ONE Country ONE Film 2015
Important :
If your film is in a language other than french anf if you already have a french subtitled version of your film send this one for the selection.
What do I have to do to enter my film and get a chance to have it represent my country at the festival ? download the entry form and the regulations in PDF format below at the very bottom of this page and follow carefuly the entry procedures that you will find on the entry form. If you have troubles downloading and typing on the PDF form, make sure your version of Adobe Reader is updated. Make sure you have downloaded the pdf file on your computer before filling it up. If you still have troubles let us know by email (contact@onecountryonefilm.com) and we will email you a word version.
Do you accept online submissions ? Although we prefer submissions by regular mail, we now accept free online submissions. Deadlines are earlier than regular submissions.
In order to submit online do the following :
- Download the form at the bottom of this page.
- Fill up the form on your computer and sign it.
- Email us the form : contact@onecountryonefilm.com
- Email us 3 high quality photos from the film and 1 photo of the director(s).
We'll then give you an entry number so you can submit your film online.
Ok, is there anything else I need to know ? YES! Very important : by entering a film you agree to provide on time for the festival, free of charge, and if needed, a french subtitled version of the film. The Festival's organisation can translate free of charge your film's dialogues and texts from english or other languages to french but you'll have to do the work of puting the subtitles on the film.
The festival will not pay for screeners shipping and screening fees during the festival or at any time. Screeners will not be returned.
Is there any competition ? : The festival has no competition except for the Public Award and the Young Public Award. Being the sole representative of your country IS the competition!
When will I know if I'm selected ? Only one film will be selected per country except for the 2015 honored country which will be announced with the rest of the selection on this site in July 2015. Directors or contacts for the films selected will be reached by email. You can also join our Facebook page and group. Email spam filters are sometime too zealous so don't forget to always check your spam box in case a good news ends up there!
Entries are now opened for ONE Country ONE Film 2015, Sixth Edition. Films from more than 90 countries were received in 2014! Thanks to all producers, organizations and film makers for their contributions. They help making OCOF a unique festival!
What's the Concept ? : each film selected is the sole (except for the honored country) representative for its country (country of production or in some cases country of shooting).
What films can participate ?
- All categories : Documentaries, fiction, animation, and experimental films (no music videos, commercials or corporate films)
- All genres (except pornography).
- All durations : from short films to feature lengths films.
- All shooting formats.
- All films completed 2 years or less prior to the festival.
What are the entry fees ? : application to the festival is FREE.
What's the deadline ? : films must reach the festival office no later than March 31st 2015 for ONE Country ONE Film 2015
Important :
If your film is in a language other than french anf if you already have a french subtitled version of your film send this one for the selection.
What do I have to do to enter my film and get a chance to have it represent my country at the festival ? download the entry form and the regulations in PDF format below at the very bottom of this page and follow carefuly the entry procedures that you will find on the entry form. If you have troubles downloading and typing on the PDF form, make sure your version of Adobe Reader is updated. Make sure you have downloaded the pdf file on your computer before filling it up. If you still have troubles let us know by email (contact@onecountryonefilm.com) and we will email you a word version.
Do you accept online submissions ? Although we prefer submissions by regular mail, we now accept free online submissions. Deadlines are earlier than regular submissions.
In order to submit online do the following :
- Download the form at the bottom of this page.
- Fill up the form on your computer and sign it.
- Email us the form : contact@onecountryonefilm.com
- Email us 3 high quality photos from the film and 1 photo of the director(s).
We'll then give you an entry number so you can submit your film online.
Ok, is there anything else I need to know ? YES! Very important : by entering a film you agree to provide on time for the festival, free of charge, and if needed, a french subtitled version of the film. The Festival's organisation can translate free of charge your film's dialogues and texts from english or other languages to french but you'll have to do the work of puting the subtitles on the film.
The festival will not pay for screeners shipping and screening fees during the festival or at any time. Screeners will not be returned.
Is there any competition ? : The festival has no competition except for the Public Award and the Young Public Award. Being the sole representative of your country IS the competition!
When will I know if I'm selected ? Only one film will be selected per country except for the 2015 honored country which will be announced with the rest of the selection on this site in July 2015. Directors or contacts for the films selected will be reached by email. You can also join our Facebook page and group. Email spam filters are sometime too zealous so don't forget to always check your spam box in case a good news ends up there!
reede, 9. jaanuar 2015
Eesti 50. Harrastusfilmide Festival
Eesti Vabariigi 50.harrastusfilmide festivalil võivad osaleda kõik Eestis tegutsevad filmiharrastajate ühendused ning omaette tegutsevad autorid mittekommertslike videofilmidega ja 8-mm ning 16-mm filmide videokoopiatega, mida pole näidatud eelnevatel Eesti Vabariigi harrastusfilmide festivalidel. Filmi pikkus võib olla kuni 30 min.
Osalemiseks festivalil saadavad kõik soovijad filmid ja filmikaardid kuni 16. märtsini 2015.a. (filmi kohalejõudmise kuupäev) aadressil:10507 Tallinn, Narva mnt.1, Box 3567, Jaak Järvine.
