laupäev, 22. veebruar 2014

Alpinale Kurzfilm Festival

Submit your entries until March, 15th 2014

The ALPINALE represents a venue for both professional and amateur filmmakers from home and abroad, who are given the opportunity to conduct multi-cultural and open dialogue with creative people, and to present their work to an interested audience.

1.) International Competition categories

The duration of the film must not exceed 30 minutes including credits. Only original versions of films no older than 2 years may be sent in.

Invited are films in the following categories:

a) INTERNATIONAL: Short-films of all kinds (fiction or animation), produced under professional conditions.

b) ACADEMY: Productions by students and graduates of colleges of film and media arts, film academies and other similar institutions.

Invited are films in the following genres
a) fiction films
b) animation

2.) Application
The submission is to be sent in no later than the 15th of March 2014 via our online form only. The application consists of two steps.

Step 1: Online Form
The online form must be filled out correctly by March 15, 2014 the latest. The following doucments are necessary to do so:
- List of dialogue
- Film stills (print quality)
- Synopsis in english (and German if available)

Step 2: Send us your film
After you filled out the online form you will receive a confirmation e-mail at the given e-mail adress. In order to successfully finish your submission you must send in your short film on a data-DVD via mail to the festival. The deadline for the submission is March 15, 2014 as well (date stamp). Submissions that are sent in any later will automatically be considered as submissions for the next festival edition

3.) Accepted film formats
The submitted video file will be used for the festival projection and must fulfill the following requirements:
File Format: MP4 or MOV
Video Codec: h.264.
Audio Codec: compressed, AAC or AC3 preferred
Framerate: 25fps
Aspect racio: 16:9 (1.77:1) preferred; 4:3 (1.33:1) is possible, attention: Do not use Letterbox!
Filesize: max. 2GB

If the language of the film is neither in German nor English, subtitles in one of those languages are necessary.

The material sent in to the festival will remain with the festival. No material can be sent back to the sender. The cost of postage has to be met by the participant. All deliveries outside the European Union must be marked with the phrase “no commercial value – for cultural purpose only” with a print value of less than EUR 25,00 in total.

The organizer does not take over liability for the films, its adequate handling is assured though. Applicants carry the exclusive responsibility for possible violations of copyrights. Incorrect information will disqualify the participant.

4.) Nomination
In order to participate in the competition, a selection commitee (festival comittee) decides on the acceptance of the film. Its decisions are indisputable. If the selection commitee does not accept a film for the competition, there is the possibility for the commitee to show the film in one of the extra screenings. The festival comittee doesn’t give any reasons for nominations or rejections.

5.) Jury and prizes
The evalution is made by an international jury. Its decisions are indisputable. The jury presents:
»Golden Unicorn« for best short film international
»Golden Unicorn« for best short film academy
»Golden Unicorn« for best short film animation
The audience decides on a »Golden Unicorn« as the audience award.

Du hast einen Kurzfilm, der in Vorarlberg oder mit maßgeblicher Vorarlberger Beteiligung entstanden ist? Dann nichts wie her damit! Dem Sieger der v-shorts Kategorie winken 500 Euro Preisgeld!
So sieht das Einreichprozedere im Detail aus:
1.) Lesen und Berücksichtigen der Teilnahmebedingungen
2.) Ausfüllen des Onlineformulars
3.) Hochladen des Films im MP4 oder MOV-Format (H264-Codec, max. 300MB)
4.) Am 25.4. findet die große Vorarlberger Kurzfilmnacht in Nenzing statt! Unsere Live-Jury bewertet alle Filme öffentlich und gibt direktes Feedback an die anwesenden Filmschaffenden. Die Siegerfilme des Abends werden beim Festival im Hauptprogramm gezeigt und haben die Chance auf ein Preisgeld von EUR 500,- .

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