teisipäev, 12. jaanuar 2016

Eksperimentaalfilmid Tartus

You are all welcome to come to the first Experimental Film Evening.

It's on the 13th January at Gen Klubi, 20:00. Hopefully this will be the first of a regular monthly look at experimental film (in future the events will be at Elektriteater). The idea is to show a mixture of classic experimental films from the early 19th century, some contemporary experimental films from international authors, and some contemporary experimental films from Estonia.

Chat and a drink afterwards at Gen Klubi.

Some kind of Facebook page is here:


in Estonian:

Olete oodatud ekperimentalfilmide õhtule 13. jaanuaril Gen Klubis kell 20.

Loodetavasti see saab olema algus regulaarsele filmiõhtute sarjale, kus heidame iga kuu pilgu eksperimentaalfilmidele. Idee on näidata vaheldumisi klassikalisi eksperimentaalseid filmi 19. sajandi algusest ning kaasaegseid filme välismaalt ja Eestist.

Joogid ja chat hiljem Gen Klubis.

Mingi Facebook leht on siin:


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