Filmid ja filmikaardid võib tuua ise kohale 16.märtsil 2015.a. kella 12.00 – 14.00 aadressil: Tallinn, Sakala 14, Tallinna Kultuuriseltside Teabekeskus (I korrus, sissepääs hoovi poolt, otseuks, tel.6605003).
Festivali zürii otsusega pääsevad paremad filmid festivali lõppvooru, mis toimub laupäeval, 25. aprillil algusega kell 11.00 kinos Artis (Solarise keskus, Estonia pst.9). Samas toimub ka festivali lõpetamine ja võitjate autasustamine.
Festivali paremaid filme autasustatakse järgmiselt.
Festivali 3 peaauhinda ja diplomid : parim täiskasvanud autori film (130 EUR), parim filmiüliõpilase film (130 EUR) ja parim kuni 19-aastase autori film (130 EUR). Züriil on õigus vastavad summad ümber jaotada.
Festivali eriauhinnad ja diplomid: parim debüüt (eraldi kuni 19-a. autorite, filmiüliõpilaste ja täiskasvanud autorite grupis), parim kuni 14-a.autori film, parim kuni 19-a. autori film, parim 60 sekundi pikkune (koos tiitritega) film, parim animafilm, parim mängufilm, parim eksperimentaalfilm, parim operaatoritöö, parim muusikaklipp, parim turismifilm, parim eesti kultuuripärandit kajastav film; parim ühekaadrifilm; parim tänapäeva Eesti elu kajastav film; parim üle 65-aasta vanuse autori film. Züriil on õigus vastavatasemeliste filmide puudumisel välja anda teiste nimetustega eriauhindu.
Festivali rändauhinnad ja diplomid: parim tõsielufilm (Max Reikteri /1912-1993/ poolt välja pandud rändauhind), parim portreefilm (Kultuuriministeeriumi poolt 1980.a. välja pandud rändauhind), Hans Vaisma poolt välja pandud rändauhind “Krõõt”.
Festivali eridiplomid.
Kõik teised festivalil osalenud filmid saavad diplomi osavõtu kohta festivalist.
Paremad filmid pannakse autorite nõusolekul pärast festivali üles YouTube`s.
Kõigil on võimalus välja panna eri- ja rändauhindu, millest tuleb Eesti Filmiamatööride Liitu teatada kuni 16.märtsini 2014.a.
Eesti Filmiamatööride Liit,
tel. 6484974, 55924240,
Osalemiseks festivalil saadavad kõik soovijad filmid ja filmikaardid kuni 16. märtsini 2015.a. (filmi kohalejõudmise kuupäev) aadressil:10507 Tallinn, Narva mnt.1, Box 3567, Jaak Järvine.
Filmid ja filmikaardid võib tuua ise kohale 16.märtsil 2015.a. kella 12.00 – 14.00 aadressil: Tallinn, Sakala 14, Tallinna Kultuuriseltside Teabekeskus (I korrus, sissepääs hoovi poolt, otseuks, tel.6605003).
Festivali zürii otsusega pääsevad paremad filmid festivali lõppvooru, mis toimub laupäeval, 25. aprillil algusega kell 11.00 kinos Artis (Solarise keskus, Estonia pst.9). Samas toimub ka festivali lõpetamine ja võitjate autasustamine.
Festivali paremaid filme autasustatakse järgmiselt.
Festivali 3 peaauhinda ja diplomid : parim täiskasvanud autori film (130 EUR), parim filmiüliõpilase film (130 EUR) ja parim kuni 19-aastase autori film (130 EUR). Züriil on õigus vastavad summad ümber jaotada.
Festivali eriauhinnad ja diplomid: parim debüüt (eraldi kuni 19-a. autorite, filmiüliõpilaste ja täiskasvanud autorite grupis), parim kuni 14-a.autori film, parim kuni 19-a. autori film, parim 60 sekundi pikkune (koos tiitritega) film, parim animafilm, parim mängufilm, parim eksperimentaalfilm, parim operaatoritöö, parim muusikaklipp, parim turismifilm, parim eesti kultuuripärandit kajastav film; parim ühekaadrifilm; parim tänapäeva Eesti elu kajastav film; parim üle 65-aasta vanuse autori film. Züriil on õigus vastavatasemeliste filmide puudumisel välja anda teiste nimetustega eriauhindu.
Festivali rändauhinnad ja diplomid: parim tõsielufilm (Max Reikteri /1912-1993/ poolt välja pandud rändauhind), parim portreefilm (Kultuuriministeeriumi poolt 1980.a. välja pandud rändauhind), Hans Vaisma poolt välja pandud rändauhind “Krõõt”.
Festivali eridiplomid.
Kõik teised festivalil osalenud filmid saavad diplomi osavõtu kohta festivalist.
Paremad filmid pannakse autorite nõusolekul pärast festivali üles YouTube`s.
Kõigil on võimalus välja panna eri- ja rändauhindu, millest tuleb Eesti Filmiamatööride Liitu teatada kuni 16.märtsini 2014.a.
Eesti Filmiamatööride Liit,
tel. 6484974, 55924240,
Urmas Reisberg
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VELOBerlin Film Award 2015
Giving bicycle culture a frame
Join the International Online Competition for Bicycle Short Films, powered by Schwalbe tires, CRUMPLER bags, Velokonzept and interfilm Berlin!
Submit your film here: www.veloberlinfilmaward.com/submit-your-film
Website Award: www.veloberlinfilmaward.com
Deadline for Submissions: 18 January 2015
Cycling is a global phenomenon that also manifests locally. Which is why the VELOBerlin Film Award searches the world for diverse films that deal with all manner of topics relating to bikes and respective local cycling cultures!
Win Prizes:
1st prize: Riese und Müller World Birdy Sport worth € 1,200
2nd prize: Auguste 86 bike jacket worth € 400
3rd prize: Carry Freedom Y-Frame Trailer worth € 269
4th prize: CRUMPLER Kill the Messenger - Pro Messenger Bag worth € 240
For its third edition, Velokonzept and interfilm Berlin are once again calling on international filmmakers to send in their short films about cycling.
From all submissions, 15-20 films will be selected to compete in the online competition that aims to wittily and artfully highlight the eclectic viewpoints of the world-wide cycling phenomenon. In February / March 2015, all nominated films will be presented on the award website to face the appraisal of the online audience, which in turn, determines the winners of the VELOBerlin Film Award.
Length: up to 10 minutes
Production Years: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
All genres, shooting formats and styles are accepted
The Dates:
14 02 - 21 03 2015: Online Voting
18 - 22 02 2015: Screening at the fair f.re.e Munic
07 - 08 03.2015: Screening at the fair RAD + OUTDOOR Bremen
21 - 22 03 2015: Screening and Award Ceremony at the fair VELOBerlin
Questions!? info@veloberlinfilmaward.com
Be friends!? http://www.facebook.com/veloberlinfilmaward
Submit your film here: www.veloberlinfilmaward.com/submit-your-film
Website Award: www.veloberlinfilmaward.com
Join the International Online Competition for Bicycle Short Films, powered by Schwalbe tires, CRUMPLER bags, Velokonzept and interfilm Berlin!
Submit your film here: www.veloberlinfilmaward.com/submit-your-film
Website Award: www.veloberlinfilmaward.com
Deadline for Submissions: 18 January 2015
Cycling is a global phenomenon that also manifests locally. Which is why the VELOBerlin Film Award searches the world for diverse films that deal with all manner of topics relating to bikes and respective local cycling cultures!
Win Prizes:
1st prize: Riese und Müller World Birdy Sport worth € 1,200
2nd prize: Auguste 86 bike jacket worth € 400
3rd prize: Carry Freedom Y-Frame Trailer worth € 269
4th prize: CRUMPLER Kill the Messenger - Pro Messenger Bag worth € 240
For its third edition, Velokonzept and interfilm Berlin are once again calling on international filmmakers to send in their short films about cycling.
From all submissions, 15-20 films will be selected to compete in the online competition that aims to wittily and artfully highlight the eclectic viewpoints of the world-wide cycling phenomenon. In February / March 2015, all nominated films will be presented on the award website to face the appraisal of the online audience, which in turn, determines the winners of the VELOBerlin Film Award.
Length: up to 10 minutes
Production Years: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
All genres, shooting formats and styles are accepted
The Dates:
14 02 - 21 03 2015: Online Voting
18 - 22 02 2015: Screening at the fair f.re.e Munic
07 - 08 03.2015: Screening at the fair RAD + OUTDOOR Bremen
21 - 22 03 2015: Screening and Award Ceremony at the fair VELOBerlin
Questions!? info@veloberlinfilmaward.com
Be friends!? http://www.facebook.com/veloberlinfilmaward
Submit your film here: www.veloberlinfilmaward.com/submit-your-film
Website Award: www.veloberlinfilmaward.com
neljapäev, 8. jaanuar 2015
Minu ParoodiaReklaam 2014
Lavasta humoorikas (või surmtõsine) reklaamsketš ja saada meile! Võid parodiseerida mõnda telereklaami või tutvustada toodet, mille oled ise välja mõelnud!
Peamine, et Sul endal oleks seda tore teha ja teistel naljakas vaadata! Vastutasuks premeerime Sind lahedate auhindadega ja kostitame maineka žürii asjalike kommentaaridega. Kui võtad asja tõsiselt ja soovid kunagi reaalselt telereklaame produtseerida, siis Sulle oleme mõelnud eriauhinna - anname võimaluse osaleda professionaalse tiimi töös ning osa võtta reaalse reklaamklipi valmimisest! Näita ennast meile ja võid saada tuule tiibadesse! Aeg head ideed filmilindile saada ja rikastada meie reklaamimaastikku!
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